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Created January 17, 2017 05:20
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Lets Make The CNN Archive Great Again: Unmangled Mins
const <name> = min file unmangled
'Global CNN varible w/ property chain': [
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t, e);
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""), t = r[e] ? r[e] : "no-value-set";
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x = r,
O = [],
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.toLowerCase() : "zone-level", k.length && "A" !== k[0].tagName &&
k[0].className && (i = k[0].className, "undefined" !=
typeof i && (y = i.split(" ")
.length > 1 ? i.split(" ")[2] : r)), j.length && (i = j
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(h = i), i ="vr-zone"), "undefined" != typeof i &&
i.length && (_ = i)), i = w.length ?"analytics") :
n[0].className.indexOf("cd-banner") >= 0 ? n.nextAll(
.data("analytics") : void 0, "undefined" != typeof i && i.length &&
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0 ? l[0] : r, b = b.replace(/\\s/g, "-"), v = l[1], g = l
.length > 2 ? l[2] : r, l.length >= 4 && l[3].length > 0 ?
f = l[3] : 0 === n.text()
.length || n.text()
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"text"), n.eq(0)
.text() && (p = n.eq(0)
.text(), p = p.replace(/[ ]/g, "-"), p.indexOf("<img") >=
0 && (p = "image-file")), i ="analytics-header"),
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O : [], Q = "main-menu" === O[0] || "flyout-menu" === O[0] ?
O[1].toLowerCase() : r, z = "flyout-submenu" === O[0] ? O[
1].toLowerCase() : r, x = r), i ="analytics"),
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.length && (O = i.split("_"), O = O.length ? O : [], 1 ===
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x = r), 2 === O.length && (u = O[0].toLowerCase(), Q =
O[1].toLowerCase(), z = r, x = r), 3 === O.length && (u =
O[0].toLowerCase(), Q = O[1].toLowerCase(), z = O[2].toLowerCase(),
x = r)), "page" === a && M.length && (i = M[0].className,
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o; o += 1) p[o] && "" !== i[o] && (p[o] = i[o]);
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o), jQuery.each(jQuery(r)
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gallery_slide_count: i.slideCount,
gallery_slide: i.slideNumber,
hpt: t.hptValue,
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e), null !== window.trackMetrics && void 0 !==
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e.isJumbotron = !0, c(e)) : "click" !== e.type &&
"changed" !== e.type && "dragged" !== e.type || (e.isJumbotron = !
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e.length; n++) e[n] instanceof CNN.Jumbotron.Container &&
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.on(, t) : (jQuery(e[n].jumbotronElementRaw)
.on("click", t), jQuery(e[n].jumbotronElementRaw)
.on(, t)));
} catch (a) {
console.log("Error caught in initJumbotronTracking: %s", a.message);
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g = "slide-count";
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0, 0 === i) CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded = !0;
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owl: function(e) {
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n = 30;
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this.$carousel.hasClass("carousel-small-paginated"), this
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this.isAutoHeight = this.isGallery || this.$
'[data-auto-height="true"]'), this.galleryHeightRatio =
null, this.isFullCarousel = this.$
".carousel--full"), this.isLargeStripCarousel = this.$carousel
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this.$"slide-count"), jQuery.extend(this.$filmstrip,
this), jQuery.extend(this.$carousel, this), this.carouselAdjustNavigation =
function(e) {
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"9:16" === t.$"cut-format") ? 16 / 9 :
9 / 16,
o = t.$carousel.find(".owl-item")
.find(".el__resize, .media")
.width() * i,
s = o / 2 - n,
a = t.$carousel.find(".owl-prev, .owl-next");
"true" === t.$carousel.attr("data-is-gallery") ? a.css(
"top", s + "px") : a.css("height", o + "px"), t.$carousel
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e = n ? "xsmall" === n ? "data-src-small" :
"data-src-" + n : "src", t.attr("data-src", t.attr(
}, this.setNumberOfItems = function(e) {
var t, n = e.relatedTarget;
if (0 !== n._widths[0]) return t = n.settings.items > 1 ?
n.$element.width() / n._widths[0] : n.settings.items,
t > 1 && (n.settings.items = Math.ceil(t), n.settings
.slideBy = Math.floor(t), n.$element.trigger(CNN.Carousel
.events.refresh)), t;
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var n = t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item");
.css("opacity", 1);
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function e(e) {
if (!e) return 1;
var t = /\\d+:\\d+/.exec("cutFormat")) || [];
return t = (t[0] || "16:9")
.split(":"), t = t[1] / t[0] * 100;
t.$"gallery-ratio-set") || (t.$
"gallery-ratio-set", !0), t.galleryHeightRatio =
e(t.$carousel), t.$carousel.find(
.css("padding-bottom", t.galleryHeightRatio + "%"),
.each(function() {
var t = jQuery(this),
n = e(this.$carousel);
n < this.galleryHeightRatio ? t.css("padding",
(this.galleryHeightRatio - n) / 2 + "% 0") :
n > this.galleryHeightRatio && t.css(
"padding", "0 " + (1 - this.galleryHeightRatio /
n) / 2 * 100 + "%");
}, this.stagePadding = function() {
var e, n;
if (t.isFullCarousel && !t.isGallery) switch (n = (
.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "")) {
case "xsmall":
e = 50;
case "medium":
e = 100;
case "large":
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e = 150;
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return e;
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e.relatedTarget.options.stagePadding = t.stagePadding(),
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"position" === && t.$ &&
setTimeout(function() {
var n = - e.relatedTarget.clones()
.length / 2,
i = t.$"owl.carousel")
._items.length - 1,
o = t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item");
n = -1 === n ? i : n > i ? 0 : n, o.removeClass(
"synced"), t.isGallerySlide() && (o.eq(n)
.addClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.trigger(CNN, [n]));
}, 0);
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}, this.onInitialized = function(e) {
t.setNumberOfItems(e), t.$carousel.on(
.changed, t.onMainCarouselChange), t.$carousel.on(, t.carouselAdjustNavigation
), t.$carousel.on(, t.setNumberOfItems),
t.$carousel.on(, t.resetThumbnails),
t.$carousel.on(, t.onResize),
t.$carousel.on(, t.onRefreshed),
t.$carousel.on(, t.carouselAdjustNavigation),
function(e) {
t.onLazyImageLoaded(e), t.onRefreshed(e), t.resetThumbnails(
}, this.addAnalyticsListeners = function(e) {
t.$carousel.find(".owl-nav > div")
.on("click", function(e) {
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function(e) {
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return !!t.$carousel.find(
" > div[data-slidename]")
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this.$carousel.on(, this.onInitialized),
this.carouselAdjustNavigation), this.$carousel.on(CNN.Carousel
.events.navigationInitialized, this.addAnalyticsListeners
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responsive: this.$carousel.hasClass("carousel--fixed") ?
!1 : {},
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autoWidth: !this.isFullCarousel,
autoHeight: this.isAutoHeight,
items: this.isFullCarousel ? 1 : 3,
stagePadding: this.stagePadding(),
margin: this.isFullCarousel && !this.isGallery ? 20 : 0,
loop: !this.isPaginatedCarousel || !this.hasSingleItem,
mouseDrag: !this.hasSingleItem,
touchDrag: !this.hasSingleItem
}), this.isGallery && !this.isPaginatedCarousel && (this.reBindBigCarousel =
function(e) {
"position" === && (t.$carousel.trigger(
"carousel-action-event"), t.$
.events.changed, t.reBindBigCarousel), t.$carousel
.on(, t.onMainCarouselChange)
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var n = e.relatedTarget,
i = n.settings.items,
o = Math.abs(n._coordinates.slice(-1)[0]),
s = n._width,
a = n._widths[0],
r = Math.ceil((o - s) / a);
o > s && a > 0 && (t.resetThumbnails(e), n.settings.items =
i > 1 ? Math.floor(s / a) : i, n._coordinates[r -
1] = s % a - a * r, n.maximum = function(e) {
var t = this.settings,
i = this._width,
o = this._coordinates.length,
s = this._current > 0 ? this._coordinates[
this._current - 1] : 0,
a = Math.abs(n._coordinates.slice(-1)[0]) - (
i - s);
return o = t.loop ? this._clones.length / 2 +
this._items.length - 1 : t.autoWidth || t.merge ?
Math.ceil((a > i ? i - s : a - s) / this._widths[
0]) : ? this._items.length - 1 :
this._items.length - t.items, e && (o -= this
._clones.length / 2), Math.max(o, 0);
}, this.onFilmstripChange = function(e) {
if ("items" === {
var n = t.$filmstrip.find(".synced")
.index() < e.item.index ? e.item.index : t.$filmstrip
.removeClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.find(
.addClass("synced"), t.$carousel.trigger(CNN.Carousel, [n]);
}, this.onFilmstripItemClicked = function(e) {
var n = jQuery(e.currentTarget)
i = t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item");
.hasClass("synced") || (i.removeClass("synced"), i.eq(
.addClass("synced"), t.$
.events.changed, t.onMainCarouselChange), t.$carousel
.on(, t.reBindBigCarousel),
t.$carousel.on(, t.resetThumbnails),
t.$carousel.trigger(, [n]));
}, this.onFilmstripInit = function(e) {
t.setNumberOfItems(e), t.enableLastItem(e), t.$filmstrip
.addClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.on("click",
".owl-item", t.onFilmstripItemClicked), t.$filmstrip
.on(, t.onFilmstripChange),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.setNumberOfItems),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.enableLastItem),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.enableLastItem);
}, this.makeLazy(this.$filmstrip), this.$filmstrip.on(, this.onFilmstripInit
), this.$filmstrip.owlCarousel({
items: 10,
autoWidth: !0,
lazyLoad: !0,
loop: !1,
nav: !0,
dots: !1,
navText: ["", ""],
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CNN.Features.enableVideoExperienceUnification ? jQuery(CNN.Carousel
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.length > 0 ? void Modernizr.on("phone", function(e) {
function n(e) {
CNN.Videx && (clearInterval(e.interval), CNN.Videx
var i = {
interval: 0
return e ? (CNN.Carousel.manualImageLoad(t),
void(CNN.Videx ? CNN.Videx.SeeMore.init(t) :
i.interval = setInterval(jQuery.proxy(n,
window, i), 250))) : new CNN.Carousel.owl(
}) : new CNN.Carousel.owl(this);
}) : jQuery(CNN.Carousel.carouselSelector, e)
.each(function() {
return new CNN.Carousel.owl(this);
manualImageLoad: function(e) {
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var e, t = jQuery(this),
n = (t.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "");
e = n ? "xsmall" === n ? "data-src-small" :
"data-src-" + n : "src", t.attr("data-src", t.attr(
.addClass("owl-lazy"), CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(
}), CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs(e);
init: function(e) {
CNN.Carousel.restore(e), jQuery(window)
.throttleEvent("resize", function() {
}, 100), jQuery(window)
.on("orientationchange", function() {
}, {
prop: 'CNN.Carousel',
to: CNN.Carousel || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || function() {
function e(e, t) {
var i;
"undefined" != typeof e && "undefined" != typeof window.AMPTManager &&
.length && CNN.contentModel.pageType === t.pageType && CNN.Features
.enableEpicAds === !0 && (n++, i = t.adId || jQuery(t.toolParent)
.find(t.tool + ":first-child div")
.attr("id"), n % 2 === 0 && window.AMPTManager.refreshAd(
function t(t) {
var n = {
adId: "ad_rect_atf_01",
pageType: "article",
galleryParent: ".zn-large-media",
toolParent: ".pg-rail",
tool: ".ad-desktop"
t = t || null, e(t, n);
var n = 0;
return {
refreshGalleryRailAd: t
'CNN.ResponsiveImages': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages',
to: {}
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.process': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.process',
to: function(t) {
function n(e, t) {
var n, a, r, d = o.filter(e)
for (r = 0, a = d.length; a > r; r++) n = d.eq(r), n.attr(
s = s.add(d);
var i = "[data-demand-load=loaded]",
o = e(t),
s = e();
'.cd--horizontal[data-eq-state$="xsmall"] img[data-src-mini1x1], .cd--horizontal[data-eq-state$="small"] img[data-src-mini1x1]',
"src-mini1x1"), n(
'.zn[data-eq-state$="full16x9"] .zn-top img[data-src-full16x9]',
"src-full16x9"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="mini"][data-src-mini]', "src-mini"), n(
"src-xsmall"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="small"][data-src-small]', "src-small"),
"src-medium"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="large"][data-src-large]', "src-large");
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs',
to: function(n) {
var i = CNN.Utils.existsObject(n),
o = i ? e(n)
.filter("[data-eq-pts]") : e("[data-eq-pts]"),
s = [];
i && 0 === o.length && (o = e(n)
.find("[data-eq-pts]")), s = o instanceof jQuery ? o.toArray() :
o, 0 !== s.length && t.query(s, function() {
CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded || CNN.DemandLoading.update(),
o.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(o);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.scroll': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.scroll',
to: function() {
if (CNN._zonesAndDomReadyEvent && (CNN.DemandLoading.pageBottom ||
CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded)) e(window)
else {
var t = CNN.DemandLoading.update();
t.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(t);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.reload': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.reload',
to: function() {
var e = CNN.DemandLoading.reProcess();
e.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(e);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.processChildrenImages': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.processChildrenImages',
to: function(e) {
var n = CNN.contentModel && "boolean" == typeof CNN.contentModel
.lazyLoad ? CNN.contentModel.lazyLoad : !1,
i = CNN.contentModel && "boolean" == typeof CNN.contentModel.enablePictureFill ?
CNN.contentModel.enablePictureFill : !1;
n && i ? window.picturefill && picturefill() : t.query(e.querySelectorAll(
"[data-eq-pts]"), function(e) {
e.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(e);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.resize': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.resize',
to: function() {
'CNN.LocatorMap': [{
prop: 'CNN.LocatorMap',
to: function(t) {
"undefined" != typeof t && "undefined" != typeof && ( =
t, a.$mapCanvas = e(n.getElementById("mapToolCanvas-" +
.id)), o());
'CNN.VideoAjax': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax',
to: CNN.VideoAjax || function() {
return function(e) {
var t = {},
n = {
id: "VideoAjax",
eventName: "CNN_VideoAjax_autoUpdated",
ajaxFrequency: 3e5
return t.config = jQuery.extend({}, n, e), t.autoUpdateEvent =
jQuery.Event(t.config.eventName), t.fetchOnNowTimer =
null, t.isFetching = !1, t.serverData = null, t.logError =
function(e, t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof t) throw t;
throw e;
}, t.updateOnNowData = function() {
this.fetchExternalData(jQuery.proxy(function(e) {
this.serverData = e, jQuery(document)
}, this));
}, =, t.init = function() {
this.updateOnNowData(), this.startPeriodicFetch();
}, t.stopPeriodicFetch = function() {
null !== this.fetchOnNowTimer && (clearInterval(this.fetchOnNowTimer),
this.fetchOnNowTimer = null);
}, t.startPeriodicFetch = function() {
null === this.fetchOnNowTimer && (this.fetchOnNowTimer =
setInterval(jQuery.proxy(this.updateOnNowData, this),
}, t.fetchExternalData = function() {
throw "fetchExternalData in the ajax was intended to be overridden.";
}, t.filterNetwork = function(e) {
var t = 0,
n = null;
if ("undefined" != typeof this.serverData && null !==
this.serverData) {
for (t = - 1; t >= 0; t--)
if ([t].id.toLowerCase() ===
e.toLowerCase()) {
n =[t];
return n;
}, t.getServerData = function() {
return this.serverData;
}, t.getEventName = function() {
return this.config.eventName;
}, t.getIsFetching = function() {
return this.isFetching;
}, t.setIsFetching = function(e) {
this.isFetching = e;
}, t;
'CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying',
to: CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying || function() {
var e = CNN.VideoAjax({
id: "NowPlaying",
eventName: "CNN_NowPlaying_autoUpdated"
return e.fetchExternalData = function(t) {
if (e.getIsFetching() !== !0) {
if ("undefined" == typeof t || "function" != typeof t)
throw "callback parameter is not defined or is not a function. Ajax request was not sent.";
e.setIsFetching(!0), jQuery.ajax({
url: "/web/20160903014131/",
type: "get",
error: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function(e) {
timeout: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
complete: function() {
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback: "nowPlayingScheduleCallbackWrapper"
}, e;
'CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream',
to: CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream || function() {
var e = CNN.VideoAjax({
id: "LiveStream",
eventName: "CNN_LiveEvent_autoUpdated"
return e.fetchExternalData = function(t) {
function n(t) {
return jQuery.ajax({
url: "/CNNLiveFlash/StreamStatus/metadata/stream_dvr_" +
t + ".xml",
type: "get",
error: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function(e) {
o["live" + t] = {
xml: e,
thumbnail: void 0,
isStreaming: !1
timeout: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
dataType: "xml",
crossDomain: !1
function i() {
var e, t = [],
n = {};
for (e in o) e in o && "undefined" != typeof o[e].isStreaming &&
o[e].isStreaming !== !1 && (n = jQuery(o[e].xml)
.first(), t.push({
id: o[e].id,
url: n.find("affiliate url")
kicker: n.find("affiliate headline")
program: n.find("title")
images: {
"120x68": o[e].thumbnail
description: n.find("description")
streamIndex: o[e].index
return t.sort(function(e, t) {
return parseInt(e.streamIndex, 10) - parseInt(t.streamIndex,
}), {
channel: t
var o = {};
if (e.getIsFetching() !== !0) {
if ("undefined" == typeof t || "function" != typeof t)
throw "callback parameter is not defined or is not a function. Ajax request was not sent.";
e.setIsFetching(!0), jQuery.when(n(1), n(2), n(3), n(4))
.done(function() {
url: "/.element/ssi/www/auto/2.0/video/xml/pipeline.xml",
type: "get",
error: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function(n) {
var s = 0,
a = "",
r = jQuery(n)
for (s = r.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) a =
.substring(7), 10), isNaN(a) || (o[
"live" + a].id = "live-" + a, o[
"live" + a].thumbnail = r.eq(s)
.text(), o["live" + a].isStreaming = !
0, o["live" + a].streamIndex = a);
e.setIsFetching(!1), t(i());
timeout: function(t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
dataType: "xml",
crossDomain: !1
}, e;
'CNN.Features': [{
prop: 'CNN.Features',
to: CNN.Features || {}
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase',
to: function(e, t) {
this.endSlateFlag = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : "boolean" ==
typeof CNN.Features.enableVideoEndSlate ? CNN.Features.enableVideoEndSlate :
!0, this.containerId = e, this.initialize();
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.extend': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.extend',
to: function(e, t) {
var n, i = t.prototype;
t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype);
for (n in i) t.prototype[n] = i[n];
t.prototype.constructor = t;
try {
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "constructor", {
enumerable: !1,
value: t
} catch (o) {}
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.prototype',
to: {
getVideoPlayerContainerId: function() {
return this.containerId;
renderRecommendedVideos: function(e, t) {
function n(e) {
return e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), !1;
var i ="owl.carousel");
this.setResponsiveState(), e.empty()
.append(t), e.on(, n), e.on(CNN.Carousel
.events.changed, n), e.on(, n), e
.on(, n), e.on(
.initialized, n), e.on(, n), e
.on(, n),
"undefined" != typeof i && i.destroy(), e.owlCarousel({
mouseDrag: !0,
touchDrag: !0,
nav: !0,
navText: ["", ""],
dots: !1,
autoWidth: !0,
autoHeight: !0,
margin: 20,
rewindNav: !0,
responsive: !1,
scrollPerPage: !1,
items: 3,
itemsDesktop: [1100, 3],
itemsDesktopSmall: [900, 3],
itemsTablet: [600, 2],
itemsMobile: !1,
loop: !0
getRecommendedVideos: function(e) {
var t, n = this.getRelatedContentUrl(),
i = "end-slate-carousel" + Math.floor(100 * Math.random());
return t = n.substring(n.indexOf("/video/data/3.0")), jQuery.Deferred(
function(n) {
url: t,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
error: function(e, t, n) {
"undefined" != typeof console && console.log(
success: function(t) {
var o = {
relatedVideos: {
id: i,
containerContents: [],
layout: "carousel-medium-strip",
type: "container"
"undefined" != typeof t && null !== t &&
"undefined" != typeof t.videos && (jQuery(t
.each(function(e, t) {
cardContents: {
headlineText: t.headline,
iconType: "video",
media: {
contentType: "image",
cutFormat: "16:9",
duration: t.duration,
elementContents: {
imageAlt: t.headline,
imageUrl: t.thumbnail_url,
cuts: {
small: {
uri: t.endslate_url_small
medium: {
uri: t.endslate_url_medium
large: {
uri: t.endslate_url_large
type: "element"
type: "card",
url: t.clickback_url.substring(
contentType: "video",
type: "card"
}), dust.render(
function(t, n) {
})), n.resolve();
setCurrentVideoHeadline: function(e) {
var t, n = this.getEndSlateForContainer(this.getContainerId()),
i = JSON.parse(e);
"undefined" != typeof n && n && (t = jQuery(n)
.find(".js-cd__headline-text"), t && t.text(i.headline));
fetchAndShowRecommendedVideos: function(e, t) {
var n, i = [],
o =
".js-video__end-slate__tertiary .js-video__end-slate__carousel";
t = t || !0, this.$videoEndSlate = this.getEndSlateForContainer(),
this.setCurrentVideoHeadline(e), n = this.$videoEndSlate.find(
o), this.setRelatedContentUrl(e), t && this.fetchRecommendedVideos(
n, i);
fetchRecommendedVideos: function(e, t) {
var n = this;
.done(function() {
n.renderRecommendedVideos(e, t);
destroy: function() {
var e = this.getCurrentCarousel(),
t ="owl.carousel");
this.hideEndSlateForContainer(), e.empty(), "undefined" !=
typeof t && t.destroy();
getCurrentCarousel: function() {
var e, t =
".js-video__end-slate__tertiary .js-video__end-slate__carousel";
return this.$videoEndSlate = this.getEndSlateForContainer(),
e = this.$videoEndSlate.find(t);
setResponsiveState: function(e) {
e = e || !1, "undefined" != typeof this.getContainerId() &&
"undefined" == typeof $videoEndSlate && (this.$videoEndSlate =
this.getEndSlateForContainer()), eqjs.query(this.$videoEndSlate),
e && this.showEndSlateForContainer();
getContainerId: function() {
return this.containerId;
onReplayClickedHandler: function() {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
.addClass("video__end-slate--inactive"), window.cnnVideoManager
initialize: function() {
addEventListeners: function() {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
e.on("click", ".js-video__end-slate__replay", jQuery.proxy(
this.onReplayClickedHandler, this)), e.on("click",
".js-video__end-slate__replay-text", jQuery.proxy(this.onReplayClickedHandler,
this)), e.on("click", ".js-el__video__replayer-wrapper",
jQuery.proxy(this.onReplayClickedHandler, this));
removeEventListeners: function() {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();"click", ".js-video__end-slate__replay"),"click",
handleShowEndSlate: function(e) {
"undefined" != typeof e && null !== e && (this.setResponsiveState(),
handleHideEndSlate: function(e) {
"undefined" != typeof e && null !== e && (this.setResponsiveState(),
hideEndSlateForContainer: function() {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
showEndSlateForContainer: function() {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
setRelatedContentUrl: function(e) {
var t;
t = JSON.parse(e), this.relatedContentUrl = t.relatedVideosJson;
getRelatedContentUrl: function() {
return this.relatedContentUrl;
getEndSlateElement: function() {
return this.$videoEndSlate;
isEndSlateEnabled: function() {
return this.endSlateFlag;
'CNN.VideoEndSlate': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlate',
to: function(e, t) {
this.relatedContentUrl = "", this.$videoEndSlate = {}, CNN.VideoEndSlateBase
.call(this, e, t);
'CNN.VideoEndSlate.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlate.prototype',
to: {
getEndSlateForContainer: function() {
var e = jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
return e;
'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate': [{
prop: 'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate',
to: function(e, t) {
this.jumbotron = e, this.mode = t || "desktop", CNN.VideoEndSlate
.call(this, jQuery(e.jumbotronElementRaw)
.attr("id"), !0);
'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate.prototype',
to: {
addEventListeners: function() {,
"undefined" != typeof this.jumbotron && (jQuery(this.jumbotron
.on("CVPEvent", jQuery.proxy(this.onVideoEventHandler,
this)), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.on("jumbotron-item-selected", jQuery.proxy(this.hideEndSlateForContainer,
this)), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.on("jumbotron-mode-change", jQuery.proxy(this.onJumbotronModeChangeHandler,
removeEventListeners: function() {
this), "undefined" != typeof this.jumbotron && (jQuery(
.off("CVPEvent"), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.off("jumbotron-item-selected"), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
onJumbotronModeChangeHandler: function(e, t) {
this.mode = t, this.destroy();
onVideoEventHandler: function(e, t) {
if (t && t.eventType) switch (t.eventType) {
case "onContentMetadata":
this.fetchAndShowRecommendedVideos(t.metadata, "mobile" !==
case "onContentComplete":
case "onContentPlay":
getVideoPlayerContainerId: function() {
try {
var e = jQuery(jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
return e.attr("id");
} catch (t) {
return this.containerId;
getEndSlateForContainer: function() {
var e = jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
return e;
'CNN.VideoConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoConfig',
to: CNN.VideoConfig || {}
'CNN.VideoPlayer': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer',
to: CNN.VideoPlayer || {}
'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy',
to: function(e, t, n) {
this.videoContainerId = e, this.embedDivId = t, this.parentElement =
'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy.prototype',
to: {
onSuccessfulCopy: function() {
"undefined" != typeof this.parentElement && (this.parentElement
.remove(), this.parentElement.append(
'<span class="metadata__embed-video-confirmation"><p>Embed Code copied successfully</p></span>'
), setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() {
}, this), 3e3));
generateEmbedContainer: function() {
"undefined" != typeof this.parentElement && (this.parentElement
.remove(), this.movieDivId = this.getEmbedContainerId() +
"--movie", this.parentElement.append(
'<span class="metadata__embed-video-button" id="' +
this.getEmbedContainerId() + '"><div id="' + this.movieDivId +
getEmbedContainer: function() {
var e = this.getEmbedContainerId();
return jQuery("#" + e);
getEmbedContainerId: function() {
return this.embedDivId;
getVideoContainerId: function() {
return this.videoContainerId;
show: function(e) {
var t, n, i, o = "successCallback" + this.getVideoContainerId(),
s = this.getEmbedContainer();
t = window[o] = jQuery.proxy(this.onSuccessfulCopy, this),
"object" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.isEmbeddable &&
"false" !== e.isEmbeddable && "no" !== e.isEmbeddable && s &&
"undefined" != typeof CVP && "undefined" != typeof CNN.VideoConfig
.embedLinks && "undefined" != typeof CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks
.clipboardOperationsSWF ? (n = CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.embedLinkPattern,
n = n.replace("{host}", window.location.hostname)
.replace("{videoId}",, i = CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks
.buttonImage, i = i.replace("{cdnassetpath}",
.replace("{build}", "1.292.4"), (!Array.isArray(s) || s.length <=
0) && this.generateEmbedContainer(), CVP.swfobject.embedSWF(
CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.clipboardOperationsSWF, this
.movieDivId, "80px", "21px", "10.0.0", CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks
.clipboardOperationsSWF + "?nocache=" + new Date()
.valueOf(), {
callback: 'window["' + o + '"]',
buttonImage: i,
copyValue: n,
xOffset: CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.imageButtonXOffset,
yOffset: CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.imageButtonYOffset
}, {
allowScriptAccess: "always",
quality: "high",
wmode: "transparent"
}, {})) : this.hide();
hide: function() {
this.getEmbedContainer() && this.getEmbedContainer()
'CNN.Feeds': [{
prop: 'CNN.Feeds',
to: CNN.Feeds || {}
'CNN.EditionPrefs': [{
prop: 'CNN.EditionPrefs',
to: CNN.EditionPrefs || function(e) {
function t() {
n(), i();
function n() {
l.on("click", ".js-edition-preferences__confirm", s);
function i() {
.prop("checked", !1)
.filter('[data-type="' + m + '"]')
.prop("checked", !0), jQuery(
.prop("checked", !1)
.filter('[value="' + m + '"]')
.prop("checked", !0);
function o(e, t) {
a(e, c), CNN.EditionPicker.togglePicker(), CNN.EditionPicker.changeEdition(!
