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Last active April 6, 2018 01:44
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Save NakedMoleRatScientist/389d35f7cc7436493cda6430ec087d2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

It was a non-distinct office building in a non-distinct meeting room, yet it was also the office of the Dual-Monarchy intelligence service, or at least that is what they said where to go if you have important information to report.

"I am telling you! It must be the sketch gentleman!" the pawnshop owner insisted. The suit-wearing officer distinctly didn't look impressed. The businessman could feel the eye-rolling.

"So, you believed that a strange man sold you tokens and objects that happened to resemble what you saw in those movies," the intelligent officier said. "And you believe that gentleman is somehow responsible for the movie?" The agent made the cursory effort of skimming over a few photos of the merchandises purchased by the shopkeeper.

"Yes! It happened months ago."

"I failed to see the relevance to the Dual-Monarchy Intelligence Service."


"Even if this Sketch gentleman is somehow our international man of mystery, and that the photo of merchandise are exactly produced by him and his business, I failed to see how that is relevant to our security interest."


"You did not present to me any evidence that this man is connected to any terrorist groups, foreign intelligence service, or otherwise is of national security interest. The intelligence service's job is not to investigate mysteries."


"Thank you for coming to the Dual-Monarchy Intelligence Service with information and your time, but at this time, we deemed this person irrelevant to our mission. If his status change and if we need more information, we may need to get into contact with you."

Fat rotten luck! Can't they see how important this man is to the world? He didn't even get to explain his theory that the Sketch gentleman is an alien from outer space.

Maybe....he could leak it to the public details since the government refuse to do anything about it. No! He must keep trying with the various bureaucracy. Someone will listen. Yes, that is the correct course of actions.

"Why are you asking me? I am just an astrophysicist," the Khemetri scientist said. The audience broke into laughter. "Nevertheless, I can give you my unexpert opinion as an informed layman, since I followed the story with strong interest. In fact, I have been talking to experts all over the globe. But be aware that I am not an anthropologist. "

"Go right ahead," the host said.

"We have been making tremedous progress with the release of more diverse materials at an acccelerated rate, especially with the release of children's books. Those had been very helpful. That much what my sources at Redshore University told me. Tangently related, there's a release of an astrophysic textbook, so I am looking forward to collaborating and contributing to the project on that aspect."

"And what is your personal opinion on who produced it?"

"That's a good question."

"Aliens? Super AI? People?"

"My guess? People. Not a specific production cabal, but the people of Earth, as opposed to Ddaear for the name of the planet. The amount of materials is so lucid and diverse in details that you needed an entire civilization to produce it."

"Really? You think Earth is real?"

"While completely unproven, it is an explanation that make the most sense to me. I am not sure if I can justify it as a more likely explanation. I am not dismissive of the possiblity that an AI produced all of this. In that case, it is probably the most powerful software ever written, but I am not so sure we can make such giant leap in progress all at once, especially cultural materials that is extremely coherent. But aliens? What incentive do they have to manufacture an entire global culture from scratch, one that is very similiar to us? What for? If they want to communicate to us, they are better off showing off their culture."

"Earth. That sounds like a fine name. What does it mean?"



"[i]Ground[/i] in Khemetri," the scientist confirmed. "It is the most universial meaning for the planet we lived on in both worlds."

"So Ddaear means Earth to them? How does that work?"

"Exactly. From their perspective, [i]they don't live on any other planet in the universe. Neither do we.[/i]"

"Wow," the host said. "That's all we have for today. Thank you for joining us this evening."

"My pleasure. I am your personal astrophysicst, Ny-"


"WHY ISN'T THIS AN INTELLIGENCE PRIORITY?!!!" the Patriarch shouted.

"But sir-"


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