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Created January 25, 2024 20:57
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[TODO: write documentation for this plugin.]
<config lang="json">
"name": "SAM-Kaibu",
"type": "iframe",
"tags": [],
"ui": "",
"version": "0.1.0",
"cover": "",
"description": "[TODO: describe this plugin with one sentence.]",
"icon": "extension",
"inputs": null,
"outputs": null,
"api_version": "0.1.8",
"env": "",
"permissions": [],
"requirements": [],
"dependencies": [
<script lang="javascript">
class ImJoyPlugin {
async setup() {
const py_plugin = await api.loadPlugin(await api.getAttachment("sam-kaibu-py"))
this.py_plugin = py_plugin
const demoImg = ""
const imgBytes = await (await fetch(demoImg)).arrayBuffer()
const img_arr = await py_plugin.load_image_from_bytes("demoImg.jpg", imgBytes)
const viewer = await api.createWindow({src: '', w: 80, h: 40})
await viewer.view_image(img_arr, {name: 'demoImg'})
const annotation_layer = await viewer.add_shapes([], {name: 'annotation_layer'})
const interact_layer = await viewer.add_shapes([], {
name: 'interact_layer',
_rintf: true,
add_feature_callback: async (shape) => {
if (shape.geometry.type === "Point") {
console.log("add point at", shape.geometry.coordinates)
const coords = await this.py_plugin.run_segmentation(shape.geometry.coordinates)
console.log("coords", coords)
const polygon = {
type: "Feature",
coordinates: [coords],
geometry: {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [coords],
properties: {
edgecolor: "#FF0000",
edge_width: 2,
face_color: "#FF00000F",
size: 7,
await py_plugin.run_encoder(img_arr)
async getEmbeddings(img) {
const embeddings = await this.triton.execute({
inputs: [img],
//model_name: "efficientsam-encoder",
model_name: "cellpose-python",
decode_json: true,
_rkwargs: true,
return embeddings
async run(ctx) {
//api.alert('hello world.')
api.export(new ImJoyPlugin())
<attachment name="sam-kaibu-py">
<config lang="json">
"name": "sam-kaibu-py",
"type": "web-python",
"tags": [],
"flags": [],
"ui": "",
"version": "0.1.0",
"cover": "",
"description": "Connect to the bioengine server, and execute operations.",
"icon": "extension",
"inputs": null,
"outputs": null,
"api_version": "0.1.8",
"env": "",
"permissions": [],
"requirements": ["imageio", "scikit-image", "numpy"],
"dependencies": []
<script lang="python">
from imjoy import api
import io
import imageio
from imjoy_rpc.hypha import connect_to_server
import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import find_contours, approximate_polygon
class ImJoyPlugin():
async def setup(self):
self.server = await connect_to_server({
"server_url": "",
"name": "client",
"method_timeout": 30,
self.triton = await self.server.get_service("triton-client")
async def run_encoder(self, img):
img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None].astype(np.float32) / 255.0
ret = await self.triton.execute(
embeddings = ret['image_embeddings']
self.embeddings = embeddings
self.orig_size = img.shape[2:]
async def run_segmentation(self, point):
input_points = np.array([[[point]]]).astype(np.float32)
print("input_points", input_points.shape)
input_labels = np.ones((1, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32)
print("input_labels", input_labels.shape)
orig_size = np.array(self.orig_size, dtype=np.int64)
print("orig_size", orig_size.shape)
print("embeddings", self.embeddings.shape)
res = await self.run_decoder(
self.embeddings, input_labels, self.orig_size, input_points
mask = res[0, 0, 0] > 0
print("mask", mask.shape)
coutours = find_contours(mask)
print("coutours", len(coutours), coutours[0].shape)
coords = approximate_polygon(coutours[0], tolerance=2.5)
print("coords", coords.shape)
res = coords.tolist()
res = [[p[1], p[0]] for p in res]
return res
async def run_decoder(self, embeddings, labels, orig_size, points):
ret = await self.triton.execute(
inputs=[labels, orig_size, points, embeddings],
return ret['output_masks']
async def load_image_from_bytes(self, file_name, img_bytes):
_file = io.BytesIO(img_bytes) = file_name
if file_name.endswith(".tif") or file_name.endswith(".tiff"):
image = imageio.volread(_file)
image = imageio.imread(_file)
await api.log(
"Image loaded with shape: " + str(image.shape) +
" and dtype: " + str(image.dtype)
return image
def run(self, ctx):
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