1, t);
function s(t) {
var n = e(t.currentTarget)
i = n.find("input")
o(i.val(), i.parent());
function a(e, t) {
CNN.Utils.setCNNCookie(u, e, t);
function r() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
function d(t) {
var l = e(".js-edition-picker__list"),
c = 854400,
u = "PreferredEdition",
h = "international" === CNN.contentModel.edition ? "edition" :
f = CNN.Utils.getCookie(u),
m = CNN.Utils.exists(f) ? f : h;
return t(), {
showPreferences: d,
hidePreferences: r,
indicateCurrentEdition: i
'CNN.EditionPickerPrefs': [{
prop: 'CNN.EditionPickerPrefs',
to: CNN.EditionPickerPrefs || function(e) {
function t() {
function n() {
.on("click", s);
function i(e, t) {
CNN.Utils.setCNNCookie(r, e, t);
function o(e, t) {
i(e, a), CNN.PlainNavigation.toggleEdition(!1), CNN.PlainNavigation
.changeEdition(!1, t);
function s(e) {
var t = jQuery(
o("type"), t);
var a = 854400,
r = "PreferredEdition";
return t(), {
init: t
'CNN.AdSlide': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdSlide',
to: function(e, t, n) {
CNN.Features.enableGalleryAds && !CNN.Features.displayDisplayAds &&
(this.wrapperId = e, this.wrapperEl = void 0, this.adSlideEl =
void 0, this.adPrevEl = void 0, this.adNextEl = void 0,
this.singleton = n, this.clickCounter = 0, this.initAdSlide(
e, t));
'CNN.AdSlide.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdSlide.prototype',
to: {
getWrapper: function(e, t) {
var n, i;
return n = t ? e : "." + e, i = t ? jQuery(document.getElementById(
.eq(0) : jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.wrapperEl = i, i;
getAdSlide: function() {
var e, t = ".el-carousel__wrapper .ad-slide",
n = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adSlideEl = e, e;
getAdSlidePrev: function() {
var e, t = ".ad-slide__prev",
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adPrevEl = e, e;
getAdSlideNext: function() {
var e, t = ".ad-slide__next",
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adNextEl = e, e;
getSingletonAd: function(e) {
var t = this;
.done(function(e, n) {
.fail(function(e, t, n) {
"object" == typeof console && "function" == typeof console
.log && console.log("Could not load singleton script");
showAdSlide: function() {
var e, t = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide(),
n = !0;
.on("GPTRenderComplete", function(i) {
"undefined" != typeof i.originalEvent.detail && null !==
i.originalEvent.detail && "undefined" != typeof i.originalEvent
.detail.pos && Array.isArray(i.originalEvent.detail.pos) &&
i.originalEvent.detail.pos.length > 0 && "boolean" ==
typeof i.originalEvent.detail.empty && (n = "mod" ===
i.originalEvent.detail.pos[0] ? i.originalEvent.detail
.empty : !0, e = t.find("iframe"), e.length > 0 &&
!n && t.removeClass("ad-slide--inactive")
hideAdSlide: function() {
var e = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
.addClass("ad-slide--inactive"), this.removeCloseAd(),
"function" == typeof CNN.Carousel.refreshCarousels &&
setTimeout(CNN.Carousel.refreshCarousels, 0);
showAdHandler: function() {
this.showAdSlide(), this.bindCloseAd();
adTriggerHandler: function() {
var e = CNN.AdsConfig && CNN.AdsConfig.galleryAdClicks ? CNN.AdsConfig
.galleryAdClicks : 5;
this.clickCounter++, this.clickCounter === e && (this.clickCounter =
0, this.getSingletonAd(), jQuery(this)
.on("ad-single-loaded", this.showAdHandler));
closeAdHandler: function() {
this.removeCloseAd(), this.hideAdSlide(), this.clickCounter = -
bindWrapperClick: function() {
var e = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();
e.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.adTriggerHandler, this));
bindCloseAd: function() {
var e = this.adPrevEl || this.getAdSlidePrev(),
t = this.adNextEl || this.getAdSlideNext(),
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
e.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this)), t.on(
"click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this)), n.siblings(
.one("click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this));
initAdSlide: function(e, t) {
this.getWrapper(e, t), this.bindWrapperClick(), this.bindCloseAd();
removeWrapperClick: function() {
var e = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();"click");
removeCloseAd: function() {
var e = this.getAdSlidePrev(),
t = this.getAdSlideNext();"click"),"click");
'CNN.renderAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.renderAds',
to: function(e, t, n) {
var i, o, s, a = jQuery(e)
for (o = 0, s = a.length; s > o; o++)
if (i = a.eq(o), i.parents(".zn-staggered")
.length) {
if (n.staggeredZone === !1) continue;
} else "undefined" != typeof i[0] && jQuery(i)
'CNN.companionAdState': [{
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: CNN.companionAdState || ""
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: ""
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: o.getCompanionAdStateLabel(i)
'CNN.companion': [{
prop: 'CNN.companion',
to: CNN.companion || {}
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companion',
to: t.extend({}, CNN.companion, {
registry: CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.registryURL ||
knownEpicIds: {},
config: CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.companion || {},
currentLayout: "",
updateCompanionLayout: function(n) {
var i, o, s, a, r = n,
d = "";
if (n !== this.currentLayout && e.companionAdState &&
this.config.layoutStates && this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState] &&
(this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState][r] || (r =
"default"), s = this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState]
[r], s && t.isArray(s))) {
for (o = s.length - 1; o >= 0; o -= 1) i = s[o], a =
this.getTargetDOM(i), a && (a.innerHTML = this.getReplacementHTML(
i), d += a.innerHTML);
this.refreshAnyEpicIds(d), this.currentLayout = n;
refreshAnyEpicIds: function(e) {
var n, i = this,
o = t(e)
o && 0 !== o.length && o.each(function() {
n = t(this)
.attr("id"), i.refreshEpicSlot(n);
getAdlib: function() {
var e = AMPTManager && AMPTManager.processNewRegistry &&
AMPTManager.refreshAd && AMPTManager.registry;
return e || console.warn(
"companion.js: Could not find the AMPTManager! Using a mock object instead."
), e ? AMPTManager : {
registry: [],
processNewRegistry: function() {},
refreshAd: function() {}
getEpicIdsFromRegistry: function() {
var e, n, i, o = this.getAdlib();
for (this.knownEpicIds = {}, e = o.registry.length - 1; CNN >=
0; e -= 1)
if (t.isArray(o.registry[CNN]))
for (n = o.registry[CNN].length - 1; n >= 0; n -= 1) i =
o.registry[CNN][n] || {}, i.present && i.present ===
!0 && i.rktr_slot_id && (this.knownEpicIds[i.rktr_slot_id] =
return this.knownEpicIds;
hasEpicId: function(e) {
var t = this.knownEpicIds;
return t[e] || (t = this.getEpicIdsFromRegistry()), t.hasOwnProperty(
e) && "boolean" == typeof t[e] ? t[e] : !1;
refreshEpicRegistry: function() {
var e;
"" !== this.registry && (e = this.getAdlib(), e.processNewRegistry(
refreshEpicSlot: function(e) {
var t = this.getAdlib();
this.hasEpicId(e) || this.refreshEpicRegistry(), t.refreshAd(
getTargetDOM: function(t) {
var n = e.MultiAds || {},
i = !!(e.MultiAds && e.MultiAds.adGroups && e.MultiAds.domAds),
o = i && t && ? n.adGroups[] : {},
s = null;
return "undefined" != typeof o && "number" == typeof &&
-1 !== && (s = e.MultiAds.domAds[]), s;
getReplacementHTML: function(e) {
var t, i = "";
return e && e.replace && "empty" !== e.replace && (t = n.querySelectorAll(
'textarea[data-ad-name="' + e.replace + '"]'), t &&
t.length && t[0] && t[0].value && (i = t[0].value)),
initCompanionLayout: function() {
var e = this.config || {};
e.enabled && "string" == typeof e.layoutType &&
"function" == typeof this.updateCompanionLayout && this
'CNN.contentModel.entitlementSingletons': [{
prop: 'CNN.contentModel.entitlementSingletons',
to: []
CNN: [{
prop: 'CNN',
to: "international" === CNN ? "CNNI" : "CNN"
'CNN.slotTargets': [{
prop: 'CNN.slotTargets',
to: CNN.slotTargets || {}
'CNN.slotTargets[c]': [{
prop: 'CNN.slotTargets[c]',
to: CNN.slotTargets[c] || {}
'CNN.slotTargets[c].spec': [{
prop: 'CNN.slotTargets[c].spec',
to: CNN.slotTargets[c].spec || d
'CNN.RefreshAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.RefreshAds',
to: CNN.RefreshAds || {
lastKnownViewportWidth: 0,
breakpoint1: 480,
breakpoint2: 782,
breakpoint3: 1024,
refreshAllAds: function() {
var e = this.getViewPortSize();
(e.width >= this.breakpoint1 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint1 || e.width <= this.breakpoint1 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint1 || e.width >= this.breakpoint2 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint2 || e.width <= this.breakpoint2 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint2 || e.width >= this.breakpoint3 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint3 || e.width <= this.breakpoint3 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint3) && this.amptResizeAllAds(), this.lastKnownViewportWidth =
getViewPortSize: function() {
var t = 0;
return "number" == typeof n.innerWidth ? t = n.innerHeight :
i.documentElement && (i.documentElement.clientWidth || i.documentElement
.clientHeight) ? t = i.documentElement.clientHeight : i
.body && (i.body.clientWidth || i.body.clientHeight) && (
t = i.body.clientHeight), {
width: e.CurrentWidth && "function" == typeof e.CurrentWidth
.getClientWidth ? e.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth() : 0,
height: t
amptResizeAllAds: function() {
var t = e.MultiAds && e.MultiAds.getAdlib ? e.MultiAds.getAdlib() : {};
t.refreshAllAds && t.refreshAllAds();
'CNN.MultiAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.MultiAds',
to: CNN.MultiAds || {
domAds: [],
updatedAds: [],
updatePosition: "desktop",
adGroups: {},
adGroupIds: [],
getAdlib: function() {
var e = n[o],
t = e && e.processNewRegistry && e.refreshAd && e.requestAndRenderAds &&
return t || console.warn(
"cnn-epic-multi-ads::getAdlib: Could not find %s! Using a mock object instead.",
o), t ? e : {
processNewRegistry: function() {},
refreshAd: function() {},
requestAndRenderAds: function() {},
refreshAllAds: function() {}
isEmptyNode: function(e) {
var t = null,
n = !0;
if (e.hasChildNodes()) {
for (t = CNN.firstChild; null !== t.nextSibling && t.nodeType !==
Node.ELEMENT_NODE;) t = t.nextSibling;
n = null !== t && t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
return t = null, n;
isActive: function(e) {
var t;
return t = "function" == typeof n.getComputedStyle ? n.getComputedStyle(
.getPropertyValue("display") : e.currentStyle.display,
"none" !== t;
addAdTagToPage: function(e, t) {
var n, o, s, a = this;
a.isEmptyNode(e) && (s = e.getAttribute("data-ad-refresh"),
n = i.createElement("div"), o = "ad-" + t + (s ?
" ad-refresh-" + s : ""), n.setAttribute("id", t), n.setAttribute(
"class", o), e.appendChild(n));
removeAdTagFromPage: function(e) {
var t = this;
if (!t.isEmptyNode(e))
for (; CNN.firstChild;) CNN.removeChild(CNN.firstChild);
allDone: function(n, i) {
var o = e.MultiAds.getAdlib();
n = n || !1, i = i || [], t("body")
.addClass("multi-ads--complete"), "string" == typeof s &&
"" !== s && (n ? o.queueRegistry(s, {
slots: i
}) : o.queueRegistry(s));
getPlaceholderOnlyIds: function() {
var t = e.contentModel && e.contentModel.companion && e.contentModel
n = t ? e.contentModel.companion.ids || {} : {};
return n;
handleAdStatus: function() {},
loadSingleton: function(e) {
return t.ajax({
url: e,
type: "GET",
dataType: "script",
cache: !0,
error: function(t, n, i) {
console.error("Could not load singleton script: " +
setExactSingleton: function(e) {
var n, i, o, s, a, r, d, l = this,
c = ".js-doubleton-info",
u = ".owl-item",
h = "ad-doubleton",
f = "cloned",
m = ".ad-doubleton";
d = t(m), d.length && t.each(d, function() {
a = t(this), r = a.parent()
.siblings(c), n = a.closest(u)
.hasClass(f), i = a.hasClass(h), n ? (o =
"cloneid"), s ="clonefile")) : (o =
"origid"), s ="origfile")), a.attr("id",
o), i && (a.removeClass(h), a.addClass("ad-" + o)),
getDoubletons: function() {
var n, i, o = ".js-owl-carousel",
s = ".ad-doubleton";
i = t(s), i.length && (n = i.eq(0)
.closest(o), n.on(, t.proxy(
this.setExactSingleton, this)));
setupAdSpace: function(e, t) {
var n, i, o = this,
s = o.getPlaceholderOnlyIds();
n = e.getAttribute("data-ad-id"), i = o.isActive(e), o.adGroups
.hasOwnProperty(n) || (o.adGroupIds.push(n), o.adGroups[n] = {
active: -1,
inactive: []
}), i && -1 === o.adGroups[n].active && (o.adGroups[n].active =
t, "suppress" !== s[n] && o.addAdTagToPage(e, n)), i ||
(o.adGroups[n].inactive.push(t), o.removeAdTagFromPage(e));
update: function(e) {
var t, n, o, s = this,
a = s.domAds.length,
r = [],
d = [],
l = [];
if (e = e || [], 0 !== e.length) {
for (t = 0; t < CNN.length; t++) r.push(CNN[t] +
" [data-ad-id]");
if (d = []", "))),
d.length > 0) {
for (t = d.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) n = d[t].getAttribute(
"data-ad-id"), o = d[t].getAttribute(
"data-ad-position"), o !== s.updatePosition || s.updatedAds
.indexOf(n) >= 0 ? s.removeAdTagFromPage(d[t]) : (s.setupAdSpace(
d[t], a + t), -1 === l.indexOf(n) && (l.push(n),
s.updatedAds.push(n)), s.domAds.push(d[t]));
s.getDoubletons(), s.allDone(!0, l);
init: function() {
var t, n = this,
o = e.RefreshAds.getViewPortSize();
for (n.domAds = []
"[data-ad-id]")), o.width < CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint2 ?
