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"I am telling you! It must be the sketch gentleman!" the pawnshop owner insisted.

"So, you believed that a strange man sold you tokens and objects that happened to resemble what you saw in those movies," the intelligent officier said. "And you believe that gentleman is somehow responsible for the movie."

"Yes! It happened months ago."

"I failed to see the relevance to the Dual-Monarchy Intelligence Service."


"Even if this Sketch gentleman is somehow our international man of mystery, there is nothing to connect him to terrorist groups, or any foreign intelligence services."


"I am sure that he is important, but it is not our job to investigate this man."


"Thank you for coming to the Dual-Monarchy Intelligence Service with information, but at this time, we deemed this man unimportant."

Fat rotten luck! Can't they see how important this man is to the world? He didn't even get to explain his theory that the Sketch gentleman is an alien from outer space.

Maybe....he could leak it to the public details since the government refuse to do anything about it. No! He must keep trying with the various bureaucracy. Yes, that is the correct course of actions.

"I am not sayin that it's aliens, but it's alien!" one of the customer proclaimed.

"All I am seeing here is an extremely elaborate production completed with a fake natural language and nigh attention to details," Ryb said with dispassion.

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