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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Install Packages (OS X Homebrew)
brew install astyle
brew install autoconf
brew install autojump
brew install automake
brew install boost --c++11 --with-icu4c --with-mpi
brew install boost149
brew install brew-cask
brew install brew-gem
brew install brew-pip
brew install bwana
brew install chktex
brew install clang-format
brew install cmake
brew install coreutils
brew install cornerstone
brew install cppcheck
brew install curl
brew install dot
brew install doxygen
brew install fftw
brew install find
brew install gdb
brew install gem
brew install gem-completion
brew install gfortran
brew install git
brew install git-annex
brew install git-flow
brew install google-drive
brew install gpdfx
brew install graphviz
brew install htop
brew install imagemagick
brew install inkscape
brew install kcachegrind
brew install ksdiff
brew install latexmk
brew install libksba
brew install lldb
brew install lua
brew install luarocks
brew install midnight-commander
brew install parallel
brew install pcre
brew install pdf2svg
brew install pip
brew install pip-completion
brew install powerline
brew install pyenv
brew install pygmentize
brew install pyqt
brew install pyqt5
brew install python
brew install python3
brew install qcachegrind
brew install qmake
brew install qt
brew install qt5
brew install R
brew install r
brew install root
brew install root6
brew install rscript
brew install ruby
brew install rvm
brew install sbt
brew install shellcheck
brew install sqlite
brew install subversion
brew install subversion16
brew install subversion17
brew install svg2pdf
brew install tor
brew install uncrustify
brew install valgrind
brew install waf
brew install wget
brew install wireshark --with-lua --with-qt5
brew install xclock
brew install xcode
brew install zip
brew install zsh
brew install zsh-completions
brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting
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