n.updatePosition = "mobile" : o.width >= CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint2 &&
o.width < CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint3 && (n.updatePosition =
"tablet"), t = n.domAds.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) n.setupAdSpace(
n.domAds[t], t);
n.getDoubletons(), n.allDone();
'CNN.RefreshAds.lastKnownViewportWidth': [{
prop: 'CNN.RefreshAds.lastKnownViewportWidth',
to: t.width
'CNN.Jumbotron': [{
prop: 'CNN.Jumbotron',
to: CNN.Jumbotron || {}
'CNN.Jumbotron.Bootstrapper': [{
prop: 'CNN.Jumbotron.Bootstrapper',
to: CNN.Jumbotron.Bootstrapper || {
carouselSelector: ".js-owl-carousel",
jumbotronContainerSelector: ".js-jumbotron-container",
CONST_JUMBOTRON_LOAD_COMPLETE_EVENT: "jumbotron-initialization-complete",
jumbotronElements: [],
initialize: function() {
this.shouldLoadJumbotronDependencies() && this.loadJumbotronDependencies();
shouldLoadJumbotronDependencies: function() {
return this.jumbotronElements = jQuery(this.jumbotronContainerSelector),
"undefined" != typeof this.jumbotronElements &&
"undefined" != typeof this.jumbotronElements.length &&
this.jumbotronElements.length > 0;
loadJumbotronDependencies: function() {
loadScript: function(e, t) {
var n = document.createElement("script");
n.readyState ? n.onreadystatechange = function() {
"loaded" !== n.readyState && "complete" !== n.readyState ||
(n.onreadystatechange = null, t());
} : n.onload = function() {
}, n.src = e, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(
onJumbotronDependencyLoadComplete: function() {
"undefined" != typeof CNN.Jumbotron.Manager && (window.cnnJumbotronManager ||
(window.cnnJumbotronManager = new CNN.Jumbotron.Manager(
this.jumbotronElements)), jQuery(document)
onJumbotronDependencyLoadFailure: function() {}
'CNN.AirportDelaysConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelaysConfig',
to: CNN.AirportDelaysConfig || {}
'CNN.AirportDelays': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays',
to: {}
'CNN.AirportDelays.airportDelaysBody': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.airportDelaysBody',
to: e(".cd--tool__weather-airport-delays")
'CNN.AirportDelays.airportShortList': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.airportShortList',
to: ["EWR", "JFK", "LGA", "PHL"]
'CNN.AirportDelays.airportLongList': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.airportLongList',
to: ["ATL", "BOS", "ORD", "DFW", "DEN", "DTW", "IAH", "LAS", "LAX",
"MIA", "MSP", "EWR", "JFK", "LGA", "MCO", "PHL", "PHX", "STL",
"SFO", "SEA", "IAD"
'CNN.AirportDelays.requestAirportData': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.requestAirportData',
to: function(n) {
return e.ajax({
url: t.AirportDelaysConfig.getAirportData + "/" + n,
type: "GET",
data: {
format: "application/json"
'CNN.AirportDelays.getDelayMinutes': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.getDelayMinutes',
to: function(e) {
var t = 0,
n = 0,
i = 0;
return e += "", e && (e.match(/(\\d+)\\s+minutes?/i) && (n = e.match(
.length > 1 ? e.match(/(\\d+)\\s+minutes?/i)[1] / 1 : 0),
e.match(/(\\d+)\\s+hours?/i) && (i = e.match(
.length > 1 ? e.match(/(\\d+)\\s+hours?/i)[1] / 1 : 0), t =
n + 60 * i), t;
'CNN.AirportDelays.formatDelayData': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.formatDelayData',
to: function(e) {
var n = {},
i = e.status.avgDelay || e.status.minDelay || e.status.maxDelay ||
o = 0;
return "true" === e.delay ? (o = t.AirportDelays.getDelayMinutes(
i), o >= 45 ? (n.descriptionClass = "major", n.descriptionString =
"Major Delays") : o ? (n.descriptionClass = "minor", n.descriptionString =
"Minor Delays") : (n.descriptionClass = "minor", n.descriptionString =
"Delay")) : (n.descriptionClass = "none", n.descriptionString =
"No Delays"), n;
'CNN.AirportDelays.processDelays': [{
prop: 'CNN.AirportDelays.processDelays',
to: function(n) {
var o, s, a = [],
r = {};
for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++) a.push(CNN.AirportDelays.requestAirportData(
o = e.when.apply(null, a), o.done(function() {
r.airports = [], e.each(arguments, function(e, n) {
var i = n[0],
o = CNN.AirportDelays.formatDelayData(i);
airportCode: i.IATA,
airportState: i.state,
delayDescriptionString: o.descriptionString,
delayDescriptionClass: o.descriptionClass,
averageDelay: i.status.avgDelay || i.status.minDelay ||
i.status.maxDelay || !1,
reason: i.status.reason.replace(
"this airport", i.IATA)
}), r.timestamp = i()
.format("h:mm a, MMM Do"), r["$var-size"] = e(
.data("size"), dust.render(
"views/cards/tool/weather-airport-delays", r,
function(e, n) {
e || CNN.AirportDelays.airportDelaysBody.empty()
'CNN.GridResize': [{
prop: 'CNN.GridResize',
to: {
fixHeight: function(e) {
var t, n, i, o, s, a, r, d, l = jQuery(e),
c = Math.round(l.eq(0)
.width() / jQuery(".cn__column", l)
u = Math.ceil(l.find(".cn__column")
.length / c),
h = c * u,
f = new Array(u),
m = 0;
if (l.attr("class")
.indexOf("carousel") > -1) return !1;
if (l.hasClass("cn-grid") && !l.hasClass(
"cn-grid-add-carousel")) {
for (t = 0; h > t; t++) i = Math.floor(t / c), a = l.find(
.height(), (void 0 === f[i] || null === f[i] || a > f[i]) &&
(f[i] = a);
for (n = 0; h > n; n++) o = l.find(".cd")
.eq(n), a = o.height(), s = jQuery(".cd__content", o), r =
s.height(), s.height(r + (f[Math.floor(n / c)] - a) +
} else d = jQuery(".cd", e)
.each(function() {
var e = jQuery(this)
e > m && (m = e);
}), d.each(function() {
var e = jQuery(this),
t = e.height(),
n = jQuery(".cd__content", e),
i = n.height();
n.height(i + (m - t) + "px");
fixGridHeights: function(e) {
if (e) {
var t, n;
for (t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; t++) Modernizr.ie8 || e.eq(
.css("height", "auto"), CNN.GridResize.fixHeight(e[t]);
'CNN.Chartbeat': [{
prop: 'CNN.Chartbeat',
to: CNN.Chartbeat || {}
'CNN.Outbrain': [{
prop: 'CNN.Outbrain',
to: CNN.Outbrain || {}
'CNN.Outbrain.init': [{
prop: 'CNN.Outbrain.init',
to: function() {
function e() {
CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth() <= s && o.filter(function() {
return i(this)
function t() {
url: "/web/20160903014131/",
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function n() {
fastdom.mutate(function() {
"section" === CNN.contentModel.pageType && CNN.Utils.existsObject(
CNN.ToggleOutbrain) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName]) && jQuery(
"div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" + CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName].zone.outBrainId +
var i = jQuery,
o = i(".js-m-outbrain"),
s = 640;
CNN.CurrentWidth = CNN.CurrentWidth || {}, CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth =
CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth || i.noop, e(), t(), n(), CNN
.Features.enableZoneOutbrain && jQuery(document)
.on("GPTRenderComplete ProgrammaticResizeComplete", function() {
fastdom.measure(function() {
var e, t, n, i, o, s, a = 0;
"section" === CNN.contentModel.pageType && CNN.Utils
.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(
) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName].zone) && (e =
jQuery(".ad-" + CNN.ToggleOutbrain[CNN.contentModel
.sectionName].zone.adId), t = e.find("iframe")[
0], n = t && t.contentDocument.body || {}, i =
.html() || "", o = e.parent()
.attr("data-ad-position"), s = CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
i.length > 0 && (a = t.height), fastdom.mutate(
function() {
jQuery("div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" + s +
.hide(), "desktop" === o && "250" === a &&
jQuery("div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" +
s + "]")
'CNN.CurrentWidth': [{
prop: 'CNN.CurrentWidth',
to: CNN.CurrentWidth || {}
'CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth': [{
prop: 'CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth',
to: CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth || i.noop
'CNN.Money': [{
prop: 'CNN.Money',
to: {
cardLoaded: {
currencies: !1,
commodities: !1,
markets: !1,
marketsBasic: !1
}, {
prop: 'CNN.Money',
to: CNN.Money || {}
'CNN.Financial': [{
prop: 'CNN.Financial',
to: function(e, t, n) {
function i() {
var t = {
currencies: {
$el: e(n.getElementById("js-financial-currencies")),
ssiPath: "/.element/ssi/auto/4.0/sect/INTLEDITION/iBUSINESS/wsod_currencies.html"
commodities: {
$el: e(n.getElementById("js-financial-commodities")),
ssiPath: "/.element/ssi/auto/4.0/sect/INTLEDITION/iBUSINESS/wsod_commodities.html"
markets: {
$el: e(n.getElementById("js-financial-markets")),
ssiPath: "/.element/ssi/auto/4.0/sect/MAIN/markets_wsod_expansion.html"
marketsBasic: {
$el: e(n.getElementById("js-financial-markets-basic")),
ssiPath: "/.element/ssi/auto/4.0/sect/MAIN/hp_markets_wsod_expansion.html"
e.each(t, a);
function o(t) {
return e.Deferred(function(n) {
url: t.ssiPath,
dataType: "html",
type: "get",
success: function(e) {
t.$el.append(e), n.resolve();
function s(t) {
var n = t.find(".js-quote-items"),
i = t.find(".js-quote-headers");
return function(o) {
var s = e(o.currentTarget),
a = s.index();
.removeClass("m-financial__tabs-item--active"), n.removeClass(
.addClass("m-financial__quote-content--active"), i.hide()
.show(), l(t, "tabs", a);
function a(t, n) {
CNN.Money.cardLoaded[t] !== !0 && e.Deferred(function(i) {
n.$el.length && (e.when(o(n))
.done(function() {
r(n.$el), d(n.$el), i.resolve(n.$el);
}), CNN.Money.cardLoaded[t] = !0, f[t] = i.promise()
function r(e) {
e.on("click", ".js-tab-item", s(e));
function d(e) {
.eq(l(e, "tabs"))
function l(e, t, n) {
var i = e.attr("id") + "_" + t + "_domestic";
return h ? "undefined" == typeof n ? store.get(i) : store.set(
i, n) : void 0;
function c(t) {
return f[t] || e.Deferred()
function u() {
return !1;
var h = "undefined" != typeof store && store.enabled,
f = {};
return {
restoreState: d,
dataStore: l,
checkLoaded: c,
stopSubmit: u,
init: i
}(jQuery, window, document)
'CNN.Money.cardLoaded[t]': [{
prop: 'CNN.Money.cardLoaded[t]',
to: !0
'CNN.MarketsConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.MarketsConfig',
to: CNN.MarketsConfig || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: function() {
function e(e) {
return a.parseJSON((a("#jsCode", e)
.val() || "{}")
.replace("WSOD = ", "")
.replace("data", '"data"'));
function t() {
var t = s.find(".js-quote-input"),
n = new Bloodhound({
limit: 5,
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
datumTokenizer: function(e) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(;
remote: {
url: r + "/",
filter: function(t) {
var n = e(t),
i = [];
return "undefined" != typeof && a.each(,
function(e, t) {
a.each(t, function(e, t) {
name: t.n,
symbol: t.s
}), i;
ajax: {
dataType: "html"
n.initialize(), t.typeahead({
hint: !1
}, {
name: "user-quote",
displayKey: "symbol",
source: n.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
suggestion: function(e) {
var t;
return dust.render(
function(e, n) {
t = n;
}), t;
}), s.closest(".column")
function n() {
var e = s.find(".js-quote-input");
return function() {
var t = e.val();
return t &&
"/web/20160903014131/" +
t, "_blank")
.focus(), !1;
function i(e) {
s = e.find(".js-market-quote"), CNN.Financial.restoreState(e),
o(), "undefined" != typeof Bloodhound && t();
function o() {
var e = n();
s.on("submit", e)
.on("click", ".js-quote-button", e);
var s, a = jQuery,
r = CNN.MarketsConfig.lookupService;
"function" == typeof CNN.Financial.checkLoaded && (a.when(CNN.Financial
.done(i), a.when(CNN.Financial.checkLoaded("marketsBasic"))
'CNN.Money.currencies': [{
prop: 'CNN.Money.currencies',
to: function() {
function e() {
var e = i.find(".js-conversion-output");
return function() {
var t = i.find(".js-field-list"),
n = i.find(".js-field-item")
a = t.first()
r = t.last()
url: s + "/1/" + a + "/" + r + "/" + n,
dataType: "html",
type: "get",
success: function(t) {
e.val(t.replace("= ", ""));
function t() {
var e = i.find(".js-field-list"),
t = e.first(),
n = e.last();
return function() {
var e = t.val(),
i = n.val();
t.val(i), n.val(e)
function n(n) {
n.on("blur change", ".js-field-item, .js-field-list", e())
.on("click", ".js-conversion-flip", t())
.on("submit", ".js-currency-converter", CNN.Financial.stopSubmit);
var i, o = jQuery,
s = CNN.MarketsConfig.converterService;
"function" == typeof CNN.Financial.checkLoaded && o.when(CNN.Financial
.done(function(e) {
i = e.find(".js-currency-converter");
}, n);
'CNN.PushAlerts': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts',
to: CNN.PushAlerts || {}
'CNN.PushAlertsConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlertsConfig',
to: CNN.PushAlertsConfig || {}
'CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari',
to: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari || {}
'CNN.PushAlerts.Safari': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts.Safari',
to: {
webServiceURL: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari.webServiceURL || "",
websitePushID: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari.websitePushID || "",
checkRemotePermission: function(e) {
if (CNN.Utils.existsObject(e))
if ("default" === e.permission) {
"Requesting user permission for Safari push alerts.");
try {
.Safari.webServiceURL, CNN.PushAlerts.Safari.websitePushID, {},
} catch (t) {
"Safari push alerts permission request failed:", t);
} else "denied" === e.permission ?
"User said no to Safari push alerts.") : "granted" ===
e.permission &&
"User said yes to Safari push alerts. deviceToken=" +
init: function() {
var e, t;
CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.Features) && CNN.Features.enableSafariPushAlerts &&
"safari" in window && "pushNotification" in window.safari &&
(e = window.location.origin,
"/web/20160903014131/" === e ||
"/web/20160903014131/" === e ||
"/web/20160903014131/" === e ? (t =
.Safari.websitePushID), CNN.PushAlerts.Safari.checkRemotePermission(
t)) :
"Safari push alerts are not available on " + e));
'CNN.PushAlerts.init': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts.init',
to: function() {
'CNN.UserMessageConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.UserMessageConfig',
to: CNN.UserMessageConfig || {}
'CNN.userMessage': [{
prop: 'CNN.userMessage',
to: CNN.userMessage || function(e, t, n) {
function i(e) {
return x.getCookie(e);
function o() {
E && D && P && x.setCNNCookie(E, D, P);
function s() {
return "tos" === A && CNN.Features.enableAspenForTOS === !0;
function a() {
s() && void 0 !== AspenCNNTOS.initialized && "function" ==
typeof AspenCNNTOS.send && t.addEventListener(
function(e) {
j(E) && !j(i(E)) && AspenCNNTOS.send("userClickedTOS", {
userClickedTOS: !1
function r() {
O || o(), C.animate({
height: 0
}, 1e3, function() {
C.hide(), s() && void 0 !== AspenCNNTOS.initialized &&
"function" == typeof AspenCNNTOS.send && AspenCNNTOS.send(
"userClickedTOS", {
userClickedTOS: !0
}), m();
function d() {
R && D && $ && x.setCNNCookie(R, D, $);
function l() {
var i = e.Deferred(),
o = (e("body[data-eq-state]")
.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, ""),
r = e(n.body)
return r || (isNaN(A) && e(n.getElementById(
.attr("id", A), c(), C.height(0)
.show(), C.animate({
height: L[o]
}, 1e3, function() {
s() && "function" == typeof AspenCNNTOS.init && (
site: "cnn",
appName: "cnntos",
environment: CNN.contentModel.env,
pageUrl: t.location.href
}), a()), i.resolve();
})), i.promise();
function c() {
e(".js-user-msg--close, .js-user-msg--agree")
.one("click", function(e) {
function u() {
return b[k];
function h() {
return k < b.length;
function f() {
h() && v(u());
function m() {
k++, f();
function p() {
.trigger(A + T);
function g() {
j(E) && j(i(E)) ? m() : l();
function y() {
function v(t) {
var n;
A = j( ? : k, M = j(t.headerText) ? t.headerText :
"", I = j(t.messageText) ? t.messageText : "", M.length > 0 &&
I.length > 0 && (e(".js-user-msg--header-text")
.html(M), e(".js-user-msg--body-text")
.html(I)), L = t.height, L.xsmall = L.small, L.full16x9 =
L.large, S(t.dismissCookie) && (n = t.dismissCookie, E = j( ? : "", D = j( ? n.value : "", P =
w(n), O = j(n.skip) && n.skip, z = j(n.defer) && n.defer,
R = j(n.oldCookieName) ? n.oldCookieName : "", $ = j(n.oldCookieExpiration) ?
n.oldCookieExpiration : ""), d(), O || z ? p() : g();
function _(e) {
var t, n;
for (t = 0; t < b.length; t++) n = b[t], (j( ? : t) ===
e && b.splice(t, 1);
function w(e) {
var t, n, i, o = new Date();
return j(e.expiration) && (n = new Date(e.expiration)), j(e.expirationPeriod) &&
(i = new Date(e.expirationPeriod + o.getTime())), t = n &&
i ? n > i ? i : n : n || i, t ? t.toUTCString() : "";
function N() {
var e = CNN.UserMessageConfig;
b = Array.isArray(e) ? e : "object" == typeof e && null !== e ? [
] : [], B = CNN.Features.enableUserMessage === !0, B && (
Modernizr.ie8 || _("ie8"), f());
var C = e(".user-msg"),
b = [],
k = 0,
x = CNN.Utils,
j = x.exists,
S = x.existsObject,
B = !1,
A = "",
T = "_userMessageReady",
E = "",
D = "",
P = "",
M = "",
I = "",
L = {},
O = !1,
z = !1,
R = "",
$ = "";
return {
showMessage: l,
showDeferredMessage: y,
closeMessage: r,
init: N
}(jQuery, window, document)
'CNN.siblingNavigation': [{
prop: 'CNN.siblingNavigation',
to: i.extend({}, {
fastdomIds: [],
threshold: r.threshold,
template: "views/pages/common/navigation-siblings",
disableHoverThreshold: r.disableHoverThreshold,
disableHover: !1,
getAnalyticsLib: function() {
var t = e.Analytics && e.Analytics.utils && "function" ==
typeof e.Analytics.utils.addTrackingTags,
n = t ? e.Analytics.utils : {
addTrackingTags: i.noop
return t || console.warn(
"navigation-siblings::getTrackingTags: Unable to find analytics library. Using mock object instead!"
), n;
getCurrentWidthLib: function() {
var t = e.CurrentWidth && "function" == typeof e.CurrentWidth
n = t ? e.CurrentWidth : {
getClientWidth: i.noop
return t || console.warn(
"navigation-siblings::getCurrentWidthLib: Unable to find current width library. Using mock object instead!"
), n;
isEndOfPage: function() {
s.measure(i.proxy(function() {
var CNN = "do nothing",
t = i(".sibling"),
o = i(n)
a = t.eq(0)
.top / o,
r = a > this.disableHoverThreshold;
r && !this.disableHover && (e = "add"), !r &&
this.disableHover && (e = "remove"), this.disableHover =
r, "do nothing" !== CNN && s.mutate(function() {
switch (CNN) {
case "add":
case "remove":
}, this));
finishedRenderingSiblingNavigation: function(e, n) {
var o, r = "number" == typeof this.disableHoverThreshold;
e ? (console.error(
"Could not render %s with given template model %o",
this.template, a), console.error(e)) : (o = s.mutate(
function() {
".sibling"), this.enableScrolling && i(t)
.throttleEvent("scroll.siblingNavigation", i.proxy(
this.isEndOfPage, this.self), 100);
}, {
html: n,
analytics: this.getAnalyticsLib(),
isEndOfPage: this.isEndOfPage,
enableScrolling: r,
self: this
}), this.fastdomIds.push(o));
processTheSection: function(e) {
var t, n, i, o, s = {
siblings: {
previous: {},
next: {}
a = {},
r = {},
d = "object" == typeof location && location.pathname ?
location.pathname : "";
if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e)
for (n = CNN.nav && CNN.nav.siblings && CNN.nav.siblings
.articleList ? CNN.nav.siblings.articleList : [], s.siblings
.next = n[0] || {}, i = 0, o = n.length; o > i; i +=
if (a = n[i - 1] || {}, t = n[i] || {}, r = n[i + 1] || {},
t.uri === d) {
s.siblings.previous = a, = r;
return s;
requestTheModel: function() {
var e, t = "/data/ocs/section/index.html:*.json",
n = a;
return a.siblings.isUsable || (e = i.ajax(t, {
async: !0,
dataType: "json",
cache: !0,
method: "GET"
.pipe(this.processTheSection), n = e.promise()), n;
render: function(e) {
o.render(this.template, e, i.proxy(this.finishedRenderingSiblingNavigation,
shouldIAddSiblingNavigation: function() {
"navigation-sibling::shouldIAddSiblingNavigation: start"
var e = this.getCurrentWidthLib()
e >= this.threshold && (i.when(this.requestTheModel())
.done(i.proxy(this.render, this)), i(t)
.off("resize.siblingNavigation")), console.timeStamp(
"navigation-sibling::shouldIAddArticleNavigation: end"
clearAllJobs: function() {
var e, t = this.fastdomIds;
for (e = t.length - 1; CNN >= 0; e -= 1) s.clear(t.pop());
readySetGo: function() {
var e = a.hasOwnProperty("siblings") && a.siblings.hasOwnProperty(
"isUsable") && "number" == typeof this.threshold;
e && (i(t)
.throttleEvent("resize.siblingNavigation", i.proxy(
this.shouldIAddSiblingNavigation, this), 100),
"function" == typeof i.fn.onZonesAndDomReady ? i(n)
this)) : i(n)
.load(i.proxy(this.shouldIAddSiblingNavigation, this)),
.on("pageHide", i.proxy(this.clearAllJobs, this)));
}, CNN.siblingNavigation || {})
'CNN.merge_fields': [{
prop: 'CNN.merge_fields',
to: {}
'CNN[]': [{
prop: 'CNN[]',
to: t.value
'CNN.newsletterSubscriptionCard': [{
prop: 'CNN.newsletterSubscriptionCard',
to: function() {
var t, n, s, a, r = {
inputcontext: "cmcs-input-include",
uicontext: ".js-cmcs-card"
d = {
inputcontext: "cmcs-input-footer",
uicontext: ".js-cmcs-footer-card"
l = {
inputcontext: "cmcs-article-embed",
uicontext: ".js-cmcs-embedded"
CNN = CNN.Mailchimp || {},
u = CNN.section,
h = {
errorblock: ".js-subscribe-error",
form: ".js-cmcs-subscription-form",
section: CNN.contentModel.sectionName || "",
submitbutton: ".js-mc-submit",
success: "submit-success"
f = {
email: "Your e-mail address is invalid.",
success: "Check your email to confirm your subscription.",
invalidType: "Your submission was not accepted."
m = function(t) {
var CNN, o = e.Deferred();
return "object" == typeof t && t.activelist && t.cardtext &&
t.branding ? (i = {
activeList: t.activelist,
base: t.baselist,
formAction: t.action,
intro: t.cardtext.intro,
label: t.cardtext.label,
title: t.cardtext.title
}, n = e.extend(!0, {
enableInFooter: u[h.section].enableFooter,
overrideSectionFooter: t.overrideSectionFooter,
footer: !0
}, CNN, d), s = e.extend(!0, {
enableInclude: u[h.section].enableInclude,
cmsinclude: !0,
hasBranding: t.branding.imageUrl,
imageBreakpoints: CNN.ImageBreakpoints,
imageCutPaths: {
mini: "/web/20160903014131/" +,
xsmall: "/web/20160903014131/" +
small: "/web/20160903014131/" +
medium: "/web/20160903014131/" +
large: "/web/20160903014131/" +
full16x9: "/web/20160903014131/" +
}, r, CNN), a = e.extend(!0, {
articleEmbed: t.articleEmbed,
media: "/web/20160903014131/" +
}, l, CNN), o.resolveWith({
footer: n,
branded: s,
embedded: a
})) : o.reject(), o.promise()
.fail(function() {
"Newsletter subscription card failed before render"
p = function(t) {
var n, CNN = e.Deferred(),
o = !1,
s = "views/cards/tool/mailchimp-subscribe-form";
return n = t, n[0].enableInFooter === !0 && n[0].overrideSectionFooter ===
!1 && (n[0].enableInFooter = !1), (n[0].enableInFooter ||
n[0].overrideSectionFooter) && dust.render(s, n[0],
function(t, s) {
t && (CNN.reject(), console.log(
"Rendering footer subscription card failed during - " +
t)), e(n[0].uicontext)
.addClass("cmcs-footer-active"), o = !0;
}), n[1].enableInclude && dust.render(s, n[1], function(
t, s) {
t && (CNN.reject(t), console.log(
"Including subscription card failed during - " +
t)), e(n[1].uicontext)
.html(s), o = !0;
}), n[2].articleEmbed && dust.render(s, n[2], function(t,
s) {
t && (CNN.reject(t), console.log(
"Embedding subscription card failed during - " +
t)), e(n[2].uicontext)
.addClass("cmcs-embedded"), o = !0;
}), o ? CNN.resolve() : CNN.reject(), CNN.promise()
.fail(function() {
"Newsletter subscription card failed to render");
g = function(e, t) {
var n, CNN = "";
if (e && "object" == typeof e) {
if (!t) return e;
for (n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && !Array.isArray(t[n]) &&
(i += t[n] + ":");
i = CNN.substr(0, CNN.length - 1), e.merge_fields.SOURCE =
return e;
y = function(t, n) {
var o, s, a = g(n, {
edition: CNN.contentModel.edition,
pageType: CNN.contentModel.pageType,
sectionName: CNN.contentModel.sectionName
try {
o = JSON.stringify(a);
} catch (r) {
return void w(f.invalidType);
type: "POST",
url: t,
data: o,
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json",
cache: !1,
success: function(e, t, n) {
200 === n.status && N(f.success);
error: function(e, t, n) {
"error" === t && e.responseText && (s = JSON.parse(
e.responseText), w(s.message));
v = function(e, t) {
var n =
n.test(h.input.val()) ? y(e, t) : (b(), w(;
_ = function() {
.on("click", function(t) {
h.input = e(this)
.find("[type=email]"), h.submit = e(this);
}), e(".cmcs-subscription-wrapper form")
.on("submit", function(t) {
var n = e(
CNN = {},
s =;
t.preventDefault(), e.each(n, function(e, t) {
CNN[] = t.value;
}), CNN.merge_fields = {}, o.mutate(function() {
h.submit.prop("disabled", !0);
}), v(s, CNN);
w = function(e) {
o.mutate(function() {
b(), h.submit.siblings(".cmcs-input-email")
N = function(e) {
o.mutate(function() {
.addClass(h.success), h.submit.closest(h.form)
.text(e), C();
C = function() {
var t = e(".js-cnn-sub-ok");
h.submit.prop("disabled", !1), t.on("click", function(e) {
o.mutate(function() {
b(), h.input.val(""), h.submit.closest(h.form)
b = function() {
var t = e(h.errorblock);
t && t.each(function(t, n) {
}), h.submit.prop("disabled", !1);
return {
init: function(n) {
t || (t = m(n)
.then(function() {
p([this.footer, this.branded, this.embedded]);
.then(function() {
'CNN.BylineImages': [{
prop: 'CNN.BylineImages',
to: function() {
function r() {
var CNN = n.Deferred();
return i.measure(function() {
}), CNN.promise();
function d() {
n.when(v, r())
.done(function(e, t) {
i.mutate(function() {
function l(CNN, t) {
CNN ? v.reject(CNN) : v.resolve(t);
function c() {
"pending" === v.state() && i.mutate(function() {
o.render(g, y, l);
function u() {
.off("resize.bylineimages"), n(a)
.off("bylineimages.start"), n(a)
.onZonesAndDomReady(d), c();
function h() {
m && CNN.CurrentWidth.getClientWidth() > p && (m = !1, n(a)
function f() {
var t = "object" == typeof CNN.contentModel && "object" ==
typeof CNN.contentModel.bylineImages && CNN.contentModel.bylineImages
.length > 0;
t && "number" == typeof p && (y = {
bylineImages: CNN.contentModel.bylineImages
}, n(a)
.on("bylineimages.start", u), n(s)
.throttleEvent("resize.bylineimages", h, 263), h());
var m, p, g, y, v;
return m = !0, p = t.threshold, g =
"views/pages/common/byline-images", y = [], v = n.Deferred(), {
readySetGo: f
'CNN.SocialConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig',
to: CNN.SocialConfig || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.avatar': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.avatar',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.avatar || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.gigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.gigya',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.gigya || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.msib': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.msib',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.msib || {}
'CNN.accounts': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts',
to: CNN.accounts || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.appId': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.appId',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.gigya.appId
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.shareButtons': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.shareButtons',
to: "Email,Facebook,Twitter,Share"
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.networkName': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.networkName',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.networkName
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.siteId': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.siteId',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.siteId
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.srcDomain': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.srcDomain',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.srcDomain
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.tokenEndpoint': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.tokenEndpoint',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.tokenEndpoint
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.pingEndpoint': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.pingEndpoint',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.pingEndpoint
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts.loginUrl': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts.loginUrl',
to: "/login.html"
'CNN.accounts.avatarForScreenName': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.avatarForScreenName',
to: a
'CNN.accounts.getLoginUrl': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.getLoginUrl',
to: n
'CNN.accounts.isLoaded': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.isLoaded',
to: !1
}, {
prop: 'CNN.accounts.isLoaded',
to: !0
'CNN.accounts.loadGigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.loadGigya',
to: d
'CNN.accounts.pingLivefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.pingLivefyre',
to: m
'CNN.accounts.clearLivefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.clearLivefyre',
to: r
'CNN.accounts.onInitialized': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.onInitialized',
to: o
'CNN.accounts.setLivefyreToken': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.setLivefyreToken',
to: p
'CNN.accounts.cfg': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.cfg',
to: v
'CNN.accounts.user': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.user',
to: CNN.accounts.user || this
'': [{
prop: '',
to: n
'': [{
prop: '',
to: o
'': [{
prop: '',
to: this.currentVideoCollection
'': [{
prop: '',
'CNN.goActiveUntil': [{
prop: 'CNN.goActiveUntil',
to: 0
}, {
prop: 'CNN.goActiveUntil',
to: 6e4 * CNN.VideoConfig.liveStream.pageRefreshTime +
'CNN.Utils': [{
prop: 'CNN.Utils',
to: CNN.Utils || {}
'CNN.Videx': [{
prop: 'CNN.Videx',
to: CNN.Videx || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: {}
'': [{
prop: '',
}, {
prop: '',
to: i[0].dataset.vrContentbox || i[0].dataset.videoPlaylistUrl ||
const cnn_header_second_min_js = {
CNN: [{
prop: 'CNN',
to: window.CNN || {}
'CNN.AdsConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdsConfig',
to: CNN.AdsConfig || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || {}
'CNN.Features': [{
prop: 'CNN.Features',
to: CNN.Features || {}
'CNN.Utils': [{
prop: 'CNN.Utils',
to: CNN.Utils || function(e, t, n, i) {
"use strict";
function r(e) {
var t = null;
return "string" == typeof e && Date.parse(e) ? t = e :
"number" == typeof e && (t = new Date( + e * A)
.toGMTString()), t;
function o(e) {
var t, n = !0,
r = function(e) {
return e !== i && null !== e;
for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)
if (!r(arguments[t])) {
n = !1;
return n;
function a(e) {
var t, n = !0,
i = function(e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e;
for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)
if (!i(arguments[t])) {
n = !1;
return n;
function s() {
var e, t, i = {},
r = 0;
if (n.cookie)
for (e = n.cookie.split("; "); r < e.length; r++) t = e[r].split(
"="), i[t[0]] = decodeURIComponent(t[1]) || null;
return i;
function l(e) {
return null !== c(e);
function c(e) {
var t = new RegExp("(^|;)\\\\s*" + e + "\\\\s*=\\\\s*([^;]+)"),
i = n.cookie.match(t);
return i ? i.pop() : null;
function u(e, t, i, a, s, l) {
var c = "";
o(e) && o(t) && (i = r(i), a = o(a) ? a : "/", s = o(s) ? s :
"", l = o(l) ? l : !1, c += e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(
t), o(i) && (c += ";expires=" + i), a && (c += ";path=" +
a), s && (c += ";domain=" + s), l && (c += "; secure"),
n.cookie = c);
function d(e, t, n, i) {
u(e, t, n, "/", "", i);
function f(e, t, i) {
var r = "";
o(e) && (t = o(t) ? t : "/", i = o(i) ? i : "", r += e +
"=;expires=" + T, t && (r += ";path=" + t), i && (r +=
";domain=" + i), n.cookie = r);
function p(e) {
f(e, "/", "");
function h(e, n, i) {
var r;
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 && "string" ==
typeof n)
if (C === !1) u(e, n, "session" === i ? null : i, "/",
"", !1);
else try {
"session" === i ? t.sessionStorage.setItem(e, n) : (t.localStorage
.setItem(e, n), "number" == typeof i ? (r = new Date( + i * A), t.localStorage.setItem(e +
"__expires", r.getTime()
.toString(10))) : "string" == typeof i &&
"session" !== i && (r = new Date(i), r.getTime() > && t.localStorage.setItem(e +
"__expires", r.getTime()
} catch (o) {}
function g(e) {
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0) {
if (C === !1) return l(e);
try {
if (o(t.sessionStorage.getItem(e)) || o(t.localStorage.getItem(
e + "__expires"))) return !0;
} catch (n) {}
return !1;
function m(e) {
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0)
if (C === !1) f(e);
else {
try {
t.localStorage.removeItem(e), t.localStorage.removeItem(
e + "__expires");
} catch (n) {}
try {
} catch (n) {}
function v(e) {
var n, i = null;
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0) try {
C === !1 ? c(e) : null !== (n = t.localStorage.getItem(e +
"__expires")) ? parseInt(n, 10) > ? i = t.localStorage
.getItem(e) : m(e) : (i = t.sessionStorage.getItem(e),
o(i) || (i = t.localStorage.getItem(e)));
} catch (r) {}
return i;
function y(e) {
var n, i, r, o, a, s, l = e;
if ("function" == typeof t.btoa) try {
n = t.btoa(l);
} catch (c) {
n = t.btoa(e.replace(
} else {
if (i =
.split(""), r = "", o = "", a = l.length % 3, a > 0)
for (; 3 > a; a++) o += "=", l += "\\x00";
for (a = 0; a < l.length; a += 3) a > 0 && a / 3 * 4 % 76 ===
0 && (r += "\r"), s = (l.charCodeAt(a) << 16) + (l.charCodeAt(
a + 1) << 8) + l.charCodeAt(a + 2), s = [s >>> 18 &
63, s >>> 12 & 63, s >>> 6 & 63, 63 & s
], r += i[s[0]] + i[s[1]] + i[s[2]] + i[s[3]];
n = r.substring(0, r.length - o.length) + o;
return n;
function _(e) {
var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, c, u = e;
if ("function" == typeof t.atob) try {
n = t.atob(u);
} catch (d) {
console.log(d.message, "String to decode: " + u);
} else {
for (i =
.split(""), r = {}, c = 0; c < i.length; c++) r[i[c]] =
for (u = u.replace(new RegExp("[^" + i.join("") + "=]",
"g"), ""), a = "=" === u.charAt(u.length - 1) ? "=" ===
u.charAt(u.length - 2) ? "AA" : "A" : "", o = "", u = u
.substr(0, u.length - a.length) + a, s = 0; s < u.length; s +=
4) l = (r[u.charAt(s)] << 18) + (r[u.charAt(s + 1)] <<
12) + (r[u.charAt(s + 2)] << 6) + r[u.charAt(s + 3)],
o += String.fromCharCode(l >>> 16 & 255, l >>> 8 & 255,
255 & l);
n = o.substring(0, o.length - a.length);
return n;
function w(e) {
return e.replace("#", "");
function b() {
var C, A = 36e5,
T = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC";
return C = function() {
try {
var e = "__test_it";
return t.localStorage.setItem(e, e), t.localStorage.removeItem(
e), t.sessionStorage.setItem(e, e), t.sessionStorage.removeItem(
e), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
}(), {
exists: o,
existsObject: a,
getCookies: s,
getCookie: c,
cookieExists: l,
setCookie: u,
deleteCookie: f,
setCNNCookie: d,
deleteCNNCookie: p,
storeLocalValue: h,
hasLocalValue: g,
deleteLocalValue: m,
getLocalValue: v,
b64Encode: y,
b64Decode: _,
stripHash: w,
isPhone: b
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window.location.href.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? n >= 0 ?
