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Created April 26, 2024 19:07
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SST Ion prototype for Static frontend + backend
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import crypto from "crypto";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import {
} from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import { Cdn, CdnArgs } from "./cdn.js";
import { Bucket, BucketArgs } from "./bucket.js";
import { Component, Prettify, Transform, transform } from "../component.js";
import { Link } from "../link.js";
import { Input } from "../input.js";
import { globSync } from "glob";
import { BucketFile, BucketFiles } from "./providers/bucket-files.js";
import { DistributionInvalidation } from "./providers/distribution-invalidation.js";
import {
} from "../base/base-static-site.js";
export interface StaticSiteWithBackendArgs extends BaseStaticSiteArgs {
* Path to the directory where your static site is located. By default this assumes your static site is in the root of your SST app.
* This directory will be uploaded to S3. The path is relative to your `sst.config.ts`.
* :::note
* If the `build` options are specified, `build.output` will be uploaded to S3 instead.
* :::
* If you are using a static site generator, like Vite, you'll need to configure the `build` options. When these are set, the `build.output` directory will be uploaded to S3 instead.
* @default `"."`
* @example
* Change where your static site is located.
* ```js
* {
* path: "packages/web"
* }
* ```
path?: BaseStaticSiteArgs["path"];
* Configure if your static site needs to be built. This is useful if you are using a static site generator.
* The `build.output` directory will be uploaded to S3 instead.
* @example
* For a Vite project using npm this might look like this.
* ```js
* {
* build: {
* command: "npm run build",
* output: "dist"
* }
* }
* ```
build?: BaseStaticSiteArgs["build"];
* Configure how the static site's assets are uploaded to S3.
* By default, this is set to the following. Read more about these options below.
* ```js
* {
* assets: {
* textEncoding: "utf-8",
* fileOptions: [
* {
* files: ["**\/*.css", "**\/*.js"],
* cacheControl: "max-age=31536000,public,immutable"
* },
* {
* files: "**\/*.html",
* cacheControl: "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate"
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* ```
* @default `Object`
assets?: BaseStaticSiteArgs["assets"];
* Set a custom domain for your static site. Supports domains hosted either on
* [Route 53]( or outside AWS.
* :::tip
* You can also migrate an externally hosted domain to Amazon Route 53 by
* [following this guide](
* :::
* @example
* ```js
* {
* domain: ""
* }
* ```
* Specify a `www.` version of the custom domain.
* ```js
* {
* domain: {
* name: "",
* redirects: [""]
* }
* }
* ```
domain?: CdnArgs["domain"];
* Configure how the CloudFront cache invalidations are handled. This is run after your static site has been deployed.
* :::tip
* You get 1000 free invalidations per month. After that you pay $0.005 per invalidation path. [Read more here](
* :::
* @default `{paths: "all", wait: false}`
* @example
* Turn off invalidations.
* ```js
* {
* invalidation: false
* }
* ```
* Wait for all paths to be invalidated.
* ```js
* {
* invalidation: {
* paths: "all",
* wait: true
* }
* }
* ```
invalidation?: Input<
| false
| {
* Configure if `sst deploy` should wait for the CloudFront cache invalidation to finish.
* :::tip
* For non-prod environments it might make sense to pass in `false`.
* :::
* Waiting for the CloudFront cache invalidation process to finish ensures that the new content will be served once the deploy finishes. However, this process can sometimes take more than 5 mins.
* @default `false`
* @example
* ```js
* {
* invalidation: {
* wait: true
* }
* }
* ```
wait?: Input<boolean>;
* The paths to invalidate.
* You can either pass in an array of glob patterns to invalidate specific files. Or you can use the built-in option `all` to invalidation all files when any file changes.
* :::note
* Invalidating `all` counts as one invalidation, while each glob pattern counts as a single invalidation path.
* :::
* @default `"all"`
* @example
* Invalidate the `index.html` and all files under the `products/` route.
