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Created January 8, 2018 20:38
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An IITC plugin that displays portal counts for different s2 cell levels
// ==UserScript==
// @id iitc-plugin-s2-portal-counts@MzHub
// @name IITC plugin: s2 Portal Counts
// @category Portal Info
// @version 0.1.0
// @namespace
// @description Displays portal counts for different s2 cell levels
// @include*
// @include*
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function wrapper() {
// Ensure plugin framework exists, even if IITC is not yet loaded
if (typeof window.plugin !== 'function') {
window.plugin = function() {};
window.plugin.s2PortalCounts = function() {};
window.plugin.s2PortalCounts.setup = setup;
if (window.iitcLoaded && typeof window.plugin.s2PortalCounts.setup === 'function') {
else if (window.bootPlugins) {
else {
window.bootPlugins = [window.plugin.s2PortalCounts.setup];
function setup() {
var scriptEl;
scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.src = '';
scriptEl = document.createElement('script');
scriptEl.src = '';
var maxLevel = 20;
var minLevel = 13;
var isActive = false;
var polygons = [];
map.on('click', handleMapClick);
function S2CellId_lsb(idAsLong) {
return idAsLong.and(idAsLong.negate());
function S2CellId_RangeMin(idAsLong) {
return idAsLong.sub(S2CellId_lsb(idAsLong).subtract(1));
function S2CellId_RangeMax(idAsLong) {
return idAsLong.add(S2CellId_lsb(idAsLong).subtract(1));
function S2CellId_Contains(idAsLongA, idAsLongB) {
return S2CellId_RangeMin(idAsLongA).lte(idAsLongB) && idAsLongB.lte(S2CellId_RangeMax(idAsLongA));
function latlngToCellId(latlng, level) {
if (level === undefined) {
level = 30;
var idAsLong = getIdAsLongFromLatlng(latlng, level);
var idAsHex = idAsLong.toString(16);
var idTruncated = idAsHex.replace(/0+$/, '');
return idTruncated;
function getIdAsLongFromLatlng(latlng, level) {
if (level === undefined) {
level = 30;
var cellKey = S2.S2Cell.latLngToKey(, latlng.lng, level);
var idAsDecimalString = S2.keyToId(cellKey);
var idAsLong = dcodeIO.Long.fromString(idAsDecimalString);
return idAsLong;
function getCorners(latlng, level) {
if (level === undefined) {
level = 30;
var cell = S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng(latlng, level);
var corners = cell.getCornerLatLngs();
return corners;
function getContainedPortals(latlng, level) {
if (level === undefined) {
level = 30;
var containedPortals = [];
var idAsLong = getIdAsLongFromLatlng(latlng, level);
var portalCellIdAsLong;
var portalId;
var portal;
for (portalId in portals) {
portal = portals[portalId];
if (portal.cellIdAsLong === undefined) {
portal.cellIdAsLong = getIdAsLongFromLatlng(portal._latlng);
if (S2CellId_Contains(idAsLong, portal.cellIdAsLong)) {
return containedPortals;
function handleMapClick(e) {
var i;
var len;
var level;
var polygon;
if (isActive) {
len = polygons.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
isActive = false;
isActive = true;
for (level = minLevel; level <= maxLevel; level++) {
polygon = L.polygon(getCorners(e.latlng, level), {
color: 'red',
weight: level == 14 || level == 15 || level == 17 ? 3 : 1,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.05,
polygon._origLatlng = e.latlng;
polygon._origLevel = level;
polygon.on('click', handlePolygonClick);
polygon.bindPopup('Level ' + level);
function handlePolygonClick() {
var containedPortalCount = getContainedPortals(this._origLatlng, this._origLevel).length;
this.bindPopup('Level ' + this._origLevel + ' cell<br>Portals: ' + containedPortalCount);
// Inject plugin into page
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(' + wrapper + ')();'));
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
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m27x commented Jul 19, 2018

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