n) + "&refresh=1" + window.location.href.substr(n)) :
window.location.replace(window.location.href +
"&refresh=1") : n >= 0 ? window.location.replace(
window.location.href.substr(0, n) + "?refresh=1" +
window.location.href.substr(n)) : window.location.replace(
window.location.href + "?refresh=1")));
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0 && (r = i(t.className), null !== r && r.length > 0))
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0 && a % t === 0 && "undefined" != typeof r.intervals[e] &&
for (n = 0; n < r.intervals[e].length; n++) r.triggerTimer(
if (r.adList.length > 0) try {
} catch (s) {
console.log("Failed to refresh ads (" + r.adList.join(",") +
"): ", s);
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prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalVisAction',
to: function() {
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s = new Date()
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e, s >= CNN.goActiveUntil && a.forceReset > 0 && (a.forceReset -=
e, a.forceReset <= 0 && a.triggerTimer(CNN.pageTimer)), a
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setTimeout(a.intervalVisAction, 6e4 * (n + 1) - a.visibleTimeAccrued),
n > 0) {
a.adList = [];
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r > 0 && n % r === 0 && "undefined" != typeof a.intervalsVis[
t] && i.isArray(a.intervalsVis[t]))
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t][o].isPage || s >= CNN.goActiveUntil) && a.triggerTimer(
if (a.adList.length > 0) try {
} catch (l) {
console.log("Failed to refresh ads (" + a.adList.join(",") +
"): ", l);
'CNN.refreshTimer.handleVisibilityChange': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.handleVisibilityChange',
to: function() {
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clearTimeout(n.intervalsVisId), n.intervalsVisId = null, n.hiddenTime =
i, n.visibleTime > 0 && (n.visibleTimeAccrued += i - n.visibleTime,
n.visibleTime = 0)) : null === n.intervalsVisId && (t =
6e4 - n.visibleTimeAccrued % 6e4, n.visibleTime = i, n.hiddenResetThreshold >
0 && n.hiddenTime > 0 && CNN.goActiveUntil <= i && (e = i -
n.hiddenTime, (n.forceReset > 0 || n.hiddenResetThreshold <
e && n.hiddenResetDelay < 6e4 * (CNN.pageTimer.interval -
1) - n.visibleTimeAccrued) && (n.forceReset > 0 ? n.forceReset -=
e : n.forceReset = n.hiddenResetDelay, n.forceReset <=
0 && n.triggerTimer(CNN.pageTimer))), n.hiddenTime = 0,
n.intervalsVisId = setTimeout(n.intervalVisAction, t));
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prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsId',
to: setInterval(CNN.refreshTimer.intervalAction, 6e4)
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to: n
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prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.visibleTime',
to: n
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prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsVisId',
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isWorking: function() {
return "number" == typeof this.working;
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var e =
"Requesting the height before this object has had a chance to do a first read of the client\'s height";
return this.lastKnownHeight === -1 && console.warn(
"current-height::getClientHeight: %s", e), this.lastKnownHeight;
trackClientHeight: function() {
var e;
this.isWorking() || (e = i.measure(function() {
this.lastKnownHeight = n(t)
.height(), this.clearWorking();
}, this), this.working = e);
clearWorking: function() {
this.isWorking() && (i.clear(this.working), this.working = !
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this.lastKnownHeight = n(t)
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.on("resize", n.proxy(this.trackClientHeight, this)), n(
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isWorking: function() {
return "number" == typeof this.working;
getClientWidth: function() {
var e =
"Requesting the width before this object has had a chance to do a first read of the client\'s width";
return this.lastKnownWidth === -1 && console.warn(
"current-width::getClientWidth: %s", e), this.lastKnownWidth;
trackClientWidth: function() {
var e;
this.isWorking() || (e = i.measure(function() {
this.lastKnownWidth = n(t)
.width(), this.clearWorking();
}, this), this.working = e);
clearWorking: function() {
this.isWorking() && (i.clear(this.working), this.working = !
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this.lastKnownWidth = n(t)
.width(), n(t)
.on("resize", n.proxy(this.trackClientWidth, this)), n(
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isWorking: function() {
return "number" == typeof this.working;
getClientScrollTop: function() {
var e =
"Requesting the ScrollTop before this object has had a chance to do a first read of the client\'s ScrollTop";
return this.lastKnownScrollTop === -1 && console.warn(
"current-ScrollTop::getClientScrollTop: %s", e), this
trackClientScrollTop: function() {
var e;
this.isWorking() || (e = i.measure(function() {
this.lastKnownScrollTop = n(t)
.scrollTop(), this.clearWorking();
}, this), this.working = e);
clearWorking: function() {
this.isWorking() && (i.clear(this.working), this.working = !
readySetGo: function() {
this.lastKnownScrollTop = n(t)
.scrollTop(), n(t)
.on("scroll", n.proxy(this.trackClientScrollTop, this)),
.on("pagehide", n.proxy(this.clearWorking, this));
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a = 0;
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for (i = s[o], n = i.chunkNames, a = 0; a < n.length; a++) n[
a] === e && (r =
"/web/20160903014109/" +, t && (r += "?version=latest&client=expansion"));
return r;
'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeature',
to: function(i) {
var r = !1,
a = e(i),
s = CNN.INJECTOR.getUrlForFeatureName(i, r);
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a.state() && jQuery.ajax({
dataType: "script",
cache: !0,
url: s
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prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.executeFeature',
to: function(n, o) {
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return "undefined" == typeof a && (a = t(n, o), "rejected" !==
a.state() && jQuery.ajax({
dataType: "script",
cache: !0,
url: s
.done(jQuery.proxy(r, null, a))
.fail(jQuery.proxy(i, null, a))), a.promise();
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exists: !0,
executed: !0
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prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.resetNameSpaceFeature',
to: function(e) {
u[e] = jQuery.Deferred();
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prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.getNameSpaceFeature',
to: function(e) {
var t, n, i = e.split("."),
r = window,
o = !0;
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else {
for (u[e] = jQuery.Deferred(), t = u[e].promise(), n = 0; n <
i.length; n++) r = r[i[n]], "undefined" == typeof r && (o = !
o ? u[e].resolve({
isLoaded: !0
}) : u[e].reject({
isLoaded: !1
return t;
const name // min file unmangled
'Global CNN varible w/ property chain': [
prop: 'lhs' // CNN w/ property chain assignee
to: 'rhs' // Assigned to
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to: CNN.Analytics || {}
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to: CNN.contentModel || {}
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prop: 'CNN.Gallery',
to: CNN.Gallery || {}
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to: function () {
"use strict";
function e () {
var e = CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth(),
t = 640,
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a = 1120,
i = "no-value-set";
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e && e >= t ? "8col" : "4col";
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return t.section = "section front", t.special = "specials", t
.videos = "video", "string" == typeof e && e in t && (e = t[
e]), "undefined" == typeof CNN.contentModel ||
"undefined" == typeof CNN.contentModel.sectionName ||
"homepage" !== CNN.contentModel.sectionName &&
"intl_homepage" !== CNN.contentModel.sectionName || (e =
"index"), e;
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i = 0;
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t : "", n = "string" == typeof n && n.length > 0 ? ";path=" +
n : ";path=/"; i < a.length; i++) document.cookie = a[i] +
n + t + ";";
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"string" == typeof t && t.length > 0 && n(t), e.currentTarget
.attributes.hasOwnProperty("data-vr-track") && window._vrtrack({
track_url: e.currentTarget.href,
event_type: "partner"
function i () {
var n, a, i, r, c, l = CNN.contentModel.pageType,
s = "no-value-set",
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u = e(),
p = jQuery(CNN.Carousel.carouselSelector)
g = jQuery("div[data-analytics-pivit]")
.length > 0,
h = s,
y = s,
_ = s,
m = jQuery(".js-media__video")
f = CNN.contentModel.env || s,
N = &&
.showName || "",
b = CNN.contentModel.title || s,
C = [],
v = s,
w = s,
k = s,
j = s,
M = s,
T = s,
Q = "none",
z = 0,
S = "";
if ("undefined" == typeof CNN.contentModel || "undefined" == typeof CNN.contentModel.pageType || "undefined" == typeof CNN
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.pageType && "homepage" !== CNN.contentModel.sectionName &&
"intl_homepage" !== CNN.contentModel.sectionName || (b = s),
"undefined" != typeof CNN.contentModel && "undefined" != typeof CNN.contentModel.layout && "error" === CNN.contentModel
.layout && (l = "error"), p.length) switch (l) {
case "article":
h ="galleryname"), y = p.find(
case "gallery":
h = b, y = p.find("[data-slidename]")
.data("slidename"), z = 1;
"undefined" != typeof && (
"undefined" != typeof &&
(_ =, C = CNN.contentModel
.analytics.publishDate.split("T")[0].split("-"), 3 ===
C.length && (_ = C[0] + "/" + C[1] + "/" + C[2])), v = || s, w = CNN.contentModel
.analytics.cap_genre || s, k =
.cap_franchise || s, j = ||
s, M = || s, T =
CNN.contentModel.pageType || s, r =
.branding_content_page || s, n =
.branding_content_zone || s, a =
.branding_content_container || s, i =
.branding_content_card || s, c =
.contentId || s, "gallery" === T && "string" == typeof CNN &&
"default" !== &&
(S =, g &&
(Q = "pivit widget")), jQuery.extend(CNN.omniture, {
branding_ad_page: s,
branding_ad_zone: s,
branding_ad_container: s,
branding_ad_card: s,
branding_content_page: r,
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i.length && (y = i)), i = v.length ?"analytics") :
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0 ? c[0] : r, N = N.replace(/\\s/g, "-"), b = c[1], c.length >=
4 && c[3].length > 0 ? _ = c[3] : 0 === n.text()
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"text"), n.eq(0)
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S[1].toLowerCase() : r, Q = "flyout-submenu" === S[0] ? S[
1].toLowerCase() : r, z = r), i ="analytics"),
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z = r), 2 === S.length && (u = S[0].toLowerCase(), T =
S[1].toLowerCase(), Q = r, z = r), 3 === S.length && (u =
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gallery_slide_count: i.slideCount,
gallery_slide: i.slideNumber,
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e), null !== window.trackMetrics && void 0 !==
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0, l(e));
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e.length; n++) e[n] instanceof CNN.Jumbotron.Container &&
"undefined" != typeof e[n].jumbotronElementRaw && (
.on("carousel-action-event", t), Modernizr.touchevents ?
.on(, t) : (jQuery(e[n].jumbotronElementRaw)
.on("click", t), jQuery(e[n].jumbotronElementRaw)
.on(, t)));
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console.log("Error caught in initJumbotronTracking: %s", a.message);
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"open") : (n.addClass("open"), jQuery(
".nav .container > .mega-nav .m-navigation__mega-nav-item"
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1, t && e.addClass("open");
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'CNN.PlainNavigation': [{
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jQuery(document.getElementById("menu")), this.$articleTitle =
"js-nav-section-article-title")), this.$sectionExpandIcon =
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document.getElementById("search-button")), this.$searchSubmitButton =
jQuery(document.getElementById("submit-button")), this.$editionPicker =
jQuery(".edition-picker__current-edition"), this.detectSubNav(),
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.on("scroll", function () {
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.scrollTop() > 100);
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.html(CNN.contentModel.title)), this.$editionItems.on(
"click", this.changeEdition), this.$flyoutFooterEditionItems
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"click", this.hideEdition), this.$searchSubmitButton.on(
"click", this.searchSubmit), this.$sectionExpandIcon.on(
"click", this.sectionRootExpand), this.$searchButton.on(
function (e) {
window.innerWidth < CNN.PlainNavigation.breakpoint ?
CNN.PlainNavigation.searchSubmit(e) : CNN.PlainNavigation
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hideEdition: function () {
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sectionRootExpand: function (e) {
window.innerWidth >= CNN.PlainNavigation.breakpoint || (e.preventDefault(),
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e.preventDefault(), jQuery(document.getElementById(
searchExpand: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(), jQuery("body")
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toggleEdition: function (e) {
e && e.preventDefault(), jQuery("body")
.hasClass("nav-open") === !0 && window.innerWidth >= CNN.PlainNavigation
.pickerBreakpoint || (jQuery(
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detectSubNav: function () {
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t = jQuery("body")
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t !== !0 && n !== !0 || "homepage" === e || "intl_homepage" ===
e || jQuery(document.getElementById("nav"))
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i = n.parent(),
s = i.parent(),
o ="location") + "_" +"analytics"),
a = CNN.Host && CNN.Host.domain || window.location.hostname,
r ="value"),
l = r + "?hpt=" + o,
d ="type");
CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.edition && (a =
"international" === CNN.contentModel.edition ? "edition" :
"www"), -1 === a.indexOf(d) && (window.location = l);
'CNN.selectNavigation': [{
prop: 'CNN.selectNavigation',
to: function (e, t) {
if ("undefined" == typeof e) throw "selector is not defined";
t !== !0 && (t = !1), jQuery(e)
.on("change", function () {
var e = jQuery(this)
t === !1 ? window.location = e : window.location.hash =
"#" + e;
'CNN.EditionPrefs': [{
prop: 'CNN.EditionPrefs',
to: CNN.EditionPrefs || function (e) {
function t () {
n(), i();
function n () {
d.on("click", ".js-edition-preferences__confirm", o);
function i () {
.prop("checked", !1)
.filter('[data-type="' + g + '"]')
.prop("checked", !0), jQuery(
.prop("checked", !1)
.filter('[value="' + g + '"]')
.prop("checked", !0);
function s (e, t) {
a(e, c), CNN.EditionPicker.togglePicker(), CNN.EditionPicker.changeEdition(!
1, t);
function o (t) {
var n = e(t.currentTarget)
i = n.find("input")
s(i.val(), i.parent());
function a (e, t) {
CNN.Utils.setCNNCookie(u, e, t);
function r () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
function l (t) {
var d = e(".js-edition-picker__list"),
c = 854400,
u = CNN.EditionCookie,
h = "international" === CNN.contentModel.edition ? "edition" :
f = CNN.Utils.getCookie(u),
g = CNN.Utils.exists(f) ? f : h;
return t(), {
showPreferences: l,
hidePreferences: r,
indicateCurrentEdition: i
'CNN.EditionPicker': [{
prop: 'CNN.EditionPicker',
to: CNN.EditionPicker || function (e, t) {
function n (e) {
function i () {
r.on("click", n)
.on("click", ".list .item--edition", s)
.on("click", ".current", o)
.on("click", ".item--select", CNN.EditionPrefs.showPreferences);
function s (n, i) {
var s = n ? e(n.currentTarget) : i,
o = s.children("input"),
a = s.closest(".list"),
r ="location") + "_" +"analytics"),
l = CNN.Host && CNN.Host.domain || t.location.hostname,
d ="value"),
c = d + "?hpt=" + r;
CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.edition && (l =
"international" === CNN.contentModel.edition ? "edition" :
"www"), -1 === l.indexOf(o.val()) && (t.location = c);
function o (t) {
var n = t ? e(t.currentTarget)
.closest(".edition-picker") : r;
n.hasClass("open") ? (n.removeClass("open"),"click", o)) :
(r.removeClass("open"), n.addClass("open"),"click",
var a = e("body"),
r = e(".edition-picker");
return e(document)
.onZonesAndDomReady(i), {
changeEdition: s,
togglePicker: o
}(jQuery, window)
'CNN.RefreshAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.RefreshAds',
to: CNN.RefreshAds || {
lastKnownViewportWidth: 0,
breakpoint1: 480,
breakpoint2: 782,
breakpoint3: 1024,
refreshAllAds: function () {
var e = this.getViewPortSize();
(e.width >= this.breakpoint1 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint1 || e.width <= this.breakpoint1 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint1 || e.width >= this.breakpoint2 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint2 || e.width <= this.breakpoint2 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint2 || e.width >= this.breakpoint3 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth <
this.breakpoint3 || e.width <= this.breakpoint3 && this.lastKnownViewportWidth >
this.breakpoint3) && this.amptResizeAllAds(), this.lastKnownViewportWidth =
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var t = 0;
return "number" == typeof n.innerWidth ? t = n.innerHeight :
i.documentElement && (i.documentElement.clientWidth || i.documentElement
.clientHeight) ? t = i.documentElement.clientHeight : i
.body && (i.body.clientWidth || i.body.clientHeight) && (
t = i.body.clientHeight), {
width: e.CurrentSize && "function" == typeof e.CurrentSize
.getClientWidth ? e.CurrentSize.getClientWidth() : 0,
height: t
amptResizeAllAds: function () {
var t = e.MultiAds && e.MultiAds.getAdlib ? e.MultiAds.getAdlib() : {};
t.refreshAllAds && t.refreshAllAds();
'CNN.MultiAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.MultiAds',
to: CNN.MultiAds || {
domAds: [],
updatedAds: [],
updatePosition: "desktop",
adGroups: {},
adGroupIds: [],
getAdlib: function () {
var e = n[s],
t = e && e.processNewRegistry && e.refreshAd && e.requestAndRenderAds &&
return t || console.warn(
"cnn-epic-multi-ads::getAdlib: Could not find %s! Using a mock object instead.",
s), t ? e : {
processNewRegistry: function () {},
refreshAd: function () {},
requestAndRenderAds: function () {},
refreshAllAds: function () {}
isEmptyNode: function (e) {
var t = null,
n = !0;
if (e.hasChildNodes()) {
for (t = CNN.firstChild; null !== t.nextSibling && t.nodeType !==
Node.ELEMENT_NODE;) t = t.nextSibling;
n = null !== t && t.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
return t = null, n;
isActive: function (e) {
var t;
return t = "function" == typeof n.getComputedStyle ? n.getComputedStyle(
.getPropertyValue("display") : e.currentStyle.display,
"none" !== t;
addAdTagToPage: function (e, t) {
var n, s, o, a = this;
a.isEmptyNode(e) && (o = e.getAttribute("data-ad-refresh"),
n = i.createElement("div"), s = "ad-" + t + (o ?
