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Last active February 3, 2016 00:43
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John Berlin ICW2 Group Members: John Berlin

Scatter Matrix scattermatrix

playerStats <- read.csv('passing-stats-2014.csv')

Yards Per Player


playerStats <- read.csv('passing-stats-2014.csv')
yardsConf = data.frame(yrds=playerStats$Passing.Yards,player=playerStats$Player,conf=playerStats$Conf)
ggplot(yardsConf,aes(x=player,y=yrds,fill=conf)) +  geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip()

Average Rushing TD avrushingtd

playerStats <- read.csv('passing-stats-2014.csv')
two <- playerStats[, c("Conf","Rushing.TD")]
ret <- aggregate(two,by=list(two$Conf),FUN="mean")
present <- data.frame(Conf=ret$Group.1,Av.Russing.TD=ret$Rushing.TD)
ggplot(present,aes(x=Conf,y=Av.Russing.TD,fill=Conf)) +  geom_bar(stat="identity") 
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N0taN3rd commented Feb 2, 2016



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