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Created June 1, 2017 14:21
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.SYNOPSIS Datastore Functions
.DESCRIPTION A collection of functions to manipulate datastore Mount + Attach status
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore | Get-DatastoreMountInfo | Sort Datastore, VMHost | FT -AutoSize
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2ISCSI01 | Unmount-Datastore
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2ISCSI01 | Get-DatastoreMountInfo | Sort Datastore, VMHost | FT -AutoSize
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Mount-Datastore
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Get-DatastoreMountInfo | Sort Datastore, VMHost | FT -AutoSize
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Detach-Datastore
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Get-DatastoreMountInfo | Sort Datastore, VMHost | FT -AutoSize
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Attach-datastore
.EXAMPLE Get-Datastore IX2iSCSI01 | Get-DatastoreMountInfo | Sort Datastore, VMHost | FT -AutoSize
.NOTES Written by Alan Renouf, originally published at
.NOTES May 2017: Modified by Jason Coleman (, to improve performance when dealing with a large number of hosts and datastores
Function Get-HostViews {
Param (
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
#Build the array of Datastore Objects
if (-not $Datastore) {
$allDatastores = Get-Datastore
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allHosts = @()
$DShostsKeys = $ | sort | get-unique -asstring
$DShosts = foreach ($thisKey in $DShostsKeys) {($ | ? {$_.key.value -eq $thisKey})[0]}
$i = 1
foreach ($DSHost in $DSHosts){
write-progress -activity "Collecting ESXi Host Views" -status "Querying $($dshost.key)..." -percentComplete ($i++/$DSHosts.count*100)
$hostObj = "" | select keyValue,hostView,storageSys
$hostObj.hostView = get-view $DSHost.key
$hostObj.keyValue = $DSHost.key.value
$hostObj.storageSys = Get-View $hostObj.hostView.ConfigManager.StorageSystem
$allHosts += $hostObj
write-progress -activity "Collecting ESXi Host Views" -completed
Function Get-DatastoreMountInfo {
Param (
#Roll back up an unrolled array from a pipeline
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
$AllInfo = @()
#Build the array of Datastore Objects
if (-not $Datastore) {
$allDatastores = Get-Datastore
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allDatastoreNAAs = foreach ($ds in $allDatastores) {$ds.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].diskname}
#Build the array of custom Host Objects
$allHosts = Get-HostViews -datastore $allDatastores
$output = @()
$i = 1
foreach ($dsHost in $allHosts){
write-progress -activity "Checking Datastore access" -status "Checking $($" -percentComplete ($i++ / $allHosts.count * 100)
#Get all devices on the host that match the list of $allDatastoreNAAs
$devices = $dsHost.storagesys.StorageDeviceInfo.ScsiLun
foreach ($device in $devices){
if ($allDatastoreNAAs -contains $device.canonicalName){
#Record information about this device/host combo
$thisDatastore = $alldatastores | ? {$_.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].diskname -eq $device.canonicalName}
$hostviewDSAttachState = ""
if ($device.operationalState[0] -eq "ok") {
$hostviewDSAttachState = "Attached"
} elseif ($device.operationalState[0] -eq "off") {
$hostviewDSAttachState = "Detached"
} else {
$hostviewDSAttachState = $device.operationalstate[0]
$Info = "" | Select Datastore, VMHost, Lun, Mounted, State
$Info.VMHost = $
$Info.Datastore = $
$Info.Lun = $device.canonicalName
$Info.mounted = ($ | ? {$_.key.value -eq $dshost.keyvalue}).mountinfo.mounted
$Info.state = $hostviewDSAttachState
$output += $info
write-progress -activity "Checking Datastore access" -completed
Function Detach-Datastore {
Param (
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allDatastoreNAAs = foreach ($ds in $allDatastores) {$ds.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].diskname}
$allHosts = Get-HostViews -datastore $allDatastores
$j = 1
foreach ($dsHost in $allHosts){
#Get all devices on the host that match the list of $allDatastoreNAAs
write-progress -id 1 -activity "Detaching Datastores" -status "Removing device(s) from $($" -percentComplete ($j++ / $allHosts.count * 100)
$devices = $dsHost.storagesys.StorageDeviceInfo.ScsiLun | ? {$allDatastoreNAAs -contains $_.canonicalName}
$i = 1
foreach ($device in $devices){
write-progress -parentid 1 -activity "Detaching Datastores" -status "Removing device: $(($allDatastores | ? {$_.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].diskname -eq $device.canonicalName}).name)" -percentComplete ($i++ / $allDatastoreNAAs.count * 100)
$LunUUID = $Device.Uuid
write-progress -activity "Detaching Datastores" -completed
Function Attach-Datastore {
Param (
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allDatastoreNAAs = foreach ($ds in $allDatastores) {$ds.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].diskname}
$allHosts = Get-HostViews -datastore $allDatastores
$j = 1
foreach ($dsHost in $allHosts){
#Get all devices on the host that match the list of $allDatastoreNAAs
write-progress -id 1 -activity "Attaching Datastores" -status "Attaching devices to $($" -percentComplete ($j++ / $allHosts.count * 100)
$devices = $dsHost.storagesys.StorageDeviceInfo.ScsiLun
$i = 1
foreach ($device in $devices){
write-progress -parentid 1 -activity "Attaching Datastores" -status "Attaching device: $($Device.Uuid)" -percentComplete ($i++ / $devices.count * 100)
if ($allDatastoreNAAs -contains $device.canonicalName){
$LunUUID = $Device.Uuid
write-progress -activity "Attaching Datastores" -completed
Function Unmount-Datastore {
Param (
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allHosts = Get-HostViews -datastore $allDatastores
$j = 1
foreach ($dsHost in $allHosts){
write-progress -id 1 -activity "Unmounting Datastores" -status "Unmounting devices from $($" -percentComplete ($j++ / $allHosts.count * 100)
$i = 1
foreach ($ds in $allDatastores){
write-progress -parentid 1 -activity "Unmounting Datastores" -status "Unmounting device: $($" -percentComplete ($i++ / $allDatastores.count * 100)
write-progress -activity "Unmounting Datastores" -completed
Function Mount-Datastore {
Param (
$allDatastores = @()
Process {
$allDatastores += $Datastore
End {
$allDatastores = $allDatastores | ? {$_.pstypenames -contains "VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreImpl"}
if (-not $allDatastores){
Throw "No Datastores found.`nIs ""$Datastore"" a Datastore Object?"
$allHosts = Get-HostViews -datastore $allDatastores
$j = 0
foreach ($dsHost in $allHosts){
write-progress -activity "Mounting Datastores" -status "Mounting devices to $($" -percentComplete ($j++ / $allHosts.count * 100)
$i = 1
foreach ($ds in $allDatastores){
write-progress -activity "Mounting Datastores" -status "Mounting device: $($DS.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.uuid)" -percentComplete ($i++ / $allDatastores.count * 100)
write-progress -activity "Mounting Datastores" -completed
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