" ad-refresh-" + o : ""), n.setAttribute("id", t), n.setAttribute(
"class", s), e.appendChild(n));
removeAdTagFromPage: function (e) {
var t = this;
if (!t.isEmptyNode(e))
for (; CNN.firstChild;) CNN.removeChild(CNN.firstChild);
allDone: function (n, i) {
var s = e.MultiAds.getAdlib();
.addClass("multi-ads--complete"), "string" == typeof o &&
"" !== o && (n = n || !1, n !== !0 ? s.queueRegistry(o) :
s.queueRegistry(o, {
slots: i || []
getPlaceholderOnlyIds: function () {
var t = e.contentModel && e.contentModel.companion && e.contentModel
n = t ? e.contentModel.companion.ids || {} : {};
return n;
handleAdStatus: function () {},
loadSingleton: function (e) {
return t.ajax({
url: e,
type: "GET",
dataType: "script",
cache: !0,
error: function (t, n, i) {
console.error("Could not load singleton script: " +
setExactSingleton: function (e) {
var n, i, s, o, a, r, l, d = this,
c = ".js-doubleton-info",
u = ".owl-item",
h = "ad-doubleton",
f = "cloned",
g = ".ad-doubleton";
l = t(g), l.length && t.each(l, function () {
a = t(this), r = a.parent()
.siblings(c), n = a.closest(u)
.hasClass(f), i = a.hasClass(h), n ? (s =
"cloneid"), o ="clonefile")) : (s =
"origid"), o ="origfile")), a.attr("id",
s), i && (a.removeClass(h), a.addClass("ad-" + s)),
getDoubletons: function () {
var n, i, s = ".js-owl-carousel",
o = ".ad-doubleton";
i = t(o), i.length && (n = i.eq(0)
.closest(s), n.on(, t.proxy(
this.setExactSingleton, this)));
setupAdSpace: function (e, t) {
var n, i, s = this,
o = s.getPlaceholderOnlyIds();
n = e.getAttribute("data-ad-id"), i = s.isActive(e), s.adGroups
.hasOwnProperty(n) || (s.adGroupIds.push(n), s.adGroups[n] = {
active: -1,
inactive: []
}), i && -1 === s.adGroups[n].active && (s.adGroups[n].active =
t, "suppress" !== o[n] && s.addAdTagToPage(e, n)), i ||
(s.adGroups[n].inactive.push(t), s.removeAdTagFromPage(e));
update: function (e) {
var t, n, s, o = this,
a = o.domAds.length,
r = [],
l = [],
d = [];
if (e = e || [], 0 !== e.length) {
for (t = 0; t < CNN.length; t++) r.push(CNN[t] +
" [data-ad-id]");
if (l = []", "))),
l.length > 0) {
for (t = l.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) n = l[t].getAttribute(
"data-ad-id"), s = l[t].getAttribute(
"data-ad-position"), s !== o.updatePosition || o.updatedAds
.indexOf(n) >= 0 ? o.removeAdTagFromPage(l[t]) : (o.setupAdSpace(
l[t], a + t), -1 === d.indexOf(n) && (d.push(n),
o.updatedAds.push(n)), o.domAds.push(l[t]));
o.getDoubletons(), Array.isArray(d) && d.length > 0 &&
o.allDone(!0, d);
init: function () {
var t, n = this,
s = e.RefreshAds.getViewPortSize();
for (n.domAds = []
"[data-ad-id]")), s.width < CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint2 ?
n.updatePosition = "mobile" : s.width >= CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint2 &&
s.width < CNN.RefreshAds.breakpoint3 && (n.updatePosition =
"tablet"), t = n.domAds.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) n.setupAdSpace(
n.domAds[t], t);
n.getDoubletons(), n.allDone();
'CNN.RefreshAds.lastKnownViewportWidth': [{
prop: 'CNN.RefreshAds.lastKnownViewportWidth',
to: t.width
'CNN.Features': [{
prop: 'CNN.Features',
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'CNN.DemandLoadConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoadConfig',
to: CNN.DemandLoadConfig || {}
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prop: 'CNN.contentModel',
to: CNN.contentModel || {}
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4: 4 * columnWidth,
5: 5 * columnWidth,
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7: 7 * columnWidth,
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9: 9 * columnWidth,
10: 10 * columnWidth,
11: 11 * columnWidth,
12: 12 * columnWidth
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prop: 'CNN.Zones',
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'CNN.Zones.runningZoneIds': [{
prop: 'CNN.Zones.runningZoneIds',
to: []
'CNN.Zones.loadedZoneIds': [{
prop: 'CNN.Zones.loadedZoneIds',
to: []
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prop: 'CNN.processedContainers',
to: []
'CNN.serverSentZones': [{
prop: 'CNN.serverSentZones',
to: loadAllZonesLazy === !0 ? 0 : 1
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prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.thirdParty.outbrain',
to: !0
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zoneImages: {},
thirdParty: {
money: {
currencies: !1,
market: !1
outbrain: !1
'CNN.DemandLoading.allZoneImagesLoaded': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.allZoneImagesLoaded',
to: function (e, t) {
CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e] = {
images: jQuery("#" + e + " img"),
count: 0
}, CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e].images.load(function () {
CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e].count++, CNN.DemandLoading
.zoneImages[e].count === CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e]
.images.length && "function" == typeof t && t();
'CNN.DemandLoading.updateZoneView': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.updateZoneView',
to: function () {
var t, n = CNN.CurrentSize.getClientScrollTop(),
i = !1,
s = n + jQuery(window)
.length > 0 && (jQuery("section.zn-loaded")
.each(function (n) {
return jQuery(this)
.top > s ? (visibleZone = o(0 !== n ? t : e(this)), i = !
0, !1) : void(t = e(this));
}), i || (visibleZone = o(t)));
'CNN.DemandLoading.updateZones': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.updateZones',
to: function () {
var t, o, a, r, l, d, c, u, h = !1,
f = CNN.Zones,
g = 0,
m = "video" === CNN.contentModel.pageType ?
"videos/index.html" : s(document.location.pathname),
p = $page.find("section.zn-loaded:not(.nativeSponsor)")
y = f.zones || {},
v = y.minWidth || {};
if (a = v[CNN.Window.width] || CNN.contentModel.zoneIds || [],
1 === CNN.serverSentZones && (u = a[0] || "", u.indexOf(":") > -1 && (u = u.split(":"), u = u[1] || ""), CNN.Containers =
f.containers ? f.containers[u] : {}, setZoneWindowWidth(),
loadContainers(u)), 0 === renderZoneIds.length)
for (; g < a.length; g++) r = a[g], r = CNN.Utils.exists(r) &&
r.indexOf(":") > 0 ? r.split(":")[1] : r, CNN.Utils.exists(
r) && (renderZoneIds.push(r), d = e(".zn--idx-" + g), l =
e(".zn--idx-" + (g - 1)), 0 === d.length && 1 === l.length &&
l.after('<section class="zn--idx-' + g +
' zn-empty"></section>'));
for (; p < a.length; p++)
if (h = !1, r = a[p], CNN.Utils.exists(r) && r.indexOf(":") >
0) {
if (o = r.split(":"), o = o[1], CNN.Zones.loadedZoneIds.indexOf(
o) > -1) continue;
if (t = e(".zn--idx-" + p + ".zn-empty"), 0 === t.length &&
(t = e(document.querySelectorAll(".zn-loaded"))
.last(), h = !0), 1 === t.length) {
if (CNN.Zones.runningZoneIds.indexOf(o) > -1) break;
if (c = {
path: m,
zone: t,
zoneIdx: p,
append: h,
idPath: r
}, n(o, c), i(p)) break;
} else {
if (o = a[p], CNN.Zones.loadedZoneIds.indexOf(o) > -1)
if (t = e(document.getElementById(o)), 1 === t.length) {
if (CNN.Zones.runningZoneIds.indexOf(o) > -1) break;
if (c = {
path: m,
zone: t,
zoneIdx: p
}, n(o, c), i(p)) break;
'CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded',
to: !0
'CNN.DemandLoading.elements': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.elements',
to: []
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prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.elements',
to: e(r)
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prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.elements',
to: o
'CNN.DemandLoading.addElement': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.addElement',
to: function (n) {
var i = 0,
s = e("img", n);
if (0 === s.length && (s = e(n)), s.length > 0)
for (CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded = !1, t(s), i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
return CNN.DemandLoading.process();
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prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.update',
to: function () {
var t = !1,
n = CNN.CurrentSize.getClientScrollTop() + e(document)
.height() + d;
return n > c && (c = n, c >= e(document)
.height() && (CNN.DemandLoading.pageBottom = !0), t = CNN.DemandLoading
.process()), t;
'CNN.DemandLoading.process': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.process',
to: function () {
var n, i, s, o, a, l = [];
if (0 === CNN.DemandLoading.elements.length && (CNN.DemandLoading
.elements = e(r)), n = CNN.DemandLoading.elements, i = n.length ||
0, 0 === i) CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded = !0;
else {
for (o = [], s = 0; i > s; s++) a = e(n[s]), a.offset() && a.offset()
.top <= c ? (t(a, !0), l.push(a[0])) : o.push(a[0]);
l.length > 0 && (CNN.DemandLoading.elements = o, CNN.DemandLoading
.allLoaded = !1);
return l;
'CNN.DemandLoading.reProcess': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.reProcess',
to: function () {
return CNN.DemandLoading.elements = e(r), CNN.DemandLoading.process();
'CNN.Zones.zones': [{
prop: 'CNN.Zones.zones',
to: r
'CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e]': [{
prop: 'CNN.DemandLoading.zoneImages[e]',
to: {
images: jQuery("#" + e + " img"),
count: 0
'CNN.Columns.previous': [{
prop: 'CNN.Columns.previous',
to: CNN.Columns.current
'CNN.StaggeredZone': [{
prop: 'CNN.StaggeredZone',
to: function (t, n) {
function i (CNN) {
window.clearTimeout(r), r = window.setTimeout(CNN, 100);
var s = jQuery(t),
a = o(s, n),
r = null;
void 0 !== s && void 0 !== n && (e.StaggeredZone.columnResizeEvent =
e.StaggeredZone.columnResizeEvent || jQuery.Event(
"resize.staggeredZoneWidth"), jQuery(window)
.resize(function () {
}), a());
'CNN.Gallery': [{
prop: 'CNN.Gallery',
to: CNN.Gallery || {}
'CNN.Carousel': [{
prop: 'CNN.Carousel',
to: CNN.Carousel || {
carouselSelector: ".js-owl-carousel",
events: {
initialize: "initialize.owl.carousel",
initialized: "initialized.owl.carousel",
loadedImage: "loaded.owl.lazy",
navigationInitialized: "initialized.owl.navigation",
destroy: "destroy.owl.carousel",
dragged: "dragged.owl.carousel",
change: "change.owl.carousel",
changed: "changed.owl.carousel",
resize: "resize.owl.carousel",
resized: "resized.owl.carousel",
refresh: "refresh.owl.carousel",
refreshed: "refreshed.owl.carousel",
to: "to.owl.carousel",
next: "next.owl.carousel",
prev: "prev.owl.carousel",
drag: "drag.owl.carousel"
refreshCarousels: function () {
owl: function (e) {
var t = this,
n = 30;
return this.$carousel = jQuery(e), this.$filmstrip = this.$carousel
.next(".js-owl-filmstrip"), this.isPaginatedCarousel =
this.$carousel.hasClass("carousel-small-paginated"), this
.isGallery = this.$filmstrip.length > 0 || this.isPaginatedCarousel,
this.isAutoHeight = this.isGallery || this.$
'[data-auto-height="true"]'), this.galleryHeightRatio =
null, this.isFullCarousel = this.$
".carousel--full"), this.isLargeStripCarousel = this.$carousel
.is(".carousel-large-strip"), this.hasSingleItem = 1 ===
this.$"slide-count"), jQuery.extend(this.$filmstrip,
this), jQuery.extend(this.$carousel, this), this.carouselAdjustNavigation =
function (e) {
var i = "4:3" === t.$"cut-format") ? .75 :
"9:16" === t.$"cut-format") ? 16 / 9 :
9 / 16,
s = t.$carousel.find(".owl-item")
.find(".el__resize, .media")
.width() * i,
o = s / 2 - n,
a = t.$carousel.find(".owl-prev, .owl-next");
"true" === t.$carousel.attr("data-is-gallery") ? a.css(
"top", o + "px") : a.css("height", s + "px"), t.$carousel
.find(".ad-slide__prev, .ad-slide__next")
.css("top", o + "px");
}, this.makeLazy = function (e) {
.each(function () {
var e, t = jQuery(this),
n = (t.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "");
e = n ? "xsmall" === n ? "data-src-small" :
"data-src-" + n : "src", t.attr("data-src", t.attr(
}, this.setNumberOfItems = function (e) {
var t, n = e.relatedTarget;
if (0 !== n._widths[0]) return t = n.settings.items > 1 ?
n.$element.width() / n._widths[0] : n.settings.items,
t > 1 && (n.settings.items = Math.ceil(t), n.settings
.slideBy = Math.floor(t), n.$element.trigger(CNN.Carousel
.events.refresh)), t;
}, this.resetThumbnails = function (e) {
.css("opacity", 1), t.$carousel.find(".owl-item")
.css("opacity", 1);
}, this.setAspectRatio = function () {
function e (e) {
var t;
return e ? (t = /\\d+:\\d+/.exec("cutFormat")) || [],
t = (t[0] || "16:9")
.split(":"), +t[1] / +t[0] * 100 || 1) : 1;
t.$"gallery-ratio-set") || (t.$
"gallery-ratio-set", !0), t.galleryHeightRatio =
e(t.$carousel), t.$carousel.find(
.css("padding-bottom", t.galleryHeightRatio + "%"),
.each(function () {
var t = jQuery(this),
n = e(this.$carousel);
n < this.galleryHeightRatio ? t.css("padding",
(this.galleryHeightRatio - n) / 2 + "% 0") :
n > this.galleryHeightRatio && t.css(
"padding", "0 " + (1 - this.galleryHeightRatio /
n) / 2 * 100 + "%");
}, this.stagePadding = function () {
var e, n;
if (t.isFullCarousel && !t.isGallery) switch (n = (
.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "")) {
case "xsmall":
e = 50;
case "medium":
e = 100;
case "large":
case "full16x9":
e = 150;
} else e = 0;
return e;
}, this.onResize = function (e) {
e.relatedTarget.options.stagePadding = t.stagePadding(),
}, this.onMainCarouselChange = function (e) {
"position" === && t.$ &&
setTimeout(function () {
var n = - e.relatedTarget.clones()
.length / 2,
i = t.$"owl.carousel")
._items.length - 1,
s = t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item");
n = -1 === n ? i : n > i ? 0 : n, s.removeClass(
"synced"), t.isGallerySlide() && (s.eq(n)
.addClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.trigger(CNN, [n]));
}, 0);
}, this.onLazyImageLoaded = function (e) {
}, this.onRefreshed = function (e) {
}, this.onInitialized = function (e) {
t.setNumberOfItems(e), t.$carousel.on(
.changed, t.onMainCarouselChange), t.$carousel.on(, t.carouselAdjustNavigation
), t.$carousel.on(, t.setNumberOfItems),
t.$carousel.on(, t.resetThumbnails),
t.$carousel.on(, t.onResize),
t.$carousel.on(, t.onRefreshed),
t.$carousel.on(, t.carouselAdjustNavigation),
function (e) {
t.onLazyImageLoaded(e), t.onRefreshed(e), t.resetThumbnails(
}, this.addAnalyticsListeners = function (e) {
t.$carousel.find(".owl-nav > div")
.on("click", function (e) {
}), t.$carousel.on(,
function (e) {
}, this.isGallerySlide = function () {
return !!t.$carousel.find(
" > div[data-slidename]")
}, this.makeLazy(this.$carousel), this.setAspectRatio(),
this.$carousel.on(, this.onInitialized),
this.carouselAdjustNavigation), this.$carousel.on(CNN.Carousel
.events.navigationInitialized, this.addAnalyticsListeners
), this.$carousel.owlCarousel({
addClassActive: !0,
nav: !0,
navText: ["", ""],
dots: this.isPaginatedCarousel,
lazyLoad: !0,
transitionStyle: this.isGallery ? "fadeIn" : !1,
slideBy: this.isFullCarousel ? 1 : "page",
slideSpeed: 300,
responsive: this.$carousel.hasClass("carousel--fixed") ?
!1 : {},
responsiveBaseWidth: this.$carousel[0],
autoWidth: !this.isFullCarousel,
autoHeight: this.isAutoHeight,
items: this.isFullCarousel ? 1 : 3,
stagePadding: this.stagePadding(),
margin: this.isFullCarousel && !this.isGallery ? 20 : 0,
loop: !this.isPaginatedCarousel || !this.hasSingleItem,
mouseDrag: !this.hasSingleItem,
touchDrag: !this.hasSingleItem
}), this.isGallery && !this.isPaginatedCarousel && (this.reBindBigCarousel =
function (e) {
"position" === && (t.$carousel.trigger(
"carousel-action-event"), t.$
.events.changed, t.reBindBigCarousel), t.$carousel
.on(, t.onMainCarouselChange)
}, this.enableLastItem = function (e) {
var n = e.relatedTarget,
i = n.settings.items,
s = Math.abs(n._coordinates.slice(-1)[0]),
o = n._width,
a = n._widths[0],
r = Math.ceil((s - o) / a);
s > o && a > 0 && (t.resetThumbnails(e), n.settings.items =
i > 1 ? Math.floor(o / a) : i, n._coordinates[r -
1] = o % a - a * r, n.maximum = function (e) {
var t = this.settings,
i = this._width,
s = this._coordinates.length,
o = this._current > 0 ? this._coordinates[
this._current - 1] : 0,
a = Math.abs(n._coordinates.slice(-1)[0]) - (
i - o);
return s = t.loop ? this._clones.length / 2 +
this._items.length - 1 : t.autoWidth || t.merge ?
Math.ceil((a > i ? i - o : a - o) / this._widths[
0]) : ? this._items.length - 1 :
this._items.length - t.items, e && (s -= this
._clones.length / 2), Math.max(s, 0);
}, this.onFilmstripChange = function (e) {
var n;
"items" === && (n = t.$filmstrip.find(
.index() < e.item.index ? e.item.index : t.$filmstrip
.index(), t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item")
.removeClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.find(
.addClass("synced"), t.$carousel.trigger(CNN.Carousel, [n]));
}, this.onFilmstripItemClicked = function (e) {
var n = jQuery(e.currentTarget)
i = t.$filmstrip.find(".owl-item");
.hasClass("synced") || (i.removeClass("synced"), i.eq(
.addClass("synced"), t.$
.events.changed, t.onMainCarouselChange), t.$carousel
.on(, t.reBindBigCarousel),
t.$carousel.on(, t.resetThumbnails),
t.$carousel.trigger(, [n]));
}, this.onFilmstripInit = function (e) {
t.setNumberOfItems(e), t.enableLastItem(e), t.$filmstrip
.addClass("synced"), t.$filmstrip.on("click",
".owl-item", t.onFilmstripItemClicked), t.$filmstrip
.on(, t.onFilmstripChange),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.setNumberOfItems),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.enableLastItem),
t.$filmstrip.on(, t.enableLastItem);
}, this.makeLazy(this.$filmstrip), this.$filmstrip.on(, this.onFilmstripInit
), this.$filmstrip.owlCarousel({
items: 10,
autoWidth: !0,
lazyLoad: !0,
loop: !1,
nav: !0,
dots: !1,
navText: ["", ""],
responsiveRefreshRate: 100
})), this;
restore: function (e) {
var t, n = [],
i = "";
), n.push(
), n.push(".el__leafmedia--featured-video-collection"), i =
n.join(", "), CNN.Features.enableVideoExperienceUnification ?
jQuery(CNN.Carousel.carouselSelector, e)
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function e (e) {
Modernizr.on("phone", function (t) {
!t || CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.pageType &&
"article" === CNN.contentModel.pageType ? !
function (e) {
function () {
var t = new CNN.Carousel.owl(e);
return jQuery(
.hide(), jQuery(document)
.triggerCarouselLoaded(), t;
}(e) : !function (e) {
function () {
.done(function () {
.hide(), CNN.Videx.SeeMore.init(
e), jQuery(document)
t = jQuery(this), t.parents(i)
.length > 0 ? e(t) : !function (e) {
var t = new CNN.Carousel.owl(e);
return jQuery(document)
.triggerCarouselLoaded(), t;
}) : jQuery(CNN.Carousel.carouselSelector, e)
.each(function () {
return jQuery(document)
.triggerCarouselLoaded(), new CNN.Carousel.owl(this);
manualImageLoad: function (e) {
.each(function () {
var e, t = jQuery(this),
n = (t.attr("data-eq-state") || "")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "");
e = n ? "xsmall" === n ? "data-src-small" :
"data-src-" + n : "src", t.attr("data-src", t.attr(
.addClass("owl-lazy"), CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(
}), CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs(e);
init: function (e) {
CNN.Carousel.restore(e), jQuery(window)
.throttleEvent("resize", function () {
}, 100), jQuery(window)
.on("orientationchange", function () {
}, {
prop: 'CNN.Carousel',
to: CNN.Carousel || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || function () {
function e (e, t) {
var i, s = CNN.AdsConfig.enableGalleryAdRefresh;
"undefined" != typeof e && "undefined" != typeof window.AMPTManager &&
.length && CNN.contentModel.pageType === t.pageType && CNN.Features
.enableEpicAds === !0 && (n++, i = t.adId || jQuery(t.toolParent)
.find(t.tool + ":first-child div")
.attr("id"), n % 2 === 0 && s === !0 && window.AMPTManager
function t (t) {
t = t || null, e(t, {
adId: "ad_rect_atf_01",
pageType: "article",
galleryParent: ".zn-large-media",
toolParent: ".pg-rail",
tool: ".ad-desktop"
var n = 0;
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'CNN.Carousel.FeatureVideoContentStarted': [{
prop: 'CNN.Carousel.FeatureVideoContentStarted',
to: jQuery.Deferred()
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prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages',
to: {}
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.process': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.process',
to: function (t) {
function n (e, t) {
var n, a, r, l = s.filter(e)
for (r = 0, a = l.length; a > r; r++) n = l.eq(r), n.attr(
o = o.add(l);
var i = "[data-demand-load=loaded]",
s = e(t),
o = e();
'.cd--horizontal[data-eq-state$="xsmall"] img[data-src-mini1x1], .cd--horizontal[data-eq-state$="small"] img[data-src-mini1x1]',
"src-mini1x1"), n(
'.zn[data-eq-state$="full16x9"] .zn-top img[data-src-full16x9]',
"src-full16x9"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="mini"][data-src-mini]', "src-mini"), n(
"src-xsmall"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="small"][data-src-small]', "src-small"),
"src-medium"), n(
'img[data-eq-state$="large"][data-src-large]', "src-large");
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.queryEqjs',
to: function (n) {
var i = CNN.Utils.existsObject(n),
s = i ? e(n)
.filter("[data-eq-pts]") : e("[data-eq-pts]"),
o = [];
i && 0 === s.length && (s = e(n)
.find("[data-eq-pts]")), o = s instanceof jQuery ? s.toArray() :
s, 0 !== o.length && t.query(o, function () {
CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded || CNN.DemandLoading.update(),
s.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(s);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.scroll': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.scroll',
to: function () {
var t;
CNN._zonesAndDomReadyEvent && (CNN.DemandLoading.pageBottom ||
CNN.DemandLoading.allLoaded) ? e(window)
.off("scroll.responsiveImages") : (t = CNN.DemandLoading.update(),
t.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(t));
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.reload': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.reload',
to: function () {
var e = CNN.DemandLoading.reProcess();
e.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(e);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.processChildrenImages': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.processChildrenImages',
to: function (e) {
var n = CNN.contentModel && "boolean" == typeof CNN.contentModel
.lazyLoad ? CNN.contentModel.lazyLoad : !1,
i = CNN.contentModel && "boolean" == typeof CNN.contentModel.enablePictureFill ?
