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Last active October 27, 2023 22:23
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A guide detailing on how to dump/extract PlayStation Home Cache Data. This guide was created by Nagato from the Destination Home Revival Team.

PlayStation Home Cache Extraction Guide


Welcome to the official PlayStation Home Cache Extraction Guide created by the Destination Home Staff Team. The purpose of this guide is to teach users how to successfully dump their PlayStation Home data from their Retail/HEN/Debug/CFW PS3's. By donating your data to the Destination Home team we can re-purpose your Home data back into both for the online/offline client. This will help with archiving things such as original spaces, clothing, LMO's, mini-games, Screenlinks, Posters, Metadata, XML's & more. Once the Destination Home team decrypts user’s data, our staff members will upload any objects/items to the PlayStation Home Master Git Archive.

P.S: If you want to see our current progress of what spaces scenes have been archived by the Destination Home Team, you can check out the Destination Home Scene List Spreadsheet.

This is the maintained text version for this guide. Down below, here is a video guide created by our staff member Nagato.

  • 🎥 PlayStation Home Cache Extraction Video Guide For users who want to see a video version of this guide you can check out my personal video here. Note you'll need to either be on a system that is modified or an official debug unit such as a DECR or DECH model PS3's before proceeding with the extraction process. If you want to see a video guide on how to be on the latest modded firmware for PS3 which is currently 4.88 as of 6/9/2021, you can check out my personal guide here.

By reading this guide the Destination Home Team is not liable if you happen to brick your console by not following the directions as given.

Table of Contents:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. PlayStation Home Game Versions
  3. FAQ
  4. Benefits To The End User
  5. Additional Data Request
  6. Updating Your PS3 to Hybrid Firmware
  7. Activating HEN Enabler
  8. Installing multiMan
  9. Extracting PlayStation Home Cache Data via multiMan
  10. Uploading Your Cache Data
  11. Social Platforms
  12. Contact Me


In this section of this guide, you can find any items/tools that you'll need for this whole process. This process is assuming that users are on starting off on official firmware retail model PS3's.

  1. Your PS3 device needs to be fully working for this process. Any model PS3 will work for this process including FAT/SLIMS/SUPERSLIMS. This includes any model PS3 from any region as well, meaning if you have a Japanese PS3 or a European model this process will work regardless. Note this is for users who are currently on stock OFW Official Firmware systems. If you are already on a device that has custom firmware such as REBUG or HEN/HFW you can disregard this prerequisite. Additionally, if you happen to have a debug unit PS3 such as a testkit, you can also skip this step.**

    • Be sure to verify that your PS3 USB slots are functioning for this process. You can plug in a FAT32 USB stick to test if both USBs are working. If you see your PS3 USB stick under the video/music icon in XMB, that means the PlayStation 3 can read your external USB drive just fine.

    • Your PS3 needs to have a working Blu-ray drive with a working Wi-Fi Bluetooth module. In simplistic terms, your device disc drive should work as well as be able to connect to a network Wi-Fi connection regardless if it's wireless or by an ethernet cable. NOTE: IF YOUR PS3 HAS A BROKEN BluRay Drive or your Wi-Fi/BT adapter is broken STOP RIGHT NOW. Currently, there is no noBD HFW/HEN firmware at the moment for systems that have those issues stated. If you try to install HFW over a console that has a broken Blu-ray drive or a Wi-Fi/BT adapter it is possible that your system will be semi-bricked and stuck into a boot loop.*

  2. Your device needs to be updated to 4.88 OFW "Official Firmware"

    • If your PS3 is on a lower firmware prior to 4.88 please update to 4.88 OFW first before going on 4.88 HFW. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to update your device.
  3. USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32:

    • You will need a USB stick to dump your Home cache data, I recommend at least having a USB that is at least 32GB in size. PlayStation Home’s cache data can range from 1-12GB’s depending on how much data you've downloaded from Home's servers. This is why I suggest having at least a 32 GB USB. Here is a recommended USB drive that I would suggest for this process.
  4. Ethernet Cable Optional:

    • If for some reason you might have issues dumping your Home data and it errors out in multiMan. You can use an ethernet cable to transfer your data AS A LAST RESORT with the use of FileZilla FTP Client. NOTE: You can any FTP Client of your choice for this process. Click this link for the recommended ethernet cable.
  5. multiMan File Manager:

    • multiMan is a file manager Homebrew for the PS3. This will be the tool you will be using to pull Home Cache data. For more information please refer back to the PlayStation Home Preservation Tutorial.

    • NOTE: If you're on CFW "Custom firmware" download this version of multiMan, this version is for 4.85+ CFW.

    • NOTE: if you're on HEN/HFW download this version of multiMan, this version is for 4.85+ HEN users.

  6. 4.88 Hybrid Firmware "HFW"

  • 4.88 HFW stands for Hybrid Firmware. Hybrid Firmware allows your PS3 to install/accept custom payloads that will ultimately allow your device to run unsigned code. Here is the official download link. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to install the firmware.
  1. 4.88 HFW MD5 Hash:
  • MD5 Hash for 4.88 HFW: 23F60BAF3C3D38BC77AA452E770D1248

    • ⚠️ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: PLEASE CHECK YOUR MD5 Hash before updating your console to avoid any bricks. By checking your MD5 hash, you can verify that your downloading the correct update and your firmware is not corrupt. You can use the OnlineMD5 hash checker for this process. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to check your MD5 hash.
  1. Cloud Storage Service:
  • Once you have your data extracted to your USB or PC, you can use any cloud storage services such as Google Drive, MEGA or MediaFire to upload your data to the Destination Home Team.
  1. WinRAR:
  1. FileZilla FTP Client Optional:
  • If for some reason you might have issues dumping your Home data and it errors out in multiMan. You can use an ethernet cable to transfer your data AS A LAST RESORT with the use of FileZilla FTP Client. We prefer to have data dumped on a USB drive since FileZilla tends to sometimes not transfer all files over + corrupt files in the process of transferring. Here is the official download link to FileZilla FTP Client.

2. PlayStation Home Game Versions:

As you might know PlayStation Home had many different versions ranging from v0.31 - v1.87 during its time live on PS3. Here is a quick guide to check if you have the Home icon on your PS3. Note older versions of Home will display a lighter blue icon 1.00 > 1.35 & versions 1.40-1.87 will display the dark blue Home icon.

Note: Also some older versions of Home (Pre 1.00), will be found under the Game column in XMB.

  • Anything Under version v1.00 "retail"


  • Anything Under version v1.00 "DEV"


  • Anything between versions v1.00 > 1.35


  • Versions 1.41-1.87

PlayStation_Home_Logo_1 86_Version

3. Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. Does this process require me to sign into PSN?

  • No, for this process you don’t have to sign into PSN at all plus I don’t recommend signing into PSN while installing HEN. If you happen to have auto sign-in enabled turn that off before proceeding with modifying your console.

Q2. Will I get banned from PSN if I modify my console?

  • The simple answer is no. As long as you don’t run ANY HOMEBREW applications online such as Rebug Toolbox and stay offline while you dump your Home data via with multiMan, you should be fine. As well after you're done dumping your copy of Home you can always revert back to official firmware by installing the latest firmware update.

Q3. Do I need to mod my console to extract Home data?

  • Yes you will need to modify your console, via a method called HEN. HEN stands for Homebrew enabler and allows your console to run unsigned code and install homebrew applications. For more information about HEN/HFW check this written article here. As of 6/9/2021 4.88 HFW/HEN is the latest firmware that you can mod your PS3 on.

  • Note if you already on custom firmware CFW or Hybrid firmware HFW/HEN then you don't need to reinstall your modded firmware.

