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Last active May 7, 2019 00:49
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program to create quote pages using the new quote format for al wiki
import mwclient
from mwclient import Site
import pathlib
import configparser # reading config file
import base64 # encryption
import re
import csv
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import logging
databasefile = "listofships2.csv"
# file that contains all the ships
# newest version of this file can be retrieved from:
excludelist = ['#N/A','Ping Hai','Ning Hai','22','33','Arashi']
# ships that have Chinese only or Chinese specific voice lines
def main():
# create settings.ini file if not found, read settings.ini, and decrypt.
# allows you to log in and save your name/password for running the script in the future
if not pathlib.Path("settings.ini").is_file():"settings.ini not found. Creating new file...")
new_settings()'Reading settings.ini')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'settings.ini')
DEBUG = config['DEFAULT'].getboolean('debug',False) # enable/[disable] debug messages
p = ""
if config['DEFAULT'].getboolean('encrypt',False):
p = getpass.getpass("Client information is encrpyted. Please enter password: ")
# retrieve ships from database'Getting information from database...')
database = getdb()'ships retrieved: '+str(len(database)))
# log into AzurLane wiki
site = mwclient.Site('')
site.login(decode(p,config['DEFAULT'].get('user')), decode(p,config['DEFAULT'].get('pass')))
# ship loop
for i, ship in enumerate(database):
print('Requesting #'+str(i)+': '+ship)'Requesting #'+str(i)+': '+ship)
page = site.pages[ship+'/Quotes']
if page.exists:'Page '+ship+'/Quotes exists. Skipping...')
if not page.can('edit'):'Page '+ship+'/Quotes can not be edited. Skipping...')
result = requests.get(""+ship)
if result.status_code == 400:'Page is not responding...')
c = result.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(c, 'html.parser')
# Each of the tabbers have a specific tabber title
ctab = soup.find(title="Chinese Ship Lines ")
cetab = soup.find(title="Chinese Lines Extended")
jtab = soup.find(title="Japanese Ship Lines ")
jetab = soup.find(title="Japanese Lines Extended")
if ctab is None or jtab is None:'Default skin lines not found. Skipping..')
# the start of the page
pagetext = "<noinclude>{{ShipMainTabber}}</noinclude>\n"
pagetext += "<tabber>\n"
pagetext += "Chinese Server=\n"
pagetext += "===Default Skin===\n"
pagetext += "{{QuoteHeader}}" + quoting(ctab.table.find_all('tr'),"CN")
if cetab:
pagetext += valentines(cetab,"Valentine's Day 2018","CN"," Valentines 2018")
pagetext += valentines(cetab,"Valentine's Day 2019","CN"," Valentines 2019")
pagetext += "|}\n"
q = quoting(cetab.table.find_all('tr'),"CN")[2:]
if len(q) > 0:
pagetext += q+"|}\n"
pagetext += "|}\n"
pagetext += "|-|\n"
pagetext += "Japanese Server=\n"
pagetext += "===Default Skin===\n"
pagetext += "{{QuoteHeader}}" + quoting(jtab.table.find_all('tr'),"JN")
if jetab:
pagetext += valentines(jetab,"Valentine's Day 2018","JP"," Valentines 2018")
pagetext += valentines(jetab,"Valentine's Day 2019","JP"," Valentines 2019")
pagetext += "|}\n"
q = quoting(jetab.table.find_all('tr'),"JP")[2:]
if len(q) > 0:
pagetext += q+"|}\n"
pagetext += "|}\n"
pagetext += "</tabber>", summary=u'added Quote Page', minor=False, bot=True)
#with open('quote'+ship+'.txt', 'a+', encoding="utf-8") as myfile:
# myfile.write(pagetext)'Created '+ship+'/Quotes')
def valentines(tb,v,t,x):
if len(tb.table.find_all("th",string=v)) > 0:
return quote(tb.table.find_all("th",string=v)[0].find_parent().next_sibling(),t,"",x)
else:"no lines for "+t+x)
return ""
def quoting(rows,type):
""" Returns a long string of quotes formatted in a template
rows of the table to reformat
type being the region (JP or CN)
quotes = ""
skinname = ""
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if i < 2: # ignore headers
r = row.find_all('td')
if len(r) == 0: # if it's just one big header row
#print('new skin: '+skinname)
skinname = # th is not necessary but for completion
if skinname == "Valentine's Day 2018" or skinname == "Valentine's Day 2019":
