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Last active April 12, 2020 09:31
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  • Save Nakilon/e65c61413b76df7296419f7529c0bc83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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big example
$ ruby recipes.rb Automato Avesmingo Banana Carrot Cocoa\ Pod Corn Currentcorn Grapes Pearlpeas Pineapple Potato Rice Tomato Wheat Sugar Beakseed
1 automatostew = 1 Wheat + 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 2kbpotage = 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 candyautomato = 1 Sugar + 1 Automato
1 avesmingojuice = 1 Avesmingo
1 apegrapes = 1 Grapes + 1 Banana
1 batteredbanana = 1 Wheat + 1 Banana
1 luckydip = 1 Carrot + 1 Banana
1 roastedcarrot = 1 Carrot
1 carrotjuice = 1 Carrot
1 carrotbread = 1 Wheat + 1 Carrot
1 gardensalad = 1 Tomato + 1 Corn + 1 Carrot
1 chocolate = 1 Cocoa Pod
1 popcorn = 1 Corn
1 relish = 1 Tomato + 1 Sugar + 1 Corn
1 cornpeckers = 1 Corn + 1 Beakseed
1 corncob = 1 Corn
1 candiedcorn = 1 Sugar + 1 Corn
1 sweetpopcorn = 1 Sugar + 1 Corn
1 grapejuice = 1 Grapes
1 boiledpearlpeas = 1 Pearlpeas
1 pearlpeajam = 1 Sugar + 1 Pearlpeas
1 pearlpearisotto = 1 Rice + 1 Pearlpeas
1 pineapplejam = 1 Sugar + 1 Pineapple
1 pineapplejuice = 1 Pineapple
1 bakedpotato = 1 Potato
1 mashedpotato = 1 Potato
1 boiledrice = 1 Rice
1 cookedtomato = 1 Tomato
1 tomatojuice = 1 Tomato
1 beakseedbread = 1 Wheat + 1 Beakseed
1 bread = 1 Wheat
1 pearlpeabroth = 1 Wheat + 1 Boiled Pearlpeas
1 beakseedjam = 1 Sugar + 1 Beakseed
1 bonbons = 1 Sugar
10 candyblock = 1 Sugar
unknown item '[nil, "candyblock"]'
1 campfirebanana = 1 Chocolate + 1 Banana
1 potatogrids = 2 Mashed Potato
1 beakseedtart = 1 Wheat + 1 Beakseed Jam
1 bonbonbonbons = 2 Bon Bons
By default all consumables are assumed to:
1) WellFed you
2) be blocked if you are WellFed already
Rotting Energy Run HP Jump
Cocoa Pod x
Potato x5
Rice x
Wheat x
Sugar x
Automato Stew x1.2 for 270sec
Wattage Potage x1.2 for 180sec
Candy Automato x1.2 for 225sec
Avesmingo Juice +20% for 135sec
Ape Grapes x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Battered Banana x1.2 for 225sec
Lucky Dip x1.2 for 225sec
Roasted Carrot
Carrot Juice x1.2 for 90sec
Carrot Bread x1.2 for 180sec
Garden Salad x1.2 for 315sec
Chocolate x5
Relish x1.2 for 180sec x1.2 for 180sec
Corn Peckers x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Corn Cob x1.2 for 135sec
Candied Corn x1.2 for 135sec x1.2 for 135sec
Sweet Popcorn x1.2 for 135sec x1.2 for 135sec
Grape Juice +20% for 135sec
Boiled Pearlpeas
Pearlpea Jam x1.2 for 225sec
Pearlpea Risotto x1.2 for 225sec
Pineapple Jam x1.2 for 158sec +20% for 158sec
Pineapple Juice +20% for 180sec
Baked Potato
Mashed Potato x1.2 for 180sec
Boiled Rice
Cooked Tomato
Tomato Juice x1.2 for 90sec
Beakseed Bread +20% for 225sec
Bread x1.2 for 90sec
Pearlpea Broth x1.2 for 180sec
Beakseed Jam x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Bon Bons x1.2 for 135sec
Campfire Banana x1.2 for 270sec
Potato Grids x1.2 for 225sec
