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Last active May 1, 2024 00:36
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Save NErler/0d00375da460dd33839b98faeee2fdab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function to create barplot comparing observed and imputed values from a mids object.
# Compare proportions in categorical variables between observed and imputed data
# visually (using ggplot)
# Parameters:
# x: mids object (from mice)
# formula: formula describing which variables to plot
# facet: either "wrap" for facet_wrap or "grid" for facet_grid
# ...: additional parameters passed to theme()
# Note: if the formula is not specified, all imputed categorical variables are
# plotted.
# A formula has the structure:
# categorical variables ~ faceting variables | color variable
# By default, .imp (imputation set identifier) will be used as color variable.
# This function uses the following packages:
# - mice
# - reshape2
# - RColorBrewer
# - ggplot2
propplot <- function(x, formula, facet = "wrap", ...) {
cd <- data.frame(mice::complete(x, "long", include = TRUE))
cd$.imp <- factor(cd$.imp)
r <-$data))
impcat <- x$meth != "" & sapply(x$data, is.factor)
vnames <- names(impcat)[impcat]
if (missing(formula)) {
formula <- as.formula(paste(paste(vnames, collapse = "+",
sep = ""), "~1", sep = ""))
tmsx <- terms(formula[-3], data = x$data)
xnames <- attr(tmsx, "term.labels")
xnames <- xnames[xnames %in% vnames]
if (paste(formula[3]) != "1") {
wvars <- gsub("[[:space:]]*\\|[[:print:]]*", "", paste(formula)[3])
# wvars <- all.vars(as.formula(paste("~", wvars)))
wvars <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste("~", wvars))), "term.labels")
if (grepl("\\|", formula[3])) {
svars <- gsub("[[:print:]]*\\|[[:space:]]*", "", paste(formula)[3])
svars <- all.vars(as.formula(paste("~", svars)))
} else {
svars <- ".imp"
} else {
wvars <- NULL
svars <- ".imp"
for (i in seq_along(xnames)) {
xvar <- xnames[i]
select <- cd$.imp != 0 & !r[, xvar]
cd[select, xvar] <- NA
for (i in which(!wvars %in% names(cd))) {
cd[, wvars[i]] <- with(cd, eval(parse(text = wvars[i])))
meltDF <- reshape2::melt(cd[, c(wvars, svars, xnames)], id.vars = c(wvars, svars))
meltDF <- meltDF[!$value), ]
wvars <- if (!is.null(wvars)) paste0("`", wvars, "`")
a <- plyr::ddply(meltDF, c(wvars, svars, "variable", "value"), plyr::summarize,
count = length(value))
b <- plyr::ddply(meltDF, c(wvars, svars, "variable"), plyr::summarize,
tot = length(value))
mdf <- merge(a,b)
mdf$prop <- mdf$count / mdf$tot
plotDF <- merge(unique(meltDF), mdf)
plotDF$value <- factor(plotDF$value,
levels = unique(unlist(lapply(x$data[, xnames], levels))),
ordered = T)
p <- ggplot(plotDF, aes(x = value, fill = get(svars), y = prop)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", ...) +
ylab("proportion") +
scale_fill_manual(name = "",
values = c("black",
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(x$m + 3)[1:x$m + 3])) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 1))
if (facet == "wrap")
if (length(xnames) > 1) {
print(p + facet_wrap(c("variable", wvars), scales = "free"))
} else {
if (is.null(wvars)) {
} else {
print(p + facet_wrap(wvars, scales = "free"))
if (facet == "grid")
if (!is.null(wvars)) {
print(p + facet_grid(paste(paste(wvars, collapse = "+"), "~ variable"),
scales = "free"))
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NErler commented Aug 20, 2021

Any formal metric for evaluation of the fit of the imputation models should use the conditional distribution used during imputation, but this is not what the plots show. To me, the main point of these plots is to have some help in carefully investigating the imputed values, but the interpretation has to be based on common sense.

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Thank you for making this function. I notice bars are missing for imputation iterations that do not vary across the levels of a specific categorical variable. Can that be modified so the bar is at zero?

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