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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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  • Save NamPNQ/10964858 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save NamPNQ/10964858 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Deobfuscator for scripts messed up with
var ancObject = {
params: {
'width': '100%',
'height': '437',
'player': '',
'proxy': '',
'skin': '', //
'margin': '30px',
'position': 'left',
'logo': '' //
id: {
'data': 'anc_data',
'player': 'anc_pl',
'playing': 'anc_pa',
'episode': 'anc_tp'
site: {
'name': '',
'key': '3f756017c2fe8f603ac7b0be548d3945',
'time': 'e504c4448dfd4071eca9a337f29ac77a',
'regex': /maphim\.net\*/g
server: {
'list_e': 'youtube#com,,,phimvang#org,,dailymotion#com,twitvid#com,,clip#vn,,,,,,mp4:vod,docs#google#com,vimeo#com,,,anc.mp4,,,',
'list_d': ',,,,,,,,,,,,,.mp4,.flv,.swf',
'ecolor': '#FF9900',
'becolor': '#B24026',
'scolor': 'red'
var _0xf309 = ["\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5A\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6A\x6B\x6C\x6D\x6E\x6F\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7A\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x2B\x2F\x3D", "", "\x63\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6F\x64\x65\x41\x74", "\x63\x68\x61\x72\x41\x74", "\x5F\x6B\x65\x79\x53\x74\x72", "\x6C\x65\x6E\x67\x74\x68", "\x72\x65\x63\x6F\x64\x65", "\x24", "\x69\x6E\x64\x65\x78\x4F\x66", "\x72\x65\x70\x6C\x61\x63\x65", "\x66\x72\x6F\x6D\x43\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6F\x64\x65", "\x0A", "\x72\x65\x76\x65\x72\x73\x65", "\x73\x70\x6C\x69\x74", "\x2E", "\x27", "\x3A", "\x30", "\x73\x75\x62\x73\x74\x72", "\x74\x6F\x4C\x6F\x77\x65\x72\x43\x61\x73\x65"];
var ancSer = {
_keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
encode: function(_0x51a4x2) {
_0x51a4x2 = escape(_0x51a4x2);
var _0x51a4x3 = "";
var _0x51a4x4, _0x51a4x5, _0x51a4x6 = "";
var _0x51a4x7, _0x51a4x8, _0x51a4x9, _0x51a4xa = "";
var _0x51a4xb = 0;
do {
_0x51a4x4 = _0x51a4x2["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb++);
_0x51a4x5 = _0x51a4x2["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb++);
_0x51a4x6 = _0x51a4x2["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb++);
_0x51a4x7 = _0x51a4x4 >> 2;
_0x51a4x8 = ((_0x51a4x4 & 3) << 4) | (_0x51a4x5 >> 4);
_0x51a4x9 = ((_0x51a4x5 & 15) << 2) | (_0x51a4x6 >> 6);
_0x51a4xa = _0x51a4x6 & 63;
if (isNaN(_0x51a4x5)) {
_0x51a4x9 = _0x51a4xa = 64;
} else {
if (isNaN(_0x51a4x6)) {
_0x51a4xa = 64;
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3 + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](_0x51a4x7) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](_0x51a4x8) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](_0x51a4x9) + this["_keyStr"]["charAt"](_0x51a4xa);
_0x51a4x4 = _0x51a4x5 = _0x51a4x6 = "";
_0x51a4x7 = _0x51a4x8 = _0x51a4x9 = _0x51a4xa = "";
} while (_0x51a4xb < _0x51a4x2["length"]);;
return this["recode"](_0x51a4x3, 1);
decode: function(_0x51a4x2) {
if (_0x51a4x2["indexOf"]("$") != -1) {
_0x51a4x2 = ancSer["recode"](_0x51a4x2, 0);
var _0x51a4x3 = "";
var _0x51a4x4, _0x51a4x5, _0x51a4x6 = "";
var _0x51a4x7, _0x51a4x8, _0x51a4x9, _0x51a4xa = "";
var _0x51a4xb = 0;
var _0x51a4xc = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g;
_0x51a4x2 = _0x51a4x2["replace"](/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
do {
_0x51a4x7 = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](_0x51a4x2["charAt"](_0x51a4xb++));
_0x51a4x8 = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](_0x51a4x2["charAt"](_0x51a4xb++));
_0x51a4x9 = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](_0x51a4x2["charAt"](_0x51a4xb++));
_0x51a4xa = this["_keyStr"]["indexOf"](_0x51a4x2["charAt"](_0x51a4xb++));
_0x51a4x4 = (_0x51a4x7 << 2) | (_0x51a4x8 >> 4);
_0x51a4x5 = ((_0x51a4x8 & 15) << 4) | (_0x51a4x9 >> 2);
_0x51a4x6 = ((_0x51a4x9 & 3) << 6) | _0x51a4xa;
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3 + String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x4);
if (_0x51a4x9 != 64) {
