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Last active April 27, 2018 21:22
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Trade memory for time when holding big stack of jpgs
Compatible with Keras, faster than reading from files (no stats).
It's only designed to work if all your images are vaguely similar sizes/
when encoded as JPGS, so if you have:
white noise or other hard-to-encode stuff
radically varying image sizes
(probably other failure modes)
Then this is foolhardy.
On the plus side, you can do:
imgs = MultiJPG.from_file(...), labels)
and it'll work.
It has weird behavior tbh - if you call
you get a new MultiJPG
if you call
imgs[np.arange(10)] you get *the actual image data*.
The end result of that is that you can pass it in with a validation proportion in keras,
but tbh I'm not really sure if it's sane. I just wrote this because it seemed like a neat idea.
from PIL import Image as pil_image
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array, Iterator
def _img_to_jpeg_bytes(img: np.ndarray) -> bytes:
if img.shape[-1] == 1:
img = img.reshape(img.shape[:-1])
img = pil_image.fromarray(np.uint8(img * 255))
with BytesIO() as f:, format='JPEG', quality=90, subsampling=0)
encoded_x = f.getvalue()
return encoded_x
def _img_from_jpeg_bytes(bts, n_channels=3) -> np.ndarray:
with BytesIO(bts) as f:
img = img_to_array(load_img(f)) / 255
if n_channels == 1:
img = img[:, :, :1]
return img
class IncrementalMultiJPG:
def __init__(self):
self.byte_strings = []
def append(self, img):
def finalize(self):
return MultiJPG.from_byte_strings(self.byte_strings)
class MultiJPG:
def from_imgs(cls, imgs):
byte_strings = []
for img in imgs:
return MultiJPG.from_byte_strings(byte_strings)
def from_file(cls, fname):
return MultiJPG(_bytes=np.load(fname, mmap_mode='r'))
def from_byte_strings(cls, byte_strings):
block_size = max([len(bs) for bs in byte_strings])
f = BytesIO()
for bs in byte_strings:
padding_len = block_size - len(bs)
if padding_len > 0:
buffer = f.getvalue()
byte_array = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.uint8, count=len(buffer))
_bytes = byte_array.reshape([len(byte_strings), block_size])
return MultiJPG(_bytes=_bytes)
def __init__(self, *, _bytes=None):
if _bytes is None:
raise ValueError((
'Use a constructor from:\n'
'Or use IncrementalMultiJPG to build incrementally'
self._bytes = _bytes
self.shape = (len(self), *self[0].shape)
self.ndim = 4
def __getitem__(self, s):
if isinstance(s, int):
return _img_from_jpeg_bytes(self._bytes[s])
if isinstance(s, slice):
return MultiJPG(_bytes=self._bytes[s])
if isinstance(s, np.ndarray) or isinstance(s, list):
if len(s) == len(self):
raise ValueError('Indexed MultiJPG with len(index) == len(self) == {}'.format(len(self)))
idxs = s
result = np.zeros([len(idxs), *self.shape[1:]])
for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
result[i] = _img_from_jpeg_bytes(self._bytes[idx])
return result
raise ValueError('Cannot index MultiJPG with {} {}'.format(s.__class__, s))
def __len__(self):
return len(self._bytes)
def save(self, fname):, self._bytes, allow_pickle=False)
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