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Created March 26, 2018 13:31
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The script used for "COMP: Moved ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN calls to public section", on Visual C++ 2017
// Script to move ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN calls to the public section
// of the classes.
// Niels Dekker, LKEB, Leiden University Medical center, 2018
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <deque>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std::experimental::filesystem::v1;
using Lines = std::deque<std::string>;
auto ReadFile(const path& filePath)
Lines result;
std::ifstream inputFileStream{ filePath };
std::string line;
while (std::getline(inputFileStream, line))
return result;
void WriteFile(const path& filePath, const Lines& lines)
std::ofstream outputFileStream{ filePath };
for (const auto& line : lines)
outputFileStream << line << std::endl;
std::string StripClassName(std::string candidateClassName)
for (auto& c : candidateClassName)
if (c == ':')
c = '\0';
return candidateClassName.c_str();
if (c == '<')
c = '\0';
return candidateClassName.c_str();
if (!std::isalnum(c))
return {};
return candidateClassName;
std::string FindClassName(const char* const line)
std::istringstream inputStringStream{ line };
std::string candidateClassName;
inputStringStream >> candidateClassName;
const char exportPostfix[] = "_EXPORT";
if (candidateClassName.size() >= sizeof(exportPostfix) && + 1 - sizeof(exportPostfix), sizeof(exportPostfix) - 1, exportPostfix) == 0)
inputStringStream >> candidateClassName;
return StripClassName( candidateClassName );
const char* GoToFirstNonSpace(const char* ptr)
while (*ptr == ' ')
return ptr;
template <unsigned N>
bool StringStartsWithPrefix(const char*& str, const char(&prefix)[N])
assert(prefix[N - 1] == '\0');
if ((std::strlen(str) + 1 >= N) && (std::memcmp(str, prefix, N - 1) == 0))
str += N - 1;
return true;
return false;
struct Statistics
unsigned numberOfClassNameMismatches;
unsigned numberOfDisallowMacroCalls;
unsigned numberOfMissingPublicSections;
unsigned numberOfSuccessfullMoves;
unsigned numberOfDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace;
Statistics ModifyLines(Lines& lines)
Statistics statistics = {};
auto className = std::string{};
auto publicLineNumber = Lines::size_type{};
for (auto lineNumber = Lines::size_type{}; lineNumber < lines.size(); ++lineNumber)
const auto& line = lines[lineNumber];
const auto numberOfChars = line.size();
if (numberOfChars > 0)
const char* c_str = GoToFirstNonSpace(line.c_str());
if (StringStartsWithPrefix(c_str, "class") && (*c_str == ' '))
const auto newClassName = FindClassName(c_str);
if (!newClassName.empty())
className = newClassName;
publicLineNumber = 0;
if ( (publicLineNumber == 0) && (!className.empty()) && StringStartsWithPrefix(c_str, "public"))
if ((*GoToFirstNonSpace(c_str) == ':') && (*GoToFirstNonSpace(c_str + 1) == '\0'))
// Found the first 'public' section of the class named 'className'.
publicLineNumber = lineNumber;
if (StringStartsWithPrefix(c_str, "ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN("))
if (publicLineNumber > 0)
// Found a DISALLOW macro call, somewhere after a 'public' section of the class named 'className'.
const char c = *GoToFirstNonSpace(c_str);
if (c_str == (className + ");"))
if (lineNumber == publicLineNumber + 1)
std::cout << "Macro call already at the right place: " << lines[lineNumber] << std::endl;
// Move the DISALLOW macro call up to the begin of the 'public' section.
std::string disallowMacroCall = std::move(lines[lineNumber]);
for (auto i = lineNumber; i > publicLineNumber + 1; --i)
lines[i] = std::move(lines[i - 1]);
lines[publicLineNumber + 1] = std::move(disallowMacroCall);
if ((lines.size() > (lineNumber + 1)) && lines[lineNumber + 1].empty())
// Ensure that there is no empty line left below the original DISALLOW macro call location.
lines.erase(lines.begin() + lineNumber + 1);
if ((lines.size() > (lineNumber + 1)) && *GoToFirstNonSpace(lines[lineNumber + 1].c_str()) == '}')
auto ptr = GoToFirstNonSpace(lines[lineNumber].c_str());
if (StringStartsWithPrefix(ptr, "private"))
if ((*GoToFirstNonSpace(ptr) == ':') && (*GoToFirstNonSpace(ptr + 1) == '\0'))
// Erase empty private section.
lines.erase(lines.begin() + lineNumber);
if (lines[lineNumber - 1].empty())
// Erase empty line before the erased private section.
lines.erase(lines.begin() + lineNumber - 1);
if (!lines[publicLineNumber + 2].empty())
// Ensure that there is an empty line below the new DISALLOW macro call location.
lines.insert(lines.begin() + publicLineNumber + 2, std::string{});
// Reset local variables for the next iteration.
className = std::string{};
publicLineNumber = Lines::size_type{};
std::cerr << "Mismatch! Class name: \"" << className << "\"; macro call: " << lines[lineNumber] << std::endl;
std::cerr << "No public section found for macro call " << lines[lineNumber] << std::endl;
return statistics;
auto ProcessFile(const path& filePath)
auto lines = ReadFile(filePath);
const auto statistics = ModifyLines(lines);
if (statistics.numberOfSuccessfullMoves > 0)
WriteFile(filePath, lines);
return statistics;
void ProcessDirectory(const path& directoryPath)
Statistics statistics = {};
const recursive_directory_iterator end;
unsigned numberOfModifiedFiles = 0;
for (recursive_directory_iterator it{ directoryPath }; it != end; ++it)
const auto& path = it->path();
const auto& extension = path.extension();
if ( (!extension.empty()) && (extension.string() == ".h") && is_regular_file(path))
const auto statisticsPerFile = ProcessFile(path);
if (statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls > 0)
numberOfModifiedFiles += (statisticsPerFile.numberOfSuccessfullMoves > 0) ? 1 : 0;
if ( (statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls > 1) ||
(statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls != statisticsPerFile.numberOfSuccessfullMoves))
<< statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls
<< ' ' << statisticsPerFile.numberOfSuccessfullMoves
<< ' ' << statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace
<< ' ' << statisticsPerFile.numberOfClassNameMismatches
<< ' ' << statisticsPerFile.numberOfMissingPublicSections
<< ' ' << path << std::endl;
statistics.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls += statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls;
statistics.numberOfSuccessfullMoves += statisticsPerFile.numberOfSuccessfullMoves;
statistics.numberOfDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace += statisticsPerFile.numberOfDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace;
statistics.numberOfClassNameMismatches += statisticsPerFile.numberOfClassNameMismatches;
statistics.numberOfMissingPublicSections += statisticsPerFile.numberOfMissingPublicSections;
<< "numberOfModifiedFiles:\t" << numberOfModifiedFiles
<< "\nDisallowMacroCalls:\t" << statistics.numberOfDisallowMacroCalls
<< "\nSuccessfullMoves:\t" << statistics.numberOfSuccessfullMoves
<< "\nDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace:\t" << statistics.numberOfDisallowMacroCallsAlreadyAtRightPlace
<< "\nClassNameMismatches:\t" << statistics.numberOfClassNameMismatches
<< "\nMissingPublicSections:\t" << statistics.numberOfMissingPublicSections
<< std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 2)
std::cout <<
"Please specify the source directory path as command-line argument."
"\nNote: This program will modify the source files in-place!!!"
<< std::endl;
if (argv == nullptr)
const char* const arg = argv[1];
if (arg == nullptr)
std::cout << "Press anything to continue" << std::endl;
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