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Last active March 13, 2020 09:54
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check for gitlab container updates
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import json
import re
import urllib.request
def find(iterable, pred):
return next(filter(pred, iterable), None)
def find_all(iterable, pred):
return list(filter(pred, iterable))
def exec_command(command, cwd = None):
proc =, shell=True, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if proc.returncode != 0:
return proc.stdout.decode().rstrip()
def fetch_json(url):
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as res:
return json.loads(
def need_update(current, latest):
current_tuple = tuple(map(int, current.split(".")))
latest_tuple = tuple(map(int, latest.split(".")))
return latest_tuple > current_tuple
manifest = exec_command("docker-compose exec gitlab cat /opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt", "/srv/gitlab")
current_version = re.match(r'^gitlab-ce\s+(?P<version_number>.+)', manifest).group("version_number")
latest_tags = fetch_json("")
latest = find(latest_tags.get("results"), lambda x: x.get("name") == "latest")
latest_image = find(latest.get("images"), lambda x: x.get("architecture") == "amd64" and x.get("os") == "linux")
latest_digest = latest_image.get("digest")
tags = fetch_json("")
result = find_all(tags.get("results"), lambda x: find(x.get("images"), lambda x: x.get("digest") == latest_digest))
target = find(result, lambda x: re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+-ce\.\d', x.get("name")))
latest_version = re.match(r'(?P<version_number>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', target.get("name")).group("version_number")
print(need_update(current_version, latest_version))
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