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Created February 9, 2016 20:03
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Python3 version of Scott G. Ainsworth
#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
import re
import dateutil.parser
import urllib.request
import requests
# ==================================================================
tokenizer = re.compile('(<[^>]+>|[a-zA-Z]+="[^"]*"|[;,])\\s*')
# ==================================================================
class TimeMap:
# ==================================================================
def __init__(self, timemap_uri):
self.original = None
self.timebundle = None
self.timegate = None
self.timemap = None
self.first_memento = None
self.last_memento = None
self.mementos = {}
self.__tokens = TimeMapTokenizer(""%timemap_uri)
link = self.get_next_link()
while link is not None:
if link[0] == 'memento':
self.mementos[link[1]] = link[2]
elif link[0] == 'original':
self.original = link[2] if link is not None else None
elif link[0] == 'timebundle':
self.timebundle = link[2] if link is not None else None
elif link[0] == 'timegate':
self.timegate = link[2] if link is not None else None
elif link[0] == 'timemap':
self.timemap = link[2] if link is not None else None
elif link[0] == 'first memento':
self.mementos[link[1]] = link[2]
self.first_memento = link[1] if link is not None else None
elif link[0] == 'last memento':
self.mementos[link[1]] = link[2]
self.last_memento = link[1] if link is not None else None
link = self.get_next_link()
def get_next_link(self):
uri = None
datetime = None
rel = None
resource_type = None
for token in self.__tokens:
if token[0] == '<':
uri = token[1:-1]
elif token[:9] == 'datetime=':
datetime = token[10:-1]
elif token[:4] == 'rel=':
rel = token[5:-1]
elif token[:5] == 'type=':
resource_type = token[6:-1]
elif token == ';':
elif token == ',':
return (rel, dateutil.parser.parse(datetime)
if datetime is not None else None,
uri, resource_type)
raise Exception('Unexpected timemap token', token)
if uri is None:
return None
return (rel, dateutil.parser.parse(datetime)
if datetime is not None else None,
uri, resource_type)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.mementos[key]
# ==================================================================
class TimeMapTokenizer:
# ==================================================================
def __init__(self, timemap_uri):
self.http = urllib.request.urlopen(timemap_uri)
# self._tmfile = requests.get(timemap_uri).iter_lines()
self.r = requests.get(timemap_uri)
self._tmfile = self.r.iter_lines()
# print(self.r.text)
self._tokens = []
def doIt(self):
for line in self._tmfile:
self.size = len(self.lines)
def __next__(self):
if len(self._tokens) == 0:
if self.cur == self.size:
raise StopIteration
line = self.lines[self.cur]
self.cur += 1
if self.cur == self.size:
raise StopIteration
self._tokens = tokenizer.findall(line)
return self._tokens.pop(0)
def __iter__(self):
return self
# ===============================================================================
# ===============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
import logging
timemap_uri = ""
tm = TimeMap(timemap_uri)
print("Original: ", tm.original)
print("Time Bundle: ", tm.timebundle)
print("Time Gate: ", tm.timegate)
print("Time Map: ", tm.timemap)
print("First Memento:", tm.first_memento)
print("Last Memento: ", tm.last_memento)
for memento in sorted(tm.mementos.keys()):
print(memento, "=", tm.mementos[memento])
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