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Created February 15, 2022 02:23
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CSS Grid: Newspaper Layout
h1 The Codepen Times
.issue Issue #1
.date Tuesday, 26 May, 2020
.edition Two memes Edition
h2.title--large.main-title Woman spends too much time on Codepens despite advice; no plans to stop
p Sometimes, Internet users land themselves in an uncommon situation where an app or website can be used for both work and personal situations. Well, a young front-end designer was spending up to 13 hours on the site, Codepen for work and her hobby, which unfortunately, is also coding.
p The designer, whose work includes a
em To-Do Terrarium
| , clarified, "Well, I didn't
em have
| to use it for work but it was already part of my workflow. It just made sense as it was more efficient." The biggest issue, she said, is that she would hop on Codepen for work, but would get distracted by pens made by others in the community for unexpectedly long periods of time, which then causes her to spend even more time on the site.
p "I mean, that's terrible right?" she asked. Codepen, which brands itself as the best place to build, test, and discover front-end code, has declined to comment at this time.
a(href="" target="_blank").terrarium
figcaption A to-do list that grows succulents when you've completed a task
a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.plan.span--2.long--2
h4 Can you get inspired to make your own floor plans?
p Making a floor Plan with CSS Grid? Talk about using the wrong tool for the job. But I guess this is what happens when someone isn't happy with any of the floor plans found on Pinterest; she'll start making her own for the eventual home that she will never own. Nevertheless, there's a home office with a large window to look out of pensively during rainy days and a ton of "white space" for the cats to run around.
a(href="" target="_blank").hogwarts
.hogwarts__title 50% Off Hogwarts Express tickets
span Limited time offer
a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.pasta.with-border
h4 A pasta menu
p Everybody loves pasta. It's impossible to not love them, so here are 15 recipes, served with GSAP. Note the easter egg — the menu icon changes according to the pasta that you choose.
a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.magazine.with-border
h4 Marvel at a magazine
p A tribute of sorts to an era of cool superhero movies, this is a Marvel-themed magazine! Recommended, because it took 45 hours, so you know some serious dedication has been poured into this.
a(href="" target="_blank")
h4 Let's adopt, don't shop.
p Explore a style guide and various page layouts for a pet adoption site in the
em Style Guide
| collection. Inspired by the
em Atomic Design
| principle, this 8-pen collection includes a 404 page concept, an admin dashboard and what a Twitter user calls a 'media card zen garden'. Each pen comes with five (yes, five) color themes, including the precious dark mode.
a(href="" target="_blank").item-with-image.toggles
h4 Toggles
p Eight playful toggles to toggle on and off for your amusement. Is it possible to use these on your site and still adhere to assessibility rules? No. But there's a really cute dog one you
em have
| to see.
a(href="" target="_blank").menu
figcaption See the new and improved menu for Toasty!
a(href="" tagrget="_blank").social
.social__subtitle World News
.social__content Looks like Covid-19 is gonna be around for a while so here is another friendly reminder to practice social distancing. Oh, and wear a mask!
a(href="" target="_blank").cssgrid-collection__image
a(href="" target="_blank") More CSS Grid things like this one. Shelves, coupons and more!
p Get your fill of more CSS Grid items in this collection. There are a total of 32 pens to date... well, 33, if you count this one too. What can you expect in this collection? The hidden gems, in my totally unbiased opinion, are
a(href="" target="_blank") the recreation of the Pac-Man layout
| and
a(href="" target="_blank") coupons inspired by junk mail
|. A lot of joke items of things that shouldn't be done in CSS Grid, such as
a(href="" target="_blank") a shelf
| ?
a(href="" target="_blank") Bathroom tiles wtf
| ? and
a(href="" target="_blank") makeup palettes
| . If you are a cultured person, you will have a chance to enjoy a couple of pens inspired by
a(href="" target="_blank") Harry Potter
| and
a(href="" target="_blank") Pokemon.
| On the rare occasion that you are looking at this profile for something you can use in production, you really shouldn't. But, there are
em some
| real-world applications, such as
a(href="" target="_blank") the recipe layout
| ,
a(href="" target="_blank") the product catalog
|, and
a(href="" target="_blank") color palettes for a style guide
| .
h3.title--big Hot this month
a(href="" target="_blank").codepen-item.pie
.pie__subtitle Food
h4 Pies for everyone!
p No man is left behind. There's infinite pie with this one div and a repeating background.
a(href="" target="_blank").sidebar-item.captcha
h5 Frustrated designer runs amok with Captcha ideas
p From Tic Tac Toe to solving meme-based questions, this is a different take on how web captchas should be. "I have not successfully picked out all photos of a truck on the first try. Something's gotta change," says the designer, who has requested to remain anonymous.
a(href="" target="_blank").sidebar-item.slack-ui.with-border
h5 Slack UI gets reverse engineered
p Another valiant effort to reverse engineer a web app. However, the UI is repurposed to showcase Codepens instead of mock conversations. This is a codepen showcase inception situation.
a(href="" target="_blank").workout
img(src="" alt="Workout")
.workout__blurb Always failing to keep track of your workouts?
.workout__title Use this tool!
// 🦝 trash panda 🦝
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