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Created January 25, 2024 02:15
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import collections
import dataclasses
import itertools
import typing as tp
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
class CI:
lcb: tp.Any
mean: tp.Any
ucb: tp.Any
size: tp.Any
def to_dict(self):
return dict(self.__dict__)
T = tp.TypeVar("T")
def elo_ci(
rankings: tp.Sequence[tp.Sequence[tuple[T, float]]],
zero_reference: T,
size: float = DEFAULT_CI_SIZE,
rng: np.random.RandomState | None = None,
min_games: int = 3,
num_bootstrap_samples: int = 1_000,
) -> dict[T, CI]:
"""Estimate elo from rankings.
This does a nonparametric bootstrap of elo.
rankings: Each element is a sequence of (player, rank) pairs. The *lowest rank* player is the winner. So one if you have one matchup in which A beat B you'd have: rankings=[[(A, 0), (B, 1)]]
zero_reference: The policy to use as the zero reference.
A dict mapping from policy to elo CI.
# ze recipe:
# 1. for each bootstrap element:
# a. compute pairwise win/losses from matchups.
# b. solve elo loss
# 2. adjust for zero_reference
# 3. compute CI from bootstrapped elo values.
rng = rng or np.random.RandomState()
players = collections.Counter()
for ranking in rankings:
players.update([p for p, _ in ranking])
if len(ranking) < 2:
raise ValueError(f"Ranking {ranking} contains less than 2 players.")
for player in players:
if players[player] < min_games:
raise ValueError(
f"Player {player} has {players[player]} games, but we require at least {min_games} for an elo estimate that is sensible."
if zero_reference not in players:
raise ValueError(f"{zero_reference=} not in {players=}")
# Make an order:
players = list(players.keys())
num_players = len(players)
def loss_and_gradient(elos, n_wins):
# elo loss
elo_deltas = np.reshape(elos, (num_players, 1)) - np.reshape(elos, (1, num_players))
predicted_wins = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-elo_deltas))
loss_penalties = -np.log(predicted_wins)
loss = np.sum(loss_penalties * n_wins)
# analytic gradient
dloss_dpredicted_wins = -n_wins / predicted_wins
dpredicted_wins_delo_deltas = predicted_wins * (1.0 - predicted_wins)
dloss_delo_deltas = dloss_dpredicted_wins * dpredicted_wins_delo_deltas
dloss_delos_positive = np.sum(dloss_delo_deltas, axis=1)
dloss_delos_negative = -np.sum(dloss_delo_deltas, axis=0)
dloss_delos = dloss_delos_positive + dloss_delos_negative
gradient = dloss_delos
return loss, gradient
# pre-compute the all-pairs matchups:
int_rankings = []
for ranking in rankings:
r = []
for (player_a, rank_a), (player_b, rank_b) in itertools.combinations(ranking, 2):
if player_a == player_b:
if rank_a < rank_b:
r.append([players.index(player_a), players.index(player_b), 1])
elif rank_b < rank_a:
r.append([players.index(player_b), players.index(player_a), 1])
# A draw is half a win each.
r.append([players.index(player_a), players.index(player_b), 0.5])
r.append([players.index(player_b), players.index(player_a), 0.5])
if len(r) > 0:
def fill_n_wins_with_random_rankings():
for ranking_idx in rng.choice(
for p0, p1, d in int_rankings[ranking_idx]:
n_wins[p0, p1] += d
elos = np.zeros([num_bootstrap_samples, num_players])
n_wins = np.zeros([num_players, num_players])
for i in range(num_bootstrap_samples):
attempts = 0
# This is a nasty heuristic that may cause incorrect results in adversarial cases:
while attempts < 3:
attempts += 1
result = minimize(
partial(loss_and_gradient, n_wins=n_wins),
if result.success:
if not result.success:
raise ValueError(f"minimization failed: {result=}")
elos[i] = result.x
# Normalize to reference policy.
zero = elos[:, players.index(zero_reference)]
elos -= zero[:, np.newaxis]
# These are "natural" elos.
# convert to chess elo:
elos *= 400 / np.log(10)
lcb = np.percentile(elos, (1 - size) / 2 * 100, axis=0)
mean = np.mean(elos, axis=0)
ucb = np.percentile(elos, (1 + size) / 2 * 100, axis=0)
result = {}
for i, player in enumerate(players):
result[player] = CI(
return result
def implied_winrate(elos):
"""Using the 10^(d/400) formula from chess."""
return 1.0 / (1.0 + 10 ** (-elos / 400))
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Kick tires:
rankings = [
[("A", 0), ("B", 1)],
[("A", 0), ("B", 1), ("C", 2)],
[("A", 0), ("B", 0), ("C", 2)],
[("A", 0), ("B", 0), ("C", 2)],
[("A", 0), ("AA", 1)],
[("A", 1), ("AA", 0)],
] * 20
elo = elo_ci(
rankings, zero_reference="A", rng=np.random.RandomState(42), num_bootstrap_samples=10
assert elo["A"].mean == 0
assert elo["B"].mean < 0
assert elo["C"].mean < elo["B"].mean
assert -5 < elo["AA"].mean < 5
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