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Last active June 19, 2021 05:59
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python puzzle generator and finder
# It's sceleton for puzzle creating and searching in python
# Btw 1 hour it's little time for done it, I've implemented main features
# - creating puzzle by X and Y including consistently words (and reverse) without diagonal
# - creating searching for consistently and reverse words
# - it may be implemented additional functions for each object for implement not done logic
# It's just a quick simple representation without unit tests and tox
# Example usage: python -y 8 -x 8
# Exampel usage 2: python
# Fully tested on Python 2.7.11
# UPD: words.txt may be located in the same directory as script
import os
import click
import random
# Constants for word path and letters
WORDS_LIST = 'words.txt'
LETTER_LIST = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
class WordDictionary(object):
Represents Words Dictionary object
def __init__(self):
self.words = []
def open_file(self):
if os.path.exists(WORDS_LIST):
self.words = open(WORDS_LIST, 'r').read().split('\n')
raise Exception('Word list in path {0} not found!'.format(WORDS_LIST))
class Board(object):
Represents Board object
:arg x - multiplier by X-axis
:arg y - multiplier Y-axis
:arg words_list - must be WordDictionary obj
def __init__(self, x, y, words_list):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.words_list = words_list
self.board = []
def get_word(self):
Function get random word from Words Dictionary
Also randomly reverts if True
:return: string word
word = random.choice(self.words_list)
while len(word) > self.x - 2:
word = random.choice(self.words_list)
is_reverse = random.randint(0, 1)
if is_reverse:
return word
def generate(self):
Function for generating board by x and y
Not returning, board placed in obj var board
for y_str in range(self.y):
word = self.get_word()
x_str = word.upper()
if len(word) != self.x:
for num in range(self.x - len(word)):
cnt = random.randint(0, 1)
if cnt == 1:
x_str = random.choice(LETTER_LIST) + x_str
x_str = x_str + random.choice(LETTER_LIST)
class Finder(object):
Respresents find solution for puzzle board
:arg board - must be Board.board (list of lists)
:arg word_list - bust be WordDictionary.word
def __init__(self, board, word_list):
self.board = board
self.word_list = word_list
def find_normal(self):
Function that make searcher in simple normal way
for x_str in self.board:
x_str_conv = ''.join(x_str)
for word in self.word_list:
up = word.upper()
if up in str(x_str_conv) and up:
print "Found word", up
def find_reverse(self):
Function that make searcher in simple normal way
for x_str in self.board:
x_str_conv = ''.join(x_str)
for word in self.word_list:
up = word.upper()
if up in str(x_str_conv) and up:
print "Found reverse word", up
@click.option('-x', default=15, help='size for generating by x')
@click.option('-y', default=15, help='size for generating by y')
def main(x, y):
Main function for calling all logic
:param x: multiplier for board by X-axis
:param y: multiplier for board by X-axis
# Read words.txt
wd = WordDictionary()
print 'Found {0} words in {1}'.format(len(wd.words), WORDS_LIST)
# Create puzzle
b = Board(x, y, wd.words)
# Print generated puzzle
for y_str in b.board:
print '[%s]' % ' '.join(map(str, y_str))
# Trying to find hidden word
find = Finder(b.board, wd.words)
print 'Thanks for using!'
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