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Last active April 4, 2022 10:59
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P - prisoner
I - interviewer

P: [...]That those [L/DNR] were going to join us, but weren't going to fight, they weren’t going to provide troops. I don't know... that's what our superiors say... said.
I: Are you going to shoot people here?
P: LDNR and .. LDPR or something, signed stuff, like they are with us, and everything will be peaceful. And you [Ukrainian government] didn’t sign, and they said that ...
I: What do you want to say to the citizens of Russia?
P: Wait, wait, let me finish.
I: Speak.
P: Forgot what I was saying... While we were standing there, they ordered to advance. Like, you shot at us, well, and, they... all the equipment ... Putin said, that's it, if you shoot at us one more time ...
I: Who shot at you [at Russia]?
P: Like, Ukrainians? Like you shot at Rostov or at [something]
I: At Rostov? Who told you that we were shooting at Rostov?
P: All, all... all of our colonels, officers...
I: Oh, so you were being convinced that Ukraine attacked Russia?
P:Like, yes, you were shooting, well, shooting shells at us. And the next day, we at night...
I: Do you believe it? ... Look at me, do you believe it?
P: At night ... Then, the next day, at midnight... at twelve or at one o'clock we moved in a convoy, at four we were here, then retreated, then artillery began to hit you.
I: Yes ... you hit Kharkov a lot, yes, that's right, that's right.
P: So we stood, and waited until all the artillery would strike.
I: Yes. You were waiting for the artillery to finish, then it would be possible to enter, right? Walk over corpses?
P: Then other people were supposed to enter, not us. We should...
I: Who were the other people?
P: The convoy was driving there, huge. Only... twenty people would come in.
I:And why is it?
P: I don't know... the convoy...
I: What do you want to say to your citizens of Russia? You are here, being treated, getting medical assistance. Everything is fine? Feel alright?
P: Yes sir.
I: "Yes sir"... Tell me. What will you tell to your citizens?
P: I do not know what to say.
I: Well, no, no. You came here, you, you are an occupier. Valera, you are an occupier!
P: ...that they were shooting at us.
I: Who?
P: Well, friendlies.
I: What, friendlies shot at you? You got injured by them?
P: The lieutenant and I shouted: "friendly, friendly!" They didn't give a fuck. The lieutenant they... [got] first. Then I also shouted "friendly!", but they shot me in the leg ... I have already begun to walk that [civilian] girl away, they got my other leg and my arm.
I: That is, you were shot by your own team?
P: Yes... me and the lieutenant.
I: Lieutenant is 200th (jargon: diseased), and you, then, turned out 300th (j.: injured).
P: There was this colonel ... [to him] lieutenant was shouting .. shouting "friendly, friendly..." We even had these [red] tapes on shoulder straps, which are to signilize we are friendly [russian army]. And also, on the... uniform, on pea jackets, these were, how are they ... on the ninth of May, how are they called, that we wear?
I: Ribbons?
P: Ribbons
I: "Colorado", huh? (jargon for St.George ribbon that russians wear for WW2 Victory day)
P: Yes Yes.
I: Yeah...
P: And they ... well, when we were saving civilians, and they fucking... shot us.
I: Yes. Well, tell your... Russians, occupiers, what do you think about all this
P: At first everything was fine, the colonel came, well, the lieutenant colonel, the new one, the deputy ... what he was called there, I forgot ... we got a new one serving recently. He gave the order to shoot at civilians and at everyone.
I: That is, you had a clear order to shoot at civilians, did I understand correctly?
P: I don’t know, we only realized when the lieutenant and I went on reconnaissance, when our own people had already shot us.
I: The order was ... did I understand correctly? Was the order to fire on civilians if you were caught [by crossfire]? This is what yo are saying? Yes? Yes or?
P: nods We even wore military uniform, we tried to save... they did not even spare us
I: I'm not talking about you now, I ... I need to understand: how can you, the military, shoot at civilians? You are armed, and they aren't. These are ordinary women and children. What are you doing?!
P: Did you see, the lieutenant even... he didn’t fire a single cartridge, just like me. We didn't fire on civilians. We didn't even intend to because it's our first time...
I: And who shot at the civilians?
P: Other guys, who were in this situation for the second time. The lieutenant and I were in the first situation like this ... we never. We didn't even know we were going to war.
I: But yours gave the order to shoot at the civilians.

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