* ```js
* {
* invalidation: {
* paths: ["/index.html", "/products/*"]
* }
* }
* ```
paths?: Input<"all" | string[]>;
backend?: Input<string>
* [Transform](/docs/components#transform) how this component creates its underlying
* resources.
transform?: {
* Transform the Bucket resource used for uploading the assets.
assets?: Transform<BucketArgs>;
* Transform the CloudFront CDN resource.
cdn?: Transform<CdnArgs>;
* The `StaticSite` component lets you deploy a static website to AWS. It uses [Amazon S3]( to store your files and [Amazon CloudFront]( to serve them.
* It can also `build` your site by running your static site generator, like [Vite]( and uploading the build output to S3.
* @example
* #### Minimal example
* Simply uploads the current directory as a static site.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb");
* ```
* #### Change the path
* Change the `path` that should be uploaded.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb", {
* path: "path/to/site"
* });
* ```
* #### Running locally
* In `sst dev`, we don't deploy your site to AWS because we assume you are running it locally.
* :::note
* Your static site will not be deployed when run locally with `sst dev`.
* :::
* For example, for a Vite site, you can run it locally with.
* ```bash
* sst dev vite dev
* ```
* This will start the Vite dev server and pass in any environment variables that you've set in your config. But it will not deploy your site to AWS.
* #### Deploy a Vite SPA
* Use [Vite]( to deploy a React/Vue/Svelte/etc. SPA by specifying the `build` config.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb", {
* build: {
* command: "npm run build",
* output: "dist"
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Deploy a Jekyll site
* Use [Jekyll]( to deploy a static site.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb", {
* errorPage: "404.html",
* build: {
* command: "bundle exec jekyll build",
* output: "_site"
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Deploy a Gatsby site
* Use [Gatsby]( to deploy a static site.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb", {
* errorPage: "404.html",
* build: {
* command: "npm run build",
* output: "public"
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Deploy an Angular SPA
* Use [Angular]( to deploy a SPA.
* ```js
* new"MyWeb", {
* build: {
* command: "ng build --output-path dist",
* output: "dist"
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Add a custom domain
* Set a custom domain for your site.
* ```js {2}
* new"MyWeb", {
* domain: ""
* });
* ```
* #### Redirect www to apex domain
* Redirect `` to ``.
* ```js {4}
* new"MyWeb", {
* domain: {
* name: "",
* redirects: [""]
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Set environment variables
* Set `environment` variables for the build process of your static site. These will be used locally and on deploy.
* :::tip
* For Vite, the types for the environment variables are also generated. This can be configured through the `vite` prop.
* :::
* For some static site generators like Vite, [environment variables]( prefixed with `VITE_` can be accessed in the browser.
* ```ts {5-7}
* const bucket = new"MyBucket");
* new"MyWeb", {
* environment: {
* // Accessible in the browser
* },
* build: {
* command: "npm run build",
* output: "dist"
* }
* });
* ```
export class StaticSiteWithBackend extends Component implements Link.Linkable {
private cdn: Cdn;
private assets: Bucket;
name: string,
args: StaticSiteWithBackendArgs = {},
opts: ComponentResourceOptions = {},
) {
super(__pulumiType, name, args, opts);
const parent = this;
const { sitePath, environment, indexPage } = prepare(args);
const outputPath = buildApp(name,, sitePath, environment);
const access = createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity();
const bucket = createS3Bucket();
const bucketFile = uploadAssets();
const distribution = createDistribution();
