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Sonic Pi code as used in the video version of As The Epoch Fades
## As The Epoch Fades - Video Version
## Coded by Nanomancer 13.04.2016
## Sonic Pi version 2.9
An experiment in sending values between live_loops to increase 'intelligence' of generative abilities:
eg loops that can change speed/key depending on another
WARNING! there's some funny(ish) stuff going on to force certain events at certain times, and the
interaction between Darkharp and bassthrob caused some headaches with recalling events in the random stream. (coded with v2.9 - before introduction of current_random_seed)
Still needs some tidying
set_volume! 5
use_debug false
use_cue_logging false
$global_clock = 0
max_t = 3.34
rseed = 236249
# rseed = # uses the value of the microseconds part of your computers clock as a seed
use_random_seed rseed
#'Sync/sonic_pi/epoch_fall.txt', 'a+') do |f|
# ## open or create a txt file and append the value of rseed to it. Doesn't affect SP's output
# ## just for dev/debugging really, useful to capture the results of
# ## a particular clock seed if it does a good run!
# ## put in your own path if you wish to use it, comment out otherwise.
# f.puts("Seed: #{rseed}")
# end
# 236249
# puts "Seed: #{rseed}"
# puts "sync!"
# sample :elec_blip, amp: 0.6
# puts "As The Epoch Falls"
puts "Coded by Nanomancer"
sleep 1
############ DEFINE FUNCTIONS #################
define :stopwatch do |int, max, fade|
## interval in seconds (display for log timer),
## max in mins, fade in secs
count = 0
set_mixer_control! amp: 5, amp_slide: 0.1
with_bpm 60 do
ctrl = true
while count / 60.0 <= max
if count / 60.0 == 1.0 then use_random_seed rseed end
if count % int == 0
puts "Time: #{count / 60.0} Minutes"
count += 1
sleep 1
$global_clock = count / 60.0
if count >= (max*60) - fade && ctrl == true
set_mixer_control! amp: 0.01, amp_slide: fade
puts "Stopping - #{fade} sec fadeout"
ctrl = false
define :autocue do |id, time|
return cue id if $global_clock >= time
define :autostop do |time|
return stop if $global_clock >= time
define :varichord do |chord_arr, vol, len=8|
# takes an array of MIDI note numbers(preferably some sort of chord) and
# plays each note with different env/filt settings on each call
play chord_arr[0], amp: vol*rdist(0.05, 1),
attack: len*rrand(0.5, 0.8), sustain: len*rrand(0.25, 0.6),
release: len*rrand(0.5, 0.8), cutoff: rrand(75,110), pan: -1
play chord_arr[1], amp: vol*rdist(0.05, 1),
attack: len*rrand(0.4, 0.7), sustain: len*rrand(0.25, 0.6),
release: len*rrand(0.4, 0.7), cutoff: rrand(75,110)
play chord_arr[2], amp: vol*rdist(0.05, 1),
attack: len*rrand(0.3, 0.6), sustain: len*rrand(0.25, 0.6),
release: len*rrand(0.3, 0.6), cutoff: rrand(75,110), pan: 1
# play chord_arr[3], amp: vol*rrand(0.8, 1.2),
# attack: len*rrand(0.3, 0.6), sustain: len*rrand(0.25, 0.5),
# release: len*rrand(0.3, 0.6), cutoff: rrand(75,110), pan: 0.5
define :mk_rand_scale do |scale, len = 8|
# takes a scale array as input and generates a randomised ring array that
# may have the same note multiple times, default length 8
rand_s = [] # initialises an empty array
len.times do
rand_s << scale.choose ## the 'double less-than' (<<) appends the value of scale.choose to the array
return rand_s.ring # making it a ring here means less work elsewhere!
