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VB .NET: Set up a data bound, code translating DataGridViewComboBox
Private Sub LoadWorkLogNetworkIDComboBox()
'get a reference to the datagridview's combobox column
Dim NetworkIDCombobox As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = Me.TblNetworkWorkLogDataGridView.Columns("WorkLog_NetworkIDComboBox")
'set the combobox's datapropertyname to the corresponding column in its bindingsource. this bindingsource was set up using the form's tools, not in code
With NetworkIDCombobox
'bind the combobox to the NetworkID column of the work log bindingsource's datatable
.DataPropertyName = "NetworkID"
'load the combobox options from a database query
Dim AKROSqlConnection As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.AKROConnectionString)
Dim NetworksLookupSqlDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("SElECT NetworkID, Acronym FROM tblNetworks", AKROSqlConnection)
Dim NetworksLookupDataTable As New DataTable("NetworksLookup")
Dim NetworksLookupBindingSource As New BindingSource
NetworksLookupBindingSource.DataSource = NetworksLookupDataTable
'load the combobox options with the records from the lookup datatable and translate the NetworkID code to an Acronym
.DataSource = NetworksLookupBindingSource
.ValueMember = "NetworkID" 'the actual value
.DisplayMember = "Acronym" 'the virtual value the user will see
End With
End Sub
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