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3 + String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x5);
if (_0x51a4xa != 64) {
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3 + String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x6);
_0x51a4x4 = _0x51a4x5 = _0x51a4x6 = "";
_0x51a4x7 = _0x51a4x8 = _0x51a4x9 = _0x51a4xa = "";
} while (_0x51a4xb < _0x51a4x2["length"]);;
return unescape(_0x51a4x3);
_utf8_encode: function(_0x51a4xd) {
_0x51a4xd = _0x51a4xd["replace"](/\r\n/g, "
var _0x51a4xe = "";
for (var _0x51a4xf = 0; _0x51a4xf < _0x51a4xd["length"]; _0x51a4xf++) {
var _0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4xd["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xf);
if (_0x51a4x10 < 128) {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x10);
} else {
if ((_0x51a4x10 > 127) && (_0x51a4x10 < 2048)) {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 >> 6) | 192);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 & 63) | 128);
} else {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 >> 12) | 224);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"](((_0x51a4x10 >> 6) & 63) | 128);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 & 63) | 128);
return _0x51a4xe;
_utf8_decode: function(_0x51a4xe) {
var _0x51a4xd = "";
var _0x51a4xb = 0;
var _0x51a4x10 = c1 = c2 = 0;
while (_0x51a4xb < _0x51a4xe["length"]) {
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4xe["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb);
if (_0x51a4x10 < 128) {
_0x51a4xd += String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x10);
} else {
if ((_0x51a4x10 > 191) && (_0x51a4x10 < 224)) {
c2 = _0x51a4xe["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb + 1);
_0x51a4xd += String["fromCharCode"](((_0x51a4x10 & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63));
_0x51a4xb += 2;
} else {
c2 = _0x51a4xe["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb + 1);
c3 = _0x51a4xe["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xb + 2);
_0x51a4xd += String["fromCharCode"](((_0x51a4x10 & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63));
_0x51a4xb += 3;
return _0x51a4xd;
recode: function(_0x51a4x2, _0x51a4x11) {
var _0x51a4x3 = "";
var _0x51a4x12 = _0x51a4x2["split"]("")["reverse"]();
for (var _0x51a4xb = 0; _0x51a4xb < _0x51a4x12["length"]; _0x51a4xb++) {
if (_0x51a4xb % 2 == 0) {
_0x51a4x3 += "." + _0x51a4x12[_0x51a4xb] + "'";
} else {
if (_0x51a4xb % 3 == 0) {
_0x51a4x3 += ":" + _0x51a4x12[_0x51a4xb] + "$";
} else {
_0x51a4x3 += _0x51a4x12[_0x51a4xb];
if (_0x51a4x11 == 0) {
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3["replace"](/\#/gi, "");
} else {
_0x51a4x3 = _0x51a4x3;
return _0x51a4x3;
FI: function(_0x51a4xd) {
function _0x51a4x13(_0x51a4x14, _0x51a4x15) {
return (_0x51a4x14 << _0x51a4x15) | (_0x51a4x14 >>> (32 - _0x51a4x15));
function _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x17, _0x51a4x18) {
var _0x51a4x19, _0x51a4x1a, _0x51a4x1b, _0x51a4x1c, _0x51a4x1d;
_0x51a4x1b = (_0x51a4x17 & 0x80000000);
_0x51a4x1c = (_0x51a4x18 & 0x80000000);
_0x51a4x19 = (_0x51a4x17 & 0x40000000);
_0x51a4x1a = (_0x51a4x18 & 0x40000000);
_0x51a4x1d = (_0x51a4x17 & 0x3FFFFFFF) + (_0x51a4x18 & 0x3FFFFFFF);
if (_0x51a4x19 & _0x51a4x1a) {
return (_0x51a4x1d ^ 0x80000000 ^ _0x51a4x1b ^ _0x51a4x1c);
if (_0x51a4x19 | _0x51a4x1a) {
if (_0x51a4x1d & 0x40000000) {
return (_0x51a4x1d ^ 0xC0000000 ^ _0x51a4x1b ^ _0x51a4x1c);
} else {
return (_0x51a4x1d ^ 0x40000000 ^ _0x51a4x1b ^ _0x51a4x1c);
} else {
return (_0x51a4x1d ^ _0x51a4x1b ^ _0x51a4x1c);
function _0x51a4x1e(_0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x20, _0x51a4x21) {
return (_0x51a4x1f & _0x51a4x20) | ((~_0x51a4x1f) & _0x51a4x21);
function _0x51a4x22(_0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x20, _0x51a4x21) {
return (_0x51a4x1f & _0x51a4x21) | (_0x51a4x20 & (~_0x51a4x21));
function _0x51a4x23(_0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x20, _0x51a4x21) {
return (_0x51a4x1f ^ _0x51a4x20 ^ _0x51a4x21);
function _0x51a4x24(_0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x20, _0x51a4x21) {
return (_0x51a4x20 ^ (_0x51a4x1f | (~_0x51a4x21)));