define :bass_patt do |rst, no_rest, rst_harp, deg, multi, slp|
## Gets called twice in the bass throb loop, avoids duplicating code
## needs some tidying, posssibly too many arguments(inputs to the function)
## variable names are confusing - edit
play (degree deg, :A1, :hungarian_minor), # degree is an SP builtin, see help
amp: 0.13, attack: rdist(0.01, 0.02),
release: slp.tick(:slp)*multi*1.25*rdist(0.1, 1),
cutoff: rdist(2.1, 80) unless rst # no sound if rst=TRUE
unless rst then puts "BASS - Deg: #{deg} | Len: #{slp.look(:slp)*multi}" end# used for dev/debug
sleep slp.look(:slp) *0.5*multi # sleep even if bass is resting, waits for half of the length of a bass note before darkharp gets cued
unless no_rest && multi == 2 # this block only executes if both values are false
if multi == 2 && one_in(2) && rst_harp == false then cue :d_harp, degree: deg, multi: multi # 'transmits' the cue msg, note/degree of scale and relative speed
elsif multi == 1 && one_in(3) && rst_harp == false then cue :d_harp, degree: deg #
else cue :d_harp, degree: deg # must be for emergency?
sleep slp.look(:slp) *0.5*multi # cueing complete, the other half of the sleep
############# CLOCK #####################
in_thread do
stopwatch(30, max_t, 20)
# in_thread do
# # if $global_clock >= max then use_random_seed rseed end
# while $global_clock * 60 < 90
# puts $global_clock * 60
# sleep 2
# end
# end
############# PAD ###############
live_loop :ambipad do
# map = sync :a_pad
use_synth :hollow
3.times do
len = [8, 8, 16].ring.tick
puts "Ambipad - len: #{len}"
chords2 = (chord_invert (chord_degree [:i, [:vii, :v].choose, :i].ring.look,
:A2, :hungarian_minor, 3), rrand_i(0,3))
# puts "Ambipad: #{chords2} | length: #{len}"
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.6 do
varichord(chords2, 0.35, len)
sleep len
if one_in 3 then sleep [8,16,32].choose end
############ GENERATE WHISPER SEQUENCE ##############
## uses the mk_rand_scale function to generate two different scale patterns
## this is outside the live loop so only regenerates on run, not each iteration of the whisper loop
scales_arr = []
2.times do # increasing the number of loops here will give more melodic patterns for the whisper live_loop below to choose from
scl = scale(:a3, :hungarian_minor, num_octaves: 2)
scales_arr << mk_rand_scale(scl, 3)
puts "Generated patterns for whisper loop:\n#{scales_arr}" # just checking, puts is your friend and will make debugging so much easier :)
############### WHISPER LEAD ##################
# live_loop :whisper, delay: [16, 32].choose do
live_loop :whisper, delay: 16 do
autostop(rrand max_t*0.9, max_t)
use_synth :dark_ambience
notes = scales_arr.choose # remember our array - 'scales_arr' is multidimensional - it's lists within a list, so this
slp = [[2,2,4], [2,2], [4,4,8], [4,4], [2,1.5,0.5,4]].choose.ring
if look == 0 then rand_back(4) end
2.times do
# puts "Whisper seq: #{slp}"
slp.size.times do
puts "Whisper - Len: #{slp.look}"
att, sus, rel = slp.tick * 0.1, slp.look * 0.4, slp.look * 0.6
phase = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1].choose
with_fx :echo, mix: 0.25, phase: 1.5, decay: 4 do
with_fx :slicer, mix: rrand(0.2, 0.5), smooth_up: phase * 0.5, smooth_down: phase * 0.125, phase: phase do
play notes.look, amp: 0.4, attack: att, sustain: sus, release: rel, cutoff: 85 # unless one_in(3)
sleep slp.look
sleep 8
if one_in(3) then sleep [8, 16, 32].choose end
################ DARKHARP HIT ################
live_loop :darkharp, auto_cue: false do |loopcount|
# autostop(rrand max_t*0.7, max_t)
map = sync :d_harp
use_synth :zawa
if loopcount == 5
elsif loopcount == 11
chords2 = (chord_degree map[:degree], :A3, :hungarian_minor, 5)
puts "DARKHARP - No: #{loopcount}"