this.assets = bucket;
this.cdn = distribution;
...cleanup(this.url, sitePath, environment),
_metadata: {
path: sitePath,
url: this.url,
function createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity() {
return new aws.cloudfront.OriginAccessIdentity(
{ parent },
function createS3Bucket() {
return new Bucket(
transform(args.transform?.assets, {
transform: {
policy: (policyArgs) => {
const newPolicy = aws.iam.getPolicyDocumentOutput({
statements: [
principals: [
type: "AWS",
identifiers: [access.iamArn],
actions: ["s3:GetObject"],
resources: [interpolate`${bucket.arn}/*`],
policyArgs.policy = output([policyArgs.policy, newPolicy]).apply(
([policy, newPolicy]) => {
const policyJson = JSON.parse(policy as string);
const newPolicyJson = JSON.parse(newPolicy as string);
return JSON.stringify(policyJson);
{ parent, retainOnDelete: false },
function uploadAssets() {
return all([outputPath, args.assets]).apply(
async ([outputPath, assets]) => {
const bucketFiles: BucketFile[] = [];
// Build fileOptions
const fileOptions = assets?.fileOptions ?? [
files: "**",
cacheControl: "max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate",
files: ["**/*.js", "**/*.css"],
cacheControl: "max-age=31536000,public,immutable",
// Upload files based on fileOptions
const filesProcessed: string[] = [];
for (const fileOption of fileOptions.reverse()) {
const files = globSync(fileOption.files, {
cwd: path.resolve(outputPath),
nodir: true,
dot: true,
ignore: [
...(typeof fileOption.ignore === "string"
? [fileOption.ignore]
: fileOption.ignore ?? []),
}).filter((file) => !filesProcessed.includes(file));
...(await Promise.all( (file) => {
const source = path.resolve(outputPath, file);
const content = await fs.promises.readFile(source);
const hash = crypto
return {
key: file,
cacheControl: fileOption.cacheControl,
contentType: getContentType(file, "UTF-8"),
return new BucketFiles(
files: bucketFiles,
{ parent, ignoreChanges: $dev ? ["*"] : undefined },
function getContentType(filename: string, textEncoding: string) {
const ext = filename.endsWith(".well-known/site-association-json")
? ".json"
: path.extname(filename);
const extensions = {
[".txt"]: { mime: "text/plain", isText: true },
[".htm"]: { mime: "text/html", isText: true },
[".html"]: { mime: "text/html", isText: true },
[".xhtml"]: { mime: "application/xhtml+xml", isText: true },
[".css"]: { mime: "text/css", isText: true },
[".js"]: { mime: "text/javascript", isText: true },
[".mjs"]: { mime: "text/javascript", isText: true },
[".apng"]: { mime: "image/apng", isText: false },
[".avif"]: { mime: "image/avif", isText: false },
[".gif"]: { mime: "image/gif", isText: false },
[".jpeg"]: { mime: "image/jpeg", isText: false },
[".jpg"]: { mime: "image/jpeg", isText: false },
[".png"]: { mime: "image/png", isText: false },
[".svg"]: { mime: "image/svg+xml", isText: true },
[".bmp"]: { mime: "image/bmp", isText: false },
[".tiff"]: { mime: "image/tiff", isText: false },
[".webp"]: { mime: "image/webp", isText: false },
[".ico"]: { mime: "image/", isText: false },
[".eot"]: { mime: "application/", isText: false },
[".ttf"]: { mime: "font/ttf", isText: false },
[".otf"]: { mime: "font/otf", isText: false },
[".woff"]: { mime: "font/woff", isText: false },
[".woff2"]: { mime: "font/woff2", isText: false },
[".json"]: { mime: "application/json", isText: true },
[".jsonld"]: { mime: "application/ld+json", isText: true },
[".xml"]: { mime: "application/xml", isText: true },
[".pdf"]: { mime: "application/pdf", isText: false },
[".zip"]: { mime: "application/zip", isText: false },
[".wasm"]: { mime: "application/wasm", isText: false },
const extensionData = extensions[ext as keyof typeof extensions];
const mime = extensionData?.mime ?? "application/octet-stream";
const charset =
extensionData?.isText && textEncoding !== "none"
? `;charset=${textEncoding}`
: "";
return `${mime}${charset}`;
function createDistribution() {
