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Created August 25, 2015 00:50
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hatohol installation error
[vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64]# sudo python3 [/home/vagrant/git/test-environment-manager/creator]
Container already exists: env_base
lxc_container: bdev.c: aufs_mount: 2613 No such device - aufs: error mounting /var/lib/lxc/env_base/rootfs onto /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc options br=/var/lib/lxc/env_zabbix_server22/delta0=rw:/var/lib/lxc/env_base/rootfs=ro,xino=/run/lxc/aufs.xino
Create Container: env_zabbix_server22
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 335, in <module>
File "", line 329, in create_containers
create_container_if_needed(container_name, get_commands_function_name)
File "", line 295, in create_container_if_needed
clone_container_and_install_software(container_name, base_container, cmds)
File "", line 45, in clone_container_and_install_software
container = clone_start_container(container_name, base)
File "", line 19, in clone_start_container
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'start'
[mocchi@nickelodeon]# sudo ./ sample.yml [/home/mocchi/Documents/test-environment-manager/clone_config]
[sudo] password for mocchi:
'zabbix-server20-sample' already exists
'nagios-server4-sample' already exists
'nagios-nrpe-sample' already exists
'zabbix-server22-sample' already exists
'fluentd-sample' already exists
'hatohol-build-sample' already exists
'zabbix-agent22-sample' already exists
'redmine-sample' already exists
'hatohol-rpm-sample' already exists
'zabbix-agent20-sample' already exists
'nagios-server3-sample' already exists
Finish clone container process!
Start setup process: zabbix-server20-sample
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for zabbix-server20-sample
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[ OK ]
Shutting down Zabbix server: [ OK ]
Starting Zabbix server: [ OK ]
The host is already added. test1:
The host is already added. test2:
Start setup process: nagios-server4-sample
Adding password for user admin
Start setup process: nagios-nrpe-sample
Start setup process: zabbix-server22-sample
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for zabbix-server22-sample
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[ OK ]
Shutting down Zabbix server: [ OK ]
Starting Zabbix server: [ OK ]
The host is already added. test1:
The host is already added. test2:
Start setup process: fluentd-sample
Start setup process: hatohol-build-sample
Start setup process: zabbix-agent22-sample
Start setup process: redmine-sample
Don't run Bundler as root. Bundler can ask for sudo if it is needed, and installing your bundle as root will break this application for all non-root users on this machine.
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Resolving dependencies....
Using rake 10.1.1
Using i18n 0.7.0
Using multi_json 1.11.2
Using activesupport 3.2.19
Using builder 3.0.0
Using activemodel 3.2.19
Using erubis 2.7.0
Using journey 1.0.4
Using rack 1.4.7
Using rack-cache 1.2
Using rack-test 0.6.3
Using hike 1.2.3
Using tilt 1.4.1
Using sprockets 2.2.3
Using actionpack 3.2.19
Using mime-types 1.25.1
Using polyglot 0.3.5
Using treetop 1.4.15
Using mail 2.5.4
Using actionmailer 3.2.19
Using arel 3.0.3
Using tzinfo 0.3.44
Using activerecord 3.2.19
Using activeresource 3.2.19
Using awesome_nested_set 2.1.6
Using bundler 1.10.6
Using coderay 1.1.0
Using rack-ssl 1.3.4
Using json 1.8.3
Using rdoc 3.12.2
Using thor 0.19.1
Using railties 3.2.19
Using jquery-rails 2.0.3
Using mysql2 0.3.19
Using net-ldap 0.3.1
Using ruby-openid 2.3.0
Using rack-openid 1.4.2
Using rails 3.2.19
Using redcarpet 2.3.0
Installing rmagick 2.15.4 with native extensions
Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/local/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for gcc... yes
checking for Magick-config... yes
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may
need configuration options.
Provided configuration options:
extconf.rb:158:in ``': No such file or directory - which (Errno::ENOENT)
from extconf.rb:158:in `has_graphicsmagick_libmagick_dev_compat?'
from extconf.rb:64:in `configure_compile_options'
from extconf.rb:16:in `initialize'
from extconf.rb:517:in `new'
from extconf.rb:517:in `<main>'
Gem files will remain installed in /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/rmagick-2.15.4 for inspection.
Results logged to /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/rmagick-2.15.4/ext/RMagick/gem_make.out
An error occurred while installing rmagick (2.15.4), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install rmagick -v '2.15.4'` succeeds before bundling.
Could not find gem 'rmagick (>= 2.0.0) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
Could not find gem 'rmagick (>= 2.0.0) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile or available on this machine.
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for redmine-sample
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[ OK ]
Failed to create a new project.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
.dialog {
width: 25em;
padding: 0 4em;
margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-right-color: #999;
border-bottom-color: #999;
h1 { font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; }
#operator_info_panel {
width: 27em;
margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
line-height: 1.2em;
#show_operator_info { text-decoration: none; color: #99f; font-size: smaller; }
#show_operator_info:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
#operator_info { color: #444; text-align: justify; }
<div class="dialog">
<h1>We're sorry, but something went wrong.</h1>
<p>We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.</p>
<div id="operator_info_panel">
<a id="show_operator_info" href="javascript:void(showOperatorInfo())">Information for the administrator of this website</a>
<div id="operator_info" style="display: none">
<p>The Phusion Passenger application server encountered an error while starting your web application.
Because you are running this web application in staging or production mode, the details of the error
have been omitted from this web page for security reasons.</p>
<p><strong>Please read <a href="">the Passenger log file</a> to find the details of the error.</strong></p>
<p>Alternatively, you can turn on the "friendly error pages" feature (see below), which will make Phusion Passenger show many details about the error right in the browser.</p>
<p>To turn on friendly error pages:</p>
<li><a href="">Nginx integration mode</a></li>
<li><a href="">Apache integration mode</a></li>
<li><a href="">Standalone mode</a></li>
function showOperatorInfo() {
document.getElementById('operator_info').style.display = 'block';
Start setup process: hatohol-rpm-sample
Start setup process: zabbix-agent20-sample
Start setup process: nagios-server3-sample
Adding password for user admin
Install config files: zabbix-server20-sample
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 14, in <module>
File "/home/mocchi/Documents/test-environment-manager/clone_config/", line 440, in start_setup_containers
File "/home/mocchi/Documents/test-environment-manager/clone_config/", line 430, in install_containers_config
install_container_config(container_name, container_info)
File "/home/mocchi/Documents/test-environment-manager/clone_config/", line 423, in install_container_config
File "/home/mocchi/Documents/test-environment-manager/clone_config/", line 366, in install_container_config_file
IPV4_GATEWAY_SETTING_KEY + container_info['gateway'] + '\n'
KeyError: 'gateway'
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