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Last active March 5, 2020 07:30
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import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), (<|))
{- |
I use `Map.Map` as a priority queue, by popping element
with a minimal key using `Map.minView`.
:: (Num d, Ord d, Ord a)
=> (a -> d) -- distance estimation
-> (a -> [a]) -- neighbours retrieval
-> (a -> a -> d) -- distance between 2 points
-> d -- distance from end we should reach
-> a -- starting point
-> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty a)
aStar estimate neighbors dist epsilon start = do
NE.reverse <$> go Set.empty initialQueue
initialQueue = Map.singleton (cost start 0) (start :| [], 0)
cost point traversed = estimate point + traversed
go visited queue = do
((path @ (point :| _), distance), queue') <- Map.minView queue
if estimate point <= epsilon
then do
return path
else do
let near = filter (`Set.notMember` visited) (neighbors point)
batch = flip map near $ \\point' ->
let distance' = distance + dist point' point
in (cost point' distance', (point' <| path, distance'))
go (Set.insert point visited) (Map.fromList batch <> queue')
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