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Last active June 16, 2024 20:45
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Create email account using cPanel API in Python
from requests import get # pip install requests
- Create email (add_pop):
- Delete email (delete_pop):
- Change pass (passwd_pop):
Example add main call:
CPANEL_API_TOKEN = 'AAABBBCCCDDDD' # Security -> Manage API Tokens in cPanel dash
endpoint = '/execute/Email/add_pop'
params = {
'email': 'mynewuser',
'password': '$ecret1234!',
'domain': '',
'quota': '5000', # in megabytes
'skip_update_db': 0,
'send_welcome_email': 1,
headers = {
'Authorization': f'cpanel {CPANEL_USERNAME}:{CPANEL_API_TOKEN}'
url = CPANEL_BASE_URL + endpoint
print(f'URL: {url}')
result = get(url=url, headers=headers, params=params, verify=True)
print('===== Raw output =====')
print('===== End raw output =====')
# We still get a 200 OK even if the request is denied. Check ['errors']
if result.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Error making create email request!')
# Extract data from response
response = result.json()
data = response.get('data') # On success, should be ``
errors = response.get('errors')
warnings = response.get('warnings')
messages = response.get('messages')
status = response.get('status')
metadata = response.get('metadata')
# Print things out
print(f'Response status code: {result.status_code}')
# Status will be 0 on fail, 1 on success
if status == 0:
print('Things did not seem to go well. Check errors.')
elif status == 1:
print(f'Status: {status}')
# Data will be empty on error and contain `` on success
if data:
print(f'Data: {data}')
if metadata:
print(f'Metadata: {metadata}')
# Messages was empty on failure. On success it contained one empty string in list.
if messages:
print('====== Messages ======')
for message in messages:
print(f'- {messages}')
# warnings was empty on success and failure during tests
if warnings:
print('====== Warnings ======')
for warning in warnings:
print(f'- {warning}')
# Error was empty on success, contained array of messages on failure
# For example: 'The password that you entered has a strength rating of “1”. You cannot use it because it is too weak and too easy to guess. Please enter a password with a strength rating of “65” or higher.'
# For example: 'The account Ealready exists!'
if errors:
print('====== Errors ======')
for error in errors:
print(f'- {error}')
# - On error, data is empty, status is 0, and errors has an array with the message(s).
# - On success, data contains ``, status is 1, errors is empty, messages contains one object in the list but it's empty
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Thanks alot for sharing NanoDano

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Thanks for the codes.

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