return new Cdn(
transform(args.transform?.cdn, {
comment: `${name} site`,
origins: output(args.backend).apply((backend) => {
const origins: CdnArgs['origins'] = [{
originId: "s3",
domainName: bucket.nodes.bucket.bucketRegionalDomainName,
originPath: "",
s3OriginConfig: {
originAccessIdentity: access.cloudfrontAccessIdentityPath,
if (backend)
originId: "backend",
domainName: new URL(backend).host,
...{ // defaultConfig from ./router
customOriginConfig: {
httpPort: 80,
httpsPort: 443,
originProtocolPolicy: "https-only",
originReadTimeout: 20,
originSslProtocols: ["TLSv1.2"],
return origins;
defaultRootObject: indexPage,
customErrorResponses: args.errorPage
? [
errorCode: 403,
responsePagePath: interpolate`/${args.errorPage}`,
errorCode: 404,
responsePagePath: interpolate`/${args.errorPage}`,
: [
errorCode: 403,
responsePagePath: interpolate`/${indexPage}`,
responseCode: 200,
errorCode: 404,
responsePagePath: interpolate`/${indexPage}`,
responseCode: 200,
defaultCacheBehavior: {
targetOriginId: "s3",
viewerProtocolPolicy: "redirect-to-https",
allowedMethods: ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"],
cachedMethods: ["GET", "HEAD"],
compress: true,
// CloudFront's managed CachingOptimized policy
cachePolicyId: "658327ea-f89d-4fab-a63d-7e88639e58f6",
orderedCacheBehaviors: output(args.backend).apply((backend) => {
return (!backend ? [] : [{
targetOriginId: "backend",
pathPattern: "/api/*",
...{ // defaultConfig from ./router, with cachePolicy set to CachingDisabled
viewerProtocolPolicy: "redirect-to-https",
allowedMethods: [
cachedMethods: ["GET", "HEAD"],
defaultTtl: 0,
compress: true,
cachePolicyId: "4135ea2d-6df8-44a3-9df3-4b5a84be39ad",
// CloudFront's Managed-AllViewerExceptHostHeader policy
originRequestPolicyId: "b689b0a8-53d0-40ab-baf2-68738e2966ac",
}]) as aws.types.input.cloudfront.DistributionOrderedCacheBehavior[]
domain: args.domain,
wait: !$dev,
// create distribution after s3 upload finishes
{ dependsOn: bucketFile, parent },
function createDistributionInvalidation() {
all([outputPath, args.invalidation]).apply(
([outputPath, invalidationRaw]) => {
// Normalize invalidation
if (invalidationRaw === false) return;
const invalidation = {
wait: false,
paths: "all" as const,
// Build invalidation paths
const invalidationPaths =
invalidation.paths === "all" ? ["/*"] : invalidation.paths;
if (invalidationPaths.length === 0) return;
// Calculate a hash based on the contents of the S3 files. This will be
// used to determine if we need to invalidate our CloudFront cache.
// The below options are needed to support following symlinks when building zip files:
// - nodir: This will prevent symlinks themselves from being copied into the zip.
// - follow: This will follow symlinks and copy the files within.
const hash = crypto.createHash("md5");
globSync("**", {
dot: true,
nodir: true,
follow: true,
cwd: path.resolve(outputPath),
}).forEach((filePath) =>
hash.update(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(outputPath, filePath))),
new DistributionInvalidation(
paths: invalidationPaths,
version: hash.digest("hex"),
wait: invalidation.wait,
ignoreChanges: $dev ? ["*"] : undefined,
* The URL of the website.
* If the `domain` is set, this is the URL with the custom domain.
* Otherwise, it's the autogenerated CloudFront URL.
public get url() {
return all([this.cdn.domainUrl, this.cdn.url]).apply(
([domainUrl, url]) => domainUrl ?? url,
* The underlying [resources](/docs/components/#nodes) this component creates.
public get nodes() {
return {
* The Amazon S3 Bucket that stores the assets.
assets: this.assets,
* The Amazon CloudFront CDN that serves the site.
cdn: this.cdn,
/** @internal */
public getSSTLink() {
return {
properties: {
url: this.url,
const __pulumiType = "sst:aws:StaticSiteWithBackend";
// @ts-expect-error
StaticSiteWithBackend.__pulumiType = __pulumiType;
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