# puts "Darkharp degree: #{map[:degree]}"
if map[:multi] == 2 then slp = [0.25,0.5,0.75].choose
else slp = 0.25
# slp = 0.75
note1 = [0, 1].choose
if one_in(3) then reps = 1
else reps = 2
## explain this block. pattern/rule to enable simplification mathmetically?
# rand_back(4)
if map[:degree] == :i || map[:degree] == :viii && note1 == 0 then note2 = note1 + [1,2,3,4].choose
elsif map[:degree] == :i || map[:degree] == :viii && note1 == 1 then note2 = note1 + [1,3,4].choose
elsif map[:degree] == :iii && note1 == 0 then note2 = note1 + [1,3].choose
elsif map[:degree] == :iii && note1 == 1 then note2 = note1 + [1,2,4].choose
elsif map[:degree] == :vii && note1 == 0 then note2 = note1 + [1,4].choose
elsif map[:degree] == :vii && note1 == 1 then note2 = note1 + [3,4].choose
with_fx :echo, mix: 0.4, phase: 1.5, decay: 10 do
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7, room: 0.6, amp: 0.5 do
reps.times do
oct = [12, -12].choose
# puts "Darkharp notes- N1= #{note1+1} - N2= #{note2+1}"
play chords2[note1]+oct, amp: 0.081, attack: rdist(0.01, 0.06), release: rdist(0.125, 1.25), cutoff: rdist(3, 95), pan: 1
sleep slp
play chords2[note2], amp: 0.082, attack: rdist(0.01, 0.07), release: rdist(0.1, 1.5), cutoff: rdist(3, 95), pan: -1
sleep slp
loopcount += 1
############### BASS THROB ################
live_loop :throb do |loopcount|
# puts "BASSCOUNT #{loopcount}"
if loopcount == 2
# if idx == 1 then use_random_seed rseed end
## the heart of it all, generates the bassline and lets ambipad and darkharp know what to play
use_synth :prophet
# set relative speed of bassline
# if basscount == 4 then multi = 0.5
if one_in 4 then multi = 2
elsif one_in 2 then multi = 0.5
else multi = 1
# multi = 2
rst, rst_harp, no_rest = one_in(4), one_in(11), one_in(4) # rest chances - lets get these variable names a little more clear!
if look == 0
rst, rst_harp = true, true
elsif loopcount == 3
rst, rst_harp = false, false
slp = [4,2,2].ring
cue :a_pad, multi: multi # lets ambipad know what's going on :)
deg1_reps = [3,9].choose
with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.5, mix: 0.5, smooth_up: 0.125 do
2.times do
repcount += 1
# puts "repcount #{repcount}"
deg1_reps.times do
deg1 = [[:i, :viii].ring.tick(:oct), :i, :vii].ring.tick # yeah, I'm confused too. Alternates octaves...
bass_patt(rst, no_rest, rst_harp, deg1, multi, slp) #
3.times do
deg2 = [:i, :iii, :vii].ring.tick
bass_patt(rst, no_rest, rst_harp, deg2, multi, slp)
# idx += 1
loopcount += 1
############### DRUMS 1 ################
# live_loop :doombeat, delay: [32, 64].choose do
live_loop :doombeat, delay: 16 do
# autostop(rrand max_t*0.8, max_t*0.95)
autostop(rrand max_t*0.85, max_t)
if one_in(5) || look == 0
# cut = rrand(70, 80)
8.times do
cut = range(66, 72, step: 2).mirror.ring
puts "DOOMBEAT slow | Cutoff: #{cut.look}"
sample :loop_industrial, beat_stretch: 4, amp: 0.25, cutoff: cut.tick
sleep 2
puts "DOOMBEAT Bigsnare"
sleep 2
elsif one_in(3)
16.times do
cut = range(62, 76, step: 2).mirror.ring
puts "DOOMBEAT sweep | Cutoff: #{cut.look}"
sample :loop_industrial, beat_stretch: 2, amp: 0.225, cutoff: cut.tick
sleep 2
cut = rrand(68, 78)
8.times do
puts "DOOMBEAT | Cutoff: #{cut.round(2)}" # using your own debugging makes it clear what part of the loop is executing(or not) at any given time
sample :loop_industrial, beat_stretch: 2, amp: 0.225, cutoff: cut
sleep 2
if one_in(2) then sleep [8, 8, 16].choose end #
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