Q4. If I have Home still installed on my console, should I update to the latest version? 1.87

  • NO! Please leave your build at the current update. Older builds are much better due to multiple factors:

    • Some of them being that older updates more than likely have .BAR files which makes it easier for the development team to decrypt.
    • Older versions of Home might have larger cache sizes 3GB + in size.
    • Older versions of Home as well are more "compatible" with the current server that the Destination Home team has developed.

Q5. If my Home version is on 1.87 should I still donate cache?

  • YES! Any Home data is good data. The more cache the Destination Home team receives, the more scenes/items we can restore both for offline & online builds.

Q6. After I’m done extracting/dumping my data can I revert back to a non-jailbroken console “OFW”

4. Benefits To The End User:

  • By donating your Home cache data to the Destination Home development team, it allows us the ability to restore your favorite spaces & items that you once had on Home. So far as of 5/18/2021 the Destination Home team has over 650+ unique spaces from members donating their cache data from all regions of Home SCEA/SCEE/SCEJ/SCEAsia.

  • Once members donate their cache data to us, they will be rewarded with a special role via Discord Cache Donator for their hard work and also will get to see early previews of what’s to come in the future in regards to the development of Home's revival servers!

  • With users cache data, we can post your favorite scenes to the current offline build 1.86

  • You can know that your Home data will be preserved in a responsible manner. Once your data has been sent to us via on our Discord. All members of staff will back up your data on our local HDD’s /Cloud Storages and private server

5. Additional Data Request:

In addition to regular cache data from retail PS3 units, the Destination Home team is looking for data as such. Any data we can obtain can help the preservation for Home, and help restoring Home's online server:

  • CDN Snapshots
  • CDN Snapshots
  • EBOOTS/Selfs
  • HDK's
  • Home .RAP activation files for alpha/beta/debug builds.
  • Home Builds .PKG files, or HDD dumps are accepted
    • NPEA00013: Development, Alpha, Beta, PROD-QA
    • NPIA00010: Development & PROD-QA
    • NPIA00005: Retail & PROD-QA
    • XXXX00071: Development/Alpha
  • Objects/Scenes in .sdat file format
  • Old Home Exploit/Mod files
  • Packet Captures
  • Proxy Cache Data.
  • Save-data

6. Updating Your PS3 to Hybrid Firmware:

  • Assuming that you're either on a lower firmware than 4.88 or on exactly 4.88 OFW, the end goal for step one is successfully getting your device on HFW.

    • Step 1: The first step is to download 4.88 HFW firmware, which you can download via this link. Please refer back to the latest HEN tutorial if you need a reminder on how to install the firmware.

    • Step 2: The second step is to format your USB to FAT32, if your USB is already on FAT32 you can skip this step. You can use this video here, if you need a visual representation on how to correctly format your USB to FAT32 or you can use my HEN tutorial. NOTE: Any time you format your USB it erases all data on that drive, so please back up any data if you have any important files.

    • Step 3: Assuming that you’re on FAT32, you want to rename the HFW firmware to PS3UPDAT.PUP

      • Make sure that the filename is in all capital letters: PS3UPDAT.PUP
      • As well before installing the firmware on your PS3 please verify the MD5 has via with OnlineMD5 hash. This is the MD5 Hash: 23F60BAF3C3D38BC77AA452E770D1248
    • Step 4: Now that you checked your firmware with OnlineMD5 hash checker, you want to make a folder on the root of your FAT32 USB device called PS3 and inside that folder you want to make one called UPDATE and inside the update folder you want to put the PS3UPDAT.PUP file. So the file directory should be as follows PS3 > UPDATE > PS3UPDAT.PUP

    • Step 5: Now that your USB is now formatted to FAT32 and has the update file you can now plug your USB into the rightmost USB port on your PS3 (The USB port that is nearest to your BluRay drive.