function _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x29, _0x51a4x2a) {
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x1e(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28), _0x51a4x1f), _0x51a4x2a));
return _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x13(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x29), _0x51a4x27);
function _0x51a4x2b(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x29, _0x51a4x2a) {
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x22(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28), _0x51a4x1f), _0x51a4x2a));
return _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x13(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x29), _0x51a4x27);
function _0x51a4x2c(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x29, _0x51a4x2a) {
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x23(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28), _0x51a4x1f), _0x51a4x2a));
return _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x13(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x29), _0x51a4x27);
function _0x51a4x2d(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f, _0x51a4x29, _0x51a4x2a) {
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x24(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28), _0x51a4x1f), _0x51a4x2a));
return _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x13(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x29), _0x51a4x27);
function _0x51a4x2e(_0x51a4xd) {
var _0x51a4x2f;
var _0x51a4x30 = _0x51a4xd["length"];
var _0x51a4x31 = _0x51a4x30 + 8;
var _0x51a4x32 = (_0x51a4x31 - (_0x51a4x31 % 64)) / 64;
var _0x51a4x33 = (_0x51a4x32 + 1) * 16;
var _0x51a4x34 = Array(_0x51a4x33 - 1);
var _0x51a4x35 = 0;
var _0x51a4x36 = 0;
while (_0x51a4x36 < _0x51a4x30) {
_0x51a4x2f = (_0x51a4x36 - (_0x51a4x36 % 4)) / 4;
_0x51a4x35 = (_0x51a4x36 % 4) * 8;
_0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x2f] = (_0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x2f] | (_0x51a4xd["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4x36) << _0x51a4x35));
_0x51a4x2f = (_0x51a4x36 - (_0x51a4x36 % 4)) / 4;
_0x51a4x35 = (_0x51a4x36 % 4) * 8;
_0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x2f] = _0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x2f] | (0x80 << _0x51a4x35);
_0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x33 - 2] = _0x51a4x30 << 3;
_0x51a4x34[_0x51a4x33 - 1] = _0x51a4x30 >>> 29;
return _0x51a4x34;
function _0x51a4x37(_0x51a4x14) {
var _0x51a4x38 = "",
_0x51a4x39 = "",
_0x51a4x3a, _0x51a4x3b;
for (_0x51a4x3b = 0; _0x51a4x3b <= 3; _0x51a4x3b++) {
_0x51a4x3a = (_0x51a4x14 >>> (_0x51a4x3b * 8)) & 255;
_0x51a4x39 = "0" + _0x51a4x3a.toString(16);
_0x51a4x38 = _0x51a4x38 + _0x51a4x39["substr"](_0x51a4x39["length"] - 2, 2);
return _0x51a4x38;
function _0x51a4x3c(_0x51a4xd) {
_0x51a4xd = _0x51a4xd["replace"](/\r\n/g, "
var _0x51a4xe = "";
for (var _0x51a4xf = 0; _0x51a4xf < _0x51a4xd["length"]; _0x51a4xf++) {
var _0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4xd["charCodeAt"](_0x51a4xf);
if (_0x51a4x10 < 128) {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"](_0x51a4x10);
} else {
if ((_0x51a4x10 > 127) && (_0x51a4x10 < 2048)) {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 >> 6) | 192);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 & 63) | 128);
} else {
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 >> 12) | 224);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"](((_0x51a4x10 >> 6) & 63) | 128);
_0x51a4xe += String["fromCharCode"]((_0x51a4x10 & 63) | 128);
return _0x51a4xe;
var _0x51a4x1f = Array();
var _0x51a4x12, _0x51a4x3d, _0x51a4x3e, _0x51a4x3f, _0x51a4x40, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28;
var _0x51a4x41 = 7,
_0x51a4x42 = 12,
_0x51a4x43 = 17,
_0x51a4x44 = 22;
var _0x51a4x45 = 5,
_0x51a4x46 = 9,
_0x51a4x47 = 14,
_0x51a4x48 = 20;
var _0x51a4x49 = 4,
_0x51a4x4a = 11,
_0x51a4x4b = 16,
_0x51a4x4c = 23;
var _0x51a4x4d = 6,
_0x51a4x4e = 10,
_0x51a4x4f = 15,
_0x51a4x50 = 21;
_0x51a4xd = _0x51a4x3c(_0x51a4xd);
_0x51a4x1f = _0x51a4x2e(_0x51a4xd);
