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Created November 15, 2012 14:09
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// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__start__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__start__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__start__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__start__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[start](CaptureA[(Void, int)](CaptureA[(Void, int)](CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mainRule) !any)))";
mutable token_1;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__start__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__start__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__start__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Void, int)](CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mainRule) !any)";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mainRule) !any";
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "mainRule";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__mainRule__(pos, text, ref token_1)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "!any";
def newPos =
_ = "any";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos, text)
if (newPos < 0) pos; else -1
}; else -1
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__start__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__start__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = start(token_1);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__start__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos : int, text : string) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "['\\0'.. char.MaxValue]";
(res :
_ = "['\\0'.. char.MaxValue]";
_ = "['\\0'.. char.MaxValue]";
if (pos < text.Length) pos + 1; else -1
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mainRule__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mainRule__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mainRule__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__mainRule__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[mainRule](CaptureA[(int, int?)](CaptureA[(int, int?)](CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[int?](CaptureA[int](inputError)?))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mainRule__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mainRule__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mainRule__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(int, int?)](CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[int?](CaptureA[int](inputError)?))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[int?](CaptureA[int](inputError)?)";
def pos =
_ = "sumOrSub";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__sumOrSub__(pos, text, ref token_1)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "CaptureA[int](inputError)?";
mutable token_3;
def newPos =
_ = "inputError";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__inputError__(pos, text, ref token_3)
if (newPos >= 0)
token_2 = Some(token_3);
}; else
token_2 = None();
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mainRule__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mainRule__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = mainRule(token_1, token_2);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mainRule__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__inputError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__inputError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__inputError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__inputError__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[inputError](CaptureA[Chars](any))";
mutable token_1;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__inputError__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__inputError__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__inputError__;
}; else
def newPos =
def newPos =
_ = "any";
(res :
_ = "any";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos, text)
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__inputError__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__inputError__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = inputError(token_1);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__inputError__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__sumOrSub__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__sumOrSub__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__sumOrSub__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__sumOrSub__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[sumOrSub](CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv)))*))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__sumOrSub__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__sumOrSub__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__sumOrSub__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv)))*))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv)))*)";
def pos =
_ = "mulOrDiv";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__mulOrDiv__(pos, text, ref token_1)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv)))*";
token_2 = SCG.List();
mutable token_3;
mutable token_4;
def rep (pos : int)
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars]('+' / '-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](mulOrDiv)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "'+' / '-'";
(res :
def newPos =
_ = "'+'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '+') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
_ = "'-'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '-') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_3 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "mulOrDiv";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__mulOrDiv__(pos, text, ref token_4)
}; else -1
}; else -1
if (newPos >= 0)
token_2.Add(token_3, token_4);
}; else pos
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__sumOrSub__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__sumOrSub__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = sumOrSub(token_1, token_2);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__sumOrSub__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mulOrDiv__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mulOrDiv__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mulOrDiv__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__mulOrDiv__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[mulOrDiv](CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[int](simplExpr) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)))*))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mulOrDiv__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mulOrDiv__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mulOrDiv__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(int, List[(Chars, Void, int)])](CaptureA[int](simplExpr) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)))*))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[int](simplExpr) CaptureA[List[(Chars, Void, int)]](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)))*)";
def pos =
_ = "simplExpr";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExpr__(pos, text, ref token_1)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)))*";
token_2 = SCG.List();
mutable token_3;
mutable token_4;
def rep (pos : int)
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars]('*' / '/') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "'*' / '/'";
(res :
def newPos =
_ = "'*'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '*') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
