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Last active February 21, 2018 22:55
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A simple class to automate the parsing of an NSURLSessionTask response.
// Copyright © 2016 Tanner Bennett. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
typealias ResponseParserBlock = (ResponseParser) -> Void
class ResponseParser {
// MARK: Response information
private(set) var response: HTTPURLResponse?
private(set) var data: Data
private(set) var error: Error?
var contentType: String? {
return self.response?.allHeaderFields[HTTPHeader.contentType] as! String?
// MARK: Response data helper accessors
private(set) var JSONDictionary: [String : Any]?
private(set) var JSONArray: [Any]?
private(set) var text: String?
var HTML: String? {
return hasHTML ? self.text : nil
var XML: String? {
return hasXML ? self.text : nil
var javascript: String? {
return hasJavascript ? self.text : nil
// MARK: Initializers, misc
convenience init(error: Error) {
self.init(data:nil, response: nil, error: error)
/// Use to conveniently call a callback closure on the main thread with a `ResponseParser`.
class func parse(_ response: HTTPURLResponse?, data: Data?, error: Error?, callback: @escaping ResponseParserBlock) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
callback(ResponseParser(data: data, response: response, error: error))
init(data: Data?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, error: Error?) { = data ?? Data()
self.response = response
self.error = error
if let contentType = self.contentType, !contentType.isEmpty, ! {
let hasJSON = contentType.hasPrefix(ContentType.JSON)
self.hasHTML = contentType.hasPrefix(ContentType.HTML)
self.hasXML = contentType.hasPrefix(ContentType.XML)
self.hasJavascript = contentType.hasPrefix(ContentType.javascript)
// You could add more types here as needed and the properties at the bottom
// Has some kind of text
if contentType.hasPrefix("text") || hasJSON || self.hasHTML || self.hasXML || self.hasJavascript {
self.text = String(data:, encoding: .utf8)
if hasJSON {
try? self.forceDecodeJSON()
if error == nil, let code = self.response?.statusCode, code >= 400 {
self.error = ResponseParser.error(HTTPStatusCodeDescription(code), code: code)
/// Attempt to decode the response to JSON, regardless of the Content-Type.
/// Useful if an API isn't using the right Content-Type.
func forceDecodeJSON() throws {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:, options: [])
if json is NSDictionary {
JSONDictionary = (json as! [String : Any])
} else {
JSONArray = (json as! [Any])
/// Convenience method to create an NSError
class func error(_ message: String, domain: String = "ResponseParser", code: Int) -> NSError {
return NSError(domain: domain, code: code,
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(message, comment: ""),
NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(message, comment: "")])
private var hasHTML = false
private var hasXML = false
private var hasJavascript = false
// MARK: Headers and content types
struct ContentType {
static let CSS = "text/css"
static let formURLEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
static let GZIP = "application/gzip"
static let HTML = "text/html"
static let javascript = "application/javascript"
static let JSON = "application/json"
static let JWT = "application/jwt"
static let markdown = "text/markdown"
static let multipartFormData = "multipart/form-data"
static let multipartEncrypted = "multipart/encrypted"
static let plainText = "text/plain"
static let rtf = "text/rtf"
static let textXML = "text/xml"
static let XML = "application/xml"
static let ZIP = "application/zip"
static let ZLIB = "application/zlib"
struct HTTPHeader {
static let accept = "Accept"
static let acceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
static let acceptLanguage = "Accept-Language"
static let acceptLocale = "Accept-Locale"
static let authorization = "Authorization"
static let cacheControl = "Cache-Control"
static let contentLength = "Content-Length"
static let contentType = "Content-Type"
static let date = "Date"
static let expires = "Expires"
static let setCookie = "Set-Cookie"
static let status = "Status"
static let userAgent = "User-Agent"
// MARK: Status codes
enum HTTPStatusCode: Int {
/// Force unwraps code, you have been warned
init(_ code: Int) {
self.init(rawValue: code)!