      • Make sure as well to disable your Wi-Fi connection and take any disc that might be in your PS3 BluRay drive. This ensures that you’re not downloading the latest live firmware from Sony's Servers for the PS3.
      • Now go into System Settings and Update via Storage Media. If you have done everything correctly, you should see the following screen:
      • If you see this screen just click OK and proceed with the on-screen instructions. Once your PS3 has successfully updated we can start on step 2 which is activating HEN Enabler.


7. Activating HEN Enabler:

  • Now that you have successfully installed HFW 4.88 onto your device. Now we need to install HEN.

    • NOTE: Installing HEN can take a while to install. The PS3 has to successfully receive a custom payload that will allow your PS3 to be hacked. This process can take multiple tries before HEN is initialized on your device. As well this process may require you to reset your PS3 MULTIPLE TIMES.
  • Step 1: Under the Network column in XMB, please enter into the Internet Browser application. Once you’re in the Internet Browser we're going to delete some files within the browser. Hit Triangle on your PS3 controller which will display a side menu as showcased here:


  • Step 2: Assuming that the side menu is still activated on your PS3, go to the Tools tab. From the Tools tab we need to disable/clear the following features:

    • Confirm Browser Close turn this setting Off
    • Home Page make sure to set this setting as Blank Page
    • Make sure to Delete Cookies and hit Yes to confirm this setting.
    • Make sure to Delete Search History and hit Yes to confirm this setting.
    • Make sure to Delete Cache and hit Yes to confirm this setting.
    • Make sure to Delete Authentication Information to confirm this setting.
  • Step 3: Once all of the following settings have been initialized. Within the Internet Browser you want to go to

hen ps333

  • Step 4: Once you on you want to hover over the PS3HEN tab. Within the PS3HEN tab you want to select HEN Installer/Enabler option. Once you have launched that option you should be redirected to the PS3 HEN Installer page which will download a file called PS3HEN.p3t

ps3 hen  ty

  • Step 5: Once the PS3HEN.p3t file has been downloaded, within the PS3 HEN Installer page select the option that states Initialize HEN installer once the process has initialized you should see a green message stating that `HEN installer initialized successfully


  • Step 6: The next option that you want to select within the PS3 HEN Installer page is Install HEN only if you got the HEN installer initialized successfully message. Once HEN has been activated you should get an image that states Welcome to HEN 3.03`


  • Step 7: Once you see the Welcome to HEN 3.03 message you can exit out of the Internet Browser. Once you have exited the browser, you should see a package .pkg file being download to your PS3. The file is 11MB and is called Latest_HEN_Installer_signed.pkg Let this package file be fully installed before restarting your PS3.

  • Step 8: Once you start back up your PS3 head over to the Game column you should see 2 new options on your XMB which is ★ Enable HEN & ★ Package Manager. If you have these 2 new options that means HEN has successfully installed.

enable hen

8. Installing multiMan:

  • Now that you have successfully installed HFW/HEN onto your device and you’ve just restarted your console. What you want to do now is go to your PC and download the HEN version of multiMan. Once it’s downloaded you want to go ahead and put the .PKG onto the ROOT of your USB Stick that is formatted to FAT32. Once multiMan is on your USB you’ll need to go to your PS3.

  • Step 1: Now that you're on your PS3, you want to plug your USB stick into the right-most USB slot the one that is closest to your USB drive. Once you have your USB drive plugged into your console, what you want to do is to ★ Enable HEN first to launch the payload to allow you to run Homebrew. Once you get the HEN notification enabled you can now exit out of the browser.

    • NOTE: Once again do not be online while utilizing any sort of Homebrew or you are at risk to be getting banned.
  • Step 2: Once you ★ Enable HEN you should see ★ Package Manager Hit X to open up Package Manager and go to the 2nd option that states Install Package Files you should see the multiMan PKG file. To install the PKG just hit X to install the package, once you installed the package you should see multiMan under the games column via in XMB.