CNN.contentModel.enablePictureFill : !1;
n && i ? window.picturefill && picturefill() : t.query(e.querySelectorAll(
"[data-eq-pts]"), function (e) {
e.length > 0 && CNN.ResponsiveImages.process(e);
'CNN.ResponsiveImages.resize': [{
prop: 'CNN.ResponsiveImages.resize',
to: function () {
'CNN.VideoAjax': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax',
to: CNN.VideoAjax || function () {
return function (e) {
var t = {},
n = {
id: "VideoAjax",
eventName: "CNN_VideoAjax_autoUpdated",
ajaxFrequency: 3e5
return t.config = jQuery.extend({}, n, e), t.autoUpdateEvent =
jQuery.Event(t.config.eventName), t.fetchOnNowTimer =
null, t.isFetching = !1, t.serverData = null, t.logError =
function (e, t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof t) throw t;
throw e;
}, t.updateOnNowData = function () {
this.fetchExternalData(jQuery.proxy(function (e) {
this.serverData = e, jQuery(document)
}, this));
}, =, t.init = function () {
this.updateOnNowData(), this.startPeriodicFetch();
}, t.stopPeriodicFetch = function () {
null !== this.fetchOnNowTimer && (clearInterval(this.fetchOnNowTimer),
this.fetchOnNowTimer = null);
}, t.startPeriodicFetch = function () {
null === this.fetchOnNowTimer && (this.fetchOnNowTimer =
setInterval(jQuery.proxy(this.updateOnNowData, this),
}, t.fetchExternalData = function () {
throw "fetchExternalData in the ajax was intended to be overridden.";
}, t.filterNetwork = function (e) {
var t = 0,
n = null;
if ("undefined" == typeof this.serverData || null ===
this.serverData) return n;
for (t = - 1; t >= 0; t--)
if ([t].id.toLowerCase() === e
.toLowerCase()) {
n =[t];
return n;
}, t.getServerData = function () {
return this.serverData;
}, t.getEventName = function () {
return this.config.eventName;
}, t.getIsFetching = function () {
return this.isFetching;
}, t.setIsFetching = function (e) {
this.isFetching = e;
}, t;
'CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying',
to: CNN.VideoAjax.NowPlaying || function () {
var e = CNN.VideoAjax({
id: "NowPlaying",
eventName: "CNN_NowPlaying_autoUpdated"
return e.fetchExternalData = function (t) {
if (e.getIsFetching() !== !0) {
if ("undefined" == typeof t || "function" != typeof t)
throw "callback parameter is not defined or is not a function. Ajax request was not sent.";
e.setIsFetching(!0), jQuery.ajax({
url: CNN.Host.nowPlaying +
type: "get",
error: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function (e) {
timeout: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
complete: function () {
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonpCallback: "nowPlayingScheduleCallbackWrapper"
}, e;
'CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream',
to: CNN.VideoAjax.LiveStream || function () {
var e = CNN.VideoAjax({
id: "LiveStream",
eventName: "CNN_LiveEvent_autoUpdated"
return e.fetchExternalData = function (t) {
function n (t) {
return jQuery.ajax({
url: "/CNNLiveFlash/StreamStatus/metadata/stream_dvr_" +
t + ".xml",
type: "get",
error: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function (e) {
s["live" + t] = {
xml: e,
thumbnail: void 0,
isStreaming: !1
timeout: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
dataType: "xml",
crossDomain: !1
function i () {
var e, t = [],
n = {};
for (e in s) e in s && "undefined" != typeof s[e].isStreaming &&
s[e].isStreaming !== !1 && (n = jQuery(s[e].xml)
.first(), t.push({
id: s[e].id,
url: n.find("affiliate url")
kicker: n.find("affiliate headline")
program: n.find("title")
images: {
"120x68": s[e].thumbnail
description: n.find("description")
streamIndex: s[e].index
return t.sort(function (e, t) {
return parseInt(e.streamIndex, 10) - parseInt(t.streamIndex,
}), {
channel: t
var s = {};
if (e.getIsFetching() !== !0) {
if ("undefined" == typeof t || "function" != typeof t)
throw "callback parameter is not defined or is not a function. Ajax request was not sent.";
e.setIsFetching(!0), jQuery.when(n(1), n(2), n(3), n(4))
.done(function () {
url: "/.element/ssi/www/auto/2.0/video/xml/pipeline.xml",
type: "get",
error: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
success: function (n) {
var o = 0,
a = "",
r = jQuery(n)
for (o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) a =
.substring(7), 10), isNaN(a) || (s[
"live" + a].id = "live-" + a, s[
"live" + a].thumbnail = r.eq(o)
.text(), s["live" + a].isStreaming = !
0, s["live" + a].streamIndex = a);
e.setIsFetching(!1), t(i());
timeout: function (t, n) {
e.logError(t, n);
dataType: "xml",
crossDomain: !1
}, e;
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase',
to: function (e, t) {
this.endSlateFlag = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : "boolean" == typeof CNN.Features.enableVideoEndSlate ? CNN.Features.enableVideoEndSlate :
!0, this.containerId = e, this.initialize();
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.extend': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.extend',
to: function (e, t) {
var n, i = t.prototype;
t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype);
for (n in i) i.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t.prototype[n] = i[n]);
t.prototype.constructor = t;
try {
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "constructor", {
enumerable: !1,
value: t
} catch (s) {}
'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlateBase.prototype',
to: {
getVideoPlayerContainerId: function () {
return this.containerId;
renderRecommendedVideos: function (e, t) {
function n (e) {
return e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), !1;
var i ="owl.carousel");
this.setResponsiveState(), e.empty()
.append(t), e.on(, n), e.on(CNN.Carousel
.events.changed, n), e.on(, n), e
.on(, n), e.on(
.initialized, n), e.on(, n), e
.on(, n),
"undefined" != typeof i && i.destroy(), e.owlCarousel({
mouseDrag: !0,
touchDrag: !0,
nav: !0,
navText: ["", ""],
dots: !1,
autoWidth: !0,
autoHeight: !0,
margin: 20,
rewindNav: !0,
responsive: !1,
scrollPerPage: !1,
items: 3,
itemsDesktop: [1100, 3],
itemsDesktopSmall: [900, 3],
itemsTablet: [600, 2],
itemsMobile: !1,
loop: !0
getRecommendedVideos: function (e) {
var t, n = this.getRelatedContentUrl(),
i = "end-slate-carousel" + Math.floor(100 * Math.random());
return t = n.substring(n.indexOf("/video/data/3.0")), jQuery.Deferred(
function (n) {
url: t,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
error: function (e, t, n) {
"undefined" != typeof console && console.log(
success: function (t) {
var s = {
relatedVideos: {
id: i,
containerContents: [],
layout: "carousel-medium-strip",
type: "container"
"undefined" != typeof t && null !== t &&
"undefined" != typeof t.videos && (jQuery(t
.each(function (e, t) {
cardContents: {
headlineText: t.headline,
iconType: "video",
media: {
contentType: "image",
cutFormat: "16:9",
duration: t.duration,
elementContents: {
imageAlt: t.headline,
imageUrl: t.thumbnail_url,
cuts: {
small: {
uri: t.endslate_url_small
medium: {
uri: t.endslate_url_medium
large: {
uri: t.endslate_url_large
type: "element"
type: "card",
url: t.clickback_url.substring(
contentType: "video",
type: "card"
}), dust.render(
function (t, n) {
})), n.resolve();
setCurrentVideoHeadline: function (e) {
var t, n = this.getEndSlateForContainer(this.getContainerId()),
i = "string" == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e;
"undefined" != typeof n && n && (t = jQuery(n)
.find(".js-cd__headline-text"), t && t.text(i.headline));
fetchAndShowRecommendedVideos: function (e, t) {
var n, i = [],
s =
".js-video__end-slate__tertiary .js-video__end-slate__carousel";
t = t || !0, this.$videoEndSlate = this.getEndSlateForContainer(),
this.setCurrentVideoHeadline(e), n = this.$videoEndSlate.find(
s), this.setRelatedContentUrl(e), t && this.fetchRecommendedVideos(
n, i);
fetchRecommendedVideos: function (e, t) {
var n = this;
.done(function () {
n.renderRecommendedVideos(e, t);
destroy: function () {
var e = this.getCurrentCarousel(),
t ="owl.carousel");
this.hideEndSlateForContainer(), e.empty(), "undefined" != typeof t && t.destroy();
getCurrentCarousel: function () {
var e, t =
".js-video__end-slate__tertiary .js-video__end-slate__carousel";
return this.$videoEndSlate = this.getEndSlateForContainer(),
e = this.$videoEndSlate.find(t);
setResponsiveState: function (e) {
e = e || !1, "undefined" != typeof this.getContainerId() &&
"undefined" == typeof $videoEndSlate && (this.$videoEndSlate =
this.getEndSlateForContainer()), eqjs.query(this.$videoEndSlate),
e && this.showEndSlateForContainer();
getContainerId: function () {
return this.containerId;
onReplayClickedHandler: function () {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer(),
t = this.getVideoPlayerContainerId();
.addClass("video__end-slate--inactive"), "fave" === CNN.VideoPlayer
.getLibraryName(t) ? FAVE.player.getInstance(t)
.replay() : window.cnnVideoManager.getPlayerByContainer(t)
initialize: function () {
addEventListeners: function () {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
e.on("click", ".js-video__end-slate__replay", jQuery.proxy(
this.onReplayClickedHandler, this)), e.on("click",
".js-video__end-slate__replay-text", jQuery.proxy(this.onReplayClickedHandler,
this)), e.on("click", ".js-el__video__replayer-wrapper",
jQuery.proxy(this.onReplayClickedHandler, this));
removeEventListeners: function () {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();"click", ".js-video__end-slate__replay"),"click",
handleShowEndSlate: function (e) {
"undefined" != typeof e && null !== e && (this.setResponsiveState(),
handleHideEndSlate: function (e) {
"undefined" != typeof e && null !== e && (this.setResponsiveState(),
hideEndSlateForContainer: function () {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
showEndSlateForContainer: function () {
var e = this.getEndSlateForContainer();
setRelatedContentUrl: function (e) {
var t;
t = "string" == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e, this.relatedContentUrl =
getRelatedContentUrl: function () {
return this.relatedContentUrl;
getEndSlateElement: function () {
return this.$videoEndSlate;
isEndSlateEnabled: function () {
return this.endSlateFlag;
'CNN.VideoEndSlate': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlate',
to: function (e, t) {
this.relatedContentUrl = "", this.$videoEndSlate = {}, CNN.VideoEndSlateBase
.call(this, e, t);
'CNN.VideoEndSlate.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoEndSlate.prototype',
to: {
getEndSlateForContainer: function () {
var e = jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
return e;
'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate': [{
prop: 'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate',
to: function (e, t) {
this.jumbotron = e, this.mode = t || "desktop", CNN.VideoEndSlate
.call(this, jQuery(e.jumbotronElementRaw)
.attr("id"), !0);
'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.JumbotronVideoEndSlate.prototype',
to: {
addEventListeners: function () {,
"undefined" != typeof this.jumbotron && (jQuery(this.jumbotron
.on("CVPEvent", jQuery.proxy(this.onVideoEventHandler,
this)), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.on("jumbotron-item-selected", jQuery.proxy(this.hideEndSlateForContainer,
this)), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.on("jumbotron-mode-change", jQuery.proxy(this.onJumbotronModeChangeHandler,
removeEventListeners: function () {
this), "undefined" != typeof this.jumbotron && (jQuery(
.off("CVPEvent"), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
.off("jumbotron-item-selected"), jQuery(this.jumbotron)
onJumbotronModeChangeHandler: function (e, t) {
this.mode = t, this.destroy();
onVideoEventHandler: function (e, t) {
if (t && t.eventType) switch (t.eventType) {
case "onContentMetadata":
this.fetchAndShowRecommendedVideos(t.metadata, "mobile" !==
case "onContentComplete":
case "onContentPlay":
getVideoPlayerContainerId: function () {
var e;
try {
return e = jQuery(jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
.eq(0)), e.attr("id");
} catch (t) {
return this.containerId;
getEndSlateForContainer: function () {
var e = jQuery(document.getElementById(this.getContainerId()))
return e;
'CNN.VideoConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoConfig',
to: CNN.VideoConfig || {}
'CNN.VideoPlayer': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer',
to: CNN.VideoPlayer || {}
'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy',
to: function (e, t, n) {
this.videoContainerId = e, this.embedDivId = t, this.parentElement =
'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.VideoPlayer.SimpleEmbedCodeCopy.prototype',
to: {
onSuccessfulCopy: function () {
"undefined" != typeof this.parentElement && (this.parentElement
.remove(), this.parentElement.append(
'<span class="metadata__embed-video-confirmation"><p>Embed Code copied successfully</p></span>'
), setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function () {
}, this), 3e3));
generateEmbedContainer: function () {
"undefined" != typeof this.parentElement && (this.parentElement
.remove(), this.movieDivId = this.getEmbedContainerId() +
"--movie", this.parentElement.append(
'<span class="metadata__embed-video-button" id="' +
this.getEmbedContainerId() + '"><div id="' + this.movieDivId +
getEmbedContainer: function () {
var e = this.getEmbedContainerId();
return jQuery("#" + e);
getEmbedContainerId: function () {
return this.embedDivId;
getVideoContainerId: function () {
return this.videoContainerId;
show: function (e) {
var t, n, i = "successCallback" + this.getVideoContainerId(),
s = this.getEmbedContainer();
window[i] = jQuery.proxy(this.onSuccessfulCopy, this),
"object" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.isEmbeddable &&
"false" !== e.isEmbeddable && "no" !== e.isEmbeddable && s &&
"undefined" != typeof CVP && "undefined" != typeof CNN.VideoConfig
.embedLinks && "undefined" != typeof CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks
.clipboardOperationsSWF ? (t = CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.embedLinkPattern,
t = t.replace("{host}", window.location.hostname)
.replace("{videoId}",, n = CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks
.buttonImage.replace("{cdnassetpath}", CNN.Host.assetPath),
(!Array.isArray(s) || s.length <= 0) && this.generateEmbedContainer(),
this.movieDivId, "80px", "21px", "10.0.0", CNN.VideoConfig
.embedLinks.clipboardOperationsSWF + "?nocache=" + new Date()
.valueOf(), {
callback: 'window["' + i + '"]',
buttonImage: n,
copyValue: t,
xOffset: CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.imageButtonXOffset,
yOffset: CNN.VideoConfig.embedLinks.imageButtonYOffset
}, {
allowScriptAccess: "always",
quality: "high",
wmode: "transparent"
}, {})) : this.hide();
hide: function () {
this.getEmbedContainer() && this.getEmbedContainer()
'CNN.Feeds': [{
prop: 'CNN.Feeds',
to: CNN.Feeds || {}
'CNN.EditionPickerPrefs': [{
prop: 'CNN.EditionPickerPrefs',
to: CNN.EditionPickerPrefs || function (e) {
function t () {
function n () {
.on("click", o);
function i (e, t) {
CNN.Utils.setCNNCookie(r, e, t);
function s (e, t) {
i(e, a), CNN.PlainNavigation.toggleEdition(!1), CNN.PlainNavigation
.changeEdition(!1, t);
function o (t) {
var n;
t.preventDefault(), n = e(
.filter(":checked"), s("type"), n);
var a = 854400,
r = CNN.EditionCookie;
return t(), {
init: t
'CNN.AdSlide': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdSlide',
to: function (e, t, n) {
CNN.Features.enableGalleryAds && !CNN.Features.displayDisplayAds &&
(this.wrapperId = e, this.wrapperEl = void 0, this.adSlideEl = void 0, this.adPrevEl = void 0, this.adNextEl = void 0,
this.singleton = n, this.clickCounter = 0, this.initAdSlide(
e, t));
'CNN.AdSlide.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdSlide.prototype',
to: {
getWrapper: function (e, t) {
var n, i;
return n = t ? e : "." + e, i = t ? jQuery(document.getElementById(
.eq(0) : jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.wrapperEl = i, i;
getAdSlide: function () {
var e, t = ".el-carousel__wrapper .ad-slide",
n = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adSlideEl = e, e;
getAdSlidePrev: function () {
var e, t = ".ad-slide__prev",
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adPrevEl = e, e;
getAdSlideNext: function () {
var e, t = ".ad-slide__next",
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
return e = jQuery(n)
.eq(0), this.adNextEl = e, e;
getSingletonAd: function (e) {
var t = this;
.done(function (e, n) {
.fail(function (e, t, n) {
"object" == typeof console && "function" == typeof console
.log && console.log("Could not load singleton script");
showAdSlide: function () {
var e, t = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide(),
n = !0;
.on("GPTRenderComplete", function (i) {
"undefined" != typeof i.originalEvent.detail && null !==
i.originalEvent.detail && "undefined" != typeof i.originalEvent
.detail.pos && Array.isArray(i.originalEvent.detail.pos) &&
i.originalEvent.detail.pos.length > 0 && "boolean" == typeof i.originalEvent.detail.empty && (n = "mod" ===
i.originalEvent.detail.pos[0] ? i.originalEvent.detail
.empty : !0, e = t.find("iframe"), e.length > 0 && !n && t.removeClass("ad-slide--inactive")
hideAdSlide: function () {
var e = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
.addClass("ad-slide--inactive"), this.removeCloseAd(),
"function" == typeof CNN.Carousel.refreshCarousels &&
setTimeout(CNN.Carousel.refreshCarousels, 0);
showAdHandler: function () {
this.showAdSlide(), this.bindCloseAd();
adTriggerHandler: function () {
var e = CNN.AdsConfig && CNN.AdsConfig.galleryAdClicks ? CNN.AdsConfig
.galleryAdClicks : 5;
this.clickCounter++, this.clickCounter === e && (this.clickCounter =
0, this.getSingletonAd(), jQuery(this)
.on("ad-single-loaded", this.showAdHandler));
closeAdHandler: function () {
this.removeCloseAd(), this.hideAdSlide(), this.clickCounter = -
bindWrapperClick: function () {
var e = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();
e.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.adTriggerHandler, this));
bindCloseAd: function () {
var e = this.adPrevEl || this.getAdSlidePrev(),
t = this.adNextEl || this.getAdSlideNext(),
n = this.adSlideEl || this.getAdSlide();
e.on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this)), t.on(
"click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this)), n.siblings(
.one("click", jQuery.proxy(this.closeAdHandler, this));
initAdSlide: function (e, t) {
this.getWrapper(e, t), this.bindWrapperClick(), this.bindCloseAd();
removeWrapperClick: function () {
var e = this.wrapperEl || this.getWrapper();"click");
removeCloseAd: function () {
var e = this.getAdSlidePrev(),
t = this.getAdSlideNext();"click"),"click");
'CNN.renderAds': [{
prop: 'CNN.renderAds',
to: function (e, t, n) {
var i, s, o, a = jQuery(e)
for (s = 0, o = a.length; o > s; s++)
if (i = a.eq(s), i.parents(".zn-staggered")
.length) {
if (n.staggeredZone === !1) continue;
} else "undefined" != typeof i[0] && jQuery(i)
'CNN.companionAdState': [{
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: ""
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: CNN.companionAdState || ""
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companionAdState',
to: s.getCompanionAdStateLabel(i)
'CNN.companion': [{
prop: 'CNN.companion',
to: CNN.companion || {}
}, {
prop: 'CNN.companion',
to: t.extend({}, CNN.companion, {
registry: CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.registryURL ||
knownEpicIds: {},
config: CNN.contentModel && CNN.contentModel.companion || {},
currentLayout: "",
updateCompanionLayout: function (n) {
var i, s, o, a, r = n,
l = "";
if (n !== this.currentLayout && e.companionAdState &&
this.config.layoutStates && this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState] &&
(this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState][r] || (r =
"default"), o = this.config.layoutStates[e.companionAdState]
[r], o && t.isArray(o))) {
for (s = o.length - 1; s >= 0; s -= 1) i = o[s], a =
this.getTargetDOM(i), a && (a.innerHTML = this.getReplacementHTML(
i), l += a.innerHTML);
this.refreshAnyEpicIds(l), this.currentLayout = n;
refreshAnyEpicIds: function (e) {
var n, i = this,
s = t(e)
s && 0 !== s.length && s.each(function () {
n = t(this)
.attr("id"), i.refreshEpicSlot(n);
getAdlib: function () {
var e = AMPTManager && AMPTManager.processNewRegistry &&
AMPTManager.refreshAd && AMPTManager.registry;
return e || console.warn(
"companion.js: Could not find the AMPTManager! Using a mock object instead."
), e ? AMPTManager : {
registry: [],
processNewRegistry: function () {},
refreshAd: function () {}
getEpicIdsFromRegistry: function () {
var e, n, i, s = this.getAdlib();
for (this.knownEpicIds = {}, e = s.registry.length - 1; CNN >=
0; e -= 1)
if (t.isArray(s.registry[CNN]))
for (n = s.registry[CNN].length - 1; n >= 0; n -= 1) i =
s.registry[CNN][n] || {}, i.present && i.present === !0 && i.rktr_slot_id && (this.knownEpicIds[i.rktr_slot_id] =
return this.knownEpicIds;
hasEpicId: function (e) {
var t = this.knownEpicIds;
return t[e] || (t = this.getEpicIdsFromRegistry()), t.hasOwnProperty(
e) && "boolean" == typeof t[e] ? t[e] : !1;
refreshEpicRegistry: function () {
var e;
"" !== this.registry && (e = this.getAdlib(), e.processNewRegistry(
refreshEpicSlot: function (e) {
var t = this.getAdlib();
this.hasEpicId(e) || this.refreshEpicRegistry(), t.refreshAd(
getTargetDOM: function (t) {
var n = e.MultiAds || {},
i = !!(e.MultiAds && e.MultiAds.adGroups && e.MultiAds.domAds),
s = i && t && ? n.adGroups[] : {},
o = null;
return "undefined" != typeof s && "number" == typeof &&
-1 !== && (o = e.MultiAds.domAds[]), o;
getReplacementHTML: function (e) {
var t, i = "";
return e && e.replace && "empty" !== e.replace && (t = n.querySelectorAll(
'textarea[data-ad-name="' + e.replace + '"]'), t &&
t.length && t[0] && t[0].value && (i = t[0].value)),
initCompanionLayout: function () {
var e = this.config || {};
e.enabled && "string" == typeof e.layoutType &&
"function" == typeof this.updateCompanionLayout && this
'CNN.dynamicEpicAdCount': [{
prop: 'CNN.dynamicEpicAdCount',
to: 0
CNN: [{
prop: 'CNN',
to: "international" === CNN ? "CNNI" : "CNN"
'CNN.contentModel.entitlementSingletons': [{
prop: 'CNN.contentModel.entitlementSingletons',
to: []
'CNN.Chartbeat': [{
prop: 'CNN.Chartbeat',
to: CNN.Chartbeat || {}
'CNN.Outbrain': [{
prop: 'CNN.Outbrain',
to: CNN.Outbrain || {}
'CNN.Outbrain.init': [{
prop: 'CNN.Outbrain.init',
to: function () {
function e () {
CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth() <= o && s.filter(function () {
return i(this)
function t () {
url: "",
dataType: "script",
cache: !0
function n () {
fastdom.mutate(function () {
"section" === CNN.contentModel.pageType && CNN.Utils.existsObject(
CNN.ToggleOutbrain) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName]) && jQuery(
"div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" + CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName].zone.outBrainId +
var i = jQuery,
s = i(".js-m-outbrain"),
o = 640;
CNN.CurrentSize = CNN.CurrentSize || {}, CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth =
CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth || i.noop, e(), t(), n(), CNN.Features
.enableZoneOutbrain && jQuery(document)
.on("GPTRenderComplete ProgrammaticResizeComplete", function () {
fastdom.measure(function () {
var e, t, n, i, s, o, a = 0;
"section" === CNN.contentModel.pageType && CNN.Utils
.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(
) && CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
CNN.contentModel.sectionName].zone) && (e =
jQuery(".ad-" + CNN.ToggleOutbrain[CNN.contentModel
.sectionName].zone.adId), t = e.find("iframe")[
0], n = t && t.contentDocument.body || {}, i =
.html() || "", s = e.parent()
.attr("data-ad-position"), o = CNN.ToggleOutbrain[
i.length > 0 && (a = t.height), fastdom.mutate(
function () {
jQuery("div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" + o +
.hide(), "desktop" === s && "250" === a &&
jQuery("div.m-outbrain[data-widget-id=" +
o + "]")
'CNN.CurrentSize': [{
prop: 'CNN.CurrentSize',
to: CNN.CurrentSize || {}
'CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth': [{
prop: 'CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth',
to: CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth || i.noop
'CNN.PushAlerts': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts',
to: CNN.PushAlerts || {}
'CNN.PushAlertsConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlertsConfig',
to: CNN.PushAlertsConfig || {}
'CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari',
to: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari || {}
'CNN.PushAlerts.Safari': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts.Safari',
to: {
webServiceURL: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari.webServiceURL || "",
websitePushID: CNN.PushAlertsConfig.safari.websitePushID || "",
checkRemotePermission: function (e) {
if (CNN.Utils.existsObject(e))
if ("default" === e.permission) {
"Requesting user permission for Safari push alerts.");
try {
.Safari.webServiceURL, CNN.PushAlerts.Safari.websitePushID, {},
} catch (t) {
"Safari push alerts permission request failed:", t);
} else "denied" === e.permission ?
