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Last active December 10, 2022 18:20
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Advent Of Code 2022, Day 9, Part 1
// Let this code live forever as a monument to my shame.
#include "advent.h"
#include <complex>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std::complex_literals;
#define Complex std::complex<int>
const Complex DELTAS[4] {1, -1, 1i, -1i};
// Return the proper scalar according to the char read from the input
Complex getDelta (const char direction) {
if (direction == 'L') return DELTAS[1];
if (direction == 'U') return DELTAS[2];
if (direction == 'D') return DELTAS[3];
return DELTAS[0];
// Compute Chebyshev distance. If it's more than 1, tail must move
bool isAdjacent(const Complex& a, const Complex& b) {
return std::max(abs(a.real() - b.real()), abs(a.imag() - b.imag())) <= 1;
// Check if head/tail are in the same row if moving up/down, or the same column if moving right/left
bool sharesCommonAxis(const Complex& a, const Complex& b, char direction) {
if (direction == 'L' || direction == 'R') {
return a.imag() == b.imag();
return a.real() == b.real();
// Move one space according to the direction in the input
void moveCardinal(Complex& obj, const Complex& delta) {
obj += delta;
// Move one space cardinally (according to input direction), then find the appropriate direction for a diagonal move
void moveDiagonal(Complex& obj, const Complex& target, const Complex& scalar, char direction) {
moveCardinal(obj, scalar);
for (const Complex& d : DELTAS) {
if (isAdjacent(obj + d, target) && sharesCommonAxis(obj + d, target, direction)) {
obj += d;
// Add the xy value to the lookup table
void addToTable(int x, int y, auto& table) {
if (table.find(x) == table.end()) {
table.insert({x, std::unordered_set<int>{y}});
} else {
auto day09() -> int {
std::string line;
std::fstream inFile("input/day09.txt");
assert (inFile.is_open());
std::complex<int> head{0}, tail{0}, target{0};
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_set<int>> lookup;
while (getline(inFile, line)) {
char direction = line[0]; // U, D, L, R
int distance = line[2] - '0'; // Distance to move
Complex scalar = getDelta(direction); // Direction variable represented as complex number
target = head + (distance * scalar); // Head can only move via taxicab geometry,
// so we just add the scalar to the head
while (head != target) {
moveCardinal(head, scalar); // move the head one place
if (!isAdjacent(head, tail)) { // check if the tail is adjacent or overlapping
if (sharesCommonAxis(head, tail, direction)) { // tail is in the same row/col as the head, can be moved cardinally
moveCardinal(tail, scalar);
} else { // tail is not in the same row/col and must be moved diagonally
moveDiagonal(tail, head, scalar, direction);
addToTable(tail.real(), tail.imag(), lookup); // add position of tail to lookup table
int part1 {0};
// the sum of all sets of y values will be the number of unique points visited
// this is kind of an awkward implementation, but works as a kludge to avoid hashing the Complex data type
for (auto& [k, v] : lookup) {
part1 += v.size();
std::cout << part1; //this gives incorrect (low) value.
// Tested against someone else's solution, it's about 4000 less than it should be.
return 0;
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