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Зашквар / Shaming

Здесь я собираю подноготную из мира политики.


  1. Закрытый телеграм-канал 4chan
  2. Максим Кац: см.
  3. Стас Ай, Как Просто! спросил у Андрея Сербанта почему в Яндексе так много людей, которые не любят путинскую Россию. См. твит Шепелина.
  4. В Avito около 06.04.2023 пользователи заметили, что на сайте появилась возможность вставлять в объявления ролики с платформы Rutube.
justaguywhocodes /
Created February 18, 2022 19:27
mac os script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ~/.macos —
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages -array "en" "us"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string "en_US@currency=USD"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMeasurementUnits -string "Inches"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool false
# Finder: allow quitting via ⌘ + Q; doing so will also hide desktop icons
lbvf50mobile /
Last active August 8, 2021 01:08
Материалы по Ruby.

Материалы по Ruby.

В этом документе коротко собраны ключевые материалы по языку Ruby позволяющие быстро научиться использовать основные преимущества этого языка.

lbvf50mobile / make_four.rb
Last active July 29, 2021 11:45
Question by @Nakilon from 29.07.2021 Thursday.
# Question by @Nakilon from 29.07.2021 Thursday.
puts "Make an array four times bigger!"
def make_four(array)!{|x| x + x}
(0...array.size).each do |i|

hi, and goodbye

The past few weeks has not been fun on IRC, the drama based on false information and assumptions has been insane. I've almost entirely been silent on the drama because I know the fallout that would happen if I spoke up.

A quick TLDR - I'm quitting all IRC development. KiwiIRC project lead, IRCv3 technical board, supporting the multitude of IRC networks, the lot.

Many people seem to think that I am supporting one side in everything that is going on, so just to be clear: I am not supporting any side of the current freenode drama - there is so much false information going around from everywhere that it is impossible to support anybody.

Woo freenode drama

glubsy /
Last active June 7, 2024 03:56
How to properly record Youtube & Twitch live streams

How to record Youtube live streams:

  • use livestream_saver to download from the first segment. Can also record membership-only streams by supplying it your cookies (uses yt-dlp to download)

  • use ytarchive which basically does the same thing, except a bit better.

  • use youtube_stream_capture. You can use cookies file to get member-only streams too. Be aware that this script currently fails to download chunks as soon as the stream has ended (this might be a bug).

  • or use live-dl which does monitoring of streams too. This is a wrapper around streamlink and yt-dlp.

Nakilon / HOW TO (example).md
Last active March 9, 2021 06:52
streaming a still image with ability to replace it on the fly

Streaming local Moscow time:

  • mkdir stream && cd stream
  • test run:
    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/mounted -w /mounted --log-driver local -e TZ=Europe/Moscow nakilonishe/alpine-vips-text sh -c "apk add tzdata && while sleep 0.5; do vips text image.v \"\$(date '+%Y-%m-%d%n %H:%M:%S')\" --dpi 200 --font Monospace && vips invert image.v atomic.png && mv atomic.png image.png; done"
    export key=...
    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/mounted -w /mounted --log-driver local -e key -e loglevel=info -e s=640x360 -e preset=medium nakilonishe/ffmpeg-stream-image
tigertv /
Created February 16, 2020 23:28 — forked from roachhd/
Games on GitHub

Games on GitHub

Below is a list of open source games and game-related projects that can be found on GitHub - old school text adventures, educational games, 8-bit platform games, browser-based games, indie games, GameJam projects, add-ons/maps/hacks/plugins for commercial games, libraries, frameworks, engines, you name it.


If you'd like to add a repository to the list, please create an Issue, or fork this repository and submit a pull request.

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obelisk68 / tetris_for_Ruby2D.rb
Last active March 29, 2022 18:35
Ruby2D を使ったテトリス
require "ruby2d"
include Ruby2D::DSL
Wait = 18
class Tetromino
def initialize
@pat =
pats = [["1111"], ["11", "11"], ["011", "110"], ["110", "011"],
["100", "111"], ["001", "111"], ["010", "111"]]