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It’s hard to realise…

This post and translation by Mladena Kachurets:
'Since you woke up and had your breakfast... now let me tell you about what have happened over the last 39 days in 10 kilometers from Kyiv.
In this post, a woman Аліна Дубовська says, that a pregnant woman from her family had a miscarriage after she had found out what had happened to her close relatives in #Irpin:
‘Parents of a 9 y.o. girl were killed and she probably witnessed it. And then they started raping her. The expertize had confirmed at least 11 (eleven!!!) different DNA in sperm on her lifeless body. This little girl literally didn't have genitals any more - they were completely torn apart. On her chest, they cut out their symbol "Z" with a knife, and cut open her stomach.
My hatred has boiler over, and now it burns like phosphorous. Everything I wish for is suffering for every russian. You may think of me whatever you want. I hope, every russian mother and every russian father will witness their kids suffering, burning alive in their schools and hospitals, staying in basements without food, water, with arms and legs amputated, watching their beloved slowly dying. I wish they experienced all those sufferings and REALIZED why it was happening to them. They aren't humans. None of them. Not. A single. Person.’
The photo is from the exhibition "Children of War", dedicated to the events in Ukraine.

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