Beakseed Tart x1.2 for 180sec +20% for 180sec
Bon Bon Bon Bons x1.2 for 270sec
$ ruby recipes.rb Automato Avesmingo Banana Carrot Cocoa\ Pod Corn Currentcorn Grapes Pearlpeas Pineapple Potato Rice Tomato Wheat Sugar Beakseed
1 2kbpotage = 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 automatostew = 1 Wheat + 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 candyautomato = 1 Sugar + 1 Automato
1 avesmingojuice = 1 Avesmingo
1 batteredbanana = 1 Wheat + 1 Banana
1 apegrapes = 1 Grapes + 1 Banana
1 luckydip = 1 Carrot + 1 Banana
1 carrotjuice = 1 Carrot
1 gardensalad = 1 Tomato + 1 Corn + 1 Carrot
1 carrotbread = 1 Wheat + 1 Carrot
1 roastedcarrot = 1 Carrot
1 chocolate = 1 Cocoa Pod
1 corncob = 1 Corn
1 cornpeckers = 1 Corn + 1 Beakseed
1 relish = 1 Tomato + 1 Sugar + 1 Corn
1 candiedcorn = 1 Sugar + 1 Corn
1 popcorn = 1 Corn
1 grapejuice = 1 Grapes
1 pearlpearisotto = 1 Rice + 1 Pearlpeas
1 pearlpeajam = 1 Sugar + 1 Pearlpeas
1 boiledpearlpeas = 1 Pearlpeas
1 pineapplejuice = 1 Pineapple
1 pineapplejam = 1 Sugar + 1 Pineapple
1 mashedpotato = 1 Potato
1 bakedpotato = 1 Potato
1 boiledrice = 1 Rice
1 tomatojuice = 1 Tomato
1 cookedtomato = 1 Tomato
1 pearlpeabroth = 1 Wheat + 1 Boiled Pearlpeas
1 bread = 1 Wheat
1 beakseedbread = 1 Wheat + 1 Beakseed
10 candyblock = 1 Sugar
unknown item '[nil, "candyblock"]'
1 bonbons = 1 Sugar
1 beakseedjam = 1 Sugar + 1 Beakseed
1 sweetpopcorn = 1 Popcorn + 1 Sugar
1 campfirebanana = 1 Chocolate + 1 Banana
1 potatogrids = 2 Mashed Potato
1 bonbonbonbons = 2 Bon Bons
1 beakseedtart = 1 Wheat + 1 Beakseed Jam
Stack Rotting Energy Run HP Jump
Automato 1
Avesmingo 1
Banana 1
Carrot 1
Cocoa Pod 1000 x
Corn 1
Currentcorn 1
Grapes 1
Pearlpeas 1
Pineapple 1
Potato 1 x5
Rice 1000 x
Tomato 1
Wheat 1000 x
Sugar 1000 x
Beakseed 1
Wattage Potage 1 x1.2 for 180sec
Automato Stew 1 x1.2 for 270sec
Candy Automato 1 x1.2 for 225sec
Avesmingo Juice 1 +20% for 135sec
Battered Banana 1 x1.2 for 225sec
Ape Grapes 1 x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Lucky Dip 1 x1.2 for 225sec
Carrot Juice 1 x1.2 for 90sec
Garden Salad 1 x1.2 for 315sec
Carrot Bread 1 x1.2 for 180sec
Roasted Carrot 1
Chocolate 1 x5
Corn Cob 1 x1.2 for 135sec
Corn Peckers 1 x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Relish 1 x1.2 for 180sec x1.2 for 180sec
Candied Corn 1 x1.2 for 135sec x1.2 for 135sec
Popcorn 1
Grape Juice 1 +20% for 135sec
Pearlpea Risotto 1 x1.2 for 225sec
Pearlpea Jam 1 x1.2 for 225sec
Boiled Pearlpeas 1
Pineapple Juice 1 +20% for 180sec
Pineapple Jam 1 x1.2 for 158sec +20% for 158sec
Mashed Potato 1 x1.2 for 180sec
Baked Potato 1
Boiled Rice 1
Tomato Juice 1 x1.2 for 90sec
Cooked Tomato 1
Pearlpea Broth 1 x1.2 for 180sec
Bread 1 x1.2 for 90sec
Beakseed Bread 1 +20% for 225sec
Bon Bons 1 x1.2 for 135sec
Beakseed Jam 1 x1.2 for 135sec +20% for 135sec
Sweet Popcorn 1 x1.2 for 158sec x1.2 for 158sec
Campfire Banana 1 x1.2 for 270sec
Potato Grids 1 x1.2 for 360sec
Bon Bon Bon Bons 1 x1.2 for 270sec
Beakseed Tart 1 x1.2 for 180sec +20% for 180sec
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