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Created September 9, 2015 06:35
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Save MysteryMachine/cd1fce1188ed09791fcc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; Because using feels like cheating!
(ns fizzbuzz.lisp
(require [clojure.test :as t]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn trim [expr]
"Trims parens and whitepsace from a combination"
(-> expr (s/trim) (subs 1 (dec (count expr)))))
(defn combination? [expr]
"Returns true if the string is a combination"
(= \( (first expr)))
(defn literal-split [expr]
"Splits a string with a leading literal into that literal
and the remaining expression."
(s/split expr #"\s" 2))
(defn combo-split
"Splits a string with a leading combination into that combination
and the remaining expression by counting parens. Messes up some
corner cases with strings."
([expr] (combo-split [\(] (rest expr) 1))
([in-combo out-combo count]
(if (zero? count)
[(apply str in-combo) (s/trim (apply str out-combo))]
(let [peek (first out-combo)
next-count (cond
(= \) peek) (dec count)
(= \( peek) (inc count)
:else count)]
(combo-split (conj in-combo peek)
(rest out-combo)
(defn split-expression [expr]
"Reads a string with a lisp expression. If it is empty or nil it returns
an empty list. Otherwise, it breaks out the leading expression and
recurses on itself until the string is exhausted."
(if-not (or (empty? expr) (nil? expr))
(let [[in out] (if (combination? expr)
(combo-split expr)
(literal-split expr))]
(cons in (split-expression out)))
(defn tokenize-literal [token]
"Turns a string into the appropriate literal. Only implemented for ints
and symbols at the moment."
(if (re-matches #"\d+" token)
(Integer. token)
(symbol token)))
(defn build-ast [expr]
(if (combination? expr)
(->> expr trim split-expression (map build-ast))
(tokenize-literal expr)))
(defn parse [expr]
"Converts lisp code into an AST"
(-> expr (s/trim) (build-ast)))
(t/deftest combo-split-test
(t/is (= ["(+ 1 2)" "a b c"] (combo-split "(+ 1 2) a b c")))
;; Infinite loop! Teach algorithm to account for unbalanced parens
;; inside of strings!
#_(t/is (= ["\"(\""] (combo-split "(\"(\")"))))
(t/deftest literal-split-test
(t/is (= ["42" "(+ 1 2) A B"] (literal-split "42 (+ 1 2) A B"))))
(t/deftest split-expression-test
(t/is (= ["42"] (split-expression "42")))
(t/is (= ["42" "34" "12" "12"] (split-expression "42 34 12 12")))
(t/is (= ["42" "(+ 1 2)" "12"] (split-expression "42 (+ 1 2) 12")))
(t/is (= ["(+ 1 2)" "(+ 3 2)"] (split-expression "(+ 1 2) (+ 3 2)")))
(t/is (= ["(+ 1 2 (+ 2 3))"] (split-expression "(+ 1 2 (+ 2 3))")))
(t/is (= ["+" "1" "2"] (split-expression "+ 1 2"))))
(t/deftest tokenize-literal-test
(t/is (= 'symbol (tokenize-literal "symbol")))
(t/is (= 42 (tokenize-literal "42")))
;; Our lisp only has symbols, lists, and ints so far...
(t/deftest trim-test
(t/is (= "42" (trim "(42)")))
(t/is (= "+ 42 1" (trim "(+ 42 1)"))))
(t/deftest parse-test
(t/is (= 42 (parse "42")))
(t/is (= 42 (parse "42 \n\t\t")))
(t/is (= [42] (parse "(42)")))
(t/is (= ['+ 1 2] (parse "(+ 1 2)")))
(t/is (= ['+ ['+ 1 2] ['inc 1]] (parse "(+ (+ 1 2) (inc 1))")))
(t/is (= ['first ['list 1 ['+ 2 3] 9]]
(parse "(first (list 1 (+ 2 3) 9))"))))
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