_ = "'/'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '/') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_3 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "simplExpr";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExpr__(pos, text, ref token_4)
}; else -1
}; else -1
if (newPos >= 0)
token_2.Add(token_3, token_4);
}; else pos
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mulOrDiv__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mulOrDiv__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = mulOrDiv(token_1, token_2);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mulOrDiv__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExpr__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[simplExpr](CaptureA[int](CaptureA[int](num) / CaptureA[int](parenthesesExpr) / CaptureA[int](unaryMinus) / CaptureA[int](parenthesesExprError) / CaptureA[int](simplExprError)))";
mutable token_1;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExpr__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExpr__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExpr__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[int](num) / CaptureA[int](parenthesesExpr) / CaptureA[int](unaryMinus) / CaptureA[int](parenthesesExprError) / CaptureA[int](simplExprError)";
(res :
def newPos =
_ = "num";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__num__(pos, text, ref token_1)
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
def newPos =
_ = "parenthesesExpr";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__parenthesesExpr__(pos, text, ref token_1)
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
def newPos =
_ = "unaryMinus";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__unaryMinus__(pos, text, ref token_1)
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
def newPos =
_ = "parenthesesExprError";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__parenthesesExprError__(pos, text, ref token_1)
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
_ = "simplExprError";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExprError__(pos, text, ref token_1)
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExpr__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExpr__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = simplExpr(token_1);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExpr__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExprError__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[simplExprError](CaptureA[Chars](any))";
mutable token_1;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExprError__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExprError__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExprError__;
}; else
def newPos =
def newPos =
_ = "any";
(res :
_ = "any";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos, text)
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExprError__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExprError__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = simplExprError(token_1);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExprError__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__parenthesesExprError__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[parenthesesExprError](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[None](&any / !any))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExprError__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExprError__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExprError__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[None](&any / !any))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[None](&any / !any)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "'('";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '(') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "sumOrSub";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__sumOrSub__(pos, text, ref token_2)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "&any / !any";
(res :
def newPos =
_ = "&any";
def newPos =
_ = "any";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos, text)
if (newPos >= 0) pos; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) res(newPos);
_ = "!any";
def newPos =
_ = "any";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__any__(pos, text)
if (newPos < 0) pos; else -1
}; else -1
}; else -1
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExprError__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExprError__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = parenthesesExprError(token_1, token_2);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExprError__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__unaryMinus__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__unaryMinus__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__unaryMinus__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__unaryMinus__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[unaryMinus](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__unaryMinus__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__unaryMinus__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__unaryMinus__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int)](CaptureA[Chars]('-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars]('-') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](simplExpr)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "'-'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '-') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "simplExpr";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__simplExpr__(pos, text, ref token_2)
}; else -1
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__unaryMinus__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__unaryMinus__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = unaryMinus(token_1, token_2);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__unaryMinus__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__parenthesesExpr__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[parenthesesExpr](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int, Chars, Void)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int, Chars, Void)](CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[Chars](')') CaptureA[Void](spaces))))";
mutable token_1;
mutable token_2;
mutable token_3;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExpr__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExpr__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExpr__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void, int, Chars, Void)](CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[Chars](')') CaptureA[Void](spaces))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars]('(') CaptureA[Void](spaces) CaptureA[int](sumOrSub) CaptureA[Chars](')') CaptureA[Void](spaces)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "'('";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == '(') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
_ = "sumOrSub";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__sumOrSub__(pos, text, ref token_2)
if (pos >= 0)
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "')'";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == ')') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
when (newPos >= 0) token_3 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
}; else -1
}; else -1
}; else -1
