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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Add SharePoint users to community site (SPWebtemplate). Based on XML input file.
# ----------------------------------------------
# Author: Romain Blanchard
# Date: 02.07.2014
# Description: Add SharePoint users to community site (SPWebtemplate). Based on XML input file.
# ----------------------------------------------
# -- Script -- #
# Foreach Community
Select-Xml -Path "users.xml" -Xpath "/config/community" | ForEach-Object {
$url = $_.Node.url
write-host "--- Working on $web community ---" -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
write-host ""
$web = Get-SPWeb $url
$memberslist = $web.Lists["Membres de la communauté"]
## Foreach users inside this community
$_.Node | Select-Xml -Xpath "user" | ForEach-Object {
$userid = $
$user = $web.EnsureUser($userid)
write-host "Adding user $userid ..." -foregroundcolor "Yellow" -NoNewLine
$userexistbool = $false
## Check if user already exist into this community
foreach ($item in $memberslist.Items)
## If user already present set boolean to true
if ($item["Title"] -eq $user.Name)
$userexistbool = $true
if ($userexistbool -eq $true)
write-host " this user already exist." -foregroundcolor "Red"
## If user not present, add it and leave the loop
## Add user to member list
$memberItem = $memberslist.Items.Add()
$memberItem["Title"] = $user.Name
$memberItem["Member"] = $user
$memberItem["MemberStatusInt"] = 1
## Add user to Members Security group
$membersGroup = $web.SiteGroups["Membres"]
## Increment property bag value
$web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = $true
$web.AllProperties["Community_MembersCount"] = ($memberslist.ItemCount)
$web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = $false
write-host " done!" -foregroundcolor "Green"
<community url="http://rbla-sp2010-002/communautes/communaute01">
<user id="rbla\rblanchard" />
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