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Creates Burnt Toast Notifications for Conference Speakers
function Get-SpeakerTimeNotification {
Creates notifications after specified minutes
Uses the BurntToast module to create notifications for the user after a supplied number
of minutes have passed. These can be sorted and a final notification can be given that
just specifies "TIME!"
PS C:\> Get-SpeakerTimeNotification -CountdownMinutes 30, 15, 10, 5
Creates a notification after 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes.
PS C:\> Get-SpeakerTimeNotification 1, 2 -Sort
Sorts the minutes first so the notification appears after 2 minutes then 1 minute.
PS C:\> Get-SpeakerTimeNotification 1, 2 -Sort -Verbose -FinalNotification
Sorts the minutes first so the notification appears after 2 minutes then 1 minute.
Creates a final notification after an extra minute saying "TIME!".
Burnt Toast Notification
General notes
param (
# a list of minutes to notify the speaker when they have elapsed.
Position = 0,
HelpMessage = 'List of minutes to notify the speaker after')]
# switch to see if you want the minutes sorted largest to smallest.
# switch to see if you want a final "TIME!" notification. If the "Sorted" switch is specified,
# will use the smallest input time. Otherwise uses the last inputted time.
begin {
$stopWatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::new()
if ($Sort) {
$CountdownMinutes = $CountdownMinutes | Sort-Object -Descending
Write-Verbose "FinalNotification: $FinalNotification"
if ($FinalNotification) {
if ($Sort) {
$finalTime = ($CountdownMinutes | Sort-Object -Descending)[-1]
} else {
$finalTime = $CountdownMinutes[-1]
Write-Verbose "FinalNotification: $FinalNotification"
process {
foreach ($time in $CountdownMinutes) {
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$VerboseMessage = [PSCustomObject]@{
MinutesElapsed = $stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes
TimeWaitingFor = $time
Write-Verbose $VerboseMessage
} until ($stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -ge $time)
$text = "$time minutes left!"
if ($time -eq 1) {
$text = "$time minute left!"
New-BurntToastNotification -Text $text
if ($finalTime) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds ($finalTime * 60) # seconds, not minutes...
New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'TIME!'
end {
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