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Last active December 14, 2015 21:28
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A Guile version 'cat' for Guile-100 project
#! /usr/bin/env guile
(use-modules (ice-9 getopt-long))
(setlocale LC_ALL "")
(define cur-out (current-output-port))
(define cur-in (current-input-port))
(define option-spec
'((version (single-char #\v) (value #f))
(help (single-char #\h) (value #f))
(unbuffered (single-char #\u) (value #f))))
;; NOTE: I don't think we need this line in Guile
;;(sigaction SIGINT (lambda (msg) (exit 130)))
(define (show-help)
-u --unbuffered
Do no buffering. Write bytes from the input to the standard output without delay as each character is read.
-h --help
Print out command help.
-v --version
Print out the program name and version number.\n"))
(define (show-version)
(display "Cat on Guile v0.0.1\n"))
(define (cat-contents in no-buffered)
(when no-buffered (setvbuf in _IONBF) (setvbuf cur-out _IONBF))
((@ (rnrs io ports) put-bytevector) cur-out ((@ (rnrs io ports) get-bytevector-all) in))
(and no-buffered (flush-all-ports)))
(define (cat-all files no-buffered)
(define cat (lambda (p) (cat-contents p no-buffered)))
(for-each cat (map open-input-file files)))
(define (try-cat files no-buffered)
(catch 'system-error
(lambda ()
(if (null? files)
(cat-contents cur-in no-buffered)
(cat-all files no-buffered)))
(lambda (k . e)
(print-exception (current-error-port) #f k e)
(exit 1))))
(define (main args)
(let* ((options (getopt-long args option-spec))
(need-help (option-ref options 'help #f))
(need-version (option-ref options 'version #f))
(no-buffered (option-ref options 'unbuffered #f))
(files (option-ref options '() #f)))
(need-help (show-help))
(need-version (show-version))
(else (try-cat files no-buffered)))))
(main (command-line))
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wingo commented Mar 13, 2013

Use "when" instead of "and" when you don't need a result.

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wingo commented Mar 13, 2013

_iolbf is line buffering; you want _ionbf

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wingo commented Mar 13, 2013

use print-exception to display errors

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wingo commented Mar 13, 2013

surely cat should be binary and not textual

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