case Continue = 100
case SwitchProtocol
case OK = 200
case Created
case Accepted
case NonAuthorativeInfo
case NoContent
case ResetContent
case PartialContent
case MultipleChoice = 300
case MovedPermanently
case Found
case SeeOther
case NotModified
case UseProxy
case Unused
case TemporaryRedirect
case PermanentRedirect
case BadRequest = 400
case Unauthorized
case PaymentRequired
case Forbidden
case NotFound
case MethodNotAllowed
case NotAcceptable
case ProxyAuthRequired
case RequestTimeout
case Conflict
case Gone
case LengthRequired
case PreconditionFailed
case PayloadTooLarge
case URITooLong
case UnsupportedMediaType
case RequestedRangeUnsatisfiable
case ExpectationFailed
case ImATeapot
case MisdirectedRequest = 421
case UpgradeRequired = 426
case PreconditionRequired = 428
case TooManyRequests
case RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
case InternalServerError = 500
case NotImplemented
case BadGateway
case ServiceUnavailable
case GatewayTimeout
case HTTPVersionUnsupported
case VariantAlsoNegotiates
case AuthenticationRequired = 511
func HTTPStatusCodeDescription(_ code: Int) -> String {
guard let status = HTTPStatusCode(rawValue: code) else {
return "Unknown Error (code \(code)"
switch status {
case .Continue:
return "Continue"
case .SwitchProtocol:
return "Switch Protocol"
case .OK:
return "OK"
case .Created:
return "Created"
case .Accepted:
return "Accepted"
case .NonAuthorativeInfo:
return "Non Authorative Info"
case .NoContent:
return "No content"
case .ResetContent:
return "Reset Content"
case .PartialContent:
return "Partial Content"
case .MultipleChoice:
return "Multiple Choice"
case .MovedPermanently:
return "Moved Permanently"
case .Found:
return "Found"
case .SeeOther:
return "See Other"
case .NotModified:
return "Not Modified"
case .UseProxy:
return "Use Proxy"
case .Unused:
return "Unused"
case .TemporaryRedirect:
return "Temporary Redirect"
case .PermanentRedirect:
return "Permanent Redirect"
case .BadRequest:
return "Bad Request"
case .Unauthorized:
return "Unauthorized"
case .PaymentRequired:
return ""
case .Forbidden:
return "Forbidden"
case .NotFound:
return "Not Found"
case .MethodNotAllowed:
return "Method Not Allowed"
case .NotAcceptable:
return "Not Acceptable"
case .ProxyAuthRequired:
return "Proxy Authentication Required"
case .RequestTimeout:
return "Request Timeout"
case .Conflict:
return "Conflict"
case .Gone:
return "Gone"
case .LengthRequired:
return "Length Required"
case .PreconditionFailed:
return "Precondition Failed"
case .PayloadTooLarge:
return "Payload Too Large"
case .URITooLong:
return "URI Too Long"
case .UnsupportedMediaType:
return "Unsupported Media Type"
case .RequestedRangeUnsatisfiable:
return "Requested Range Unsatisfiable"
case .ExpectationFailed:
return "Expectation Failed"
case .ImATeapot:
return "???"
case .MisdirectedRequest:
return "Misdirected Request"
case .UpgradeRequired:
return "Upgrade Required"
case .PreconditionRequired:
return "Precondition Required"
case .TooManyRequests:
return "Too many requests"
case .RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge:
return "Request Header Fields Too Large"
case .InternalServerError:
return "Internal Server Error"
case .NotImplemented:
return "Not Implemented"
case .BadGateway:
return "Bad gateway"
case .ServiceUnavailable:
return "Service Unavailable"
case .GatewayTimeout:
return "Gateway timeout"
case .HTTPVersionUnsupported:
return "HTTP Version Unsupported"
case .VariantAlsoNegotiates:
return "Variant Also Negotiates"
case .AuthenticationRequired:
return "Authentication Required"
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