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Last active March 19, 2021 14:07
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Example that shows how to call sprintf with Frida
from __future__ import print_function
import frida
session = frida.attach("Twitter")
script = session.create_script("""\
var sprintf_ = new NativeFunction(Module.getExportByName(null, 'sprintf'), \
'int', ['pointer', 'pointer', '...', 'pointer']);
console.log("[*] Found sprintf at address", sprintf_.toString())
var output = Memory.alloc(128);
console.log("[*] Output is at", output, "with value", output.readCString() == "" ? "BLANK" : output.readCString())
var format = Memory.allocUtf8String("Hello %s")
var argument = Memory.allocUtf8String("World")
sprintf_(output, format, argument)
console.log("[*] Output is", output.readCString())
$ python3
[*] Found sprintf at address 0x7fff20562c19
[*] Output is at 0x133879030 with value BLANK
[*] Output is Hello World
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