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Last active January 29, 2022 08:09
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  • Save NachoToast/e315015030bebf566d16ebdec9fee18f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NachoToast/e315015030bebf566d16ebdec9fee18f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gets a GitHub user's contributions using the graphql API.
from filecmp import cmp
from requests import post
from json import loads
from datetime import datetime
# generate your token at (i'm not sure what scopes you will need)
token = 'api_token'
username = 'NachoToast' # doesn't have to be your username
url = ''
body = r'{"query":"query {user(login:\"' + username + \
r'\"){name\ncontributionsCollection{contributionCalendar {colors\ntota' + \
r'lContributions\nweeks {contributionDays {color\ncontributionCount\nd' + \
headers = {
'Authorization': f'bearer {token}'
# making the request
obj: list[dict] = loads(post(url, data=body, headers=headers).content)[
dayDict = {}
for num in obj:
for data in num['contributionDays']:
date = data['date']
contributions = data['contributionCount']
# uncomment these lines if you don't want to include days with 0 activity
# if (contributions == 0):
# continue
if (date in dayDict):
dayDict[date] += contributions
dayDict[date] = contributions
def timestamp(a: str):
year, month, day = [int(i) for i in a.split('-')]
return datetime(year, month, day).timestamp()
# make a list of all the dates recorded, sorted by most recent first
sortedKeys = sorted(dayDict.keys(), key=timestamp)
# example output
for key in sortedKeys:
print(f'on {key} {username} made {dayDict[key]} contributions')
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