"User said no to Safari push alerts.") : "granted" ===
e.permission &&
"User said yes to Safari push alerts. deviceToken=" +
init: function () {
var e, t;
CNN.Utils.existsObject(CNN.Features) && CNN.Features.enableSafariPushAlerts &&
"safari" in window && "pushNotification" in window.safari &&
(e = window.location.origin, e === CNN.Host.www || e === || e === CNN.Host.intl ? (t = window.safari.pushNotification
.permission(CNN.PushAlerts.Safari.websitePushID), CNN.PushAlerts
.Safari.checkRemotePermission(t)) :
"Safari push alerts are not available on " + e));
'CNN.PushAlerts.init': [{
prop: 'CNN.PushAlerts.init',
to: function () {
'CNN.UserMessageConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.UserMessageConfig',
to: CNN.UserMessageConfig || {}
'CNN.userMessage': [{
prop: 'CNN.userMessage',
to: CNN.userMessage || function (e, t, n) {
function i () {
return "tos" === x && CNN.Features.enableAspenForTOS === !0;
function s () {
i() && CNN.Utils.exists(t.AspenCNNTOS) && void 0 !==
AspenCNNTOS.initialized && "function" == typeof AspenCNNTOS
.send && t.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
C(B) && !C(N.getCookie(B)) && AspenCNNTOS.send(
"userClickedTOS", {
userClickedTOS: !1
function o () {
D || B && j && T && N.setCNNCookie(B, j, T), fastdom.mutate(
function () {
height: 0
}, 1e3, function () {
v.hide(), i() && CNN.Utils.exists(t.AspenCNNTOS) &&
void 0 !== AspenCNNTOS.initialized &&
"function" == typeof AspenCNNTOS.send &&
AspenCNNTOS.send("userClickedTOS", {
userClickedTOS: !0
}), d();
function a () {
I && j && z && N.setCNNCookie(I, j, z);
function r () {
var a = e.Deferred();
return fastdom.measure(function () {
var r = e(n.body)
l = (e("body[data-eq-state]")
.attr("data-eq-state") || "small")
.replace(/^(\\S+\\s+)*/, "");
r || (v = e(".user-msg"), fastdom.mutate(function () {
isNaN(x) && e(n.getElementById(
.attr("id", x), v.height(0)
.addClass("user-msg-flexbox"), v.animate({
height: E[l]
}, 1e3, function () {
i() && CNN.Utils.exists(t.AspenCNNTOS) &&
"function" == typeof AspenCNNTOS.init &&
site: "cnn",
appName: "cnntos",
environment: CNN.contentModel.env,
pageUrl: t.location.href
}), s()), a.resolve();
}), e(".js-user-msg--close, .js-user-msg--agree")
.one("click", function (e) {
}), a.promise();
function l () {
w < _.length && f(_[w]);
function d () {
w++, l();
function c (e) {
var n, i, s, o = e.targeting;
try {
if (Array.isArray(o.pageTypes) && o.pageTypes.length > 0 &&
o.pageTypes.indexOf(CNN.contentModel.pageType) < 0 ||
Array.isArray(o.sectionNames) && o.sectionNames.length >
0 && o.sectionNames.indexOf(CNN.contentModel.sectionName) <
0 || Array.isArray(o.geoTargets) && o.geoTargets.length >
0 && CNN.GeoCheck.inTarget(o.geoTargets) === !1) return void d();
if ("object" == typeof o.browserTests && null !== o.browserTests) {
if (Array.isArray(o.browserTests.useragents) && o.browserTests
.useragents.length > 0) {
for (n = !1, i = 0; i < o.browserTests.useragents.length; i++)
if (s = o.browserTests.useragents[i], s.length > 0)
if ("-" === s.charAt(0)) {
if ( RegExp(s.slice(
1))) >= 0) return void d();
} else RegExp(s)) >=
0 && (n = !0);
if (n === !1) return void d();
if ("object" == typeof o.browserTests.modernizrTests &&
null !== o.browserTests.modernizrTests) {
for (s in o.browserTests.modernizrTests)
if (o.browserTests.modernizrTests.hasOwnProperty(s) &&
"flash" !== s && Modernizr[s].valueOf() !== o.browserTests
.modernizrTests[s]) return void d();
if (o.browserTests.modernizrTests.hasOwnProperty(
"flash")) return void Modernizr.on("flash",
function () {
(Modernizr.flash.valueOf() && !Modernizr.flash.blocked) !==
o.browserTests.modernizrTests[s] ? d() : g(e);
} catch (a) {
function u () {
return C(B) && C(N.getCookie(B)) ? void d() : void r();
function h () {
function f (e) {
"object" == typeof e.targeting && null !== e.targeting ? c(e) :
function g (t) {
var i;
x = C( ? : w, A = C(t.headerText) ? t.headerText :
"", P = C(t.messageText) ? t.messageText : "", 0 === A.length &&
.addClass("headerless"), e(".js-user-msg--header-text")
.html(A), e(".js-user-msg--body-text")
.html(P), E = t.height, E.xsmall = E.small, E.full16x9 = E.large,
b(t.dismissCookie) && (i = t.dismissCookie, B = C( ? : "", j = C( ? i.value : "", T = p(i), D =
C(i.skip) && i.skip, M = C(i.defer) && i.defer, I = C(i.oldCookieName) ?
i.oldCookieName : "", z = C(i.oldCookieExpiration) ? i.oldCookieExpiration :
""), a(), D || M ? e(n)
.trigger(x + S) : u();
function m (e) {
var t, n;
for (t = 0; t < _.length; t++) n = _[t], (C( ? : t) ===
e && _.splice(t, 1);
function p (e) {
var t, n, i, s = new Date();
return C(e.expiration) && (n = new Date(e.expiration)), C(e.expirationPeriod) &&
(i = new Date(e.expirationPeriod + s.getTime())), t = n &&
i ? n > i ? i : n : n || i, t ? t.toUTCString() : "";
function y () {
var e = CNN.UserMessageConfig;
_ = Array.isArray(e) ? e : "object" == typeof e && null !== e ? [
] : [], k = CNN.Features.enableUserMessage === !0, k && (
"boolean" == typeof Modernizr.ieunsupported && Modernizr.ieunsupported ||
m("ieUnsupported"), l());
var v, _ = [],
w = 0,
N = CNN.Utils,
C = N.exists,
b = N.existsObject,
k = !1,
x = "",
S = "_userMessageReady",
B = "",
j = "",
T = "",
A = "",
P = "",
E = {},
D = !1,
M = !1,
I = "",
z = "";
return {
showMessage: r,
showDeferredMessage: h,
closeMessage: o,
init: y
}(jQuery, window, document)
'CNN.siblingNavigation': [{
prop: 'CNN.siblingNavigation',
to: i.extend({}, {
fastdomIds: [],
threshold: r.threshold,
template: "views/pages/common/navigation-siblings",
disableHoverThreshold: r.disableHoverThreshold,
disableHover: !1,
getAnalyticsLib: function () {
var t = e.Analytics && e.Analytics.utils && "function" == typeof e.Analytics.utils.addTrackingTags,
n = t ? e.Analytics.utils : {
addTrackingTags: i.noop
return t || console.warn(
"navigation-siblings::getTrackingTags: Unable to find analytics library. Using mock object instead!"
), n;
getCurrentSizeLib: function () {
var t = e.CurrentSize && "function" == typeof e.CurrentSize
n = t ? e.CurrentSize : {
getClientWidth: i.noop
return t || console.warn(
"navigation-siblings::getCurrentSizeLib: Unable to find current width library. Using mock object instead!"
), n;
isEndOfPage: function () {
o.measure(i.proxy(function () {
var CNN = "do nothing",
t = i(".sibling"),
s = i(n)
a = t.eq(0)
.top / s,
r = a > this.disableHoverThreshold;
r && !this.disableHover && (e = "add"), !r &&
this.disableHover && (e = "remove"), this.disableHover =
r, "do nothing" !== CNN && o.mutate(function () {
switch (CNN) {
case "add":
case "remove":
}, this));
finishedRenderingSiblingNavigation: function (e, n) {
var s, r = "number" == typeof this.disableHoverThreshold;
e ? (console.error(
"Could not render %s with given template model %o",
this.template, a), console.error(e)) : (s = o.mutate(
function () {
".sibling"), this.enableScrolling && i(t)
.throttleEvent("scroll.siblingNavigation", i.proxy(
this.isEndOfPage, this.self), 100);
}, {
html: n,
analytics: this.getAnalyticsLib(),
isEndOfPage: this.isEndOfPage,
enableScrolling: r,
self: this
}), this.fastdomIds.push(s));
processTheSection: function (e) {
var t, n, i, s, o = {
siblings: {
previous: {},
next: {}
a = {},
r = {},
l = "object" == typeof location && location.pathname ?
location.pathname : "";
if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e)
for (n = CNN.nav && CNN.nav.siblings && CNN.nav.siblings
.articleList ? CNN.nav.siblings.articleList : [], o.siblings
.next = n[0] || {}, i = 0, s = n.length; s > i; i +=
if (a = n[i - 1] || {}, t = n[i] || {}, r = n[i + 1] || {},
t.uri === l) {
o.siblings.previous = a, = r;
return o;
requestTheModel: function () {
var e, t = "/data/ocs/section/index.html:*.json",
n = a;
return a.siblings.isUsable || (e = i.ajax(t, {
async: !0,
dataType: "json",
cache: !0,
method: "GET"
.pipe(this.processTheSection), n = e.promise()), n;
render: function (e) {
s.render(this.template, e, i.proxy(this.finishedRenderingSiblingNavigation,
shouldIAddSiblingNavigation: function () {
var e;
"navigation-sibling::shouldIAddSiblingNavigation: start"
), e = this.getCurrentSizeLib()
.getClientWidth(), e >= this.threshold && (i.when(this.requestTheModel())
.done(i.proxy(this.render, this)), i(t)
.off("resize.siblingNavigation")), console.timeStamp(
"navigation-sibling::shouldIAddArticleNavigation: end"
clearAllJobs: function () {
var e, t = this.fastdomIds;
for (e = t.length - 1; CNN >= 0; e -= 1) o.clear(t.pop());
readySetGo: function () {
var e = a.hasOwnProperty("siblings") && a.siblings.hasOwnProperty(
"isUsable") && "number" == typeof this.threshold;
e && (i(t)
.throttleEvent("resize.siblingNavigation", i.proxy(
this.shouldIAddSiblingNavigation, this), 100),
"function" == typeof i.fn.onZonesAndDomReady ? i(n)
this)) : i(n)
.load(i.proxy(this.shouldIAddSiblingNavigation, this)),
.on("pageHide", i.proxy(this.clearAllJobs, this)));
}, CNN.siblingNavigation || {})
'CNN.SocialConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig',
to: CNN.SocialConfig || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.avatar': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.avatar',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.avatar || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.gigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.gigya',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.gigya || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre || {}
'CNN.SocialConfig.msib': [{
prop: 'CNN.SocialConfig.msib',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.msib || {}
'CNN.accounts': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts',
to: CNN.accounts || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.avatar || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.appId': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.appId',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.gigya.appId
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.shareButtons': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.gigya.shareButtons',
to: "Email,Facebook,Twitter,Share"
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prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.networkName': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.networkName',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.networkName
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.siteId': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.siteId',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.siteId
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.srcDomain': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.srcDomain',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.srcDomain
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.tokenEndpoint': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.tokenEndpoint',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.tokenEndpoint
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.pingEndpoint': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.livefyre.pingEndpoint',
to: CNN.SocialConfig.livefyre.pingEndpoint
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts',
to: CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts || {}
'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts.loginUrl': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.localCfg.accounts.loginUrl',
to: "/login.html"
'CNN.accounts.avatarForScreenName': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.avatarForScreenName',
to: a
'CNN.accounts.getLoginUrl': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.getLoginUrl',
to: n
'CNN.accounts.isLoaded': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.isLoaded',
to: !1
}, {
prop: 'CNN.accounts.isLoaded',
to: !0
'CNN.accounts.loadGigya': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.loadGigya',
to: l
'CNN.accounts.pingLivefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.pingLivefyre',
to: g
'CNN.accounts.clearLivefyre': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.clearLivefyre',
to: r
'CNN.accounts.onInitialized': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.onInitialized',
to: s
'CNN.accounts.setLivefyreToken': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.setLivefyreToken',
to: m
'CNN.accounts.cfg': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.cfg',
to: v
'CNN.accounts.user': [{
prop: 'CNN.accounts.user',
to: CNN.accounts.user || this
const cnn_header_second_min_js = {
'CNN.Utils': [{
prop: 'CNN.Utils',
to: CNN.Utils || function (e, t, n, i) {
"use strict";
function r (e) {
var t = null;
return "string" == typeof e && Date.parse(e) ? t = e :
"number" == typeof e && (t = new Date( + e * A)
.toGMTString()), t;
function o (e) {
var t, n = !0,
r = function (e) {
return e !== i && null !== e;
for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)
if (!r(arguments[t])) {
n = !1;
return n;
function a (e) {
var t, n = !0,
i = function (e) {
return "object" == typeof e && null !== e;
for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)
if (!i(arguments[t])) {
n = !1;
return n;
function s (e) {
var t, n = !0,
i = function (e) {
return "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0;
for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++)
if (!i(arguments[t])) {
n = !1;
return n;
function l () {
var e, t, i = {},
r = 0;
if (n.cookie)
for (e = n.cookie.split("; "); r < e.length; r++) t = e[r].split(
"="), i[t[0]] = decodeURIComponent(t[1]) || null;
return i;
function u (e) {
return null !== c(e);
function c (e) {
var t = new RegExp("(^|;)\\\\s*" + e + "\\\\s*=\\\\s*([^;]+)"),
i = n.cookie.match(t);
return i ? i.pop() : null;
function d (e, t, i, a, s, l) {
var u = "";
o(e) && o(t) && (i = r(i), a = o(a) ? a : "/", s = o(s) ? s :
"", l = o(l) ? l : !1, u += e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(
t), o(i) && (u += ";expires=" + i), a && (u += ";path=" +
a), s && (u += ";domain=" + s), l && (u += "; secure"),
n.cookie = u);
function f (e, t, n, i) {
d(e, t, n, "/", "", i);
function p (e, t, i) {
var r = "";
o(e) && (t = o(t) ? t : "/", i = o(i) ? i : "", r += e +
"=;expires=" + x, t && (r += ";path=" + t), i && (r +=
";domain=" + i), n.cookie = r);
function h (e) {
p(e, "/", "");
function g (e, n, i) {
var r;
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 && "string" == typeof n)
if (S === !1) d(e, n, "session" === i ? null : i, "/",
"", !1);
else try {
"session" === i ? t.sessionStorage.setItem(e, n) : (t.localStorage
.setItem(e, n), "number" == typeof i ? (r = new Date( + i * A), t.localStorage.setItem(e +
"__expires", r.getTime()
.toString(10))) : "string" == typeof i &&
"session" !== i && (r = new Date(i), r.getTime() > && t.localStorage.setItem(e +
"__expires", r.getTime()
} catch (o) {}
function m (e) {
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0) {
if (S === !1) return u(e);
try {
if (o(t.sessionStorage.getItem(e)) || o(t.localStorage.getItem(
e + "__expires"))) return !0;
} catch (n) {}
return !1;
function v (e) {
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0)
if (S === !1) p(e);
else {
try {
t.localStorage.removeItem(e), t.localStorage.removeItem(
e + "__expires");
} catch (n) {}
try {
} catch (n) {}
function y (e) {
var n, i = null;
if ("string" == typeof e && e.length > 0) try {
S === !1 ? c(e) : null !== (n = t.localStorage.getItem(e +
"__expires")) ? parseInt(n, 10) > ? i = t.localStorage
.getItem(e) : v(e) : (i = t.sessionStorage.getItem(e),
o(i) || (i = t.localStorage.getItem(e)));
} catch (r) {}
return i;
function _ (e) {
var n, i, r, o, a, s, l = e;
if ("function" == typeof t.btoa) try {
n = t.btoa(l);
} catch (u) {
n = t.btoa(e.replace(
} else {
if (i =
.split(""), r = "", o = "", a = l.length % 3, a > 0)
for (; 3 > a; a++) o += "=", l += "\x00";
for (a = 0; a < l.length; a += 3) a > 0 && a / 3 * 4 % 76 ===
0 && (r += "\r"), s = (l.charCodeAt(a) << 16) + (l.charCodeAt(
a + 1) << 8) + l.charCodeAt(a + 2), s = [s >>> 18 &
63, s >>> 12 & 63, s >>> 6 & 63, 63 & s
], r += i[s[0]] + i[s[1]] + i[s[2]] + i[s[3]];
n = r.substring(0, r.length - o.length) + o;
return n;
function w (e) {
var n, i, r, o, a, s, l, u, c = e;
if ("function" == typeof t.atob) try {
n = t.atob(c);
} catch (d) {
console.log(d.message, "String to decode: " + c);
} else {
for (i =
.split(""), r = {}, u = 0; u < i.length; u++) r[i[u]] =
for (c = c.replace(new RegExp("[^" + i.join("") + "=]",
"g"), ""), a = "=" === c.charAt(c.length - 1) ? "=" ===
c.charAt(c.length - 2) ? "AA" : "A" : "", o = "", c = c
.substr(0, c.length - a.length) + a, s = 0; s < c.length; s +=
4) l = (r[c.charAt(s)] << 18) + (r[c.charAt(s + 1)] <<
12) + (r[c.charAt(s + 2)] << 6) + r[c.charAt(s + 3)],
o += String.fromCharCode(l >>> 16 & 255, l >>> 8 & 255,
255 & l);
n = o.substring(0, o.length - a.length);
return n;
function b (e) {
return e.replace("#", "");
function C () {
var S, A = 36e5,
x = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC";
return S = function () {
var e = "__test_it";
try {
return t.localStorage.setItem(e, e), t.localStorage.removeItem(
e), t.sessionStorage.setItem(e, e), t.sessionStorage.removeItem(
e), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
}(), {
exists: o,
existsObject: a,
existsString: s,
getCookies: l,
getCookie: c,
cookieExists: u,
setCookie: d,
deleteCookie: p,
setCNNCookie: f,
deleteCNNCookie: h,
storeLocalValue: g,
hasLocalValue: m,
deleteLocalValue: v,
getLocalValue: y,
b64Encode: _,
b64Decode: w,
stripHash: b,
isPhone: C
}(jQuery, window, document)
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to: CNN.Features || {}
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prop: 'CNN.VideoConfig',
to: CNN.VideoConfig || {}
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prop: 'CNN.VideoConfig.liveStream',
to: CNN.VideoConfig.liveStream || {}
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prop: 'CNN.GeoCheck',
to: function (e, t) {
"use strict";
function n () {
return o;
function i (e) {
var t, n, i, r, a, s = !0;
if (null !== o && Array.isArray(e) === !0 && e.length > 0)
for (i = + ":" + o.region, r = i + ":" +,
t = 0; t < e.length; t++) a = e[t], "-" === a.charAt(0) ?
(a = a.slice(1), n = !1) : n = !0, "*" === a ? s = n :
"#" === a.charAt(0) ? o.continent === a.slice(1) && (s =
n) : (2 === a.length && === a || 5 === a.length &&
i === a || a.length > 6 && r === a) && (s = n);
return s;
function r () {
return CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent;
var o = null;
return CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent = !1, e.fn.extend({
onGeoCheckReady: function (n) {
"function" == typeof n && (CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent === !0 ? n(e) : e(t)
.on("geoCheckReady", {
handler: n
}, function (t) {
t = t || {}, "object" == typeof &&
null !== && "function" == typeof
.handler &&;
triggerGeoCheckReady: function () {
CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent = !0, e(t)
function () {
var n, i;
i = CNN.Utils.getCookie("geoData"), null !== i && (n = i.split(
"|"), n.length > 4 && (o = {
city: n[0],
region: n[1],
postCode: n[2],
country: n[3],
continent: n[4]
})), e(t)
}(), {
getData: n,
inTarget: i,
isReady: r
}(jQuery, document)
'CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent': [{
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to: !1
}, {
prop: 'CNN._geoCheckReadyEvent',
to: !0
CNN: [{
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to: window.CNN || {}
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prop: 'CNN',
to: t.find(".media__video--responsive")
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prop: 'CNN.AdsConfig',
to: CNN.AdsConfig || {}
'': [{
prop: '',
to: || {}
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prop: 'CNN.contentModel',
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prop: 'CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth',
to: CNN.CurrentSize.getClientWidth || jQuery.noop
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to: 480
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prop: 'CNN.showGalleryCaptionWidth',
to: 640
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prop: 'CNN.orientationLandscape',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN.adLockingDisableWidth',
to: 960
'CNN.adLockEnable': [{
prop: 'CNN.adLockEnable',
to: !!(k(CNN.AdsConfig) && CNN.AdsConfig.enableAdLock === !0 && CNN
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.length && 0 !== jQuery(".pg-rail-tall__head")
cnn_header_cf68cf54d22d98a1ba38_first_bundle_js = {
'CNN.Features': [{
prop: 'CNN.Features',
to: CNN.Features || {}
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prop: 'CNN.PageParams',
to: {}
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hiddenEvent: '',
hiddenKey: '',
isDocumentHidden: function () {
return this.hiddenKey.length > 0 && e[this.hiddenKey] === !0;
isDocumentVisible: function () {
return this.hiddenKey.length > 0 && e[this.hiddenKey] === !1;
'CNN._analyticsMetadataEvent': [{
prop: 'CNN._analyticsMetadataEvent',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._analyticsMetadataEvent',
to: !0
'CNN._corePlayerReady': [{
prop: 'CNN._corePlayerReady',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._corePlayerReady',
to: !0
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prop: 'CNN._onCarouselLoaded',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._onCarouselLoaded',
to: !0
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prop: 'CNN._videoContentStarted',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._videoContentStarted',
to: !0
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prop: 'CNN._zonesRenderedEvent',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._zonesRenderedEvent',
to: !0
'CNN._zonesAndDomReadyEvent': [{
prop: 'CNN._zonesAndDomReadyEvent',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._zonesAndDomReadyEvent',
to: !0
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prop: 'CNN._zoneRenderedEvent',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._articleLengthChange',
to: !1
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prop: 'CNN._articleLengthChange',
to: !0
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prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.triggerTimer',
to: function (t) {
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.trigger(t.eventName), t.isPage === !0) return void(window.location[\&\?]refresh\=/) >= 0 ? window.location.reload(!