_0x51a4x26 = 0x67452301;
_0x51a4x27 = 0xEFCDAB89;
_0x51a4x10 = 0x98BADCFE;
_0x51a4x28 = 0x10325476;
for (_0x51a4x12 = 0; _0x51a4x12 < _0x51a4x1f["length"]; _0x51a4x12 += 16) {
_0x51a4x3d = _0x51a4x26;
_0x51a4x3e = _0x51a4x27;
_0x51a4x3f = _0x51a4x10;
_0x51a4x40 = _0x51a4x28;
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 0], _0x51a4x41, 0xD76AA478);
_0x51a4x28 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 1], _0x51a4x42, 0xE8C7B756);
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 2], _0x51a4x43, 0x242070DB);
_0x51a4x27 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 3], _0x51a4x44, 0xC1BDCEEE);
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 4], _0x51a4x41, 0xF57C0FAF);
_0x51a4x28 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 5], _0x51a4x42, 0x4787C62A);
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 6], _0x51a4x43, 0xA8304613);
_0x51a4x27 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 7], _0x51a4x44, 0xFD469501);
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 8], _0x51a4x41, 0x698098D8);
_0x51a4x28 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 9], _0x51a4x42, 0x8B44F7AF);
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 10], _0x51a4x43, 0xFFFF5BB1);
_0x51a4x27 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 11], _0x51a4x44, 0x895CD7BE);
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x25(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 12], _0x51a4x41, 0x6B901122);
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_0x51a4x28 = _0x51a4x2d(_0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 11], _0x51a4x4e, 0xBD3AF235);
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4x2d(_0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 2], _0x51a4x4f, 0x2AD7D2BB);
_0x51a4x27 = _0x51a4x2d(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x1f[_0x51a4x12 + 9], _0x51a4x50, 0xEB86D391);
_0x51a4x26 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x26, _0x51a4x3d);
_0x51a4x27 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x27, _0x51a4x3e);
_0x51a4x10 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x10, _0x51a4x3f);
_0x51a4x28 = _0x51a4x16(_0x51a4x28, _0x51a4x40);
var _0x51a4x51 = _0x51a4x37(_0x51a4x26) + _0x51a4x37(_0x51a4x27) + _0x51a4x37(_0x51a4x10) + _0x51a4x37(_0x51a4x28);
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_0x249axa = _0x249axa["replace"](/\[\/id\]/gi, _0x249axc);
_0x249axa = _0x249axa["replace"](/\<id\>/gi, _0x249axb);
_0x249axa = _0x249axa["replace"](/\<\/id\>/gi, _0x249axc);
this["fu"](ancObject["id"]["data"], _0x249axa);
var _0x249axd = this["fu"]("sub_data");
if (_0x249axd["indexOf"](home + "*") != -1 || _0x249axd["indexOf"]("maphim*") != -1) {
_0x249axd = _0x249axd["replace"](ancObject["site"]["regex"], "");
_0x249axd = _0x249axd["replace"](/maphim\*/gi, "");
_0x249axd = ancSer["decode"](_0x249axd);
if (_0x249axd["indexOf"]("|") <= 0) {
_0x249axd = "Xem \u0111\u1EA7y \u0111\u1EE7;" + _0x249axd + "|";
return _0x249axd;
var data = this["read"]();
count_episode = data["split"]("|")["length"];
count_part = function(_0x249axf) {
return data["split"]("|")[_0x249axf]["split"](";")["length"];
data_box = function(_0x249axf) {
return data["split"]("|")[_0x249axf];
data_part = function(_0x249axf, _0x249ax10) {
return data["split"]("|")[_0x249axf]["split"](";")[_0x249ax10];
this["setCookie"] = function(_0x249ax11, _0x249ax12, _0x249ax13) {
var _0x249ax14 = new Date();
_0x249ax14["setDate"](_0x249ax14["getDate"]() + _0x249ax13);
var _0x249ax15 = escape(_0x249ax12) + ((_0x249ax13 == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + _0x249ax14["toUTCString"]());
document["cookie"] = _0x249ax11 + "=" + _0x249ax15;
this["getCookie"] = function(_0x249ax11) {
var _0x249ax16, _0x249axf, _0x249ax10, _0x249ax17 = document["cookie"]["split"](";");
for (_0x249ax16 = 0; _0x249ax16 < _0x249ax17["length"]; _0x249ax16++) {
_0x249axf = _0x249ax17[_0x249ax16]["substr"](0, _0x249ax17[_0x249ax16]["indexOf"]("="));
_0x249ax10 = _0x249ax17[_0x249ax16]["substr"](_0x249ax17[_0x249ax16]["indexOf"]("=") + 1);