quotes += "|}\n==="+skinname+"===\n"
quotes += "{{QuoteHeader|mw-collapsed}}"
if skinname == "Valentine's Day 2018" or skinname == "Valentine's Day 2019":
# Each event can have multiple voice clips (which is annoying). This is to split them
quotes += quote(r,type,skinname,'')
return quotes
def quote(r,t,s,x):
""" Creates a quote from a specific row
[r]ow, or more specifically, the list Resultset containing a bunch of <td>s
[t]ype being JP or CN or EN
[s]kin name
e[x]tra string to atach to the event description
quotes = ""
clips = max(1, len(r[0].find_all('a')), len(r[1].find_all('a')))
for v in range(1, clips+1):
cn = "" # split up to make it easier to follow
jp = ""
line = ""
translate = ""
event = ""
note = ""
skin = ""
#grab the vth voice clip if it exists
if len(r[0].find_all('a')) >= v:
cn = fname(r[0].find_all('a')[v-1].get('href'))
if len(r[1].find_all('a')) >= v:
jp = fname(r[1].find_all('a')[v-1].get('href'))
# if it's not the last voice clip then get the vth translation
# otherwise grab vth to last translation
l = textlist( str(r[3]) )
if len(l) >= v:
line = l[v-1] if v != clips else "\n".join(l[v-1:])
tl = textlist( str(r[4]) )
if len(tl) >= v:
translate = tl[v-1] if v != clips else "\n".join(tl[v-1:])
# the easier ones that don't have multiple lines
event = r[2].get_text().strip()
note = r[5].get_text().strip()
skin = s[s.find('-')+1:].strip()
# now to fill in the actual quote template.
quotes += "{{Quote"+ "\n"
quotes += "| Region = " + t + "\n"
if jp:
quotes += "| VoiceClipJP = " + jp + "\n"
if cn:
quotes += "| VoiceClipCN = " + cn+ "\n"
quotes += "| Event = " + event + x + "\n"
quotes += "| Line = " + line + "\n"
quotes += "| Translation = " + translate+ "\n"
if skin:
quotes += "| Skin = " + skin + "\n"
if note:
quotes += "| Note = " + note+ "\n"
quotes += "}}" + "\n"
return quotes
def textlist(text):
""" Create a list of text that have been seperated by html <p><br> """
text = text.replace('<p>','\n')
text = text.replace('</p>','\n')
text = text.replace('<br>','\n')
text = re.sub('<[^>]*>','',text) # remove all other tags
text = re.sub('\\n(\\n)+','\n',text) # crush all trailing newlines
l = text.split('\n') # get line by line
return list( filter(None, l) ) # filter out the empty lines (technically not as necessary as newlines have been crushed)
def fname(n):
""" Get text after last occurance of / """
return n[n.rfind('/')+1:]
def encode(key, clear):
""" Vigenere cipher encoder """
if not len(key): return clear
enc = []
for i in range(len(clear)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
enc_c = chr((ord(clear[i]) + ord(key_c)) % 256)
return base64.b64encode("".join(enc).encode()).decode()
def decode(key, enc):
""" Vigenere cipher decoder """
if not len(key): return enc
dec = []
enc = base64.b64decode(enc).decode()
for i in range(len(enc)):
key_c = key[i % len(key)]
dec_c = chr((256 + ord(enc[i]) - ord(key_c)) % 256)
return "".join(dec)
def new_settings():
""" Creates settings.ini with the following information:
Optional Encrpytion of the above credentials
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config['DEFAULT'] = {}
config['DEFAULT']['debug'] = '0'
config['DEFAULT']['encrypt'] = '0'
config['DEFAULT']['user'] = input("Username: ")
config['DEFAULT']['pass'] = input("Password: ")
while True:
a = input("Do you want to encrypt your settings.ini file? [Y/n]: ")
if a in ['Y','y','N','n','']: break
print("invalid response")
if a in ['Y','y','']:
p = getpass.getpass("Enter password to use: ")
config['DEFAULT']['user'] = encode(p,config['DEFAULT']['user'])
config['DEFAULT']['pass'] = encode(p,config['DEFAULT']['pass'])
config['DEFAULT']['encrypt'] = 1
with open('settings.ini', 'w') as cf:
def getdb():
""" Grab database file and sorts key values into a dictionary
d = []
with open(databasefile, newline='', encoding="utf8") as f:
for c in list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')):
if c[0] in excludelist:
return d
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception:
logging.error("Fatal error in main loop", exc_info=True)
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