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Created August 8, 2023 15:57
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dAppling OG Image Generation
import { StatusType } from '@aws-sdk/client-codebuild'
import { ImageResponse } from '@vercel/og'
import { NextRequest } from 'next/server'
export const config = {
runtime: 'edge',
type GradientGenerator = {
generate: (seed: string) => string
const colors = ['c051e9', '578ce6', '8cacf5', 'd8fb9f']
// Simple PRNG using Mulberry32 algorithm
function mulberry32(seed: number) {
return function () {
let temp = (seed += 0x6d2b79f5)
temp = Math.imul(temp ^ (temp >>> 15), temp | 1)
temp ^= temp + Math.imul(temp ^ (temp >>> 7), temp | 61)
return ((temp ^ (temp >>> 14)) >>> 0) / 4294967296
const GradientGenerator: GradientGenerator = {
generate(seed: string) {
// Convert seed string to seed number
let seedNumber = 0
for (let i = 0; i < seed.length; i++) {
seedNumber += seed.charCodeAt(i)
const rng = mulberry32(seedNumber)
const gradients = []
const numGradients = Math.floor(rng() * 9) + 2
for (let i = 0; i < numGradients; i++) {
const x = Math.floor(rng() * 201) - 50
const y = Math.floor(rng() * 201) - 50
const start = Math.floor(rng() * 101)
const end = start + Math.floor(rng() * (101 - start))
const color = colors[Math.floor(rng() * colors.length)]
`radial-gradient(at ${x}% ${y}%, #${color} ${start}%, transparent ${end}%)`
return gradients.join()
export default async function handler(request: NextRequest) {
const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url)
const hasId = searchParams.has('id')
const id = hasId
? searchParams.get('id')?.slice(0, 100)
: "What a great day to be alive, what what day isn't?"
const hasType = searchParams.has('type')
const type = hasType ? searchParams.get('type')?.slice(0, 100) : ''
const hasStatus = searchParams.has('status')
const status = hasStatus
? searchParams.get('status')?.slice(0, 100)
: 'we deploy dApps'
const hasRepo = searchParams.has('repo')
const repo = hasRepo ? searchParams.get('repo')?.slice(0, 100) : ''
const hasOwner = searchParams.has('owner')
const owner = hasOwner ? searchParams.get('owner')?.slice(0, 100) : ''
const hasSignature = searchParams.has('signature')
const signature = hasSignature
? searchParams.get('signature')?.slice(0, 100)
: ''
const fontData = await fetch(
new URL('public/fonts/BrandingSF-Medium.ttf', import.meta.url)
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backgroundImage: GradientGenerator.generate(id || ''),
' 5px 5px rgba(222, 149, 248, 0.4), 10px 10px rgba(222, 149, 248, 0.3), 15px 15px rgba(222, 149, 248, 0.2), 20px 20px rgba(222, 149, 248, 0.1), 25px 25px rgba(222, 149, 248, 0.05)',
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border: '3px solid #494949',
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we deploy dApps
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owner: string
signature?: string
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<span style={{ fontSize: '64px' }}>{repo}</span>
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not deployed
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d="M129.674 33.5366L73.6106 1.54929C69.9998 -0.516429 65.502 -0.516429 61.8912 1.54929L5.82803 33.5366C2.21719 35.6023 0 39.4207 0 43.5522V107.527C0 111.658 2.21719 115.477 5.82803 117.542L35.8551 134.694L35.9818 134.381C38.7057 128.747 38.6424 122.237 35.8551 116.603L15.7737 105.148V45.8683L67.7192 16.2597L119.665 45.8683V105.148L75.6377 130.25V109.217C75.6377 109.217 75.8278 109.217 75.9545 109.217C88.7508 109.217 100.344 100.453 103.194 87.5582C103.321 86.8696 102.751 86.0558 102.054 85.868C94.7689 84.3031 87.2938 85.6177 81.0857 89.5613C79.0585 90.8758 77.2848 92.5034 75.6377 94.1935V46.3691H69.6197C64.2351 46.3691 59.8007 50.6883 59.8007 56.0717V72.7852C58.1536 70.7821 56.3799 68.9041 54.1627 67.3392C48.0813 63.0826 40.7329 61.455 33.3211 62.6444C32.6243 62.7696 32.0542 63.646 32.1809 64.2719C33.4478 71.5332 37.4388 77.8556 43.5202 82.1122C48.2713 85.4299 53.846 87.1826 59.5473 87.1826C59.6106 87.1826 59.674 87.1826 59.8007 87.1826V145.81C59.8007 147.297 60.5989 148.669 61.8912 149.404V149.404C65.502 151.47 69.9998 151.47 73.6106 149.404L75.7011 148.215L129.674 117.417C133.285 115.351 135.502 111.533 135.502 107.402V43.5522C135.502 39.4207 133.285 35.6023 129.674 33.5366Z"
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