0) : (n = window.location.href.indexOf('#'), window.location
.href.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? n >= 0 ? window.location.replace(
window.location.href.substr(0, n) + '&refresh=1' +
window.location.href.substr(n)) : window.location.replace(
window.location.href + '&refresh=1') : n >= 0 ?
n) + '?refresh=1' + window.location.href.substr(n)) :
window.location.replace(window.location.href +
if (typeof AMPTManager === 'object' && typeof AMPTManager.refreshAds ===
'function' && typeof t.className === 'string' && t.className.length >
0 && (o = i(t.className), o !== null && o.length > 0)) {
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {
a = o.eq(n)
.attr('id'), typeof a === 'string' && a.length > 0 && CNN
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalAction': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalAction',
to: function () {
var e, t, n, o = CNN.refreshTimer,
a = new Date()
s = Math.floor((a - o.startTime + 1e4) / 6e4);
if (s > 0) {
o.adList = [];
for (e in o.intervals) {
if (o.intervals.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t = parseInt(e, 10)) >
0 && s % t === 0 && typeof o.intervals[e] !== 'undefined' &&
i.isArray(o.intervals[e])) {
for (n = 0; n < o.intervals[e].length; n++) o.triggerTimer(
if (o.adList.length > 0) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Failed to refresh ads (' + o.adList.join(',') +
'): ', e);
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalVisAction': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalVisAction',
to: function () {
var e, t, n, o, a, s = CNN.refreshTimer,
l = new Date()
if (s.visibleTime > 0 && (e = l - s.visibleTime, s.visibleTimeAccrued +=
e, l >= CNN.goActiveUntil && s.forceReset > 0 && (s.forceReset -=
e, s.forceReset <= 0 && s.triggerTimer(CNN.pageTimer)), s
.visibleTime = l), CNN.pageVis.isDocumentHidden()) s.handleVisibilityChange();
else if (n = Math.floor((s.visibleTimeAccrued + 1e4) / 6e4), s.intervalsVisId =
setTimeout(s.intervalVisAction, 6e4 * (n + 1) - s.visibleTimeAccrued),
n > 0) {
s.adList = [];
for (t in s.intervalsVis) {
if (s.intervalsVis.hasOwnProperty(t) && (o = parseInt(t, 10)) >
0 && n % o === 0 && typeof s.intervalsVis[t] !==
'undefined' && i.isArray(s.intervalsVis[t])) {
for (a = 0; a < s.intervalsVis[t].length; a++)(!s.intervalsVis[
t][a].isPage || l >= CNN.goActiveUntil) && s.triggerTimer(
if (s.adList.length > 0) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('Failed to refresh ads (' + s.adList.join(',') +
'):', e);
'CNN.refreshTimer.handleVisibilityChange': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.handleVisibilityChange',
to: function () {
var e, t, n = CNN.refreshTimer,
i = new Date()
CNN.pageVis.isDocumentHidden() ? n.intervalsVisId !== null && (
clearTimeout(n.intervalsVisId), n.intervalsVisId = null, n.hiddenTime =
i, n.visibleTime > 0 && (n.visibleTimeAccrued += i - n.visibleTime,
n.visibleTime = 0)) : n.intervalsVisId === null && (t =
6e4 - n.visibleTimeAccrued % 6e4, n.visibleTime = i, n.hiddenResetThreshold >
0 && n.hiddenTime > 0 && CNN.goActiveUntil <= i && (e = i -
n.hiddenTime, (n.forceReset > 0 || n.hiddenResetThreshold <
e && n.hiddenResetDelay < 6e4 * (CNN.pageTimer.interval -
1) - n.visibleTimeAccrued) && (n.forceReset > 0 ? n.forceReset -=
e : n.forceReset = n.hiddenResetDelay, n.forceReset <=
0 && n.triggerTimer(CNN.pageTimer))), n.hiddenTime = 0,
n.intervalsVisId = setTimeout(n.intervalVisAction, t));
'CNN.pageTimer.isPage': [{
prop: 'CNN.pageTimer.isPage',
to: !0
CNN: [{
prop: 'CNN',
to: t.length
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: C
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: ge._data(t)
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: s && (Te.boxSizingReliable() || o ===[t])
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: t(e[o], o, n)
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: !0
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: o.selector + ''
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: n.apply(e, i || [])
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: function () {
return ge;
}.apply(t, i)
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: new Event('test')
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: function (e, t, n) {
'use strict';
function o (t, n, i) {
this.startTime = null, this.stopTime = null, this.sourceId =
n, this.sync = t, this.mode = i, this.latency = null, o.prototype
.startTimer = function () {
this.startTime =;
}, o.prototype.stopTimer = function () {
this.stopTime =;
}, o.prototype.stopTimerAndReportLatency = function () {
this.stopTimer(), this.calculateLatency(), this.isThrottled() ||
}, o.prototype.calculateLatency = function () {
this.latency = this.stopTime - this.startTime;
}, o.prototype.isThrottled = function () {
var t, n = parseInt(e.latencySamplingRate, 10);
if (!isNaN(n)) {
if (n == 0) return !0;
if (n == 100) return !1;
if (t = 100 * Math.random(), n >= t) return !1;
return !0;
}, o.prototype.reportLatency = function () {
var t, n;
this.latency != null && this.latency > 0 && (t =
'/{"c":"dtb","src":"' + this.sourceId + '","' + (this
.sync ? 'bls' : 'bla') + '":"' + this.latency +
'","m":"' + this.mode + '"}', n = e.protocol + +
e.px_svc + 'PH' + t, new Image()
.src = n);
function a () {
this.metrics = {}, this.t0 =, this.i = 0, this.addTimer =
function (e, t) {
t || (t =, this.metrics[e] = t - this.t0;
}, this.set = function (e, t) {
this.metrics[e] = t;
}, this.schedule = function (t, n) {
var i = this;
t || (t = 5e3), n || (n = 'PH'), n += '/', setTimeout(
function () {
var t, CNN;
i.metrics.i = i.i, i.metrics.t0 = i.t0, =
i.getTopDomain(e), t = JSON.stringify(i.metrics),
CNN = e.protocol + + e.px_svc + n +
encodeURIComponent(t), new Image()
.src = CNN, i.metrics = {}, i.t0 =, i.i++;
}, t);
}, this.getTopDomain = function (e) {
var t, n = decodeURIComponent(e.getReferrerURL());
return t = n.indexOf('://') > -1 ? n.split('/')[2] : n.split(
'/')[0], t = t.split(':')[0];
var s, l, c, u = t.location.protocol === 'https:';
return e.latencyUtil = e.latencyUtil || null, e.protocol = u ?
'https://' : 'http://', e.DEFAULT_HOST =
'', = e.DEFAULT_HOST, e.dtb_svc =
'/e/dtb/bid', e.pb_svc = '/x/getad', e.px_svc = '/x/px/', e.debug_mode =
e.debug_mode || !1, e.MIN_TIMEOUT = 0, e.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT =
1e3, e.targetingKey = 'amznslots', e.latencySamplingRate = 1,
e.vidKey = 'amzn_vid', e.tasks = e.tasks || [], e.VIEWABILITY_CUTOFF_AREA =
'//', e.vads = {}, s =
'_d', l = !1, c = new a(), c.addTimer('tlt'), || ( = {}),
e.updateAds = function (t) {
var n, i;
if (l = !0, =, e.ev = t.ev, t.vads) {
e.vads = t.vads, || ( = {}), i = !1;
for (n in t.vads) t.vads.hasOwnProperty(n) && n.indexOf(s) != -1 && ([n] = t.vads[n], e.amzn_vid = t.vads[n], i = !
if (!i) {
for (n in t.vads) t.vads.hasOwnProperty(n) && ([n] =
t.vads[n], e.amzn_vid = t.vads[n]);
e.doAllTasks(), e.tasks.push = function (t) {
try {
t.lsr && (e.latencySamplingRate = t.lsr), t.rm && (c.addTimer(
'br'), c.set('brs', '1'), c.schedule(,, e.latencyUtil !=
null && e.latencyUtil.stopTimerAndReportLatency();
} catch (e) {}
}, e.aaxPunt = function (e) {
try {
l = !0, c.addTimer('br'), c.set('brs', '0'), e && e.rm &&
} catch (e) {}
}, e.saveAds = function (t) {
e.saved_ads =, e.updateAds(t);
}, e.getAdForSlot = function (n, CNN, o) {
var a, s, l, c;
e.src_id = n, a = a || {}, s = a.u, = n == 3e3 ?
'' :, s || (s = e.getReferrerURL()),
s && s.indexOf('amzn_debug_mode') !== -1 && (e.debug_mode = !
0), l = 'src=' + e.src_id + '&slot_uuid=' + CNN +
'&c=100&u=' + s + '&cb=' + Math.round(1e7 * Math.random()),
c = e.protocol + + e.pb_svc + '?jsd=1&' + l, o ? e
.appendScriptTag(c) : i(t,
"<script type='text/javascript' src='" + c +
}, e.getAdsCallback = function (t, n, i, CNN, o) {
var a = null;
o = o || {};
try {
n && typeof n === 'function' && (a = e.handleCallBack(n,
} catch (e) {} || ( = i), e.doGetAdsAsync(t, CNN, o, a);
}, e.getVideoAdsCallback = function (t, n, i, CNN, o) {
var o = o || {}; = 'V', e.getAdsCallback(t, n, i, CNN, o);
}, e.getDisplayAdsCallback = function (t, n, i, CNN, o) {
var o = o || {}; = 'D', e.getAdsCallback(t, n, i, CNN, o);
}, e.getAdsAsync = function (t, n, i) {
e.doGetAdsAsync(t, n, i);
}, e.getVideoAdsAsync = function (t, n, i) {
var i = i || {}; = 'V', e.getAdsAsync(t, n, i);
}, e.getDisplayAdsAsync = function (t, n, i) {
var i = i || {}; = 'D', e.getAdsAsync(t, n, i);
}, e.handleCallBack = function (t, i) {
var CNN = !1,
o = null,
a = function (e) {
if (!CNN) {
try {
t(e), o && clearTimeout(o), e || c.set('to', '1');
} catch (e) {}
CNN = !0;
s = e.getValidMilliseconds(i);
return o = s ? n.setTimeout(a, s) : n.setTimeout(a, e.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT),
}, e.getValidMilliseconds = function (t) {
if (!t) return !1;
try {
var n = ~~Number(t);
if (n > e.MIN_TIMEOUT) return n;
} catch (e) {
return !1;
return !1;
}, e.getAds = function (n, CNN, a, s) {
if (l = !1, s) return void e.doGetAdsAsync(n, CNN, a);
var u = e.getScriptSource(n, CNN, a);
try {
e.latencyUtil = new o(!0, n, a && ? : 'DV'), e.latencyUtil
.startTimer(), c.addTimer('sb'), c.set('src', n);
} catch (e) {}
u && i(t, "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + u +
}, e.getVideoAds = function (t, n, i, CNN) {
var i = i || {}; = 'V', e.getAds(t, n, i, CNN);
}, e.getDisplayAds = function (t, n, i, CNN) {
var i = i || {}; = 'D', e.getAds(t, n, i, CNN);
}, e.doGetAdsAsync = function (t, n, i, CNN) {
l = !1;
var a = e.getScriptSource(t, n, i);
try {
e.latencyUtil = new o(!1, t, i && ? : 'DV'), e.latencyUtil
.startTimer(), c.addTimer('ab'), c.set('src', t);
} catch (e) {}
e.appendScriptTag(a, CNN);
}, e.getScriptSource = function (n, i, CNN) {
var o, a, s, l, u, d;
if (!e.ssb) {
if (e.src_id = n, CNN = CNN || {}, o = CNN.u, a = CNN.d,
s =, l =, o || (o = e.getReferrerURL()),
o && o.indexOf('amzn_debug_mode') !== -1 && (e.debug_mode = !
0), && != 'V' && != 'DV' || e.vads &&
(e.vads = {}, delete e.amzn_vid), && (e.clearTargetingFromGPTAsync(), = {}), e.startTime && c.addTimer('st', e.startTime),
e.saved_ads && ( = e.saved_ads), a) {
try {
t.domain = a;
} catch (e) {}
return u = 'src=' + n + '&u=' + o + '&cb=' + Math.round(
1e7 * Math.random()), i && (u += '&sz=' + i), s && (u +=
'&t=' + s), l && (u += '&mt=' + l), d = e.protocol + + e.dtb_svc + '?' + u;
e.ssb = !1;
}, e.getReferrerURL = function () {
var i = encodeURIComponent(t.documentURI);
try {
i = encodeURIComponent(, i && i !=
'undefined' || (i = e.detectIframeAndGetURL());
} catch (t) {
i = e.detectIframeAndGetURL();
return i;
}, e.detectIframeAndGetURL = function () {
try {
if ( !== n.self) return encodeURIComponent(t.referrer);
} catch (e) {
return encodeURIComponent(t.documentURI);
}, e.appendScriptTag = function (e, n) {
var i, CNN;
if (!e && n && typeof n === 'function') return void n.apply(
this, [!0]);
i = t.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], CNN = t.createElement(
'script'), CNN.type = 'text/javascript', CNN.async = !0,
e && (CNN.src = e);
try {
n && typeof n === 'function' && (CNN.readyState ? CNN.onreadystatechange =
function () {
(CNN.readyState == 'loaded' || CNN.readyState ==
'complete') && (CNN.onreadystatechange = null, n(!
} : CNN.onload = function () {
} catch (e) {}
i.parentNode.insertBefore(CNN, i);
}, e.renderAd = function (t, n) {
var CNN, o, a, s, l, u;
if ([n]) c.addTimer('imp'), CNN =[n], e.ev && (o =
'amznad' + Math.round(1e6 * Math.random()), CNN = CNN.replace(
'window.amzncsm.rmD'), CNN = CNN.replace(/id=[^ ]*/,
'id="' + o + '"'), a =
"<script type='text/javascript' src='" + e.CSM_JS +
"'></script>", != e.DEFAULT_HOST && (a +=
"<script type='text/javascript'>try{;}catch(e){;}</script>"
), CNN = a + CNN), i(t, CNN);
else {
c.set('kvm', '1'), s = new Object(), s.c = 'dtb', s.src =
e.src_id, s.kvmismatch = 1, s.pubReturnedKey = n, s.aaxReturnedKeys =
e.getTokens(), s.cb = Math.round(1e7 * Math.random());
try {
s.u = encodeURIComponent( + location.pathname),
navigator && ( = encodeURIComponent(navigator.userAgent));
} catch (e) {}
l = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s)), u = e.protocol + + '/x/px/p/0/' + l, i(t, "<img src='" + u +
}, e.hasAds = function (t) {
var n;
if (!t) {
try {
return Object.keys(
.length > 0;
} catch (t) {
for (n in {
if ( return !0;
for (n in {
if ( && n.indexOf(t) > 0) return !
return !1;
}, e.getTargeting = function (t) {
var n = {},
i = 0;
e.getTokens() && e.getTokens()
.length > 0 ? (i = 1, n[e.targetingKey] = e.getTokens(),
e.amzn_vid && (n[e.vidKey] = e.amzn_vid)) : l || (i = 2);
try {
c.addTimer('gk'), c.set('gks', i);
} catch (e) {}
return n;
}, e.setTargeting = function (t, n) {
var i;
for (i in {
if ( {
if (n && i.indexOf(n) < 0) continue;
t(i, '1');
}, e.setTargetingForGPTAsync = function (t) {
var n, i;
try {
if (t) {
e.targetingKey = t, n = e.getTokens(), typeof n !==
'undefined' && n.length > 0 && googletag.cmd.push(
function () {
.setTargeting(t, n), e.amzn_vid && googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(e.vidKey, e.amzn_vid);
} else {
for (i in { && !function () {
var t = i;
googletag.cmd.push(function () {
CNN.debug_mode, googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(t, '1'), e.amzn_vid &&
.setTargeting(e.vidKey, e.amzn_vid);
} catch (e) {}
}, e.setTargetingForGPTSync = function (t) {
var n, i;
try {
if (t) {
e.targetingKey = t, n = e.getTokens(), typeof n !==
'undefined' && n.length > 0 && (googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(t, n), e.amzn_vid && googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(e.vidKey, e.amzn_vid));
} else {
for (i in { && (googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(i, '1'), e.amzn_vid && googletag.pubads()
.setTargeting(e.vidKey, e.amzn_vid));
} catch (e) {}
}, e.clearTargetingFromGPTAsync = function () {
try {
googletag && googletag.pubads() && googletag.pubads()
.clearTargeting(e.targetingKey), googletag.pubads()
} catch (e) {}
}, e.appendTargetingToAdServerUrl = function (t) {
var n;
try {
t.indexOf('?') === -1 && (t += '?');
for (n in && (t += '&' + n +
} catch (e) {}
return t;
}, e.appendTargetingToQueryString = function (t) {
var n;
try {
for (n in && (t += '&' + n +
} catch (e) {}
return t;
}, e.getTokens = function (t) {
var n, i = [];
try {
for (n in {
if ( {
if (t && n.indexOf(t) < 0) continue;
} catch (e) {}
return i;
}, e.getKeys = e.getTokens, e.getVid = function () {
return e.amzn_vid;
}, e.doAllTasks = function () {
for (; e.tasks.length > 0;) {
var t = e.tasks.shift();
}, e.doTask = function (e) {
try {;
} catch (e) {}
}, e.tryGetAdsAsync = function () {
e.ssb && e.__ads && e.updateAds(e.__ads), e.asyncParams &&
(e.startTime = e.asyncParams.startTime, e.getAdsCallback(, e.asyncParams.callbackFn, e.asyncParams
.timeout, e.asyncParams.size,;
}, e;
}(CNN || {}, document, window)
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: CNN || {}
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: s.minWidth
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: e.runtimeStyle
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: window.CNN || {}
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: CNN.replace(/id=[^ ]*/, 'id="' + o + '"')
}, {
prop: 'CNN',
to: a + CNN
'CNN.prototype': [{
prop: 'CNN.prototype',
to: {
constructor: CNN,
measure: function (e, t) {
var n = t ? e.bind(t) : e;
return this.reads.push(n), o(this), n;
mutate: function (e, t) {
var n = t ? e.bind(t) : e;
return this.writes.push(n), o(this), n;
clear: function (e) {
return u('clear', e), l(this.reads, e) || l(this.writes, e);
extend: function (e) {
if (u('extend', e), typeof e !== 'object') throw new Error(
'expected object');
var t = Object.create(this);
return c(t, e), t.fastdom = this, t.initialize && t.initialize(),
catch: null
'CNN.type': [{
prop: 'CNN.type',
to: 'text/javascript'
'CNN.async': [{
prop: 'CNN.async',
to: !0
'CNN.onreadystatechange': [{
prop: 'CNN.onreadystatechange',
to: null
}, {
prop: 'CNN.onreadystatechange',
to: function () {
(CNN.readyState == 'loaded' || CNN.readyState == 'complete') &&
(CNN.onreadystatechange = null, n(!0));
'CNN.bundleHost': [{
prop: 'CNN.bundleHost',
to: CNN.bundleHost || '/'
'CNN.loaded': [{
prop: 'CNN.loaded',
to: !0
'CNN.pageVis.hiddenKey': [{
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenKey',
to: 'hidden'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenKey',
to: 'mozHidden'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenKey',
to: 'msHidden'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenKey',
to: 'webkitHidden'
'CNN.pageVis.hiddenEvent': [{
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenEvent',
to: 'visibilitychange'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenEvent',
to: 'mozvisibilitychange'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenEvent',
to: 'msvisibilitychange'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.pageVis.hiddenEvent',
to: 'webkitvisibilitychange'
'CNN.PageParams[n[t].substr(0, e)]': [{
prop: 'CNN.PageParams[n[t].substr(0, e)]',
to: decodeURIComponent(n[t].substr(e + 1)
.replace(/\\+/g, ' '))
'CNN.PageParams[n[t]]': [{
prop: 'CNN.PageParams[n[t]]',
to: ''
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsVis[CNN.pageTimer.interval]': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsVis[CNN.pageTimer.interval]',
to: [CNN.pageTimer]
'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenResetThreshold': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenResetThreshold',
to: 6e4 * CNN.pageTimer.resetThreshold
'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenResetDelay': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenResetDelay',
to: 6e4 * (typeof CNN.pageTimer.resetDelay === 'number' ? CNN.pageTimer
.resetDelay : 0)
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervals[CNN.pageTimer.interval]': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervals[CNN.pageTimer.interval]',
to: [CNN.pageTimer]
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsId': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsId',
to: setInterval(CNN.refreshTimer.intervalAction, 6e4)
'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenTime': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.hiddenTime',
to: n
'CNN.refreshTimer.visibleTime': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.visibleTime',
to: n
'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsVisId': [{
prop: 'CNN.refreshTimer.intervalsVisId',
to: setTimeout(CNN.refreshTimer.intervalVisAction, 6e4)
'CNN.guid': [{
prop: 'CNN.guid',
to: a.guid || (a.guid = ge.guid++)
'CNN.left': [{
prop: 'CNN.left',
to: e.currentStyle.left
}, {
prop: 'CNN.left',
to: o
'CNN.isPhoneSized': [{
prop: 'CNN.isPhoneSized',
to: function (e) {
if (e < 0) return o;
var t = window.screen.width,
n = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
i = t / n;
return i <= e;
}, {
prop: 'CNN.isPhoneSized',
to: function () {}
'CNN.CurrentSize': [{
prop: 'CNN.CurrentSize',
to: n.extend({}, {
lastKnownHeight: -1,
lastKnownWidth: -1,
lastKnownScrollTop: -1,
getClientHeight: function () {
return this.lastKnownHeight === -1 && console.warn(
'getClientHeight: Requesting the height before this object was initialized!'
), this.lastKnownHeight;
getClientWidth: function () {
return this.lastKnownWidth === -1 && console.warn(
'getClientWidth: Requesting the width before this object was initialized!'
), this.lastKnownWidth;
getClientScrollTop: function () {
return this.lastKnownScrollTop === -1 && console.warn(
'getClientScrollTop: Requesting the scrollTop before this object was initialized!'
), this.lastKnownScrollTop;
trackClientSize: function () {
var e = n(t)
this.lastKnownScrollTop = e > 0 ? e : 0, this.lastKnownHeight =
.height(), this.lastKnownWidth = n(t)
trackAndStoreClientSize: function () {
var e = n(t)
t.sessionStorage.cnnST = this.lastKnownScrollTop = e > 0 ?
e : 0, t.sessionStorage.cnnWd = this.lastKnownWidth = n(
trackClientScrollTop: function () {
var e = n(t)
this.lastKnownScrollTop = e > 0 ? e : 0;
trackAndStoreClientScrollTop: function () {
var e = n(t)
t.sessionStorage.cnnST = this.lastKnownScrollTop = e > 0 ?
e : 0;
readySetGo: function () {
var e = !1,
i = '__testing';
try {
t.sessionStorage.setItem(i, i), t.sessionStorage.removeItem(
i), e = !0;
} catch (e) {}
this.lastKnownHeight = n(t)
.height(), this.lastKnownWidth = n(t)
.width(), e === !1 ? (this.lastKnownScrollTop = n(t)
.scrollTop() || 0, n(t)
.on('scroll', n.proxy(this.trackClientScrollTop, this)),
.on('resize', n.proxy(this.trackClientSize, this))) :
(t.sessionStorage.cnnLP === t.location.pathname && t.sessionStorage
.cnnWd === this.lastKnownWidth && t.sessionStorage.cnnLT > - 36e5 ? this.lastKnownScrollTop = t.sessionStorage
.cnnScrollTop || 0 : (this.lastKnownScrollTop = n(t)
.scrollTop() || 0, t.sessionStorage.cnnST = this.lastKnownScrollTop,
t.sessionStorage.cnnLP = t.location.pathname), t.sessionStorage
.cnnLT =, n(t)
.on('scroll', n.proxy(this.trackAndStoreClientScrollTop,
this)), n(t)
.on('resize', n.proxy(this.trackAndStoreClientSize,
}, CNN.CurrentSize)
'CNN.AdsConfig': [{
prop: 'CNN.AdsConfig',
to: CNN.AdsConfig || {}
'CNN.src': [{
prop: 'CNN.src',
to: e
'CNN.onload': [{
prop: 'CNN.onload',
to: function () {
to: CNN.INJECTOR || {}
'CNN.INJECTOR.readyState': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.readyState',
to: 'loading'
}, {
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.readyState',
to: 'ready'
'CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature',
to: function (e) {
return f[e] = t.Deferred(), f[e];
'CNN.INJECTOR.registerEvents': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.registerEvents',
to: function (e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) f.footer ? f.footer.done(t(
document)[e[n]](s)) : document.addEventListener(e[n], s);
'CNN.INJECTOR.getUrlForFeatureName': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.getUrlForFeatureName',
to: function (t, n) {
var i = '',
e = CNN.bundleHost,
o = u(t),
a = '';
return n = n || {}, n.params && (a = n.params), i = e + o + a;
'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeature',
to: function (CNN) {
var o = n(CNN),
s = CNB.INJECTOR.getUrlForFeatureName(CNN, {});
return typeof o === 'undefined' && (o = CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature(
CNN), o.state() !== 'rejected' && l(s)
.then(t.proxy(a, null, o), t.proxy(i, null, o))), o.promise();
'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeatureForSource': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeatureForSource',
to: function (CNN, o) {
var s = o,
c = n(CNN);
return typeof c === 'undefined' && (c = CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature(
CNN), c.state() !== 'rejected' && l(s)
.then(t.proxy(a, null, c), t.proxy(i, null, c))), c.promise();
'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeatureForHost': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.loadFeatureForHost',
to: function (CNN, o) {
var s = o + u(CNN),
c = n(CNN);
return typeof c === 'undefined' && (c = CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature(
CNN), c.state() !== 'rejected' && l(s)
.then(t.proxy(a, null, c), t.proxy(i, null, c))), c.promise();
'CNN.INJECTOR.executeFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.executeFeature',
to: function (i, a) {
var s = n(i),
c = e.INJECTOR.getUrlForFeatureName(i, a);
return typeof s === 'undefined' && (s = CNN.INJECTOR.createDeferredForFeature(
i, a), s.state() !== 'rejected' && l(c)
.then(t.proxy(o, null, s), t.proxy(CNN, null, s))), s.promise();
'CNN.INJECTOR.scriptComplete': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.scriptComplete',
to: function (e) {
isLoaded: !0,
exists: !0,
executed: !0
'CNN.INJECTOR.resetNameSpaceFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.resetNameSpaceFeature',
to: function (e) {
p[e] = t.Deferred();
'CNN.INJECTOR.getNameSpaceFeature': [{
prop: 'CNN.INJECTOR.getNameSpaceFeature',
to: function (e) {
var n, i, e = e.split('.'),
o = window,
a = !0;
if (p[e]) n = p[e].promise();
else {
for (p[e] = t.Deferred(), n = p[e].promise(), i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
o = o[e[i]], typeof o === 'undefined' && (a = !1);
a ? p[e].resolve({
isLoaded: !0
}) : p[e].reject({
isLoaded: !1
return n;
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