_0x249axf = _0x249axf["replace"](/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (_0x249axf == _0x249ax11) {
return unescape(_0x249ax10);
this["stack"] = function() {
var _0x249ax18 = "";
for (var _0x249ax19 = 0; _0x249ax19 < server["length"] - 1; _0x249ax19++) {
var _0x249ax1a = server[_0x249ax19]["split"](".")[0];
if (_0x249ax1a == "" || _0x249ax1a == null) {
_0x249ax1a = home;
servers[_0x249ax19] = "<span id="sev_" + _0x249ax19 + "" class="svname">" + _0x249ax1a + "</span><span class="svep">";
for (var _0x249ax16 = 0; _0x249ax16 < (count_episode - 1); _0x249ax16++) {
for (var _0x249ax1b = 0; _0x249ax1b < count_part(_0x249ax16); _0x249ax1b++) {
name = data_part(_0x249ax16, 0);
link = data_part(_0x249ax16, _0x249ax1b);
if (count_part(_0x249ax16) == 2) {
name = data_part(_0x249ax16, 0);
} else {
if (name == data_part(_0x249ax16 + 1, 0) || !Number(name)) {
name = name + " [" + part[_0x249ax1b] + "]";
} else {
name = name + part[_0x249ax1b];
for (var _0x249ax19 = 0; _0x249ax19 < server["length"] - 1; _0x249ax19++) {
if (data_part(0, 1)["indexOf"](server[_0x249ax19]) != -1) {
this["setCookie"]("_ancServer", _0x249ax19, 365);
if (link["indexOf"](server[_0x249ax19]) != -1) {
var _0x249ax1c = "<a class="ep" id="ep_" + _0x249ax16 + _0x249ax1b + "" href="?p=" + _0x249ax19 + "-" + _0x249ax16 + "-" + _0x249ax1b + "" title="" + name + " - " + version + "" >" + name + "</a>";
servers[_0x249ax19] += _0x249ax1c;
var _0x249ax1d = 0;
for (var _0x249ax19 = 0; _0x249ax19 < server["length"] - 1; _0x249ax19++) {
if (servers[_0x249ax19]["indexOf"](version) != -1) {
_0x249ax18 += "<p class="listep svactiver" id="server_" + _0x249ax1d + "" >" + servers[_0x249ax19] + "</span></p>";
server_i[_0x249ax19] = _0x249ax1d.toString();
this["fu"](ancObject["id"]["episode"], _0x249ax18);
this["getUrl"] = function() {
String["prototype"]["GetPart"] = function(_0x249ax1e) {
var _0x249ax1f = new RegExp("(^|&)" + _0x249ax1e + "=([^&]*)(&|$)");
var _0x249ax20 = this["substr"](this["indexOf"]("?") + 1)["match"](_0x249ax1f);
if (_0x249ax20 != null) {
return unescape(_0x249ax20[2]);
return null;
part_Url = url.GetPart("p");
if (part_Url == null) {
part_Url = this["getCookie"]("_ancServer") + "-0-1";
part_Url = part_Url["split"]("-");
pserver = part_Url[0];
pepisode = part_Url[1];
pelink = part_Url[2];
var _0x249ax21 = this["fu"]("server_0");
var _0x249ax22 = this["fu"]("server_" + server_i[pserver]);
this["fu"]("server_" + server_i[pserver], _0x249ax21);
this["fu"]("server_0", _0x249ax22);
document["getElementById"]("ep_" + pepisode + pelink)["className"] = "playing";
document["getElementById"]("sev_" + pserver)["style"]["color"] = ancObject["server"]["ecolor"];
document["title"] = data_part(pepisode, 0) + " | " + document["title"];
this["fu"](ancObject["id"]["playing"], "\u0110ang xem : " + data_part(pepisode, 0));
if (!data_part(pepisode, pelink)) {
window["location"]["href"] = url["split"]("?")[0];
} else {
this["load"](data_part(pepisode, pelink));
this.load = function(x) {
var Ob = "";
/* -------------------- SERVER CUSTOMER --------------------------*/
if (x.indexOf(server[0]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\/watch\?v=/gi, "/v/");
x = x.replace(/\feature\=player\_embedded/gi, "");
Ob = this.OOP(0, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[1]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/playlist/i, "l");
x = x.replace(/video/i, "m");
x = '' + x.split('/')[3] + "/" + x.split('.')[3];
Ob = this.OOP(1, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[2]) != -1) {
if (x.indexOf('/media/') != -1) {
x = x.split('/')[6];
} else {
x = x.split('/')[5];
//x = x.replace(/\.html/gi,"");
Ob = this.OOP(2, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[3]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\.html/gi, ".xml");
Ob = this.OOP(3, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[4]) != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(4, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[5]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\/video\//gi, "/s/");
x = x + "?logo=0&autoPlay=1";
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[6]) != -1) {
