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Created December 7, 2015 03:45
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function timecal(entryTime, exitTime){
var enh = entryTime.slice(0,2);
var enm = entryTime.slice(3);
var exh = exitTime.slice(0,2);
var exm = exitTime.slice(3);
var en = new Date(2000, 0, 1,enh,enm);
var ex = new Date(2000, 0, 1,exh,exm);
if (ex < en){
ex.setDate(ex.getDate() + 1);
var dif = ex - en;
var msec = dif;
var m = Math.floor(msec / 1000 / 60);
return m;
function basecal(minutes){
var cost = 0; // sets cost as 0
if(minutes <= 15){ //* if minutes is less that 16 cost is 0 *//
return cost;
else{ // Because minutes is greater than 15 cost is 1
cost += 1;
if(minutes <= 30){ //* Cost is 1 but if minutes is less than 31 cost is 1 *//
return cost;
else{ //* cost is 3 because minutes is greater than 30 *//
cost += 2;
// checks if minutes is greater than 60
if(minutes > 60){
//* if minutes is greater than 60 minutes is divided by 30*//
for(var i = 0; i < (minutes / 30); i++){
// for every 30 minutes after 60 cost is increased by 1
cost += 1;
return cost;
return cost;
function valcal(val,cost){
// if you have validations this takes the amount and subtracks that amount off of your cost.
if(val > 0){
var re = cost - (val * 2) + 1;
if(re < 0){
re = 0;
return re;
return cost;
function alldaycal(allval,cost){
if(allval === true){
var re = cost - 20;
if(re < 0){
re = 0;
return re;
return cost;
function calc(entryTime,exitTime,val,allval){
var min = timecal(entryTime,exitTime);
// takes entryTime and exitTime to get the minutes in the lot
var cost = basecal(min);
// checks for validations and evaluates them
if(val > 0){
cost = valcal(val,basecost);
// checks for allday validations and evaluates
if(allval === true){
cost = alldaycal(allval,cost);
// checks if entry time was 18:00 or later
if(parseInt(entryTime.slice(0,2)) >= 18){
if(cost > 5){
// if so maxs price at 5
cost = 5;
// caps cost at 20
if(cost > 20){
cost = 20;
// returns cost
return cost;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Parking Calculator</title>
<noscript> You need Javascript for this to work! </noscript>
Entry Time: (HH:MM)<br>
<input type="text" name="entryTime">
Exit Time: (HH:MM)<br>
<input type="text" name="exitTime"</input>
Validations: <input type="number" name="val" min="0" max="10" value="0"> <br>
Allday Validation: <input type="checkbox" name="allval" value="av"><br>
<input type="submit"</input>
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