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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Sublime Text Packages (OS X)
"Advanced CSV", // Efficiently format, edit, arrange, and evaluate cells in CSV files
"Alignment", // Easy alignment of multiple selections and multi-line selections
"BracketHighlighter", // Bracket and tag highlighter for Sublime Text []
"Character Table", // Provide a Character Table to lookup and insert any Unicode Character
"CMake", // CMake.tmLanguage
"Color Highlighter", // Underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF", "rgb(255,255,255)", "white", etc.) with their real color
"Colorcoder", // Semantic highlight for Sublime Text
"ColorPicker", // A multi-platform color picker plugin
"DataConverter", // A package for Sublime Text 2 for converting CSV data to other formats
"Dictionaries", // Contains some UTF8-ready dictionaries for the spell checker feature of Sublime Text
"DocBlockr", // Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++
"Emmet", // Official Emmet plugin (previously called Zen Coding) for Sublime Text []
"Evernote", // Sublime Text plugin for Evernote []
"File History", // Provides access to the history of recently accessed files - project-wise or globally
"File Navigator", // File Navigator plugin for Sublime Text
"FileBrowser", // Ditch sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with keyboard, like a pro!
"Gist", // Sublime Text plugin for creating new Gists from selected text
"Github Tools", // A set of handy tools to use Sublime Text 2+ with Github
"Gitignore", // Gitignore plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3
"Glue", // Cross-platform, extensible plug-in for Sublime Text 2 and 3 that connects your favorite editor to your shell
"HexViewer", // Hex viewer and editor for SublimeText
"LaTeX-cwl", // LaTeX-cwl is a Sublime Text plugin and used by the LaTeX plugin LaTeXing
"LaTeXing", // A commercial LaTeX Plugin for Sublime Text which makes your life easier and more comfortable
"Markdown Preview", // Preview and build your markdown files quickly in your web browser from sublime text 2/3
"MarkdownEditing", // Powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes
"Package Control", // A full-featured package manager
"Package Syncing", // Keep your Sublime Text installations synchronised across multiple machines
"Preference Helper", // Helps you to fill out the Sublime Text 2/3 sublime-settings files. This version is compatible to Sublime Text 2 and 3
"Preferences Editor", // Browse and edit preferences using quick panel and input panels, instead of writing JSON files
"Project Manager", // Project Manager for Sublime Text 3
"Schemr", // A color scheme selector for Sublime Text
"SFTP", // Commercial SFTP/FTP plugin - upload, sync, browse, remote edit, diff and vcs integration
"SideBarEnhancements", // Provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders for Sublime Text []
"SublimeGit", // Full-featured Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3
"SublimeLinter", // A framework for interactive code linting in the Sublime Text 3 editor []
"SublimeLinter-chktex", // LaTeX linter plugin for SublimeLinter 3, using chktex []
"SublimeLinter-cppcheck", // This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to cppcheck
"SublimeLinter-javac", // SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Java, using javac -Xlint
"SublimeLinter-jshint", // SublimeLinter plugin for JavaScript, using jshint
"SublimeLinter-json", // SublimeLinter plugin for JSON
"SublimeLinter-lua", // SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Lua, using luac -p
"SublimeLinter-php", // SublimeLinter 3 plugin for PHP, using php -l
"SublimeLinter-pylint", // SublimeLinter plugin for python, using pylint
"SublimeLinter-ruby", // SublimeLinter plugin for ruby, using ruby -wc
"SublimeLinter-shellcheck", // This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to shellcheck
"Sublimerge Pro", // The professional, side-by-side tool to diff and merge files and directories right in Sublime Text. Supports Git, SVN and Mercurial.
"SVN", // Full-featured commercial Subversion plugin with a focus on usability
"Terminal", // Launch terminals from the current file or the root project folder
"Theme - Cobalt2", // Tweaked and refined Sublime Text theme based on the original cobalt
"Theme - Flatgrammer", // Flatgrammer is a flat sexy Sublime Text theme
"Theme - Fox", // A UI + syntax theme for Sublime Text based on Mozilla's Firefox Developer Edition
"Theme - Gravity", // Sublime Text 3 UI theme
"Theme - Lyte", // A minimal, aesthetically pleasing theme for Sublime Text 3
"Theme - Piatto", // Piatto is a very simple flat style theme for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3
"Theme - Soda", // Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text []
"Theme - Spacegray", // A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
"Themr", // A UI theme selector for Sublime Text
"TrailingSpaces", // Highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash
"UnicodeMath", // Plugin for Sublime for inserting unicode math symbols
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