if (x.indexOf("player") < 0) {
x = x.replace(/\.com\//gi, ".com/player/");
Ob = this.OOP(6, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[7]) != -1) {
x = x.split("")[1];
Ob = this.OOP(7, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[8]) != -1) {
if (x.indexOf(",") != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(null, x);
} else {
x = x.split('/w/')[1];
Ob = this.OOP(8, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[9]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\_/gi, "&id=").replace(/\?/gi, "&").replace(/http:\/\/\/video/gi, "");
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[10]) != -1) {
x = x.match(/[\d]+/);
Ob = this.OOP(1, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[11]) != -1) {
x = x.split('/v/')[1];
Ob = this.OOP(11, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[12]) != -1) {
x = x.split('/vid/')[1];
Ob = this.OOP(12, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[13]) != -1) {
x = "?" + x.split('?')[1];
Ob = this.OOP(13, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[15]) != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[16]) != -1) {
x = x.split('/')[3];
Ob = this.OOP(16, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[17]) != -1) {
x = x.split('/')[3].match(/[\d]+/gi);
Ob = this.OOP(17, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[18]) != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[19]) != -1) {
x = x.split('anc.mp4//')[1];
Ob = this.OOP(null, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[20]) != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(20, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[21]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\/watch\//gi, "/embed/");
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
if (x.indexOf(server[22]) != -1) {
x = x.replace(/\/videos\//gi, "/player/");
x = x.split('-')[0];
Ob = this.OOP(9, x);
/* -------------------- SERVER GACKIEM --------------------------*/
for (var k = num; k < server.length; k++) {
if (x.indexOf(server[k]) != -1) {
Ob = this.OOP(null, x);
this.fu(, Ob);
OOP func :
server_count : chi so server truyen vao, x : link, id da loc, sub : link sub truyen vao
Neu server_count : null tra ve gackiem, so server_count trung voi so server list_e
Ham OOP lay ra gia tri theo ten cua SERVER CUSTOM
Chu y : Truong hop server bi khoa, Ob se ko chay.
this.OOP = function(server_count, x, sub) {
// embed
if (sub == null) {
sub = '';
uri = encodeURIComponent(x);
_mode = 'allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" autostart="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" frameborder="0"';
_add = '&autostart=true&skin=' + skin + '" src="' + player + '?logo.file=' + logo + '&logo.hide=false&logo.position=' + position + '&logo.margin=' + margin + '&"';
pram = '<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true">';
var dataObject = {
"": '<object width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + x + '?theme=light&hl=vi_VN&fs=1&version=3&vq=large&modestbranding=1&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&use_tablet_controls=0&use_native_controls=false&show_info=0"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="movie" value="' + x + '?hl=vi_VN&fs=1&version=3&vq=large&modestbranding=1&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&use_tablet_controls=0&use_native_controls=false" /></object>',
'': '<embed id="player" ' + _mode + ' src= "' + x + '" ></embed>',
'': '<iframe id="splay" scrolling="no" src="' + x + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>',
'': '<embed width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src="" flashvars="plugins=,' + x + '&autostart=true">',
'': '<embed wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" style="undefined" id="mpl" name="mpl" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="plugins=' + x + '&skin=' + skin + '&playlist=right&playlist.size=100&playlist.thumbs=false&autostart=true&repeat=list&backcolor=FFFFFF&frontcolor=000000&lightcolor=000000&screencolor=000000">',
'': '<object width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '"><param name="movie" value="' + x + '">' + pram + '<embed src="' + x + '" ' + _mode + '/></object>',