9. Extracting PlayStation Home Cache Data via multiMan:

  • Assuming that your device has multiMan installed, and your PS3 has HEN installed. The first step you want to do is to ENABLE HEN and wait for it to give you a notification stating that HEN has been applied at boot. Once you get the HEN notification enabled you can now exit out of the browser and open up multiMan.

    • NOTE: If this is your first time using multiMan, you might have to accept the homebrew’s user agreement. If so just hit Yes throughout the terms of service agreement.
  • Step 1: Now that you're in multiMan File Manager, there are some tips that I recommend before transferring your files to your USB.

    • Make sure your USB is formatted to FAT32 and is plugged into your PS3.
    • Make sure your PS3 has its power save settings off for the time being, due to the fact you might have a cache size that’s 3+ GB’s which can take longer to dump. For more information on how to turn this feature off, feel free to read this official PS3 article here.
    • In multiMan’s main menu I recommend going into the settings column and scroll all the way down to this option called Swap Sticks in mmOS. What this option does is changes the left and right sticks in mmOS = multiMan operation System. Plus it makes it easier to navigate using your left analog stick and feels similar to utilizing the PS3 web browser.
  • Step 2: Once you’ve followed along with all those steps, you want to scroll over to the multiMan tab and scroll down to File Manager / mmOS tab & click X. Once you're into mmOS, you should see a screen that looks like a typical PC desktop. With your left analog, you want to double-tap X on the icon that says PS3™ROOT you will see all of your PS3 directories.

  • Step 3: The main directory we're are focusing on is dev_hdd0/game/NPIA00005 & dev_hdd0/game/NPIA0005DATA note if you happen to older versions of Home such as early beta builds or development builds down below here is where you can find directories for those versions as well.

    • NPEA00013: Development, Alpha, Beta, PROD-QA dev_hdd0/game/NPEA00013
    • NPIA00010: Development & PROD-QA dev_hdd0/game/NPIA00010
    • NPIA00005: Retail & PROD-QA dev_hdd0/game/NPIA00015
    • XXXX00071: Development/Alpha dev_hdd0/game/XXXX00071
  • Step 4: Once you see all of your directories you want to double tap X into the dev_hdd0 folder double tap X then into game then once you’re in the game folder you want to tap X ONCE over both NPIA0005 & NPIA005DATA.

  • Step 5: Now that you have both folders selected you want to hit circle over the folders and you should get a menu that will have the following options Copy/Cut/Delete/Create New Folder the option you want to select is Copy.

    • Once you select, copy a notification on the right-hand corner of your screen should say 2 entries added.
    • NOTE: if you're confused about this process please refer back to the PlayStation Home Preservation Tutorial.
  • Step 6: The next step that you want to do now is re-open back up the PS3™ROOT folder back on multiMan desktop now once you see all of your PS3 directories, you want to find the directory that states dev_usb001 Note depending on what slot you put your USB it might say dev_usb006 dev_usb002 as long as you see dev_usb just double tap X to go into that directory.

  • Step 7: Now that you're in the USB folder in multiMan what you want to do is hit circle ONCE and you should get a menu that will state these options: Copy/Cut/Paste/Rename/Delete/Create Shortcut/Properties/Permissions/Create New Folder

  • Step 8: The option that you want to choose is PASTE, once you paste your data to your USB just let multiMan copy your data to your USB. PLEASE Make sure that you have enough space prior to this and dumping Home can take awhile possibly hours especially if you have 12GB’s of data!

  • Step 9: Once your data has been successfully dumped, you can now plug in your USB to your PC to get ready for the next step.

9. Uploading Your Cache Data:

  • Step 1: Once you’ve successfully dumped your cache data onto your USB device or transfer you utilized the FileZilla FTP Client method. You will need to utilize WinRAR to zip your content on your PC.

  • Step 2: Once you have successfully zipped your Home data you can upload your data to any cloud service Google Drive, MEGA or MediaFire etc. Once you have your data uploaded, you can now drop it to #FileSharing in our Discord

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Disclaimer: This repository is purely for preservation and educational purposes.

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