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"I am telling you! It must be the sketch gentleman!" the pawnshop owner insisted.

"So, you believed that a strange man sold you tokens and objects that happened to resemble what you saw in those movies," the intelligent officier said. "And you believe that gentleman is somehow responsible for the movie."

"Yes! It happened months ago."

"I failed to see the relevance to the Dual-Monarchy Intelligence Service."


Centuries later

Bodies of horse and men were scattered across the battlefield, flags flying in the winds. The day began with the ferority of thunder and ended in the howl of the winds and the flow of blood. What was once hundred of thousands participants were reduced to mere thousands of survivors.

"So, this is it," Cyncynnatys said, looking at the king that was beheaded by one of his men. He didn't know who did the honor of killing of him, not whether he was a commonborn or of noble birth, dead or not. Ultimately he cared not. The social status of a person was less important than the deed. He will make sure to commemorate the unknown soldier later.

Ultimately, the Ymaryn came close to annihilation, but the horde was finally stopped.

He turned back to his men. "This isn't over. Rest, because tomorrow we will march. The eastern cities never turned their backs on us, but they paid a heavy price for their loyalty. We will search for survivors."

"What the hell is this?" the shopkeeper asked, putting up a coin under close inspection. "I seen a lot of sketch currencies, but never anything like this before."

The shopkeeper held up the obverse then flipped to the reverse of the coin, which depicted persons or places that he never heard of, yet seemed similiar to UPM coinage, all the while written in everything Sketch.

The customer simply shrugged. "I need money, not fake currencies."

"Where did you get it?"

"I got paid in it." The shopkeeper eyed the customer with suspicion.

"What the hell is this?" the shopkeeper asked, putting up a coin under close inspection. "I seen a lot of sketch currencies, but never anything like this before."

The shopkeeper held up the obverse then flipped to the reverse of the coin, which depicted persons or places that he never heard of, yet seemed similiar to UPM coinage, all the while written in everything Sketch.

The customer simply shrugged. "I need money, not fake currencies."

"Where did you get it?"

"I got paid in it." The shopkeeper eyed the customer with suspicion.

A century later

Bodies of horse and men were scattered across the battlefield, flags flying in the winds. The day began with ferocity and ended in the howl of the winds and the flow of blood. What was once hundred of thousands participants were reduced to mere thousands of survivors.

"So, this is it," Cyncynnatys said, looking at the king that was beheaded by one of his men. He didn't know who did the honor of killing of him, not whether he was a commonborn or of noble birth, dead or not. Ultimately he cared not. The social status of a person was less important than the deed. He will make sure to commemorate the unknown soldier later.

Ultimately, the Ymaryn came close to annihilation, but the horde was finally stopped.

He turned back to his men. "This isn't over. Rest, because tomorrow we will march. The eastern cities never turned their backs on us, but they paid a heavy price for their loyalty. We will search for survivors."

Action Plan: Afterward

Trying something out

  1. Hello World
  • Testing.
%html{:lang => "en"}
%meta{:charset => "utf-8"}
A Brand New nanoc Site - #{@item[:title]}
%link{:href => @items['/stylesheet/'].path, :rel => "stylesheet"}
/ you don't need to keep this, but it's cool for stats!
%meta{:content => "nanoc #{Nanoc::VERSION}", :name => "generator"}
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# A few helpful tips about the Rules file:
# * The string given to #compile and #route are matching patterns for
# identifiers--not for paths. Therefore, you can’t match on extension.
# * The order of rules is important: for each item, only the first matching
# rule is applied.
Template.fact.content = () ->
Meteor.subscribe("Knowledge", () ->
k = Knowledge.findOne({_id: Router.getData()})
return k.content
Han Dao
Self-taught computer programmer.
* Meteor.js
* Ruby On Rails