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Created April 22, 2020 19:37
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Programs.fs" />
<Compile Include="Tests.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.5.0" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.0" />
<PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.0" />
<PackageReference Include="coverlet.collector" Version="1.2.0" />
module Program
type NutritionFacts = {
Fat: int
Salt: double
Calories: int
type DietCompatibility = {
Vegan: bool
Vegetarian: bool
Pescetarian: bool
type MealFacts = {
NutritionFacts: NutritionFacts
DietCompatibility: DietCompatibility
Organic: bool
let mealFacts _ =
NutritionFacts = {
Fat = 234
Salt = 0.5
Calories = 250000
DietCompatibility = {
Vegan = false
Vegetarian = false
Pescetarian = false
Organic = false
let isVegan ingredients =
|> List.forall (fun i -> i.DietCompatibility.Vegan)
module Tests4
open System
open Xunit
open Program
// from
// Let’s talk about food, from the perspective of diet compatibilities & nutrition facts.
// You have ingredients: salad, cheese, tomato, bread, ham, fish… that you can combine in order to make a delicious Panini.
// Each ingredient can be described by
// its diet compatibilities: vegan, vegetarian, or pescetarian,
// whether it's organic or not,
// and it has its own nutrition facts: calories, fat, salt and carbohydrates amounts (and many more).
// There are additional food items like drinks and deserts which can help create a meal together with a panini.
// Task: We want to derive the diet compatibilities & nutrition facts of any kind of Panini and for any meal built from these ingredients and food items.
// Salad is vegan, vegetarian, and pescetarian. It’s organic. Its nutrition facts are fat:0, salt:0, calories: 50.
// Cheese is not vegan, but is vegetarian and pescetarian. It’s not organic. Its nutrition facts are fat:80, salt:0, calories: 20000.
// Bread is vegan, vegetarian, and pescetarian. It’s organic. Its nutrition facts are fat:2, salt:0.2, calories: 100000.
// Ham is not vegan, not vegetarian, and not pescetarian. It’s not organic. Its nutrition facts are fat:150, salt:0.1, calories: 30000.
// Panini "A" consists of 2 slices of bread, ham and cheese and is
not vegan, not vegetarian, and not pescetarian. Its not organic. Its nutrition facts are fat:234, salt 0.5, calories: 250000
// Panini "B" consists of 2 slices of bread, 3 leaves of salad and cheese. It’s is not vegan, but is vegetarian and pescetarian. It’s not organic. Its nutrition facts are fat: 84, salt: 0.2, calories: 120150
module ``Panini A`` =
let bread = {
NutritionFacts = {
Fat = 2
Salt = 0.2
Calories = 100000
DietCompatibility = {
Vegan = true
Vegetarian = true
Pescetarian = true
Organic = true
let cheese = {
NutritionFacts = {
Fat = 80
Salt = 0.0
Calories = 20000
DietCompatibility = {
Vegan = false
Vegetarian = true
Pescetarian = true
Organic = false
let ham = {
NutritionFacts = {
Fat = 150
Salt = 0.1
Calories = 30000
DietCompatibility = {
Vegan = false
Vegetarian = false
Pescetarian = false
Organic = false
let paniniA = [
bread, 2
cheese, 1
ham, 1
let expectedNutritionFacts = {
Fat = 234
Salt = 0.5
Calories = 250000
let ``when computing the mealFacts``() =
let expected = {
NutritionFacts = {
Fat = 234
Salt = 0.5
Calories = 250000
DietCompatibility = {
Vegan = false
Vegetarian = false
Pescetarian = false
Organic = false
Assert.Equal (expected, mealFacts paniniA)
// [<Fact>]
// let ``when checking whether it is vegan``() =
// Assert.False (isVegan paniniA)
let ``when checking whether ingredients are vegan``() =
Assert.False (isVegan [bread;bread;ham;cheese])
let paniniBreadOnly = [
let ``when checking whether the breadOnly panini it is vegan``() =
let v = isVegan [bread]
Assert.True (v)
// let ``when checking whether it is vegetarian``() =`() =
// Assert.False <| isVegetarian paniniA
// let ``when checking whether it is organic``() =
// Assert.False <| isOrganic paniniA
// let ``when checking whether it is vegetarian``() =
// Assert.False <| isVegetarian paniniA
// let ``when checking whether it is pescetarian``() =
// Assert.False <| isPescetarian paniniA
// let ``when checking whether it is organic``() =
// Assert.False <| isOrganic paniniA
// let ``when checking the nutricion facts``() =
// Assert.Equal (expectedNutritionFacts, getNutricionFacts paniniA)
*** Timeframe
* Intro 15'
* Setup 5'
* First Coding 45' (troubleshooting tooling: 5')
* Retro 10'
* Second Coding 45' (troubleshooting tooling: 10')
* Retro 5'
*** User/ API Design
* Lot of discussions around API
* What's the API for the user?
* How are meals/ingredients created?
* Clash with real world model (would users work that way?)
* Most discussions about invoking the API, not so much about the actual implementation
* Chattiness? How granular should/can the API be?
* Granularity of API/model changed when writing tests
*** Process / Approach
* Discovering (data)structure while implementing
* Streamlined concepts / missing words / language from the outside
* Outside -> in approach: more design upfront
* Bottom-up: building up from small parts
* We missed a step when going from outside to the concrete implementation
*** Language/F#
* Structure of an F# program is interesting -> forces you in some direction (good or bad?)
* Anonymus-types good for prototyping vs half-ass-names
** replacing them with a proper type was easy
* F# pipes are nice
*** Tooling
* VS-Code Live Share
* Connection disruptions with VS-LS :-(
* Problems with F# test setup (missing Program.fs / main method)
*** General
* How should we teaser the learning goals in the future?
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