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Created May 31, 2019 02:12
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File was found in /data/teamcity_agent/conf,
run configure --server-url --name Fenrir,
Java executable is found: '/opt/java/openjdk/jre/bin/java',
Configuring TeamCity build agent...,
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap,
File was updated,
Starting TeamCity build agent...,
Java executable is found: '/opt/java/openjdk/jre/bin/java',
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap,
Starting TeamCity Build Agent Launcher...,
Agent home directory is /opt/buildagent,
Agent Launcher Java runtime version is 1.8 ,
Lock file: /opt/buildagent/logs/ ,
Using no lock ,
Done [660], see log at /opt/buildagent/logs/teamcity-agent.log,
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,437] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - ===========================================================,
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,452] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - TeamCity Build Agent 2019.1 (build 65998),
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,460] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - OS: Linux, version 4.15.0-50-generic, amd64, Current user: root, Time zone: EDT (UTC-04:00),
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,462] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - Java: 1.8.0_192, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.192-b12, mixed mode), OpenJDK Runtime Environment (1.8.0_192-b12), Oracle Corporation; JVM parameters: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -ea -Xmx384m -Dteamcity_logs=../logs/,
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,462] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - Starting...,
[2019-05-30 22:06:03,522] INFO - buildServer.agent.AgentMain2$3 - Refreshing jetbrains.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2$3@3d99d22e: startup date [Thu May 30 22:06:03 EDT 2019]; root of context hierarchy,
[2019-05-30 22:06:05,929] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Calculating CPU benchmark index...,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,027] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - CPU benchmark index is set to 451,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,110] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent tools download temp directory created on path /opt/buildagent/temp/tools,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,339] INFO - dAgentConfigurationInitializer - Loading build agent configuration from /data/teamcity_agent/conf/,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,524] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - Working dir: /opt/buildagent/work,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,524] INFO - s.buildServer.agent.AgentMain2 - Temp dir: /opt/buildagent/temp,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,527] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - ===========================================================,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,527] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Plugins initialization started...,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,527] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Scanning plugins folders,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,529] INFO - .plugins.files.JarSearcherBase - Scanning plugin folder: /opt/buildagent/plugins,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,534] INFO - .plugins.files.JarSearcherBase - Scanning plugin folder: /opt/buildagent/tools,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,549] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Found 1 non bundled plugins: [amazonEC2],
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,549] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Found 0 bundled plugins: [],
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,551] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginsCollection - Load shared classloader for 1 plugins [amazonEC2],
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,558] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginsCollection - No plugins were loaded with standalone classloaders,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,813] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Plugins initialization completed (1 plugins loaded): [amazonEC2],
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,814] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - ===========================================================,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,816] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Build Agent version: 65998, plugins signature: NA,
[2019-05-30 22:06:13,832] INFO - dAgentConfigurationInitializer - Loading build agent configuration from /data/teamcity_agent/conf/,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,578] INFO - n.AmazonInstanceMetadataReader - Amazon is not available. Failed to connect to Server status: 404 (Not Found),
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,608] INFO - .agent.impl.OsArchBitsDetector - Detecting via "getconf LONG_BIT", exit code: 0, output: 64,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,608] INFO - .agent.impl.OsArchBitsDetector - "teamcity.agent.os.arch.bits" detected as "64",
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,614] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Start build agent,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,734] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent Web server started on port 9090,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,751] INFO - agent.impl.AgentPortFileWriter - Writing agent runtime file to /opt/buildagent/logs/buildAgent.xmlRpcPort,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,751] INFO - agent.impl.AgentPortFileWriter - Launcher version is 65998,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,752] INFO - agent.impl.AgentPortFileWriter - Writing agent runtime file to /opt/buildagent/logs/buildAgent.xmlRpcPort :DONE!,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,752] INFO - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Registering on server via URL "": AgentDetails{Name='Fenrir', AgentId=null, BuildId=null, AgentOwnAddress='null', AlternativeAddresses=[], Port=9090, Version='65998', PluginsVersion='NA', AvailableRunners=[], AvailableVcs=[], AuthorizationToken='', PingCode='sckwnSD9Ht2XwQgrf0deuc0uTpMoIRYW'},
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,753] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Build agent started,
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,882] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error while asking server for the communication protocols via URL Will try later: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target (enable debug to see stacktrace),
[2019-05-30 22:06:14,882] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error registering on the server via URL Will continue repeating connection attempts.,
[2019-05-30 22:06:15,246] INFO - r.artifacts.impl.HttpDiskCache - Cleaning up items with life time in cache greater than 172800 seconds,
[2019-05-30 22:06:15,248] INFO - r.artifacts.impl.HttpDiskCache - Finished cleaning up expired items, 0 items removed,
[2019-05-30 22:06:15,250] INFO - dDirectoryBasedCleanupRegistry - Removing files from /opt/buildagent/temp/.old,
[2019-05-30 22:06:15,250] INFO - dDirectoryBasedCleanupRegistry - Removing files from /opt/buildagent/work/.old,
[2019-05-30 22:06:15,324] INFO - l.directories.DirectoryMapImpl - Cleaning up old checkout directories. Default lifetime = 192 hour(s),
[2019-05-30 22:07:15,169] INFO - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Registering on server via URL "": AgentDetails{Name='Fenrir', AgentId=null, BuildId=null, AgentOwnAddress='null', AlternativeAddresses=[], Port=9090, Version='65998', PluginsVersion='NA', AvailableRunners=[], AvailableVcs=[], AuthorizationToken='', PingCode='sckwnSD9Ht2XwQgrf0deuc0uTpMoIRYW'},
[2019-05-30 22:07:15,182] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error while asking server for the communication protocols via URL Will try later: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target (enable debug to see stacktrace),
[2019-05-30 22:07:15,183] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error registering on the server via URL Will continue repeating connection attempts.,
[2019-05-30 22:08:15,444] INFO - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Registering on server via URL "": AgentDetails{Name='Fenrir', AgentId=null, BuildId=null, AgentOwnAddress='null', AlternativeAddresses=[], Port=9090, Version='65998', PluginsVersion='NA', AvailableRunners=[], AvailableVcs=[], AuthorizationToken='', PingCode='sckwnSD9Ht2XwQgrf0deuc0uTpMoIRYW'},
[2019-05-30 22:08:15,458] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error while asking server for the communication protocols via URL Will try later: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target (enable debug to see stacktrace),
[2019-05-30 22:08:15,458] WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Error registering on the server via URL Will continue repeating connection attempts.,
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