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Last active September 7, 2020 12:56
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using System;
using SOM.NeuronNamespace;
using SOM.VectorNamespace;
namespace SOM
public class SOMap
internal INeuron[,] _matrix;
internal int _height;
internal int _width;
internal double _matrixRadius;
internal double _numberOfIterations;
internal double _timeConstant;
internal double _learningRate;
public SOMap(int width, int height, int inputDimension, int numberOfIterations, double learningRate)
_width = width;
_height = height;
_matrix = new INeuron[_width, _height];
_numberOfIterations = numberOfIterations;
_learningRate = learningRate;
_matrixRadius = Math.Max(_width, _height) / 2;
_timeConstant = _numberOfIterations / Math.Log(_matrixRadius);
public void Train(Vector[] input)
int iteration = 0;
var learningRate = _learningRate;
while (iteration < _numberOfIterations)
var currentRadius = CalculateNeighborhoodRadius(iteration);
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
var currentInput = input[i];
var bmu = CalculateBMU(currentInput);
(int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd) = GetRadiusIndexes(bmu, currentRadius);
for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
var processingNeuron = GetNeuron(x, y);
var distance = bmu.Distance(processingNeuron);
if (distance <= Math.Pow(currentRadius, 2.0))
var distanceDrop = GetDistanceDrop(distance, currentRadius);
processingNeuron.UpdateWeights(currentInput, learningRate, distanceDrop);
learningRate = _learningRate * Math.Exp(-(double)iteration / _numberOfIterations);
internal (int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd) GetRadiusIndexes(INeuron bmu, double currentRadius)
var xStart = (int)(bmu.X - currentRadius - 1);
xStart = (xStart < 0) ? 0 : xStart;
var xEnd = (int)(xStart + (currentRadius * 2) + 1);
if (xEnd > _width) xEnd = _width;
var yStart = (int)(bmu.Y - currentRadius - 1);
yStart = (yStart < 0) ? 0 : yStart;
var yEnd = (int)(yStart + (currentRadius * 2) + 1);
if (yEnd > _height) yEnd = _height;
return (xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd);
internal INeuron GetNeuron(int indexX, int indexY)
if (indexX > _width || indexY > _height)
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong index!");
return _matrix[indexX, indexY];
internal double CalculateNeighborhoodRadius(double itteration)
return _matrixRadius * Math.Exp(-itteration/_timeConstant);
internal double GetDistanceDrop(double distance, double radius)
return Math.Exp(-(Math.Pow(distance, 2.0) / Math.Pow(radius, 2.0)));
internal INeuron CalculateBMU(IVector input)
INeuron bmu = _matrix[0, 0];
double bestDist = input.EuclidianDistance(bmu.Weights);
for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _height; j++)
var distance = input.EuclidianDistance(_matrix[i, j].Weights);
if( distance < bestDist)
bmu = _matrix[i, j];
bestDist = distance;
return bmu;
private void InitializeConnections(int inputDimension)
for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _height; j++)
_matrix[i, j] = new SOM.NeuronNamespace.Neuron(inputDimension) { X = i, Y = j };
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I think the order of the parameters: learningRate and distanceDrop in line 56 in wrong.
Am I right?

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