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Created July 20, 2022 13:01
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Minimal example to extract fit and invisible timestamps
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import fitdecode
# The names of the columns we will use in our points DataFrame. For the data we will be getting
# from the FIT data, we use the same name as the field names to make it easier to parse the data.
def get_fit_point_data(
frame: fitdecode.records.FitDataMessage,
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, int, str, datetime]]]:
"""Extract some data from an FIT frame representing a track point
and return it as a dict.
data: Dict[str, Union[float, int, str, datetime]] = {}
if not (frame.has_field("position_lat") and frame.has_field("position_long")):
# Frame does not have any latitude or longitude data. We will ignore these frames in order to keep things
# simple, as we did when parsing the TCX file.
return None
data["latitude"] = frame.get_value("position_lat") / ((2 ** 32) / 360)
data["longitude"] = frame.get_value("position_long") / ((2 ** 32) / 360)
for field in POINTS_COLUMN_NAMES[3:]:
if frame.has_field(field):
data[field] = frame.get_value(field)
return data
def get_dataframes(fname: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Takes the path to a FIT file (as a string) and returns Pandas
DataFrame: one containing individual points.
points_data = []
with fitdecode.FitReader(fname) as fit_file:
for frame in fit_file:
if isinstance(frame, fitdecode.records.FitDataMessage):
if == "record":
single_point_data = get_fit_point_data(frame)
if single_point_data is not None:
# Create DataFrames from the data we have collected. If any information is missing from a particular
# point, it will show up as a null value or "NaN" in the DataFrame.
return pd.DataFrame(points_data, columns=POINTS_COLUMN_NAMES)
def get_pupil_timestamps(fname: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
df = pd.read_csv(fname)
ns_ts = df["timestamp [ns]"]
# convert utc nanoseconds to datetime
# TODO: modify this conversion
return pd.DataFrame([datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x / 1e9) for x in ns_ts])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# from sys import argv
fname_fit = "/Users/neilthomas/Downloads/eye-tracking-run.FIT" # Path to FIT file
points_df = get_dataframes(fname_fit)
fname_pl = "/Users/neilthomas/Documents/raw-data-export/running_rd-4a40d94d/gaze.csv" # Path to Invisible data
ts_pl = get_pupil_timestamps(fname_pl)
print("\nGarmin ts:")
print("\nPL ts:")
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