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExpr__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExpr__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = parenthesesExpr(token_1, token_2, token_3);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExpr__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__num__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__num__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__num__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private mutable mutable __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__ : int
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__num__(pos : int, text : string, result : ref int) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "CaptureH[num](CaptureA[(Chars, Void)](CaptureA[(Chars, Void)](CaptureA[Chars](digit) CaptureA[Void](spaces))))";
mutable token_1;
if (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__num__ == pos)
when (__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__num__ >= 0) result = __GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__num__;
}; else
def newPos =
_ = "CaptureA[(Chars, Void)](CaptureA[Chars](digit) CaptureA[Void](spaces))";
(res :
_ = "CaptureA[Chars](digit) CaptureA[Void](spaces)";
def pos =
def newPos =
_ = "digit";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__digit__(pos, text)
when (newPos >= 0) token_1 = Nemerle.Peg.NToken(pos, newPos);
if (pos >= 0)
_ = "spaces";
__GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos, text)
}; else -1
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__num__ = pos;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__num__ = newPos;
if (newPos >= 0)
result = num(token_1);
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__num__ = result
}; else when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__ < pos) __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__ = pos;
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__digit__(pos : int, text : string) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "['0'..'9']+";
(res :
_ = "['0'..'9']+";
_ = "['0'..'9']+";
def rep (count, pos)
def newPos =
_ = "['0'..'9']";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
if (newPos >= 0)
rep(count + 1, newPos)
}; else if (count >= 1) pos; else -1
rep(0, pos)
// Calculator.CalcParser
private __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__spaces__(pos : int, text : string) : int
mutable (c : char);
_ = c;
_ = "' '*";
(res :
_ = "' '*";
def rep (pos : int)
def newPos =
_ = "' '";
if (pos < text.Length)
c = text[pos];
if (c == ' ') pos + 1; else -1
}; else -1
if (newPos >= 0)
}; else pos
// Calculator.CalcParser
public GetMaxRollbackPosAndIds() : int * System.Collections.Generic.List[int]
def ids = System.Collections.Generic.List(42);
mutable max = -1;
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__) ids.Add(13)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__) ids.Add(12)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__) ids.Add(9)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__) ids.Add(11)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__) ids.Add(10)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__) ids.Add(7)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__) ids.Add(8)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__) ids.Add(6)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__) ids.Add(4)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__) ids.Add(5)
when (max < __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__)
max = __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__;
when (__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__ > 0 && max == __GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__) ids.Add(3)
(max, ids)
// Calculator.CalcParser
public GetMaxRollbackPosAndNames() : int * System.Collections.Generic.List[string]
def (max, ids) = GetMaxRollbackPosAndIds();
def names = System.Collections.Generic.List(ids.Count);
foreach (id in ids) names.Add(GetRuleName(id));
(max, names)
// Calculator.CalcParser
public GetRuleName(id : int) : string
match (id)
| 0 =>
| 1 =>
| 9 =>
| 12 =>
| 10 =>
| 3 =>
| 5 =>
| 6 =>
| 7 =>
| 8 =>
| 2 =>
| 13 =>
| 11 =>
| 4 =>
| _ =>
"Unknown rule id."
// Calculator.CalcParser
private ResetMaxRollbackPos() : void
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___start__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mainRule__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___inputError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___sumOrSub__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___mulOrDiv__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___simplExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___unaryMinus__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___parenthesesExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__MaxRollback___num__ = -1
// Calculator.CalcParser
private ResetMemoization() : void
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__start__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__start__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__start__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mainRule__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mainRule__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mainRule__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__inputError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__inputError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__inputError__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__sumOrSub__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__sumOrSub__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__sumOrSub__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__mulOrDiv__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__mulOrDiv__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__mulOrDiv__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExpr__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__simplExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__simplExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__simplExprError__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExprError__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExprError__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__unaryMinus__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__unaryMinus__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__unaryMinus__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__parenthesesExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__parenthesesExpr__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__parenthesesExpr__ = DEFAULT;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Pos__num__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_End__num__ = -1;
__GENERATED_PEG__Memeoize_Res__num__ = DEFAULT
// Calculator.CalcParser
public Parse(text : string) : option[int]
def (pos, res) = TryParse(text);
if (pos < 0) None(); else Some(res)
// Calculator.CalcParser
public ParseSource(source : Nemerle.Peg.SourceSnapshot) : option[int]
def (pos, res) = TryParseSource(source);
if (pos < 0) None(); else Some(res)
// Calculator.CalcParser
public TryParse(text : string) : int * int
TryParseSource(Nemerle.Peg.SourceSnapshot(text, text, 0, "", Nemerle.Peg.SourceSnapshot("", "", 0, "", null).MakeLineIndexes(text)))
// Calculator.CalcParser
public TryParseSource(source : Nemerle.Peg.SourceSnapshot) : int * int
_parsingSource = source;
mutable result;
def pos = __GENERATED_PEG__RULE__start__(0, _parsingSource.Text, ref result);
(pos, result)
// Calculator.CalcParser
protected GetText(tok : Nemerle.Peg.NToken) : string
_parsingSource.OriginalText.Substring(tok.StartPos, tok.EndPos - tok.StartPos)
// Calculator.CalcParser
protected GetLocation(tok : Nemerle.Peg.NToken) : Nemerle.Peg.Location
Nemerle.Peg.Location(_parsingSource, tok.StartPos, tok.EndPos)
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