'': '<embed src="" flashvars="file=' + x + '&streamer=' + _add + '" ' + _mode + '>',
'': '<div id="xclip"><iframe id="clip_player" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" src="' + x + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><div id="Xclip"></div></div>',
'': '<iframe src="' + x + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" frameborder="0"></iframe>',
'': '<embed id="video_player_embed" height="' + h + '" width="' + w + '" src="' + x + '&autostart=true&showinfo=false&onsite=true&nopostroll=true&noendcap=true&captionson=true&showsharebutton=false&removebrandlink=true&page=episode&skin=BlipClassic&backcolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0x999999&lightcolor=0xAAAAAA&floatcontrols=true&fixedcontrols=true&largeplaybutton=true&controlsalpha=.8&autohideidle=6000&adprovider=freewheel&referrer=" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />',
'': '<embed src="' + x + '/&resourceId=anc_media_10/v.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '"></embed>',
'': '<object width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" ><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value="' + x + ',t=1,mt=video"/><embed src="' + x + ',t=1,mt=video" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>',
'': '<embed id="player" src=' + x + '&hl=vi&fs=true ' + _mode + '> </embed>',
'': '<object width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" ><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="scalemode" value="noscale"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="flashvars" value=";;;clip_id=' + x + '&amp;fullscreen=1"></object>',
'': '<div id="xclip"><iframe src="' + x + '" frameborder=0 width=' + w + ' height=' + h + ' scrolling=no></iframe><div id="Xvideo"></div></div>',
'': '<div id="vivo-content"><iframe id="iframe-vivo" src="' + x + '" frameborder=0 width=' + w + ' height=' + h + ' scrolling=no></iframe></div>',
'gackiemplayer': '<embed id="playerayer" name="flashplayer" src="' + player + '" flashvars="plugins=' + proxy + '&amp;proxy.image=;' + x + '&amp;skin=' + skin + '&amp;autostart=true&amp;logo.file=' + logo + '&amp;logo.hide=false&amp;logo.position=' + position + '&amp;logo.margin=' + margin + '&amp;skin=' + skin + '" autostart="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="100%" height="100%">'
if (server_count != null) {
var embedObject = dataObject[server[server_count]];
} else {
var embedObject = dataObject['gackiemplayer'];
return embedObject;
var _0x7127 = ["\x74\x6F\x4C\x6F\x77\x65\x72\x43\x61\x73\x65", "\x75\x73\x65\x72\x41\x67\x65\x6E\x74", "\x76\x6E\x64\x2E\x77\x61\x70\x2E\x78\x68\x74\x6D\x6C\x2B\x78\x6D\x6C", "\x73\x6F\x6E\x79", "\x73\x79\x6D\x62\x69\x61\x6E", "\x6E\x6F\x6B\x69\x61", "\x6A\x32\x6D\x65", "\x6A\x61\x76\x61", "\x6F\x70\x65\x72\x61\x20\x6D\x6F\x62\x69", "\x69\x70\x61\x64", "\x73\x61\x6D\x73\x75\x6E\x67", "\x6D\x6F\x62\x69\x6C\x65", "\x77\x69\x6E\x64\x6F\x77\x73\x20\x63\x65", "\x65\x70\x6F\x63", "\x6F\x70\x65\x72\x61\x20\x6D\x69\x6E\x69", "\x6E\x69\x74\x72\x6F", "\x6D\x69\x64\x70\x2D", "\x63\x6C\x64\x63\x2D", "\x6E\x65\x74\x66\x72\x6F\x6E\x74", "\x6D\x6F\x74", "\x75\x70\x2E\x62\x72\x6F\x77\x73\x65\x72", "\x75\x70\x2E\x6C\x69\x6E\x6B", "\x61\x75\x64\x69\x6F\x76\x6F\x78", "\x62\x6C\x61\x63\x6B\x62\x65\x72\x72\x79", "\x65\x72\x69\x63\x73\x73\x6F\x6E", "\x70\x61\x6E\x61\x73\x6F\x6E\x69\x63", "\x70\x68\x69\x6C\x69\x70\x73", "\x73\x61\x6E\x79\x6F", "\x73\x68\x61\x72\x70", "\x73\x69\x65\x2D", "\x70\x6F\x72\x74\x61\x6C\x6D\x6D\x6D", "\x62\x6C\x61\x7A\x65\x72", "\x61\x76\x61\x6E\x74\x67\x6F", "\x64\x61\x6E\x67\x65\x72", "\x70\x61\x6C\x6D", "\x73\x65\x72\x69\x65\x73\x36\x30", "\x70\x61\x6C\x6D\x73\x6F\x75\x72\x63\x65", "\x70\x6F\x63\x6B\x65\x74\x70\x63", "\x73\x6D\x61\x72\x74\x70\x68\x6F\x6E\x65", "\x72\x6F\x76\x65\x72", "\x69\x70\x61\x71", "\x61\x75\x2D\x6D\x69\x63", "\x61\x6C\x63\x61\x74\x65\x6C", "\x65\x72\x69\x63\x79", "\x76\x6F\x64\x61\x66\x6F\x6E\x65", "\x77\x61\x70\x31", "\x77\x61\x70\x32", "\x74\x65\x6C\x65\x63\x61", "\x70\x6C\x61\x79\x73\x74\