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Created March 22, 2024 11:09
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Save NIXKnight/ccb66be2db149f7aca3b220e646194a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. recursively fetches all secrets on a given path and prints them on the terminal in a tabulated format
import hvac
import os
from tabulate import tabulate
from hvac.exceptions import VaultError
# Initialize the HashiCorp Vault client using environment variables for address and token
client = hvac.Client(
url=os.environ['VAULT_ADDR'], # Vault server address
token=os.environ['VAULT_TOKEN'] # Authentication token
def read_secret(client, path, mount_path):
"""Reads a secret from a specified path and mount point."""
# Attempt to read the secret version at the specified path
read_response = client.secrets.kv.read_secret_version(
# Return the data portion of the secret
return read_response['data']['data']
except VaultError as e:
# Handle errors (e.g., permission issues, nonexistent paths) by printing an error message
print(f"Error reading secret at path: {path} with mount path: {mount_path}. Error: {e}")
return {}
def list_secrets(client, path=None, mount_path=None):
"""Lists all secrets at a specified path and mount point."""
# Attempt to list secrets at the specified path
list_response = client.secrets.kv.v2.list_secrets(
return list_response
except VaultError as e:
# Handle errors by printing an error message and returning None
print(f"Error listing secrets at path: {path} with mount path: {mount_path}. Error: {e}")
return None
def list_all_secrets(client, secrets_details, path=None, mount_path=None):
"""Recursively lists all secrets and their details, accumulating results in secrets_details."""
response = list_secrets(client, path=path, mount_path=mount_path)
if response is None:
keys = response['data']['keys']
for key in keys:
_path = f"{path}{key}" if path else key # Construct the full path for the current key
if key.endswith("/"):
# If the key is a directory, recurse into it
list_all_secrets(client, secrets_details, path=_path, mount_path=mount_path)
# If the key is a secret, read its value and store its details
secrets = read_secret(client, path=_path, mount_path=mount_path)
vault_ui_url = f"{os.environ['VAULT_ADDR']}/ui/vault/secrets/{mount_path.strip('/')}/show/{_path.strip('/')}"
secrets_details.append({"path": _path, "secrets": secrets, "url": vault_ui_url})
def print_secrets_table(secrets_details):
"""Prints a formatted table of secrets, including paths, keys, values, and Vault UI URLs."""
rows = []
for detail in secrets_details:
for key, value in detail["secrets"].items():
rows.append([detail["path"], key, str(value), detail["url"]])
headers = ["Secret Path", "Key", "Value", "Vault UI URL"]
print(tabulate(rows, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid"))
# List to accumulate secret details
secrets_details = []
# List all secrets starting from the root path in the 'kv' mount, and print them
list_all_secrets(client, secrets_details, path='/', mount_path='kv/')
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