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Created October 2, 2023 09:37
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Simple C++ preprocessor
#include <cassert>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using filesystem::path;
// #include "..."
// В этом случае поиск файла выполняется относительно текущего файла, где расположена сама директива.
// Если файл не найден, поиск выполняется последовательно по всем элементам вектора include_directories.
static regex include1(R"(\s*#\s*include\s*\"([^"]*)\"\s*)");
// #include <...>
// Поиск выполняется последовательно по всем элементам вектора include_directories.
static regex include2(R"(\s*#\s*include\s*<([^>]*)>\s*)");
static bool NotFound(const path& matched_path, const path& file, std::uint64_t line_number, std::ostream& out = std::cout){
out << "unknown include file " << matched_path.string() << " at file " << file.string() << " at line " << line_number << endl;
return false;
path operator""_p(const char* data, std::size_t sz) {
return path(data, data + sz);
bool IncludeParsing(std::ifstream& in, std::ofstream& out, const path& file, const vector<path>& include_directories);
bool FileIsFound(std::ofstream& out, const path& desired_path, const vector<path>& include_directories){
std::ifstream in;
while (!in.is_open()) {, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
return IncludeParsing(in, out, desired_path, include_directories);
bool FindFileInCurrentDirectory(std::ofstream& out, const path& matched_path, const path& parent_path, const vector<path>& include_directories){
path desired_path = (parent_path / matched_path);
for (const auto& current : filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(parent_path)) {
if (current.path() == desired_path) {
return FileIsFound(out, desired_path, include_directories);
return false;
bool FindFileInIncludeDirectories(std::ofstream& out, const path& matched_path, const vector<path>& include_directories){
for (const auto& dir : include_directories) {
if (exists(dir)) {
path desired_path = (dir / matched_path);
for (const auto& file : filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(dir)) {
if (file.path() == desired_path) {
return FileIsFound(out, desired_path, include_directories);
return false;
bool IncludeParsing(std::ifstream& in, std::ofstream& out, const path& file, const vector<path>& include_directories){
std::string line;
std::uint64_t line_number = 0;
while(std::getline(in, line)){
smatch m;
if (regex_match(line, m, include1)){
auto dir = file.parent_path();
path matched_path = string(m[1]);
bool found = FindFileInCurrentDirectory(out, matched_path, dir, include_directories);
found = FindFileInIncludeDirectories(out, matched_path, include_directories);
return NotFound(matched_path, file, line_number, std::cout);
}else if(regex_match(line, m, include2)){
path matched_path = string(m[1]);
if(!FindFileInIncludeDirectories(out, matched_path, include_directories)){
return NotFound(matched_path, file, line_number, std::cout);
out << line << '\n';
return true;
bool Preprocess(const path& in_file, const path& out_file, const vector<path>& include_directories){
std::ifstream in(in_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!in.is_open()) {
return false;
std::ofstream out(out_file, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
if (!out.is_open()) {
return false;
return IncludeParsing(in, out, in_file, include_directories);
string GetFileContents(string file) {
ifstream stream(file);
return {(istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream)), istreambuf_iterator<char>()};
void Test() {
error_code err;
filesystem::remove_all("sources"_p, err);
filesystem::create_directories("sources"_p / "include2"_p / "lib"_p, err);
filesystem::create_directories("sources"_p / "include1"_p, err);
filesystem::create_directories("sources"_p / "dir1"_p / "subdir"_p, err);
ofstream file("sources/a.cpp");
file << "// this comment before include\n"
"#include \"dir1/b.h\"\n"
"// text between b.h and c.h\n"
"#include \"dir1/d.h\"\n"
"int SayHello() {\n"
" cout << \"hello, world!\" << endl;\n"
"# include<dummy.txt>\n"
ofstream file("sources/dir1/b.h");
file << "// text from b.h before include\n"
"#include \"subdir/c.h\"\n"
"// text from b.h after include"sv;
ofstream file("sources/dir1/subdir/c.h");
file << "// text from c.h before include\n"
"#include <std1.h>\n"
"// text from c.h after include\n"sv;
ofstream file("sources/dir1/d.h");
file << "// text from d.h before include\n"
"#include \"lib/std2.h\"\n"
"// text from d.h after include\n"sv;
ofstream file("sources/include1/std1.h");
file << "// std1\n"sv;
ofstream file("sources/include2/lib/std2.h");
file << "// std2\n"sv;
assert((!Preprocess("sources"_p / "a.cpp"_p, "sources"_p / ""_p,
{"sources"_p / "include1"_p,"sources"_p / "include2"_p})));
ostringstream test_out;
test_out << "// this comment before include\n"
"// text from b.h before include\n"
"// text from c.h before include\n"
"// std1\n"
"// text from c.h after include\n"
"// text from b.h after include\n"
"// text between b.h and c.h\n"
"// text from d.h before include\n"
"// std2\n"
"// text from d.h after include\n"
"int SayHello() {\n"
" cout << \"hello, world!\" << endl;\n"sv;
assert(GetFileContents("sources/"s) == test_out.str());
int main() {
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