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E", "\x6C\x67\x65", "\x6C\x67\x2D", "\x69\x70\x68\x6F\x6E\x65", "\x61\x6E\x64\x72\x6F\x69\x64", "\x68\x74\x63", "\x64\x72\x65\x61\x6D", "\x70\x64\x61", "\x62\x6F\x6C\x74", "\x6E\x69\x6E\x74\x65\x6E\x64\x6F", "\x69\x6E\x64\x65\x78\x4F\x66", "\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3A\x2F\x2F\x69\x68\x6F\x74\x76\x6E\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D\x2F\x64\x6F\x77\x6E\x2F\x75\x6E\x67\x64\x75\x6E\x67\x6A\x73\x2F\x31\x39\x35\x30\x2F", "\x72\x65\x70\x6C\x61\x63\x65", "\x68\x6F\x6D\x65", "\x75\x72\x6C", "\x6B\x65\x79", "\x61\x6E\x63", "\x79\x65\x61\x72\x5F\x65\x78\x70\x69\x72\x65\x64", "\x6D\x61\x70\x68\x69\x6D", "\x73\x74\x61\x63\x6B", "\x69\x6E\x6E\x65\x72\x48\x54\x4D\x4C", "\x62\x6F\x64\x79", "\x3C\x64\x69\x76\x20\x73\x74\x79\x6C\x65\x3D\x27\x6D\x61\x72\x67\x69\x6E\x3A\x20\x33\x30\x70\x78\x3B\x20\x61\x75\x74\x6F\x3B\x20\x63\x6F\x6C\x6F\x72\x3A\x20\x72\x65\x64\x3B\x20\x27\x3E\x20\x48\x61\x63\x6B\x20\x53\x69\x74\x65\x20\x2E\x2E\x2E", "\x76\x65\x72\x73\x69\x6F\x6E", "\x20\x21\x3C\x2F\x64\x69\x76\x3E", "\x79\x65\x61\x72", "\x67\x65\x74\x46\x75\x6C\x6C\x59\x65\x61\x72", "\x6E\x61\x6D\x65", "\x73\x69\x74\x65", "\x68\x72\x65\x66", "\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E"];
var ancRun = {
mobile: function() {
var _0xc4a9x2 = navigator["userAgent"]["toLowerCase"]();
var _0xc4a9x3 = ["vnd.wap.xhtml+xml", "sony", "symbian", "nokia", "j2me", "java", "opera mobi", "ipad", "nokia", "samsung", "mobile", "windows ce", "epoc", "opera mini", "nitro", "j2me", "midp-", "cldc-", "netfront", "mot", "up.browser", "", "audiovox", "blackberry", "ericsson", "panasonic", "philips", "sanyo", "sharp", "sie-", "portalmmm", "blazer", "avantgo", "danger", "palm", "series60", "palmsource", "pocketpc", "smartphone", "rover", "ipaq", "au-mic", "alcatel", "ericy", "vodafone", "wap1", "wap2", "teleca", "playstation", "lge", "lg-", "iphone", "android", "htc", "dream", "pda", "bolt", "nintendo"];
for (var _0xc4a9x4 in _0xc4a9x3) {
if (_0xc4a9x2["indexOf"](_0xc4a9x3[_0xc4a9x4]) != -1) {
main: function() {
var _0xc4a9x5 = new ancMedia();
if (this["url"]["indexOf"](this["home"]) != -1 && ancSer.FI(_0xc4a9x5["key"] + "anc") == this["key"] && ancSer.FI(this["year_expired"]) != this["year_expired"] && this["home"]["indexOf"]("maphim") != -1) {
} else {
document["body"]["innerHTML"] = "<div style='margin: 30px; auto; color: red; '> Hack Site ..." + _0xc4a9x5["version"] + " !</div>";
year_expired: "year" + today["getFullYear"](),
home: ancObject["site"]["name"],
key: ancObject["site"]["key"],
url: window["location"]["href"]
import javascriptobfuscator
code = open('script.js','r').read()
if javascriptobfuscator.detect(code):
code = javascriptobfuscator.unpack(code)
f = open('script.out.js','w')
# simple unpacker/deobfuscator for scripts messed up with
# written by Einar Lielmanis <>
# rewritten in Python by Stefano Sanfilippo <>
# Fix by NamPNQ <>
# Will always return valid javascript: if `detect()` is false, `code` is
# returned, unmodified.
# usage:
# if javascriptobfuscator.detect(some_string):
# some_string = javascriptobfuscator.unpack(some_string)
"""deobfuscator for scripts messed up with"""
import re
def smartsplit(code):
"""Split `code` at " symbol, only if it is not escaped."""
strings = []
pos = 0
while pos < len(code):
if code[pos] == '"':
word = '' # new word
pos += 1
while pos < len(code):
if code[pos] == '"':
if code[pos] == '\\':
word += '\\'
pos += 1
word += code[pos]
pos += 1
strings.append('"%s"' % word)
pos += 1
return strings
def detect(code):
"""Detects if `code` is packed."""
# prefer `is not` idiom, so that a true boolean is returned
return ('var _0x[a-f0-9]+ ?\= ?\[', code) is not None)
def unpack(code):
"""Unpacks packed code."""
if detect(code):
matchess = re.findall(r'var (_0x[a-f\d]+) ?\= ?\[(.*?)\];', code)
if matchess:
for matches in matchess:
variable = matches[0]
dictionary = smartsplit(matches[1])
for key, value in enumerate(dictionary):
code = code.replace(r'%s[%s]' % (variable, key), value.decode('string_escape'))
return code
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