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Telekom Malaysia (TM) Innacomm ADSL-MARITIME-W3410N Router Backup Configuration File Decrypter & Encrypter
# =============================================================
# Telekom Malaysia (TM) Innacomm ADSL-MARITIME-W3410N
# Router Configuration Settings Backup File Decryption Tool
# This Python script is used to decrypt the backup configuration
# settings file of the TM Innacomm ADSL-MARITIME-W3410N (which
# is apparently a rebranded PROLiNK ADSL2 PRS1241B modem according
# to The usage is pretty self-explanatory
# so I won't make a whole guide about it, it will decrypt an
# encrypted file and encrypt a decrypted file if given (which
# is just how XOR encryption works). Redistribution is allowed
# but credits must be given, also feel free to use this as a
# wrapper to decrypt XOR-encrypted files by changing the
# "secretkey" variable. The XOR key used for this decryption tool
# is discovered through personal research and not obtained through
# other public articles. I found that article only after I finished
# making this decryption tool.
# By NRockhouse (
# DISCLAIMER: This tool is released for testing and
# educational purposes only. Please do not use it for
# any malicious intent.
# 1.
# 2.
# =============================================================
import sys
from os.path import isfile
def main(argv):
xorWord = lambda ss,cc: ''.join(chr(ord(s)^ord(c)) for s,c in zip(ss,cc*1000))
secretkey = "\x81\x8c\x8d\x80\x9b\x9d\x90\x9c\xa5\xa9\xad\xa0\xb8\xa9\xf5\xb8\xb5\xb8\xb8\xd0\xc0\xc5\xc4\xa2\xcd\xcc\xc5\xca\xd4\xdb\xe9\xdc\xd3\xde\xac\xd8\xeb\xe7\x9d\xaa\xe9\xff\xfb\xfa\xe0\xef\x9e\x94\xe1\xe1\x8d\xa9\xfd\xfe\xf5\x8a\x85\x87\xbe\x8c\x00\x8e\x8a\xf8\x00\x8a\xe4\xc9\x88\x85\xc7\x80\x84\x84\x87\x84\x9a\xf6\xf0\xa8\x95\x98\x93\x80\xa1\xbc\xf9\xa4\xaf\x96\xa9\xa3\xad\x81\xef\xe7\xdd\xb9\xf6\xd2\xd6\xd1\x8b\xd8\xc6\xf0\xc8\xc4\xc9\xb6\xc1\x88\xb5\xb4\xb1\xbe\xba\xf9\xab\xb8\xb3\xb0\xd5\xb0\x00\xa8\xc5\xa1\xd2\xec\xce\xff\xe5\xe8\xc9\x90\xe3\xae\xa5\xea\x8b\x8a\xd5\xa8\xbf\xda\xc8\xa2\xa2\xf9\xe4\xfc\xb4\xb5\xb7\xb5\xa1\xad\xab\xaf\xe5\xd4\xe1\xe5\xe0\xaa\xeb\x93\xe3\xc6\xcd\xa0\x84\xa3\xdf\x94\xaa\xae\xe3\xe0\xa5\x8e\xdc\x8b\x99\xf4\x90\xcf\x90\xa6\xb4\xb8\xc4\xd6\x97\xf6\xc4\xcc\xc4\xb1\xce\xc2\xf2\x87\xd6\xd2\xca\x9c\xd1\x86\x80\xde\x00\xd1\xfd\xb4\xb0\xbe\xd8\xb2\xb0\xc9\xc9\xc2\x00\xf0\xac\xfe\xea\x8f\x8e\xbd\xd1\x91\x85\xc0\xa2\xbd\xf1\xfc\xac\x85\x9f\xd8\xfc\xe3\xc8\xa8\x8c\x94\x94\xb6\x98\xcd\x95\xa6"
inputfile = outputfile = text = ''
action = 0 # 0 = decryption, 1 = encryption
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv or len(argv) < 2:
print "[*] Usage: %s [-o <outputfile>] <inputfile>" % argv[0]
for i in range(1,len(argv)):
if argv[i] == '-o':
outputfile = argv[i+1]
elif argv[i-1] != '-o' and argv[i][0] != '-':
inputfile = argv[i]
f = open(inputfile,"r")
text =
if text[0:24] == "<Config_Information_File":
print "[*] Decrypted router configuration file detected. Encrypting..."
text = xorWord(text, secretkey)
action = 0
elif text[0:24] == xorWord("<Config_Information_File", secretkey):
print "[*] Encrypted router configuration file detected. Decrypting..."
text = xorWord(text, secretkey)
action = 1
print "[*] Unable to recognize configuration file. Exiting..."
print "[*] Cannot find file \'%s\'" % inputfile
if(outputfile == ''):
print "[*] Dumping %s file..." % ("decrypted" if not action else "encrypted")
print ""
print text
answer = raw_input("[*] The file \'%s\' exists, are you sure you want to replace the file? [y/N] " % outputfile)
if answer.lower() in ('y','yes'):
f = open(outputfile,"w")
print "[*] Configuration settings backup file %s successfully and saved to \'%s\'. Exiting..." % (("decrypted" if not action else "encrypted"),outputfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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