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Nicolas Brown NBrown140

  • Overstory
  • Montreal, Canada
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NBrown140 /
Last active June 21, 2023 15:24
Download full AW3D30 v3.2 dataset
# Script to download all the tiles of the AW3D30 v3.2 dataset
download () {
# I've noticed that non-existing tiles return a 302 response code.
# I assume all the tiles with data have a url that returns 200 response code.
local url=$1
echo Cheking $url
local respcode=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent -Iw '%{http_code}' $url)
echo Response code: $respcode
NBrown140 /
Created August 12, 2020 02:57
Gradient descent implementation on arbitrary 2d function
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
x_init, y_init = -1.6, -0.09
alpha = 0.0001
N = 100000